Program Profile: Weed and Seed (Miami, Fla.)

This is a community-based approach to reducing and preventing crime while revitalizing the community.

Evidence Rating: No Effects | One study


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Gender: Male, Female

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): High Crime Neighborhoods/Hot Spots

Program Type: Community Awareness/Mobilization, Gang Prevention/Intervention, Situational Crime Prevention, Violence Prevention, Vocational/Job Training, Weed and Seed Programs

Targeted Population: Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Offenders, Gang Members, Serious/Violent Offender

Current Program Status: Not Active

Caterina Roman
Temple University

1115 Polett Walk, 5th Floor, Gladfelter Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19122
United States
