Program Profile: Power Source

This is a group-based, cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness training intervention targeted at male youth in high-security correctional facilities.

Evidence Rating: Promising | One study


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Age: 16 - 18

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Black, Hispanic

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): Correctional

Program Type: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, Group Therapy

Targeted Population: Prisoners, Young Offenders

Current Program Status: Active

Program Director:
The Lionheart Foundation
The Lionheart Foundation

P.O. Box 170115
Boston, 02117
United States

Phone: 781.444.6667

Noelle R. Leonard
Research Scientist
New York University, Silver School of Social Work

East 11th St. 7th Floor
New York, NY 10003
United States
