Knowing what to do starts with knowing what works, and what hasn't. CrimeSolutions helps practitioners and policymakers understand what programs & practices work, are promising, or haven't worked yet.
On this page you can find programs and practices related to Schools. Select "Search Filters" to narrow down the list by rating, extent of evidence, and many other aspects of the programs or practices. Skip to Practices
CrimeSolutions’ ratings are assigned from standardized reviews of rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. While we encourage you to learn more about this process, you don’t need to in order to benefit from it. Our clear ratings and profiles can help you determine if a program or category of program is worth pursuing.
Icon | Rating | Program Rating Description | Practice Rating Description |
Effective | Implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Promising | Implementing the program may result in the intended outcome(s) | On average, there is some evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Ineffective | Implementing the program is unlikely to result in the intended outcome(s) and may result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will not achieve the intended outcome or may result in a negative outcome. |
Showing Results For:
Topic: schoolsTitle | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | RCT | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Plus Mindfulness Meditation for Adolescent Alcohol Consumption (Australia) |
Schools, Alcohol, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs, Promising Evidence Rating | This program uses psycho–social and present-moment awareness techniques to target adolescents’ alcohol-related cognitions and prevent their alcohol use. The program is rated Promising. Adolescents who received the intervention had reduced growth of alcohol consumption, compared with adolescents in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in both negative and positive alcohol expectancies and drinking refusal self-efficacy. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Young Adult Family Check-Up (YA-FCU) |
Schools, Juvenile health, Mental health, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Drugs, Substance abuse | The program focuses on the relationship between young adults and their parents to prevent substance misuse and other high-risk behaviors and enhance protective factors such as improving communication and strengthening familial relationships, encouraging healthy peer and romantic relationships, and promoting self-efficacy. The program is rated Ineffective. It made no statistically significant impact on reducing the risk level for a problematic transition into young adulthood. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: School-Based Law Enforcement Framework (Texas) |
School safety, Training, School climate, Schools, Juvenile delinquency, Crime prevention, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victimization, Victims of crime, School climate | This is a framework of recommended practices for integrating police into the educational environment to enhance a safe school climate. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences in treatment and control school students’ delinquency, victimization, exclusionary discipline, relationships with adults, perceptions of police, nor school bonding, connectedness, and safety. Treatment school students had statistically significant increases in rule clarity. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Mindfulness in Schools Project’s “.b” Curriculum |
Mental health, Youth development, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a school-based program that works to improve emotional awareness and regulation in adolescents to improve their mental health outcomes. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between students who received the intervention and students in the control group who did not receive the intervention in measures of resilience, anxiety, depression, socioemotional functioning, well-being, drug use, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and mindfulness. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: iMentor’s College Ready Program |
Mental health, Youth development, Jobs and workforce development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency prevention, Juvenile delinquency | This mentoring program for urban high school students is designed to improve college readiness. The program is rated Ineffective. Compared with comparison students, treatment students were more likely to graduate and reported higher self-advocacy and critical thinking. These differences were statistically significant. There were no statistically significant differences in attending college, taking AP courses, task persistence, sitting in on college courses, seeking help, or growth mindset. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Web-Based Sexual Assault Risk Reduction (SARR) for College Women |
Situational crime prevention, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Victimization, Campus, Campus Crime, Schools, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs | This was a program for college women who engaged in heavy episodic drinking to provide feedback on their risk perception and resistance to reduce sexual assault. The program is rated Ineffective. Program participants did not statistically significantly differ from those in the control group on measures of incapacitated attempted/completed rape frequency, alcohol-related sexual assault incidents/severity, or use of sexual assault protective behavioral strategies at the 3-month follow-up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Eye to Eye |
Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Mental health, Juvenile delinquency | This is a group-mentoring afterschool program in which elementary and middle school students with the diagnosis of a learning disability (LD) or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) meet with high school or college student mentors who also have LD/ADHD, to discuss and address their strengths and challenges. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to be associated with statistically significant decreases in depression and increases in self-esteem over the program period. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Cooperative Learning |
