Program Profile: Care, Assess, Respond, Empower (CARE)

This is a brief school-based, suicide-prevention program that seeks to reduce suicide risks and co-occurring health-related behaviors (such as depression and drug use).

Evidence Rating: Ineffective | One study


Date Modified: June 1, 2021

In 2011, Care, Assess, Respond, Empower (CARE) received a final program rating of Promising based on a review of two studies (Eggert et al. 2002; and Hooven et al. 2010). In 2020, CrimeSolutions conducted a re-review, using the updated CrimeSolutions Program Scoring Instrument, using only the study by Eggert and colleagues (2002). (Using CrimeSolutions updated criteria, the original Hooven study was screened out from the re-review.) The re-review resulted in the program receiving a new rating of No Effects.

Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Age: 14 - 19

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other

Geography: Urban

Setting (Delivery): School

Program Type: Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, Conflict Resolution/Interpersonal Skills, Crisis Intervention/Response, Family Therapy, Mentoring, Motivational Interviewing, School/Classroom Environment

Targeted Population: Truants/Dropouts

Current Program Status: Active