Program Goals
The overriding goal of the Multisystemic Therapy (MST) model is to keep adolescents who have exhibited serious clinical problems (e.g., drug abuse, violence, severe emotional disturbance) at home, in school, and out of trouble. Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST–CAN) adopts the principles of MST by treating youth, parents, and families with child physical abuse and neglect reports within their home ecology and by intervening in the systems, family, and care-giving environment. Treatment aims to reduce the recurrence of abuse, prevent out-of-home placement, reduce parent-to-child aggression (psychological and physical), and improve parent mental health functioning and parenting skills and behaviors.
Program Components
MST–CAN delivers services in the home to reduce barriers that typically keep families from accessing services. Therapists have small caseloads of four to six families; work as a team of at least three therapists to include a crisis caseworker, and a full-time supervisor with psychiatrist support; are available on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and provide services at times convenient to the family. The average treatment occurs over roughly 7 months, with multiple therapist–family contacts occurring each week.
Treatment is provided to all family members, with therapists treating an average of five family members per case. MST–CAN therapists engage family members in treatment and work to foster a positive relationship between the family and their Child Protection caseworker. In a collaborative relationship with the therapist the family sets treatment goals, and ongoing assessment and safety planning is a significant component of the model. Specific treatment techniques include cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) for anger management, CBT treatments for the impact of trauma or posttraumatic stress disorder on adults and children, reinforcement-based therapy for adult substance abuse, behavioral family therapy for communication and problem-solving issues, functional analysis for family conflict and the use of force in parenting, and abuse clarification. Safety planning and abuse clarification are used in all cases. Other treatments are used as needed.
Key Personnel
MST–CAN is an intensive program with regular contact (from three times a week to daily) for a duration of 6 to 9 months, using therapists with relatively low caseloads (generally four to six families). MST–CAN requires a full-time supervisor, a crisis case manager, at least 3 therapists, and a part-time psychiatrist. Special training and care are given for safety planning, dealing with problem-solving and communication difficulties, and substance use intervention where caregivers have alcohol and drug problems.
Program Theory
Systems and social ecological theories form the theoretical foundation of MST. As a family-based home intervention, it identifies the practical issues facing recovery within the family’s immediate environment (Swenson et al. 2010).