Schools, Underage drinking, School safety, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Drugs | This is a group-based learning approach that seeks to enhance peer relations by increasing opportunities for positive social integration between adolescents. The program is rated Promising. Students in intervention schools reported they were less willing to use alcohol, had fewer deviant peer affiliations, lower perceived student stress and emotional problems, and had higher academic engagement, compared with students in control schools. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Prev@cib Program (Spain) |
Bullying, School safety, Computers, Campus Crime, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Victimization, Victims of crime | This is an anti-bullying program for adolescents in Spain, which is designed to decrease bullying and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization both in the classroom and virtual environments. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant decrease in bullying and victimization and cyberbullying and cybervictimization for the treatment group, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Bottom Line |
Youth development, Schools, Mentoring, Young adults (18-24) | This is a college counseling program that promotes 4-year college enrollment and completion for low-income, first-generation students. The program is rated Promising. Participants in each of two cohorts had a statistically significant greater likelihood of enrolling in a 4-year college or any college, compared with the control group. In one cohort, participants were also enrolled in more total semesters and more likely to be continuously enrolled in college, compared with control students. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Citizen Schools Extended Learning Time Model |
Youth development, Afterschool, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Mentoring | This is an afterschool program that prepares middle school students for academic and social success. The program is rated No Effects. Participants showed statistically significant higher rates of attendance and a greater likelihood of being on track to graduate and passing 12th grade English/language arts (ELA) than nonparticipants. Groups did not differ in ELA or math test scores, 12th grade suspensions, passing ELA and math comprehensive tests, or on-time promotion to 12th grade. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Olweus Bullying Prevention Program |
Bullying, School safety, School climate, School violence, Juvenile (under 18), Schools, Child health and welfare, Victimization, Victims of crime | This is a schoolwide, multicomponent intervention to reduce and prevent aggression and bullying among students. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant intervention effect on teachers’ ratings of students’ physical, verbal, and relational aggression and victimization. However, there was no statistically significant intervention effect on students’ self-reports of physical and relational aggression and victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Situational Theft Prevention on a University Campus |
Larceny/theft, Situational crime prevention, Campus, Campus Crime, Schools | This program used a randomized experimental design to test the effects of a situational theft prevention strategy to reduce the theft of property (i.e., dry erase markers labeled with an anti-theft message) from classrooms at a university in Louisiana. The program is rated Promising. Treatment classrooms with labeled markers had a statistically significant lower likelihood of having the markers removed, compared with control classrooms that received markers without the message. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Project Arrive |
Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This is a school-based group mentoring program that seeks to improve academic performance and promote resilience against criminal involvement for ninth graders at risk of dropping out. The program is rated No Effects. While there were statistically significant increases in problem solving and prosocial peers for the intervention group, there were no statistically significant differences between intervention and comparison students in juvenile offenses, empathy, and perceptions of home support. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Enough! Preventing Child Sexual Abuse in My School |
School safety, Schools, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an interactive, one-hour, online training course that educates school personnel on identifying, reporting, and preventing child sexual abuse (CSA). This program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant increase in knowledge about CSA for teachers who participated in the training, compared with teachers who did not participate. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Alcohol Literacy Challenge |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Young adults (18-24), Campus, Schools, Child health and welfare, Drugs | This program consists of a single-session, group-delivered intervention for high school and college students, which is designed to alter alcohol expectancies and lower alcohol use. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to have a statistically significant effect on modifying alcohol expectancy processes and reducing alcohol consumption in college students; however, there was no statistically significant impact on high school students. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Behavioral, Emotional, and Social Training: Competent Learners Achieving School Success (BEST in CLASS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Youth development, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | A classroom-based intervention, delivered by teachers, designed to prevent emotional and behavioral disorders in high-risk children. The program is rated Effective. Intervention group children showed statistically significant improvement in behaviors, social and behavioral competence, and student-teacher relationships, compared with control group children. Intervention group teachers showed statistically significant improvements in instructional practices, compared with control group teachers. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Master Mind |
