Evidence Rating: Effective | More than one study
This program uses a curriculum-based approach to improve youth academics, behavior, and character. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group students reported statistically significantly less substance use, sexual activity, violent behavior, serious violence-related behavior, and bullying behavior, compared with control group students. There were no statistically significant differences in measures of disruptive behaviors.
An Effective rating implies that implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s).
This program's rating is based on evidence that includes either 1) one study conducted in multiple sites; or 2) two or three studies, each conducted at a different site. Learn about how we make the multisite determination.
Program Goals
The Positive Action (PA) program is designed to improve youth academics, behavior, and character. PA uses an audience-appropriate, curriculum-based approach to increase positive behaviors and decrease negative ones. PA has been implemented in various settings including public schools.
Program Theory
PA is grounded in a broad theory of self-concept. It relies on intrinsic motivation for developing and maintaining positive behavioral patterns and teaches the skills for learning and motivation for achieving success and happiness for everyone. The universal premise—that you feel good about yourself when you do positive actions and there is always a positive way to do everything—is represented by the self-reinforcing “thoughts–actions–feelings” circle: positive thoughts lead to positive actions, positive actions lead to positive feelings about oneself, and positive feelings lead to more positive thoughts.
Program Components
The program addresses diverse problems, such as substance use, violence-related behavior, disruptive behavior, and bullying, as well as social–emotional learning, positive youth development, character, and academics.
The PA program portfolio features interactive, ready-to-use kits that contain 15 to 20 minutes of scripted, user-friendly lessons for schools, families, and communities. The content concentrates on three core elements:
- The program philosophy.
- The thoughts–actions–feelings circle.
- Six content units on self-concept; positive actions for body and mind; social and emotional positive actions for managing oneself responsibly; social and emotional positive actions for getting along with others; social and emotional positive actions for being honest; and social and emotional positive actions for self improvement.
These unit lessons cover diverse topics such as nutrition, problem-solving, decision-making, study skills, self-control, managing personal resources, social skills, self-honesty, and setting and achieving goals.
Study 1
Lifetime Substance Use (Self Report)
Beets and colleagues (2009) found that Positive Action (PA) students reported statistically significantly lower prevalence of lifetime substance use, compared with the control group.
Lifetime Substance Use (Teacher’s Report)
There were no statistically significant differences between groups in teacher reports of student lifetime substance use.
Violent Behavior (Self Report)
PA students reported statistically significantly lower levels of violent behavior, compared with the control group.
Violent Behavior (Teacher’s Report)
Teachers reported statistically significantly lower levels of violent behavior for PA students, compared with the control group.
Sexual Activity
PA students reported statistically significantly lower levels of sexual activity, compared with the control group.
Study 2
Lifetime Prevalence of Substance Use
Li and colleagues (2011) found that students in the PA treatment group reported statistically significantly lower lifetime prevalence (31 percent) of substance use behaviors, compared with students in the control group.
Serious Violence-Related Behavior
Students in the treatment group reported statistically significantly lower lifetime prevalence (36 percent) of serious violence-related behavior, compared with students in the control group.
Disruptive Behaviors
There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups in measures of disruptive behaviors.
Students in the treatment group showed a statistically significant reduction (41 percent) in bullying behaviors, compared with the control group.
Study 1
Beets and colleagues (2009) assessed the effectiveness of a 5-year trial of the Positive Action (PA) program using a matched-pair design with 20 Hawaii public schools randomized to intervention (n = 10) and control (n = 10). Schools were identified in 2000 and were eligible if the school a) had at least 25 percent of its students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, b) was in the lower three quartiles of SAT scores in the State, c) was located on Maui, Molokai, or Oahu, d) was a K–5 or K–6 public school, and e) had annual student mobility rates below 20 percent.
The 111 schools that met eligibility criteria were classified into 19 strata, on the basis of an index that included such factors as school size, student ethnic distribution, and indicators of student behavioral and school performance. At the 20 participating schools at year 5, the self-reported ethnicities of fifth grade students were primarily:
- Hawaiian or part Hawaiian (26.1 percent)
- Multiple ethnic backgrounds (22.6 percent)
- Non-Hispanic white (8.6 percent)
- African American (1.6 percent)
- American Indian (1.7 percent)
- Other Pacific Islander (4.7 percent)
- Japanese (4.6 percent)
- Other Asian (20.6 percent)
- Other ethnicities (7.8 percent)
- Unknown (1.6 percent)
Control schools continued without making any substantial social or character development program reforms. Intervention schools received approximately 35 hours per school year of sequenced PA lessons. Self-reports of substance use, violence, and voluntary sexual activity were collected on 1,714 fifth graders. Teachers of participating students reported on student substance use and violence. Data was analyzed using t–tests and logistic regressions as well as generalized linear latent and mixed-model methods. The authors indicated limitations, including those resulting from the low prevalence of negative behaviors and the collection of data from fifth graders only for this schoolwide prevention program.
