Jump to Practices Programs (584) Program Profile: New Jersey Adult Diagnostic Treatment Center (ADTC) Program Profile: "Seeking Safety" for Incarcerated Women Program Profile: A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST) Program Program Profile: Abecedarian Project Program Profile: Ability School Engagement Program (Australia) Program Profile: Academic Mentoring Program for Educational Development (AMPED) Program Profile: Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program (Pa.) for First-Time DUI Offenses Program Profile: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Partner Aggression Program Profile: Achievement Mentoring Program (AMP) Program Profile: Active Parenting of Teens: Families in Action Program Profile: Ada County (Idaho) Drug Court Program Profile: Adolescent Community Reinforcement Approach (A-CRA) Program Profile: Adolescent Diversion Program (New York State) Program Profile: Adolescent Diversion Project (Michigan State University) Program Profile: Adult Treatment Drug Courts (Multi-site) Program Profile: Adults and Children Together (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program Program Profile: Aggression Replacement Training (ART) for Adolescents in a Runaway Shelter Program Profile: Al's Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices Program Profile: Alameda County (Calif.) Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Program Program Profile: Alcohol Literacy Challenge Program Profile: Alcohol Misuse Prevention Study (AMPS) Program Profile: All Stars™ Program Profile: Allegheny County (Pa.) Jail-Based Reentry Case Management Program Program Profile: Allegheny County (Pa.) Jail-Based Reentry Specialist Program Program Profile: Alley-Gating in Liverpool (England) Program Profile: Alternatives for Families: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program Profile: An E-mentoring Program for Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities Program Profile: Anti-Theft Wraps Program Profile: Arkansas Community Corrections Texting Protocol Program Profile: Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Program Profile: Athletes Targeting Healthy Exercise & Nutrition Alternatives (ATHENA) Program Profile: Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids (ATLAS) Program Profile: Auglaize County (Ohio) Transition (ACT) Program Program Profile: Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) Information to Aid Patrol Allocations (Dallas, Texas) Program Profile: Availability, Responsiveness and Continuity (ARC) Program Profile: Avon Park Youth Academy and STREET Smart Aftercare Program Program Profile: Back Door Electronic Monitoring (Sweden) Program Profile: Baloo and You (Germany) Program Profile: Baltimore City (Md.) Drug Treatment Court Program Profile: Baltimore City (Md.) Family Recovery Program Program Profile: Baltimore County (Md.) Juvenile Drug Court Program Profile: Behavior Intervention at Cook County (Ill.) Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (JTDC) Program Profile: Behavioral Couples Therapy for Substance Abuse Program Profile: Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Training: Competent Learners Achieving School Success (BEST in CLASS) Program Profile: Better Futures Program Program Profile: Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Community-Based Mentoring (CBM) Program Program Profile: Body-Worn Cameras (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department) Program Profile: Body-Worn Cameras to Reduce Use of Force by and Against Police in Eight Police Departments in the U.K. and U.S. Program Profile: Boston (Massachusetts) Reentry Initiative (BRI) Program Profile: Bottom Line Program Profile: Bounce Back Program Profile: Boys and Girls Club - Project Learn Program Profile: Boys Town Family Home Program Program Profile: Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Program (Illinois) Program Profile: Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) Program Profile: Brief Instrumental School-Based Mentoring Program Program Profile: Brief Motivational Interviewing for Alcohol Use (Incarcerated Women) Program Profile: Brief Motivational Interviewing for Dating Aggression Program Profile: Brief Strategic Family Therapy Program Profile: Bringing in the Bystander High School Curriculum Program Profile: Broken Windows/Public Order Policing in High Crime Areas (CA) Program Profile: Bronx (NY) Mental Health Court Program Profile: Bronx (NY) Treatment Court Program Profile: Brooklyn (NY) Mental Health Court Program Profile: Brooklyn (NY) Treatment Court Program Profile: Bully-Proofing Your School Program Profile: Business Improvement Districts (BIDs), Los Angeles (Calif.) Program Profile: California Prison Industry Authority (CALPIA) Program Profile: Camera Use to Prevent Crime in Commuter Parking Facilities (Washington, D.C.) Program Profile: Canberra Reintegrative Shaming Experiments Program Profile: Cardiff (Wales) Violence Prevention Programme (CVPP) Program Profile: Care, Assess, Respond, Empower (CARE) Program Profile: Cautioning and Relationship Abuse (CARA) [Southampton, England] Program Profile: CCTV in Five English Cities Program Profile: CCTV in Gillingham, England Program Profile: CCTV in Philadelphia (Pa.) Program Profile: CCTV in Redton, England Program Profile: Ceasefire (Oakland, Calif.) Program Profile: Challenge Incarceration Program (CIP) Program Profile: Challenging Horizons Program - After-School Version (CHP-After School) Program Profile: Challenging Horizons Program - Mentoring Version (CHP-Mentoring) Program Profile: Chance UK Program Profile: Change A Life Program Profile: Changing Course Program Profile: Charlotte-Mecklenburg (N.C.) Police Department Domestic Violence Unit Program Profile: Check & Connect Program Profile: Check & Connect Plus Truancy