Schools, Alcohol, Juvenile health, Mental health, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This was a mindfulness education and substance abuse prevention program for fourth- and fifth-grade students, which was designed to build self-regulatory skills and reduce intentions to use alcohol or tobacco. This program was rated Promising. There were statistically significant increases in measures of executive functioning, social problems, and aggression. There were no statistically significant effects on attention problems and intentions to use substances. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: School-Based Guided Self-Change |
Schools, Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Treatment, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Alcohol, Drugs, Legal substances | This brief, cognitive behavioral, motivational intervention was designed to address alcohol and other drug use as well as aggressive behaviors among English- and Spanish-speaking adolescents who were already involved in drugs and aggressive behavior. This program is rated Ineffective The study found no statistically significant differences in measures of substance use and aggressive behaviors between adolescents in the treatment group, compared with adolescents receiving standard care. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Check & Connect Plus Truancy Board (C&C+TB) |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Child health and welfare | This is a school-based program that integrates a case-management framework for providing social support to truant youth. The goals of the program are to improve school attendance and renew progress toward graduation. This program is rated Promising. Students in the intervention group were more likely to have graduated and less likely to have dropped out than students in the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Students Experiencing Stress-Prosocial (ERASE-Stress–Prosocial) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It combines the original ERASE-Stress program with six additional modules focused on topics related to prosocial orientation, and aims to reduce PTSD, enhance resiliency, and develop prosocial skills. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significant reduce PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Student Experiencing Stress (ERASE-Stress) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Schools | This intervention is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing violence of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The program aims to reduce participants’ posttraumatic stress symptoms. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to be statistically significant in reducing PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: The Incredible Years-Teacher Classroom Management Program |
School safety, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Schools, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a preschool-based program designed to strengthen teachers’ classroom-management strategies and develop children’s social and problem-solving skills. The program is rated Promising. Across multiple measures, there was a statistically significant reduction in conduct problems and increase in prosocial behavior among participating children, compared with non-participating children. However, some measures showed no statistically significant effect of the program. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: SAM (Solution, Action, Mentorship) Program for Adolescent Girls |
Girls, Schools, Substance abuse, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This is a school-based, substance-use-prevention program for adolescent girls, which uses solution-focused brief therapy and community and peer mentorship. The program is rated Promising. Program participation was shown to have a statistically significant effect on lowering drug use, improving social competence, increasing knowledge surrounding drug use, and increasing negative attitudes toward drug use. The program had no statistically significant effect on grade point average or self-esteem. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Ability School Engagement Program (Australia) |
Truancy, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a police–school partnership intervention that seeks to reduce antisocial and truant behaviors among youth and increase their willingness to attend school. This program is rated Promising. The results show a statistically significant positive effect on truancy for program participants. Students who participate in the program are less likely to miss school and more likely to report being willing to attend school, compared with students who do not participate. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Check & Connect |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Child health and welfare, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Juvenile delinquency | This is a school-based, structured mentoring program designed to reduce school absences and promote student engagement. This program is rated No Effects. One study found students in the program had statistically significant fewer days absent and more days in school. However, program students also had statistically significant lower math scores. There were no other statistically significant differences in outcomes. A second study also found no statistically significant differences Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Second Step for Elementary School (2011 Edition) |
Bullying, School safety, Youth development, Positive youth development, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a school-based, social–emotional learning program for elementary school students. Teachers incorporate 25-40-minute lessons within the usual classroom curriculum. The program is rated Ineffective. The treatment group displayed a statistically significant reduction in hyperactivity; however, there were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and control groups on measures of conduct problems, peer problems, social–emotional competence, or disruptive behaviors. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Second Step: Student Success Through Prevention Middle School Program (2008 Edition) |
Bullying, School safety, Youth development, Positive youth development, School climate, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victimization, Victims of crime | This is a universal, school-based social-emotional learning program aimed at reducing violence and encouraging academic success among middle school students. The program is rated Ineffective. While the program had a statistically significant impact on reducing physical aggression, there was no statistically significant impact on sexual-violence victimization and perpetration, peer victimization, bullying victimization and perpetration, cyberbullying, or homophobic name calling. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: MindUp |
