Find Rated Programs


A Program is a specific set of activities carried out according to guidelines to achieve a defined purpose. Program profiles on CrimeSolutions tell us whether a specific program was found to achieve its goals when it was carefully evaluated. Program ratings, described below, tells us that a program is likely to produce the observed result if implemented as described in the profile. 

Program Ratings Defined
Icon Rating  Description
Effective Implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s).
Promising Implementing the program may result in the intended outcome(s)
No Effects
No Effects Implementing the program is unlikely to result in the intended outcome(s) and may result in a negative outcome(s).

Search and apply filters to the table below to narrow the list of hundreds of program. Note that selecting a filter or entering a keyword automatically narrows the list of programs below. 

Date Created: July 29, 2020