Board (C&C+TB) Program Profile: Checkpoint Tennessee Program Profile: Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) Program Profile: Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) Program Profile: Child-Parent Center Program (Chicago, Ill.) Program Profile: Children with Problematic Sexual Behavior-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (PSB-CBT) Program Profile: Child–Parent Psychotherapy Program Profile: CHOICE Program Profile: Choosing to Think, Thinking to Choose Program Profile: Citizen Schools Extended Learning Time Model Program Profile: Clarke County (Ga.) Victim Impact Panels Program Profile: Classroom-Centered Intervention to Reduce Risk of Substance Use Program Profile: Click-It-or-Ticket Campaign (Mass.) Program Profile: Coaching for Communities (CfC) [United Kingdom] Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus Mindfulness Meditation for Adolescent Alcohol Consumption (Australia) Program Profile: Cognitive Life Skills (CLS) Program Profile: Cognitive Skills Training (Georgia) Program Profile: Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disturbances Program Profile: Cognitive-Behavioral, Group-Mentoring Intervention for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disturbances Program Profile: Cognitive-Processing Therapy for Female Victims of Sexual Assault Program Profile: College Program at Maryland Correctional Training Center (MCTC) Program Profile: Common Sense Parenting Program Profile: Common Sense Parenting (CSP) Plus Program Profile: Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol Program Profile: Communities That Care Program Profile: Community Advocacy Project Program Profile: Community and Law Enforcement Resources Together (ComALERT) Program Profile: Community Mediation Maryland Re-Entry Mediation Program Profile: Community Reporting Engagement Support and Training (CREST) Program Profile: Community-based Residential Programs (Ohio) Program Profile: Community-Friendly Health Recovery Program (CHRP) Program Profile: Community-Level Intervention on Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Crashes (Calif.) Program Profile: Compstat (Fort Worth, Texas) Program Profile: Connections Program Profile: Connections Program (San Diego, Calif.) Program Profile: Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline® (CMCD®) Program Profile: Cook County (Ill.) State Attorney's Deferred Prosecution Program (DPP) Program Profile: Cooperative Learning Program Profile: Coping Power Program Program Profile: Court Date Reminder Notices (Nebraska) Program Profile: Crime Hot Spots Intervention (Sacramento, Calif.) Program Profile: Cross-Age Peer Mentoring Program Program Profile: Cure Violence (Chicago, Ill.) Program Profile: Daily Automated Telephony With a Brief Cognitive Intervention for Persons on Parole (Sweden) Program Profile: Data-Driven Approaches to Crime and Traffic Safety (DDACTS) in Kansas Program Profile: Decide Your Time (Delaware) Program Profile: Delaware CREST Outreach Centers Program Profile: Delaware KEY Substance Abuse Program Program Profile: Delaware KEY/Crest Substance Abuse Programs Program Profile: Denver (Colorado) Crime Gun Intelligence Center Program Profile: Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) Program Profile: Deterrent Effect of a Warning Banner in a Computer System Program Profile: Deterrent-Letter Project (Quebec, Canada) Program Profile: Detroit (Mich.) Ceasefire Program Profile: Directed Patrol and Self-Initiated Enforcement in Hot Spots (St. Louis, Missouri) Program Profile: Discretionary Parole in New Jersey Program Profile: Display Fixtures for High-Loss Products in Retail Stores Program Profile: DNA Field Experiment Program Profile: Doors and Windows Ordinance (Philadelphia, Pa.) Program Profile: Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) (1983-2009) Program Profile: Drug Market Analysis Program (Jersey City, NJ) Program Profile: Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison (DTAP) Program Profile: DUII Intensive Supervision Program (DISP) Program Profile: Early Intervention Diversion Program (EIDP) (Los Angeles, Calif.) Program Profile: Early Pathways Program Profile: Early Risers 'Skills for Success' Program Program Profile: Early Start to Emancipation Preparation - Tutoring Program Program Profile: Earned Early Release (Washington State) Program Profile: Ecologically Based Family Therapy (EBFT) for Substance-Abusing Runaway Adolescents Program Profile: Effective Practices in Community Supervision (EPICS) Program Profile: Effects of Information Letters on Paying Restitution (Pennsylvania) Program Profile: Effects of Prison Video Visitation on Recidivism (Minnesota) Program Profile: Electronic Monitoring (Florida) Program Profile: Empathic Supervision Intervention for Probation or Parole Officers Program Profile: EMPLOY (Minnesota) Program Profile: Employment Intervention for Drug-Involved Offenders (Kentucky) Program Profile: Empowerment Training for Abused Pregnant Women in China Program Profile: Ending Violence Program Profile: Engaging Moms Program for Mothers in Family Drug Court (Miami, Fla.) Program Profile: Engine Immobilizers (Australia) Program Profile: Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act Sexual Assault Resistance Program (Canada) Program Profile: Enhanced Thinking Skills (England) Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Student Experiencing Stress (ERASE-Stress) in Israel Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Students Experiencing Stress-Prosocial (ERASE-Stress–Prosocial) in Israel Program Profile: Enough! Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in My School Program Profile: Environmental Corrections Model (Australia) Program Profile: Evaluative Conditioning for Adolescent at Risk for Violence (South Korea) Program Profile: EVOLVE: Court-Mandated Program for Serious Male Batterers Program Profile: Experience Corps Program Profile: Explore, Question, Understand, Investigate and Practice, Plan, Succeed (EQUIPS) Domestic Abuse Program (New South Wales, Australia) Program Profile: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Traumatized Young Women Program Profile: Eye to Eye Program Profile: Families Facing the Future Program Profile: Family Centered Treatment Program Profile: Family Check-Up (FCU) for Adolescents Program Profile: Family Check-Up (FCU) for Children Program Profile: Family Development Research Program (Syracuse, NY) Program Profile: Family Drug Treatment Court (Snohomish County, WA) Program Profile: Family Finding Program Profile: Family Foundations Program Profile: Family Matters Program Profile: Family Solutions Program (FSP) Program Profile: Family Unification Program (Chicago, Ill.) Program Profile: Family-School Partnership Intervention to Reduce Risk of Substance Use Program Profile: Fast Track Program Profile: First Step to Success Program Profile: Florida Postrelease Supervision Program Profile: Florida Work Release Program Program Profile: Forever Free Program Profile: Fourth R Curriculum Program Profile: Free Talk Program Profile: Front-End Diversion Initiative Program Profile: Functional Family Parole Program Profile: GEAR UP – Academic Mentoring in Mathematics Program Profile: Gender-Specific Drug Treatment Court (Midwestern State) Program Profile: Geographically Based Focused Deterrence Intervention (Midwest) Program Profile: Good Behavior Game Program Profile: Great Life Mentoring Program Profile: Green Dot Intervention Program Program Profile: Group Violence Reduction Strategy (New Orleans, Louisiana) Program Profile: Guiding Good Choices Program Profile: Hamilton County (Ohio) Ignition Interlock Device Program Program Profile: Harlem (NY) Children's Zone - Promise Academy Charter Middle School Program Profile: Harlem (NY) Parole Reentry Court Program Profile: Hawaii Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) Program Profile: Helping One Student To Succeed (HOSTS) Program Program Profile: High Intensity Training (HIT) Regime at Thorn Cross Young Offenders Institution (England) Program Profile: High Point Drug Market Intervention Program Profile: High-Risk Revocation Reduction (HRRR) Program in Minnesota Program Profile: Hillsborough County (FL) Family Dependency Treatment Court Program Profile: Home-Visiting Program for Adolescent Mothers Program Profile: HOMEBUILDERS Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing (Jacksonville, FL) Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing (Lowell, Mass.) Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing Experiment (Louisville, Ky.) Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing in the London Underground (London, UK) Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing Program (Programa de Alta Dedicación Operativa) (PADO) (Montevideo, Uruguay) Program Profile: Hotspots Policing at Bus Stops (London) Program Profile: HUD's HOPE VI Initiative (Milwaukee, WI) Program Profile: I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) Program Profile: Idaho DUI Courts and Misdemeanor/DUI Courts Program Profile: iMentor’s College Ready Program Program Profile: Impact of Statewide Ignition Interlock Laws on Alcohol-Involved Crash Fatalities in the United States Program Profile: Impact of the Wraparound Program for Dually Involved Youth (Florida) on Youth Arrests Program Profile: Implementation of Federal Sex-Offender Registry Requirements in 14 States Program Profile: Implementation of Minnesota's Community Notification Act of 1997 to Reduce Reoffending Program Profile: IMpower Program for American Indian Girls Program Profile: Imprisonment for Individuals Who Committed a Drunk Driving Offense (New South Wales, Australia) Program Profile: Improving Forensic Responses to Residential Burglaries (Queensland) Program Profile: In-Prison Visitation (Florida) Program Profile: Independence Youth Court Program Profile: Indianapolis (Ind.) Family Group Conferencing Experiment Program Profile: Indianapolis (Ind.) Violence Reduction Partnership (IVRP) Program Profile: Indianapolis (Indiana) Reentry Project Program Profile: Indigent Defense for Homicide Cases (Philadelphia, Penn.) Program Profile: Infant-Parent Psychotherapy Program Profile: InnerChange Freedom Initiative (Minnesota) Program Profile: INSIGHTS into Children's Temperament Program Profile: Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS) Program Profile: Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) De-Escalation Training (Louisville, Kentucky) Program Profile: Intensive Judicial Supervision (IJS) in Parramatta Drug Court (Australia) Program Profile: Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) and Non-Hospital Residential (NHR) Program Program Profile: Intensive Supervision for Persons on Probation at High-Risk of Committing Offenses (California) Program Profile: Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP) of Adult Males (Philadelphia, Pa.) Program Profile: Interim Methadone Maintenance (Baltimore, Md.) Program Profile: It's Your Game... Keep It Real Program Profile: Job Corps Program Profile: JOBSTART Program Profile: Juvenile Drug Courts With Contingency Management and Multisystemic Therapy Program Profile: Juvenile Justice Anger Management (JJAM) Treatment for Girls Program Profile: Juvenile Restorative Justice Program (Midwest County) Program Profile: Juvenile Transfer to Adult Court (Pennsylvania) Program Profile: Kansas City (MO) No Violence Alliance Program Profile: Kansas City (MO) Police Department Street Narcotics Unit Program Profile: Kansas Senate Bill 123 (Alternative Sentencing Policy for Non-Violent Drug Possession Offenders) Program Profile: KEEP (Keeping Foster and Kinship Parents Supported and Trained) Program Profile: KEEP SAFE Program Profile: Keeper Boxes Program Profile: Kids Club Program Profile: Kids in Transition to School (KITS) Program Profile: KiVa Antibullying Program Program Profile: Lethality Assessment Program (Oklahoma) Program Profile: License Plate Recognition Technology (as a Crime Deterrent) Program Profile: LifeSkills® Training Program Profile: Lifestyle Change Program Program Profile: Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT) Program Profile: Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence (SFA) Program Profile: Live Court Date Reminder Phone Calls (New York City) Program Profile: Maine Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts Program Profile: Make Parenting A Pleasure Program Profile: Mandatory-Random Student Drug Testing Program Profile: Maryland Ignition Interlock Program Program Profile: Master Mind Program Profile: Media Detective Program Profile: Media Ready Program Profile: Meditation for Female Trauma IPV Survivors with Co-Occurring Disorders Program Profile: Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center Program Profile: Mental Health Courts (Multisite) Program Profile: Mental Health Services Continuum Program (Calif.) Program Profile: Mentally Ill Offender Community Transition Program (Washington) Program Profile: Mentoring Program for Youth-Headed Households in Rwanda Program Profile: Methodist Home for Children's Value-Based Therapeutic Environment (VBTE) Model Program Profile: Michigan Model for Health Program Profile: Midwestern Prevention Project (MPP) Program Profile: Milwaukee (Wis.) County Diversion Program Program Profile: Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Police Department Body-Worn Cameras Program Profile: Milwaukee County (Wis.) Deferred Prosecution Program Program Profile: Milwaukee Safe Streets Prisoner Release Initiative (PRI) Program Profile: Milwaukee’s (Wis.) Closed-Circuit Television Camera Program Program Profile: Mindfulness in Schools Project’s “.b” Curriculum Program Profile: MindUp Program Profile: Minneapolis (MN) Hot Spots Experiment Program Profile: Minneapolis Center for Victim-Offender Mediation Program Profile: Minnesota Comprehensive Offender Reentry Plan (MCORP) Program Profile: Minnesota Intensive Supervised Release Program Profile: Minnesota Prison Work Release Program Program Profile: Minnesota Prison-based Chemical Dependency Treatment Program Profile: Minnesota Prison-Based Sex Offender Treatment Program Program Profile: Minnesota's Affordable Homes Program Program Profile: Minnesota's Enhanced Supervision Release Program Program Profile: Modified Therapeutic Community for Individuals With Mental Illness and Chemical Abuse (MICA) Disorders Who Commit Offenses Program Profile: Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH-ADTC) Program Profile: Moms' Empowerment Program Program Profile: Motivational Interviewing (MI) for Substance Abuse Issues of Juveniles in a State Facility Program Profile: Motivational Interviewing (MI) Training for Parole Officers in Colorado Program Profile: Moving On (Minnesota) Program Profile: Moving to Opportunity Demonstration Program Program Profile: Multidimensional Family Therapy (MDFT) Program Profile: Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care-Adolescents Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy - Substance Abuse Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy for Youth With Problem Sexual Behaviors (MST-PSB) Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy-Psychiatric Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy–Family Integrated Transitions (MST-FIT) Program Profile: Multnomah County (Ore.) Sanction Treatment Opportunity Progress (STOP) Drug Diversion Program Program Profile: Mystery Shop Programs to Reduce Underage Alcohol Sales Program Profile: Naltrexone for Persons on Federal Probation Program Profile: Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) Program Profile: Narrative Exposure Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents (KidNET) Program Profile: Nashville (Tenn.) Drug Market Intervention Program Profile: National Guard ChalleNGe Program Program Profile: National Supported Work Demonstration Project (Multisite) Program Profile: Neighborhood Enrichment with Vision Involving Services, Treatment, and Supervision (NEW VISTAS) Program Profile: New Jersey Community Resource Centers Program Profile: New Jersey Halfway Back Program Program Profile: New Orientation for Reducing Threats to Health from Secretive-problems That Affect Readiness (NORTH STAR) Program Profile: New South Wales (Australia) Prison Methadone Maintenance Program Program Profile: New York City Police Department Body-Worn Cameras’ Effects on Civility and Lawfulness of Police–Citizen Encounters and Policing Activities Program Profile: New York's Criminal Domestic Violence Courts Program Profile: NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol Program Profile: North Carolina Vocational Delivery System Program Profile: North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program Program Profile: Nurturing Families Network (NFN) Home-Visiting Program Program Profile: Offender Profiling (OP) Applied in Active Police Investigations in Burglaries in Florida Program Profile: Offender Reentry Community Safety Program Program Profile: Ohio's Progressive Sanctioning Grid Program Profile: Oklahoma's Juvenile Second Chance Act Reentry Program (Tulsa, OK) Program Profile: Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Program Profile: One Love Escalation Workshop for Dating Abuse Prevention in the Military Program Profile: One Summer Plus–Jobs Only (Chicago, Ill.) Program Profile: Online Warning Messages Impact on Desistance From Child Sexual Exploitation Material (Australia) Program Profile: Operation Ceasefire (Boston, Mass.) Program Profile: Operation Ceasefire: Hollenbeck Initiative Program Profile: Operation Hardcore (Los Angeles, CA) Program Profile: Operation Impact (Newark, New Jersey) Program Profile: Operation New Hope Program Profile: Operation Peacekeeper (Stockton, Calif.) Program Profile: Operation Rowan (United Kingdom) Program Profile: Operation Safe Streets (Philadelphia, Pa.) Program Profile: Operation Swordfish (Birmingham, UK) Program Profile: Operation Thumbs Down (Los Angeles, Calif.) Program Profile: Opportunity to Succeed (OPTS) Program Profile: Örebro Prevention Program Program Profile: Oregon Drug Courts Program Profile: Ottawa County (Mich.) Sobriety Court Program Program Profile: P3i Application for Use by Law Enforcement Officers (Lincoln, Nebraska) Program Profile: Parenting Intervention to Prevent Early Conduct Problems and Improve Parenting Practices (New York City) Program Profile: Parenting with Love and Limits® Program Profile: Parents as Teachers Program Profile: Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Program Profile: Pathways to Education (Canada) Program Profile: PeaceBuilders Program Profile: Peer Group Connection (PGC) Program Program Profile: Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) Therapeutic Community Program Profile: Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Vacant Lot Greening Program Program Profile: Period of PURPLE Crying Program Profile: Philadelphia (Pa.) Focused Deterrence Strategy Program Profile: Philadelphia (Pa.) Low-Intensity Community Supervision Experiment Program Profile: Philadelphia (Pa.) Predictive Policing Experiment (3PE) Program Profile: Philadelphia (Penn.) Intensive Aftercare Probation Program Program Profile: Philadelphia Policing Tactics Experiment: Offender-Focused Policing Program Profile: Phoenix (Ariz.) Repeat Offender Program Program Profile: Phoenix (Arizona) Homicide Clearance Project Program Profile: Phoenix (Arizona) Police Department Crime Gun Intelligence Center Program Profile: Place Management for System-Trespassing Behaviors in a Cyber Environment Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Cameras (Birmingham South, UK) Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Cameras (Boston, Massachusetts) Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Cameras (Rialto, Calif.) Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Cameras (Turkey) Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Cameras for Intimate-Partner Violence Cases (Phoenix, Ariz.) Program Profile: Police Body-Worn Video (Australia) Program Profile: Police Foot Patrol - Philadelphia 2010 Program Profile: Police Foot Patrol, Philadelphia 2009 Program Profile: Police Substation Within a Business Improvement District in Newark, New Jersey Program Profile: Police-Monitored CCTV Cameras in Newark, N.J. Program Profile: Portland (OR) Burglary Prevention Project Program Profile: Positive Family Support (PFS) Program Profile: Positive Youth Development Program (Connecticut) Program Profile: Post-Rape Video Intervention Program Profile: Postsecondary Correctional Education (New Mexico) Program Profile: Power Source Program Profile: Pre-K RECAP Program Profile: Predictive Policing Model in Los Angeles, Calif. Program Profile: Pretrial GPS Supervision of Intimate Partner Violence Defendants (Western Region, United States) Program Profile: Prev@cib Program (Spain) Program Profile: Preventing Parolee Crime Program (PPCP) Program Profile: Prevention Program for Externalizing Problem Behavior (PEP) Program Profile: Preventive Treatment Program Program Profile: Primary Care-Based Complex Care Management (San Francisco, Calif.) Program Profile: Prison Industry Enhancement Certificate Program (PIECP) Program Profile: Prison Visitation (Minnesota) Program Profile: Prison-Initiated Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program Profile: Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority Vocational Support and Supervision Program (Israel) Program Profile: Private Prison Confinement (Minnesota) Program Profile: Probation Case Management for Women Charged With Drug-Involved Offenses (San Francisco, Calif.) Program Profile: Problem-Oriented Policing in Violent Crime Places (Jersey City, NJ) Program Profile: Procedural Justice Checklist for Suspected Terrorists in a European Country Program Profile: Procedurally-Just Policing during Traffic Stops (Turkey) Program Profile: Project Arrive Program Profile: Project BUILD Program Profile: Project EX Program Profile: Project Exile Program Profile: Project Green Light Detroit Program Profile: Project Greenlight Program Profile: Project Northland Program Profile: Project Safe Neighborhoods (National Evaluation) Program Profile: Project Safe Neighborhoods (Tampa, FL) Program Profile: Project Support Program Profile: Project Toward No Tobacco Use (Project TNT) Program Profile: Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project TND) Program Profile: Prolonged Exposure Therapy Program Profile: Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS®) Program Profile: PROmoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience (PROSPER) Program Profile: PSYCHOPATHY.COMP (Portugal) Program Profile: PTSD Coach Smartphone App for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Program Profile: Public Surveillance Cameras (Baltimore, Maryland) Program Profile: Queens (NY) Treatment Court Program Profile: Queensland (Australia) Community Engagement Trial (QCET) Program Profile: Quehanna (PA) Motivational Boot Camp Program Profile: Raising Healthy Children Program Profile: Random Drug Testing with Immediate Results and Immediate Sanctions Program Profile: Reading for Life (RFL) Program Profile: Ready, Willing, and Able (RWA) Program Profile: Reconnecting Youth Program