School safety, School climate, Schools | This is a classroom-based intervention that facilitates the development of social–emotional competence among students through “mindful attention” training. The program is rated Promising. Participants showed statistically significant increases in social–emotional competence, empathy, and perspective-taking; and decreases in aggressive and oppositional behaviors, fight starting, and rule breaking, compared with nonparticipants. However, there was no impact on measures of kindness. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Challenging Horizons Program - After-School Version (CHP-After School) |
Mental health, Afterschool, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Juvenile delinquency | This is an after-school intervention designed to help students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develop, practice, and generalize academic and social skills by using volunteer mentors to deliver skills training to students. This program is rated as Ineffective. Academic functioning and parent/teacher ratings of student behavior reflecting ADHD symptoms did not differ statistically significantly between youths in the intervention group and those in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Challenging Horizons Program - Mentoring Version (CHP-Mentoring) |
Mental health, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This is a school-based intervention designed to help students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develop, practice, and generalize academic and social skills by using volunteer mentors to deliver skills training to students. This program is rated as Ineffective. Academic functioning and parent/teacher ratings of student behavior reflecting ADHD symptoms did not differ statistically significantly for youths in the intervention group, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST) Program |
Schools, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This in-school smoking prevention program was designed to spread and sustain norms of non-smoking behavior among 12–13 year olds, using influential peer opinion leaders. The program is rated Ineffective. Youths who received the intervention did not differ statistically significantly from youths who did not receive the intervention in their odds of smoking in the last week, at 2 years post-intervention. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: The Urban Debate League for High School Students |
Dropout/expulsion, Youth development, Afterschool, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a competitive, social-policy debate program to advance academic achievement, community contributions, and life success of students in grades 9 to 12 in urban school districts. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to have a statistically significant, positive effect on high school graduation and college readiness, as indicated by ACT scores. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: PROmoting School-Community-University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience (PROSPER) |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Positive youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Methamphetamine, Illegal substances, Drugs | This is a community-based program that was designed to address substance abuse and antisocial behavior. The program is rated Promising. Students in the schools that implemented the PROSPER model had statistically significant fewer conduct problems and lower lifetime illicit substance use, compared with students in control schools. However, there were no statistically significant impacts on driving after drinking alcohol or frequency of drunkenness. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family-School Partnership Intervention to Reduce Risk of Substance Use |
Schools, Substance abuse, Youth development, Positive youth development, School climate, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Alcohol, Legal substances | The program was a universal, preventive intervention for first-grade students, designed to reduce the risk for substance use by improving teachers’ and parents’ communication and behavior-management skills. The program is rated Promising. Approximately 6 to 7 years after the program, participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of having initiated tobacco use, compared with nonparticipants. The program had no impact on alcohol, marijuana, inhalant, or other drug use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Classroom-Centered Intervention to Reduce Risk of Substance Use |
Schools, Substance abuse, Youth development, Positive youth development, School climate, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Alcohol, Legal substances | This program was a preventive intervention for first-grade students, which was designed to reduce substance use risk by improving teachers’ behavior-management skills and enhancing classroom curricula. The program is rated Promising. Overall, results were mixed. The treatment group showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of self-reporting initiation of tobacco use and other drugs, compared with the control group. The program had no statistically significant impact on alcohol, mariju Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: The Women's Program |
Girls, Alcohol-Related Offenses, Stalking, Assault, Underage drinking, Campus Crime, Coping, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Schools, Crisis response | This is a sexual assault risk-reduction program that is designed to teach college women bystanders about sexual assault, characteristics of men who perpetrate the crime, and how to intervene. The program is rated Promising. Experimental group participants demonstrated statistically significant increases in their ability and willingness to intervene, compared with control group participants. However, there was no statistically significant impact on rape myth acceptance. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Cross-Age Peer Mentoring Program |