Study 2
Li and colleagues (2011) assessed the impact of PA in a group of Chicago, Ill., public schools on problem behaviors such as substance use, serious violence-related behavior, current bullying, and disruptive behaviors. A matched-pair randomized control design was used so that schools with similar characteristics were matched, and then one school was randomized to the treatment group. The pool of possible Chicago public schools totaled 438, of which 68 met inclusion criteria. Representatives from 18 of these schools agreed to participate. Fourteen elementary schools eventually participated in the study—seven in the control group, seven in the treatment group. Forty-nine percent of the Chicago public schools population was African American, 39 percent were Hispanic, and 75 percent of the Chicago public schools students were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
The program was implemented in 2004–05 with third graders, and they were followed through the 2006–07 academic year. Five assessments were made over the course of the study: a baseline assessment in fall 2004, then follow-up assessments in spring 2005, fall 2005, spring 2006, and spring 2007. Measures of negative behaviors, psychological status, and positive behaviors were included.
Approximately 590 third graders finished the baseline assessment, and 510 fifth graders completed the final assessment (a little more than half—57 percent—were part of the original sample). The students reported their ethnicity at 46 percent African American, 27 percent Hispanic, 7 percent white non-Hispanic, 3 percent Asian, and 17 percent other or mixed.
Measures included lifetime prevalence of substance use and serious violence-related behavior (which were collected through questions on a researcher-developed survey at posttest only) and bullying and disruptive behaviors (which were collected using the Aggression Scale and the Frequency of Delinquent Behavior Scale). Covariates included age, gender, ethnicity, and measures of baseline problem behaviors. Three-level overdispersed Poisson models were used for analysis to account for nesting (students within schools within school pairs).
Positive Action (PA) offers program materials and follow-up training to orient users to their individual roles and how to meet the goals of the school, district, or organization. PA training focuses on conveying the program vision and objectives, establishing cohesive and shared goals among members for program implementation, and providing tips to achieve the best results from the programs. Different types of training options are available based on an organization’s specific needs.
PA program materials include the following:
- Instructor’s Kits on each grade level for the PreK–12 Curriculum plus supplemental curricula for elementary bullying prevention and Grade 5 and middle school drug prevention
- Climate Development Kits (elementary and secondary), which include manuals and behavior management tools, assemblies, and schoolwide events
- Counselor’s Kit, which includes a manual with lessons, activities, and materials for individuals, small groups, large groups, classrooms, and families
- Conflict Resolution Kit, which helps users resolve conflicts through a Conflict Resolution Plan
- Family Kit, which includes lessons that can be delivered in the home to engage the whole family
- Community Kit, which provides materials to be used by a coalition or a community coordinating committee
PA currently offers K–3, 7–8, and middle school drug program curricula in Spanish. Refresher kits are available for all PA kits.
Subgroup Analysis
Beets and colleagues (2009) observed a dose-response trend for both student and teacher reports of student behaviors. As reported by both students and teachers, students who received 3 to 4 years of Positive Action (PA) had a statistically significant reduction in problem behaviors (substance use, violent behavior, and voluntary sexual activity), compared with students who had fewer than 3 years of PA.
These sources were used in the development of the program profile:
Study 1
Beets, Michael W., Brian R. Flay, Samuel Vuchinich, Frank J. Snyder, Alan C. Acock, Kin–Kit Li, Kate Burns, Isaac J. Washburn, and Joseph A. Durlak. 2009. “Use of a Social and Character Development Program to Prevent Substance Use, Violent Behaviors, and Sexual Activity Among Elementary School Students in Hawaii.” American Journal of Public Health 99:1–8.
Study 2
Li, Kin–Kit, Isaac J. Washburn, David Lane DuBois, Samuel Vuchinich, Peter Ji, Vanessa Brechling, Joseph Day, Michael W. Beets, Alan C. Acock, Michael Berbaum, Frank J. Snyder, and Brian R. Flay. 2011. “Effects of the Positive Action Program on Problem Behaviors in Elementary School Students: A Matched-Pair Randomized Control Trial in Chicago.” Psychology & Health 26(2):187–204.
These sources were used in the development of the program profile:
Beets, Michael W., Brian R. Flay, Samuel Vuchinich, Alan C. Acock, Kin–Kit Li, Kate Burns, and Carol Gerber Allred. 2008. “School Climate and Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Associated With Implementation of the Positive Action Program: A Diffusion of Innovations Model.” Prevention Science 9:264–75.
Flay, Brian R., Alan C. Acock, Samuel Vuchinich, and Michael W. Beets. 2006. Progress Report of the Randomized Trial of Positive Action in Hawaii: End of Third Year of Intervention. Corvallis, Ore.: Oregon State University.