Profile: Recovery Management Checkups for Women Offenders (Cook County, Ill.) Program Profile: Red Hook Community Justice Center: Criminal Court for Adults Program Profile: Red Hook Community Justice Center: Family Court for Juveniles Program Profile: Reduced Probation Caseload in Evidence-Based Setting (Oklahoma City) Program Profile: Reducing Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Limits for Motor Vehicle Operations (New Jersey) Program Profile: Reentry Services of Clay County (Minnesota) Program Profile: Regional Treatment Centre Sex Offender Treatment Program (Canada) Program Profile: Regulation of Built-In Home Security (Netherlands) Program Profile: Residence Restrictions for Sex Offenders (Jacksonville, Florida) Program Profile: Residential Aftercare Component of Quehanna (PA) Motivational Boot Camp Program Program Profile: Resilience, Opportunity, Safety, Education, Strength (ROSES) Program Profile: Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP) Program Profile: Responsive Aggression Regulation Therapy (Netherlands) Program Profile: Restorative Justice Conferences (London, England) Program Profile: Returning Home - Ohio (RHO) Pilot Program Program Profile: Risk Detection/Executive Function Intervention Program Profile: Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT) for Adolescents Program Profile: Risk-Based Policing Initiative (Kansas City, Missouri) Program Profile: Rochester (N.Y.) Domestic Violence Court Judicial Monitoring Program Profile: Rochester Resilience Project (RRP) Program Profile: Rockford (Ill.) Area Violence Elimination Network (RAVEN) Program Profile: Rockford Pulling Levers Drug Market Intervention Program Profile: Routine Inquiry About Violence Victimization and Follow-Up Support (Sweden) Program Profile: Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) (Massachusetts) Program Profile: Safe Dates Program Profile: Safe Street Teams (Boston, MA) Program Profile: Safe Streets Treatment Options Program (SSTOP) (Outagamie County, Wisconsin) Program Profile: SafeCare© Program Profile: Safer Cities Initiative Program Profile: SafERteens Program Profile: SAM (Solution, Action, Mentorship) Program for Adolescent Girls Program Profile: San Diego (Calif.) Drug Abatement Response Team (DART) Program Profile: San Diego (Calif.) Prisoner Reentry Program Program Profile: San Francisco (Calif.) Behavioral Health Court Program Profile: San Juan County (N.M.) DWI First Offenders Program-Victim Impact Panels Program Profile: SCARE Program Program Profile: School-Based Guided Self-Change Program Profile: School-Based Law Enforcement Framework (Texas) Program Profile: School-Based Mentoring Program for At-Risk Middle School Youth Program Profile: Second Responder Program for Men (Ontario, Canada) Program Profile: Second Responders Program (Redlands, CA) Program Profile: Second Step for Elementary School (2011 Edition) Program Profile: Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention Middle School Program (2008 Edition) Program Profile: Secured by Design, West Yorkshire (England) Program Profile: Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (Midwestern State) Program Profile: Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (North Dakota) Program Profile: Sexual Abuse: Family Education and Treatment Program (SAFE-T) Program Profile: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program (Albuquerque, N.M.) Program Profile: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program - Multisite Program Profile: Sexual Assault Risk Reduction Program Program Profile: Shifting Boundaries (Classroom Curriculum and Schoolwide Intervention) Program Profile: Situational Theft Prevention on a University Campus Program Profile: Skillman Intensive Aftercare Program (Pittsburgh and Detroit) Program Profile: SMART Leaders Program Profile: SMART Team Program Profile: SNAP® Girls Program Profile: SNAP® Under 12 Outreach Project Program Profile: Social Aggression Prevention Program (SAPP) Program Profile: Social Decision Making/Problem Solving Program Program Profile: Social Learning/Feminist Intervention Program Profile: Social Problem-Solving Training (SPST) in a Juvenile Detention Setting Program Profile: Social Support Treatment with Drug Testing (Maryland) Program Profile: SOURCE (Student Outreach for College Enrollment) Program Program Profile: South Dakota's 24/7 Sobriety Project Program Profile: Special Needs Diversionary Program (SNDP) Program Profile: Special Protective Handling Procedures for High-Loss Products in Retail Stores Program Profile: Specialized Multi Agency Response Team (SMART) Program Profile: Specialty Mental Health Probation (Texas) Program Profile: Spit Tobacco Intervention for Athletes Program Profile: Staff Training Aimed at Reducing Rearrest (STARR) Program Profile: Staying Connected with Your Teen® Program Profile: STEP (School Transitional Environment Program) Program Profile: Stepped Collaborative Care for Adolescents (Washington State) Program Profile: Stewards of Children® Program Profile: Stop School Bullying (Greece) Program Profile: Stop, Question, and Frisk in New York City Program Profile: Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision (STICS) Program Profile: Street Lighting in Dudley (England) Program Profile: Street Lighting in New York City Public Housing Program Profile: Street Lighting in Stoke-on-Trent (England) Program Profile: Strength at Home Couples (SAH-C) Program to Prevent Military Partner Violence Program Profile: Strength at Home Men's Program (SAH-M) Program Profile: Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 Program Profile: Success for All (SFA) Program Profile: Success for Kids Program Profile: Success in Stages® Program Program Profile: Suffolk County (N.Y.) Drug Treatment Court Program Profile: Supervision with