Afterschool, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Juvenile delinquency | The program is a school-based peer mentoring program in which high school students provide one-on-one mentoring to late elementary and early middle school students. This program is rated Promising. The mentored children showed statistically significant improvement on measures of spelling achievement and connectedness to school and to parents compared with the control group. However, mentored and control group children did not significantly differ on connectedness to reading, future, or friends. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: The RULER Approach |
School safety, Youth development, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This program is a multiyear classroom curriculum for kindergarten through eighth grade incorporating professional development for teachers, school staff, and leaders with literacy-based, skill-building, social–emotional learning programs. This program is rated Promising. The program had statistically significant effects on emotional support, positive classroom climate, and emotion-focused interactions. However, there were no effects on negative classroom climate and classroom supportiveness. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Social Aggression Prevention Program (SAPP) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Youth development, Positive youth development, School climate, Bullying, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a school-based, small-group program designed to prevent social aggression and increase empathy, prosocial behavior, and social problem–solving skills among fifth-grade females. The program is rated Ineffective. Through treatment group, students demonstrated some statistically significantly improved social problem–solving skills, compared with control group students. There was no effect on prosocial behavior or social aggression. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Kids in Transition to School (KITS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Case Management, Foster care/child welfare system, Youth development, Home visiting, Positive youth development, School climate | This is a short-term intervention program designed to assess children in transition to kindergarten. The goal of the program is to increase school-readiness and to develop early literacy and social and self-regulation skills. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group displayed statistically significantly lower levels of oppositional and aggressive behavior as well as statistically significantly higher levels of self-regulation. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Tri-Ministry Study |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Youth development, Positive youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Schools, Child health and welfare | This is a school-based trial that incorporated three programs: a Classwide Social Skills Program, a Connections Partner Reading Program, and a combination of both programs. The program is rated Ineffective. There were statistically significant improvements on teacher- and parent-rated measures of externalizing problems. But there were no statistically significant effects on inappropriate classroom behavior and teacher- and parent-rated social skills. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: CHOICE |
Schools, Alcohol, Underage drinking, School safety, Afterschool, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a voluntary afterschool program for middle school aged youths to inform them about substance use and prevent them from starting or continuing alcohol use. The program is rated Ineffective. The program was shown to have a statistically significant effect on delaying the initiation of alcohol use, but not on other measures of past or future alcohol use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Stop School Bullying (Greece) |
Bullying, Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Youth development, Positive youth development, Schools, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a preventative, school-based program for students in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades (ages 9–12) that sought to reduce rates of bullying and victimization within elementary schools. The program is rated Effective. Evaluation results suggest that the program statistically significantly reduced bullying and victimization rates at schools that implemented the program compared with a control group of schools that did not. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Ending Violence |
Dating violence, School safety, Coping, School climate, Victimization, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a school-based education program designed to teach students the warning signs of dating violence. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant impacts on perceptions of helpfulness in others, likelihood of seeking help, perpetration, victimization, and abusive or fearful dating experiences. However, there was a statistically significant increase in knowledge of dating violence in treatment group students. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Bully-Proofing Your School |
Bullying, School safety, Positive youth development, Schools, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a school-based intervention program focused on reducing instances of bullying and victimization, while increasing the safety of students in grades 3–5. The program is rated Promising. In all outcomes, the treatment schools showed statistically significant reductions in bullying, victimization, and witnessed aggression, as well as statistically significant increases in perceptions of safety at school. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Neighborhood Enrichment with Vision Involving Services, Treatment, and Supervision (NEW VISTAS) |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Drug testing, Probation, Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Intake/assessment, Community policing, Case Management, Youth development, Treatment, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Juvenile detention, Drugs, Substance abuse | This program consisted of a comprehensive, neighborhood-based, family-focused service delivery model that employed wraparound services and case management for justice-involved families with identified substance abuse problems. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth had a statistically significant decrease in noninstitutional and institutional out-of-home placements, compared with comparison group youth. However, there was no statistically significant difference in recidivism. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: It's Your Game... Keep It Real |
