Practice Profile: Mentoring for Youth Development

Evidence Rating for Outcomes

Crime & Delinquency | Multiple crime/offense types

Education | Multiple education outcomes

Mental Health & Behavioral Health | Psychological functioning

Mental Health & Behavioral Health | Cognitive functioning

Mental Health & Behavioral Health | Social functioning

Drugs & Substance Abuse | Multiple substances


Date Modified: May 15, 2023

This practice review has been updated to reflect findings from a more recent meta-analysis. In 2013 the practice (originally called Mentoring) was reviewed with meta-analyses by Tolan and colleagues (2008), DuBois and colleagues (2011), and Thomas, Lorenzetti, and Spragins (2011). The practice was rated Effective for reducing delinquency outcomes. The practice was rated Promising in reducing the use of alcohol and drugs and improving school attendance, grades, academic achievement test scores, social skills, and peer relationships. In 2022, a re-review was conducted of the practice’s evidence base. The practice was renamed as Mentoring for Youth Development. The meta-analysis by Tolan and colleagues (2008) remained in the practice’s evidence base, and a new meta-analysis by Raposa and colleagues (2019) was added to the evidence base. Based on these two meta-analyses, the practice remained rated Effective for reducing delinquency and for improving educational outcomes. The practice was also rated Promising in improving psychological outcomes and cognitive functioning and rated No Effects in reducing substance use. In addition, the meta-analysis by DuBois and colleagues (2011) was screened out (because of reporting results based on combined effect sizes with studies that had active comparison groups and inactive comparison groups), and the meta-analysis by Thomas, Lorenzetti, and Spragins (2011) was separated into a new practice, called Mentoring to Prevent Youth Substance Use.

Date Created: July 17, 2024
Practice Snapshot

Age: 6 - 18

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other

Setting (Delivery): School, Other Community Setting

Practice Type: Academic Skills Enhancement, Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Afterschool/Recreation, Mentoring, Truancy Prevention, Violence Prevention

Unit of Analysis: Persons

Elizabeth Raposa

Department of Psychology, Fordham University

44 E. Fordham Rd
Bronx, NY 10458
United States