Immediate Enforcement (SWIFT) Court for Gang-Involved Individuals (Texas) Program Profile: Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program (Michigan) Program Profile: Tactical Police Responses to Micro-Time Hot Spots for Thefts from Vehicles and Residential Burglaries (Port St. Lucie, Florida) Program Profile: Take CHARGE! Curriculum for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Program Profile: TakeCARE Program Profile: Taking Charge Program Profile: Taking Charge of Your Life Program Profile: Targeted Gun Law Messaging Program Profile: Targeted Interventions for Corrections (TIC) Program Profile: Tax Compliance Experiment (Israel) Program Profile: TCU Mapping-Enhanced Counseling for Substance Users Program Profile: Teaching Students to Be Peacemakers Program Profile: Telephone Support Services for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Recruited from a Midwestern Pediatric Emergency Department Program Profile: Texas Intensive Supervision Parole (Houston and Dallas) Program Profile: Text Message Reminder Nudge for Defendants (Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom) Program Profile: The Abuse Assessment (The Abuse Screen) Program Profile: The Canton of Vaud (CV) Community Supervision Program (Switzerland) Program Profile: The Impact of California’s Proposition 47 (The Reduced Penalties for Some Crimes Initiative) on Recidivism Program Profile: The Impact of Mobile Technology Devices on Street Checks and Crime Incidents (Australia) Program Profile: The Incredible Years-Teacher Classroom Management Program Program Profile: The Incredible Years–Child Training Program Program Profile: The Leadership Program's Violence Prevention Project Program Profile: The Pathways Home Foster Care Reunification Intervention Program Profile: The RULER Approach Program Profile: The Substance Use Prevention Promoted by Eating Family Meals Regularly (SUPPER) Project Program Profile: The truth® Campaign Program Profile: The Urban Debate League for High School Students Program Profile: The Women's Program Program Profile: Thinking for a Change Program Profile: Three Data Driven Supervision Protocols for Parole Violations (Georgia) Program Profile: Too Good for Violence Program Profile: Transitional Case Management Program Profile: Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) Program Profile: Tri-Ministry Study Program Profile: Tribes Program Profile: Triple P: Positive Parenting Program Program Profile: Tulsa (Oklahoma) Community-Based Crime Reduction Initiative Program Profile: Turning Point Multiple DUI Treatment Program Program Profile: Using Absenteeism Information to "Nudge" Attendance (Philadelphia, Pa.) Program Profile: Utah Juvenile Drug Courts Program Profile: Violent Offender Treatment Program (VOTP) Program Profile: Washington State's Residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative Program Profile: Wayne County (Michigan) Second Chance Reentry Program Program Profile: Web-Based Sexual Assault Risk Reduction (SARR) for College Women Program Profile: Weed and Seed (Miami, Fla.) Program Profile: West Midlands (England) High-Crime-Causing Users (HCCU) Program Profile: Wichita (Kansas) Work Release Program Program Profile: WITS Primary Program Program Profile: Women’s Health CoOp Plus (Pretoria, South Africa) Program Profile: Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) Program Profile: Young Adult Family Check-Up (YA-FCU) Program Profile: Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP) Program Profile: Youth Relationships Project Program Profile: Youth-Nominated Support Team-Version II (YST-II) Program Profile: YouthBuild Offender Program Practices (113) Practice Profile: Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Practice Profile: Adult Boot Camps Practice Profile: Adult Mental Health Courts Practice Profile: Adult Reentry Programs Practice Profile: Advocacy Interventions for Women Who Experience Intimate Partner Violence Practice Profile: After-School Programs Practice Profile: Alcohol Interventions for College Students Practice Profile: Alley Gating in the United Kingdom Practice Profile: Body-Worn Cameras’ Effects on Police Officer Behavior Practice Profile: Bullying Prevention Programs Practice Profile: Buprenorphine Maintenance Treatment Practice Profile: Bystander Education Programs for Sexual Assault Prevention on High School and College Campuses Practice Profile: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Surveillance Practice Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adults at Moderate- and High-Risk of Offending Practice Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Anger-Related Problems in Children and Adolescents Practice Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Antisocial Behavior in Youth in Residential Treatment Practice Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Based Anger Management for Adult Males Convicted of an Offense Practice Profile: Computerized Brief Interventions for Youth Alcohol Use Practice Profile: Contingency Management Interventions for Substance Use Disorders Practice Profile: Correctional Work Industries Practice Profile: Corrections-Based Adult Basic/Secondary Education Practice Profile: Corrections-Based Vocational Training Programs Practice Profile: Counter-Narratives for the Prevention of Violent Radicalization Practice Profile: Crisis Intervention Teams (CITs) Practice Profile: Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Programs Practice Profile: Day Reporting Centers Practice Profile: Disorder Policing Practice Profile: Domestic Violence Courts Practice Profile: Dropout Prevention Programs Practice Profile: Early Developmental Prevention Programs for At-Risk Youths Practice Profile: Early Family/Parent Training Programs Practice Profile: Early Self-Control Improvement