School safety, Dating violence, Victimization, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Intimate partner violence, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Victims of crime | A health education program for 7th and 8th graders designed to delay sexual behavior and promote healthy dating relationships. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significantly reduce emotional and physical dating violence victimization. However, the program did not have a statistically significant effect on physical perpetration of dating violence. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Brief Instrumental School-Based Mentoring Program |
Youth development, Positive youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This is a school-based program designed for at-risk middle school students that aims to improve academic performance, promote school connectedness, and decrease disciplinary actions. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant impact on students’ English, reading, or science grades; measures of school connectedness; or school absences. However, treatment group students had statistically significantly fewer discipline referrals compared with control group students. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: School-Based Mentoring Program for At-Risk Middle School Youth |
Truancy, Youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This program offered one-to-one mentoring to at-risk students in 7th to 9th grades in an urban middle school setting to reduce their discipline referrals and school absences and to improve their school connectedness. This program is rated Promising. The program was associated with a statistically significant decline in the number of office disciplinary referrals and a statistically significant increase in school connectedness. However, the program had no impact on unexcused absences. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: SCARE Program |
Positive youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a school-based program on anger and aggression management for children and adolescents, especially those at risk for academic and behavioral problems. The program is designed to teach youth about emotions and help them recognize alternatives to violent behavior and aggressive responses. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and comparison groups in anger control, state anger, or trait anger, at the 8-week follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: All Stars™ |
Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is an interactive, school-based, character education and problem behavior prevention program designed to prevent high-risk behaviors in adolescents by having instructors provide them with models of good behavior. It is implemented in whole classroom, small group, and one-on-one sessions. This program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences found between treatment and control groups in substance use, sexual activity, or violence. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Reconnecting Youth |
Schools, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Truancy, Suicide, Youth development, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention, Child health and welfare, Alcohol, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a school-based prevention program designed for high-risk students. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between experimental group youth and control group youth in engagement in delinquency, alcohol use, smoking, GPA, anger, and school connectedness. There were also statistically significant negative program effects for experimental group youth in conventional peer bonding and peer high-risk behavior. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project EX |
Schools, Juvenile health, Substance abuse, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a school-based tobacco cessation program for high school students, which incorporates motivational activities to discourage smoking. The program is rated Promising. Participants in the treatment groups had a statistically significant lower likelihood of reporting tobacco use in the past 30-days, compared with participants in the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Michigan Model for Health |
Schools, Alcohol, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a health education curriculum that targets K–12 students and includes age-appropriate lessons that focus on the most serious health challenges facing school-aged children. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant impact on aggressive behavior, social and emotional health, interpersonal and drug refusal skills, and past-30-day alcohol and cigarette use. However, there was no statistically significant effect on prosocial behavior. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Adults and Children Together (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Bullying, Schools, School safety, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an antiviolence program designed to prevent child maltreatment by providing education, resources, and support to parents to improve their parenting skills. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents reported a statistically significant reduction in using harsh discipline strategies and increase in appropriate developmental expectations, compared with control group parents at the 3-month follow up. However, there was no statistically significant difference in nurturing. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: STEP (School Transitional Environment Program) |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, School climate, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a school-based program designed to improve the ease of students’ transition from elementary to middle or junior high school and address problem behavior. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group students demonstrated a statistically significant lower level of school transition stress, behavior problems, and psychological distress, and higher grade point averages, academic expectations, and improved classroom behaviors, compared with control group students. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: First Step to Success |
