Program Profile: School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS)

This is a universal, school-wide prevention strategy aimed at reducing behavior problems that lead to discipline referrals and suspensions, and change perceptions of school safety.

Evidence Rating: Effective | More than one study


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Program Snapshot

Age: 5 - 11

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other

Geography: Urban Rural

Setting (Delivery): School

Program Type: Academic Skills Enhancement, Classroom Curricula, Conflict Resolution/Interpersonal Skills, School/Classroom Environment

Current Program Status: Active

Robert Horner
Educational Community Supports (ECS)–University of Oregon, Eugene

140 Lokey Education, Building 1235
Eugene, OR 97403-1235
United States

Phone: 541.346.2462

Catherine Bradshaw
Deputy Director
Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence, John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

415 N. Washington Street, Room 501
Baltimore, MD 21231
United States

Phone: 410.624.9102