Program Profile: Live Court Date Reminder Phone Calls (New York City)

This program provides calls to individuals who have been arrested and released while they wait to appear for arraignment, to remind them to appear on their scheduled court dates.

Evidence Rating: Promising | One study


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): Courts

Program Type: Alternatives to Detention, Court Processing, Reminders/Notifications

Current Program Status: Not Active

Program Director:
Tiffany Bergin
Executive Director of Research & Evidence-Based Practice
New York City Criminal Justice Agency

299 Broadway, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10007
United States

Phone: 646.213.2688

Russell Ferri
Director of Research
NYC Equal Employment Practices Commission

253 Broadway, Suite 602
NY 10007
United States

Phone: 212.615.8939