Mental health, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is an early intervention program designed to identify kindergarten children with antisocial behavior and introduce adaptive behavioral strategies to help prevent further antisocial behavior in school. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group students demonstrated statistically significant positive improvements in adaptive behavior, aggression, problem behaviors, and academic engagement, compared with control group students. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Alcohol Misuse Prevention Study (AMPS) |
Schools, Alcohol, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Substance abuse, Drugs | This is an alcohol misuse prevention curriculum for 10- to 18-year-olds that emphasized resistance training, knowledge of the immediate effects of alcohol use, identification of the risks of alcohol misuse, and recognition of social pressures that lead to alcohol misuse. The program is rated Ineffectuve. There were no statistically significant effects found on alcohol use, alcohol misuse, serious offenses, or refusal skills. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Preventive Treatment Program |
Home visiting, School climate, Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile courts, Courts | This is a prevention program for disruptive kindergarten boys and their parents, designed to reduce short- and long-term antisocial behavior. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group boys had a statistically significant greater likelihood of graduating from high school and having lower rates of property violence, compared with comparison group boys, at the 19-year follow up. However, there were no statistically significant differences between groups in rates of personal violence. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Positive Youth Development Program (Connecticut) |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, School safety, Positive youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Drugs | This is a school-based program designed to teach students to cope with daily challenges. The program is rated Promising. Students who participated in this program showed a statistically significant improvement in number of coping skills, and in impulse control, peer popularity, and conflict resolution, compared with students who did not participate. However, there were no statistically significant differences in substance or alcohol use or in assertiveness with adults. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Positive Family Support (PFS) |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Case Management, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a family-centered intervention, which addresses family dynamics to prevent substance use and problem behaviors in adolescents. The program is rated Effective. Students in the treatment group were found to report less substance use, including alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana; and demonstrate less antisocial behavior, compared with students in the control group. These differences were all statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Consistency Management & Cooperative Discipline® (CMCD®) |
School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a classroom and school reform model that emphasizes shared responsibility for learning and classroom organization between teachers and students. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group demonstrated statistically significantly greater improvement in reading and mathematics achievement on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills reading subtest from pretest to posttest at the end of the second year of intervention. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Child-Parent Center Program (Chicago, Ill.) |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Youth development, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a school- and family-based early intervention program that provides comprehensive educational and family support services to economically disadvantaged children. The program is rated Promising. The treatment group showed statistically significant declines in substance use, incarceration rates, and felony arrest rates at age 24, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no statistically significant effects on conviction rates or depressive symptoms. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Spit Tobacco Intervention for Athletes |
Schools, Substance abuse, Treatment, Afterschool, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a program for athletes on the danger of addiction and long-term use of spit tobacco. The program is rated Promising. Two studies showed mixed findings. One found no statistically significant effect on spit tobacco initiation; the second found athletes in the intervention were less likely than control group athletes to begin use. One study found a statistically significant higher cessation rate for the intervention group; the other found no statistically significant effect on cessation. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: I Can Problem Solve (ICPS) |
School safety, Youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Drugs | This is a universal school-based prevention program that trains children by offering them a variety of solutions to problems. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group students demonstrated statistically significant improvements on measures of problem solving, understanding consequences, and self-regulation, compared with the improvements made by control group students. However, there was no statistically significant effect on social competence. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a school-based youth development program for adolescents ages 12–19 that aims to prevent school failure and suspension through curriculum-guided discussion and community service. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth had lower rates of course failure and school suspension, compared with comparison group youth. These were statistically significant differences. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Boys and Girls Club - Project Learn |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Youth development, Afterschool, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is an out-of-school program designed to improve educational performance in adolescents. This program is rated Promising. The program showed a statistically significant positive effect on participants’ attainment of higher grades in math, reading, spelling, history, science, and social studies, and a higher attendance rate, compared with students who did not participate. However, there was no statistically significant difference between groups in English, writing, and geography grades. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence (SFA) |
