Program Profile: Project Safe Neighborhoods (Chicago, Ill.)

This is a comprehensive antiviolence initiative that uses collaborative strategies to alter perceived costs and benefits of gun violence and is intended to reduce illegal gun offending.

Evidence Rating: Promising | More than one study


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Gender: Male, Female

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): Other Community Setting, High Crime Neighborhoods/Hot Spots

Program Type: Aftercare/Reentry, Community Awareness/Mobilization, Gang Prevention/Intervention, General deterrence, Probation/Parole Services, Violence Prevention, Wraparound/Case Management

Targeted Population: Gang Members, Serious/Violent Offender

Current Program Status: Active

Andrew Papachristos
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Sociology

200 Hicks Way, Thompson Hall 728
Amherst, MA 01003
United States

Phone: 415.545.0443