Flay, Brian R., and Carol Gerber Allred. 2003. “Long-Term Effects of the Positive Action Program.” American Journal of Health Behavior 27(1):S6–S21. (This study was reviewed but did not meet CrimeSolutions criteria for inclusion in the overall program rating.)
Flay, Brian R., and Carol Gerber Allred. 2009. “The Positive Action Program: Improving Academics, Behavior, and Character by Teaching Comprehensive Skills for Successful Learning and Living.” 2010. In Terence Lovat, Ron Toomey, and Neville Clement (eds.). International Handbook on Values Education and Student Well-Being. Dortrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Flay, Brian R., Carol Gerber Allred, and Nicole V. Ordway. 2001. “Effects of the Positive Action Program on Achievement and Discipline: Two Matched-Control Comparisons.” Prevention Science 2(2):71–90.
Social and Character Development Research Consortium. 2010. Efficacy of Schoolwide Programs to Promote Social and Character Development and Reduce Problem Behavior in Elementary School Children (NCER 2011–2001). Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
http://ies.ed.gov/ncer/pubs/20112001/pdf/20112001.pdfFollowing are CrimeSolutions-rated programs that are related to this practice:
These interventions are designed to increase attendance for elementary and secondary school students with chronic attendance problems. The practice is rated Effective for improving attendance.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Education - Attendance/truancy |
The practice includes programs designed to reduce bullying perpetration and victimization and to increase positive bystander behavior in bullying situations. The practice is rated Effective for reducing bullying perpetration (e.g., overall and physical), reducing bullying victimization (e.g., overall and relational), and increasing positive bystander behavior. The practice is rated No Effects for increasing bystander empathy for bullying victims and reducing verbal bullying victimization.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Juvenile Problem & At-Risk Behaviors - Bullying | |
Victimization - Overall bullying victimization | |
Victimization - Relational bullying victimization | |
Victimization - Physical bullying victimization | |
Victimization - Bystander intervention | |
Mental Health & Behavioral Health - Empathy for the victim | |
Victimization - Verbal bullying victimization |
Designed to foster the development of five interrelated sets of cognitive, affective, and behavioral competencies, in order to provide a foundation for better adjustment and academic performance in students, which can result in more positive social behaviors, fewer conduct problems, and less emotional distress. The practice was rated Effective in reducing students’ conduct problems and emotional stress.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Juvenile Problem & At-Risk Behaviors - Multiple juvenile problem/at-risk behaviors | |
Mental Health & Behavioral Health - Internalizing behavior |
School- or community-based programs targeting frequently absent students or students at risk of dropping out of school. These programs are aimed at increasing school engagement, school attachment, and the academic performance of students, with the main objective of increasing graduation rates. The practice is rated Effective for reducing rates of school dropouts, and rated Promising for improving test scores/grades, graduation rates, and attendance.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Education - Dropout | |
Education - Academic achievement/school performance | |
Education - Graduation | |
Education - Attendance/truancy |
This practice consists of programs designed to increase self-control and reduce child behavior problems (e.g., conduct problems, antisocial behavior, and delinquency) with children up to age 10. Program types include social skills development, cognitive coping strategies, training/role playing, and relaxation training. This practice is rated Effective for improving self-control and reducing delinquency.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Crime & Delinquency - Multiple crime/offense types | |
Juvenile Problem & At-Risk Behaviors - Self-Control |
This practice consists of programs designed to prevent or reduce aggressive or violent behavior in K–12 students who are considered at risk of or who have demonstrated such antisocial behaviors. The practice is rated Effective for reducing aggression in students who participated in school-based violence prevention programs, compared with students who did not participate.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Juvenile Problem & At-Risk Behaviors - Aggression |
This practice includes universal and targeted school-based interventions that aim to reduce student arrests and suspensions by helping students develop prosocial behavioral skills or improving school environment by revising school discipline practices. This practice is rated No Effects for reducing student suspensions and rated No Effects for reducing arrest rates of students.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
Education - Expulsion/Suspension (Practice 128) | |
Crime & Delinquency - Multiple crime/offense types (Practice 128) |
Age: 0 - 18
Gender: Male, Female
Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other
Geography: Suburban Urban Rural
Setting (Delivery): School, Other Community Setting, Home
Program Type: Academic Skills Enhancement, Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Bullying Prevention/Intervention, Conflict Resolution/Interpersonal Skills, School/Classroom Environment, Truancy Prevention
Targeted Population: Families
Current Program Status: Active
264 Fourth Avenue South 321 Waldo Hall
Carol Gerber Allred
Positive Action, Inc.
Twin Falls, ID 83301
United States
Brian Flay
Professor, Department of Public Health
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
United States