Program Profile: Hot Spots Policing (Jacksonville, FL)

This is a geographically focused policing strategy to reduce violent crime in high-crime areas using problem-oriented policing and saturation/directed patrols.

Evidence Rating: Ineffective | More than one study


Date Modified: May 28, 2021

In January 2012, Hot Spots Policing Jacksonville received a final program rating of No Effects based on review of Taylor, Koper and Woods (2011a, 2011b). In January 2021, CrimeSolutions conducted a re-review of the same study using the updated CrimeSolutions Program Scoring Instrument, separating the review of the problem oriented policing condition and the saturation/directed patrol condition. This re-review resulted in the program maintaining the overall No Effects rating.

Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Gender: Male, Female

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): Other Community Setting, High Crime Neighborhoods/Hot Spots

Program Type: Community-Oriented Policing, General deterrence, Hot Spots Policing, Situational Crime Prevention, Violence Prevention

Targeted Population: Serious/Violent Offender

Current Program Status: Not Active