Practice Profile: After-School Programs

Evidence Rating for Outcomes

Education | Math Achievement

Attitudes & Beliefs | Child Self-Perceptions

Education | School Bonding

Mental Health & Behavioral Health | Social Behaviors

Mental Health & Behavioral Health | Externalizing behavior

Education | Reading Achievement

Education | Academic achievement/school performance

Crime & Delinquency | Multiple crime/offense types

Drugs & Substance Abuse | Multiple substances

Education | Attendance/truancy


Date Created: July 17, 2024
Practice Snapshot

Age: 5 - 19

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other

Setting (Delivery): School, Other Community Setting

Practice Type: Academic Skills Enhancement, Afterschool/Recreation, Leadership and Youth Development, Truancy Prevention

Unit of Analysis: Persons