Programs for Children Practice Profile: Expressive Writing Interventions for Adolescents Practice Profile: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Children with PTSD Practice Profile: Faith-Based Correctional Interventions Practice Profile: Family-based Treatment for Adolescent Delinquency and Problem Behaviors Practice Profile: Focused Deterrence Strategies Practice Profile: Formal System Processing for Juveniles Practice Profile: Gang Membership Prevention Programs Practice Profile: Geographically Focused Policing Initiatives Practice Profile: Halfway Houses Practice Profile: Hot Spots Policing Practice Profile: Improved Street Lighting Practice Profile: Incarceration-based Narcotics Maintenance Treatment Practice Profile: Incarceration-based Therapeutic Communities for Adults Practice Profile: Incarceration-based Therapeutic Communities for Juveniles Practice Profile: Interactive Programs for Preventing Marijuana Use in Middle School Students Practice Profile: Interventions with Violent Adult Males Convicted of an Offense Practice Profile: Juvenile Awareness Programs (Scared Straight) Practice Profile: Juvenile Boot Camps Practice Profile: Juvenile Curfew Laws Practice Profile: Juvenile Diversion Programs Practice Profile: Juvenile Intensive Supervision Programs Practice Profile: Juvenile Reentry Programs Practice Profile: Juvenile Transfer to Adult Court Practice Profile: Kinship Care for Children Removed from Home for Maltreatment Practice Profile: Male-Targeted, Sexual Assault-Prevention Program Practice Profile: Martial Arts Participation and Juvenile Externalizing Behaviors Practice Profile: Mass Media Campaigns to Prevent Illicit Drug Use of Youth Practice Profile: Mentoring for Youth Development Practice Profile: Mentoring Youth With Emotional and Behavioral Problems Practice Profile: Metal Detectors and Security Screenings at Airports as a Counterterrorism Strategy Practice Profile: Methadone Maintenance Therapy Practice Profile: Motivational Interviewing for Substance Abuse Practice Profile: Neighborhood Watch Practice Profile: Noncustodial Employment Programs for Individuals with Recent Criminal Records Practice Profile: Nontargeted Brief Alcohol Interventions for Substance Use for Juveniles Practice Profile: Opiate Maintenance Therapy for Persons for Persons Who Use Heroin and Cocaine Practice Profile: Police-Initiated Diversion for Youth to Prevent Future Delinquent Behavior Practice Profile: Police-Initiated Pedestrian Stops to Reduce Crime Practice Profile: Postsecondary Correctional Education (PSCE) Practice Profile: Pretrial Interventions for Ensuring Appearance in Court Practice Profile: Preventive Child Maltreatment Programs Practice Profile: Prison Visitation for Incarcerated Adults Practice Profile: Problem-Oriented Policing Practice Profile: Psychological Treatments for Adults With Histories of Violent Offending Practice Profile: Psychosocial Interventions for Antisocial Behavior of Juveniles Practice Profile: Psychosocial Interventions for Cannabis Use Disorder Practice Profile: Psychotherapies for Victims of Sexual Assault Practice Profile: Psychotherapy with Adults Sexually Abused in Childhood Practice Profile: Red-Light Camera Interventions for Reducing Traffic Violations and Crashes Practice Profile: Reducing Gun Violence Practice Profile: Rehabilitation Programs for Adults Convicted of a Crime Practice Profile: School-Based Brief Interventions for Substance Use Among Youth Practice Profile: School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs Practice Profile: School-Based Conflict Resolution Education Practice Profile: School-Based Cyberbullying Prevention Programs Practice Profile: School-Based Interventions to Reduce Exclusion Practice Profile: School-Based Interventions to Reduce Suspension and Arrest Practice Profile: Second Responder Programs Practice Profile: Selective School-Based Violence Prevention Programs Practice Profile: Sexual Assault Education Programs on College Campuses Practice Profile: Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners for Forensic Examinations in Cases of Sexual Assault/Rape Practice Profile: Skill-Building Interventions for Delinquent Behaviors of Youth Practice Profile: Social Skills Training for Preventing Antisocial Behavior of Youth Practice Profile: Sports Participation and Juvenile Delinquency Practice Profile: Street-Level Drug Law Enforcement Practice Profile: Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Strategies for Drug-Involved Individuals Practice Profile: Targeted Brief Alcohol Interventions for Alcohol Use for Adolescents and Young Adults Practice Profile: Targeted School-Based Social Information-Processing Interventions for Aggression Practice Profile: Targeted Truancy Interventions Practice Profile: Teen Court Practice Profile: Therapeutic Approaches for Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents Practice Profile: Therapeutic Treatment for Juveniles Having Committed Sex Offenses Practice Profile: Trauma-Focused Treatment for Juveniles and Young Adults With Trauma Symptoms and Externalizing Behaviors Practice Profile: Treatment for Adults Who Have Committed Sex Offenses Practice Profile: Treatment in Secure Corrections for Serious Juveniles Who Have Committed Serious or Multiple Offenses Practice Profile: Universal School-Based Prevention and Intervention Programs for Aggressive and Disruptive Behavior Practice Profile: Universal School-Based Social Information Processing Interventions for Aggression Practice Profile: Universal Teacher Classroom Management Practices Practice Profile: Wilderness Challenge Programs Practice Profile: Wraparound Process for Children with Serious Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Practice Profile: Youth-Initiated Mentoring for Youth Development Date Created: July 1, 2020