The Multi-site Adult Drug Court Evaluation (MADCE) conducted by Rossman and colleagues (2011d) used a quasi-experimental design to assess the impact of adult drug courts located in various sites across the United States. The first component of the MADCE consisted of a Web-based survey administered in 2004 to every active adult drug court in operation for at least 1 year at that time. Of the 593 adult drug courts eligible for the survey, 380 courts (64 percent) responded. From the survey data, 23 drug courts and 6 comparison sites from the same geographic areas in eight states were selected for inclusion in the process and impact evaluations and cost–benefit analysis.
The site selection procedure concentrated on three main components of drug courts: 1) provision of substance abuse treatment; 2) leverage the court has in monitoring clients; and 3) predictability of sanctioning policies of the court. Using a combination of hotspot mapping techniques and subjective criteria about how geographically close courts were, 16 potential geographic clusters of drug courts were identified for consideration. From this cluster, the 23 drug courts came from the following states: eight courts in New York state, six in Washington state, two in Florida, two in Georgia, two in Illinois, two in Pennsylvania, and one in South Carolina. The sites were chosen to ensure variation in eligibility criteria, program requirements, community settings, and treatment and testing practices of the drug courts.
Comparison jurisdictions were selected if a) the site did not operate a drug court; b) the site operated a drug court but had a greater number of drug-involved individuals than could be enrolled, who could therefore serve as a comparison group; or c) the site had a group of drug-involved persons who did not meet the criteria for the local drug court but met the criteria of drug courts in other areas of the country. The comparison sites offered alternative treatment for drug-involved persons through programs other than drug courts, such as Breaking the Cycle or Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities. The six comparison sites came from the following states: two sites in Florida, two in North Carolina, one in Illinois, and one in Washington state.
The adult drug court treatment group (n = 1,156) was 68 percent male, 32 percent female, 57 percent white, 29 percent African American, 7 percent Hispanic/Latino, and 7 percent other (including multiracial)—with an average age of 33. The comparison group (n = 625) was 72 percent male, 38 percent female, 50 percent white, 41 percent African American, 5 percent Hispanic/Latino, and 5 percent other—with an average age of 35. A propensity score weighting procedure was used to eliminate significant differences between groups at baseline.
In this multisite evaluation, each observation (that is, each person) was nested within a particular site. Examination of the data showed that persons from different sites systematically varied on key drug use, criminal behavior, and other psychosocial outcomes. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) techniques were employed for impact analyses to adjust for the site-specific variances in outcomes and to correct the assumed degrees of freedom based on the much smaller number of sites (29) than offending persons (1,781).
Data was collected from a variety of sources: field visits, self-report surveys, oral fluid tests, and administrative records. Self-report surveys were administered at baseline, 6 months postbaseline, and 18 months postbaseline. In addition, oral swab tests were conducted in conjunction with the 18-month interviews for nonincarcerated respondents. The chosen test was a six-panel oral fluid screen for amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine, methamphetamines, opiates, and phencyclidine. Finally, study participants’ official records were collected from the National Crime Information Center at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and from state-level criminal justice agencies. Collection of administrative data concentrated on three categories of variables: arrests, convictions, and incarcerations. Administrative data was collected for a 24-month follow-up period.
Outcomes were organized into the following key domains:
- Drug use: whether the person used drugs, days of drug use per month, and results of the oral fluids drug test
- Criminal activity: incidence and prevalence of official rearrest and of self-reported criminal behavior
- Incarceration: number of days incarcerated
- Socioeconomic status: employment status, school status, and annual income
- Mental health: classified as “depressed” (based on multi-item instrument) and self-reported assessment of mental health (excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor)
- Family support and conflict: the extent of family conflict, family emotional support, and family instrumental support
- Homelessness: whether the person was homeless since the previous survey point
Ordinary least squares regression analyses were conducted for normally distributed outcomes to determine differences between groups, and logistic regression was used for dichotomous outcomes. No subgroup analysis was conducted.