Schools, Cocaine, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, School climate, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Illegal substances, Legal substances | This is a school-based life skills training curriculum for middle-school students aimed at reducing drug and alcohol use. The program is rated Ineffective. There were statistically significant effects on past-30-day marijuana use and on marijuana- and alcohol-refusal skills for treatment group students, compared with control group students, but no statistically significant impacts on past-30-day alcohol, cigarette, or other illicit substances use and in cigarette- and cocaine-refusal skills. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Active Parenting of Teens: Families in Action |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Afterschool, Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a family-based alcohol prevention program for families with middle school-aged children. The program is rated Promising. Students in the program reported fewer family fights; higher family cohesion, and school attachment; and more negative views on underage alcohol consumption, compared with control group students. Parents in the program reported greater opposition to underage alcohol consumption, compared with control group parents. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Athletes Targeting Healthy Exercise & Nutrition Alternatives (ATHENA) |
Girls, Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Legal substances, Drugs | This is a team-centered, health promotion program for female high school athletes. The program is rated Promising. Athletes who participated in the program had a statistically significant higher likelihood of reporting improved nutritional behaviors and decrease in lifetime alcohol and marijuana use, compared with control group athletes. However, findings regarding the use of diet pills were mixed, and there was no statistically significant impact on the use of athletic-enhancing substances. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Media Detective |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a media literacy and substance use prevention program intended for third- through fifth-grade students. The program is rated Promising. Intervention group students demonstrated less intention to use alcohol and tobacco in the future, better deconstruction skills, higher understanding of persuasive intent, and higher self-efficacy, compared with control group students. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Media Ready |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a media literacy and substance use prevention program for sixth- through eighth-grade students. The program is rated Promising. Intervention group students reported less intention to use tobacco in the future, compared with control group students, at the 2-week follow up (a statistically significant difference). However, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in intention to use alcohol in the future. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Midwestern Prevention Project (MPP) |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Juvenile health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances | This is a comprehensive program intended to promote an antidrug message throughout communities and prevent substance use among middle school students. The program is rated Effective. One study found that treatment group students had statistically significant lower past-month and past-week rates of cigarette use, compared with control group students. However, a second study found no statistically significant differences in smoking, alcohol, or marijuana use between groups. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Taking Charge of Your Life |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a school-based, universal substance abuse prevention program for middle school students. The program is rated Ineffective. Intervention students self-reported greater use of alcohol and cigarettes and more binge drinking, compared with control group students, at the 5-year follow up. These differences were statistically significant. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in marijuana use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Too Good for Violence |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, School safety, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a school-based violence prevention and character education program designed to improve student behavior and minimize aggression. The program is rated Promising. The program had statistically significant positive effects on risk and protective factors related to student violence for students in grade 3. There were also statistically significant positive effects on factors related to alcohol, tobacco, drug use, and violence for students in grades 9 through 12. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Coping Power Program |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, School safety, Juvenile delinquency, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a cognitive-based intervention for aggressive children and for their parents to increase the children’s competence, study skills, social skills, and self-control during the transition to middle school. The program is rated Promising. There were mixed results on self-reported delinquency, but treatment group children showed a statistically significant reduction in substance use and improvement in aggressive behavior, compared with control group children. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Mandatory-Random Student Drug Testing |
Schools, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Crime prevention, Opioids | This program is designed to deter students from substance use and to identify and refer those with substance use problems to counseling or treatment services. Students and their parents sign consent forms, agreeing to the students’ random drug testing as a condition of participation in athletics and other school-sponsored extracurricular activities. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant effects on overall substance use or intentions to use substances. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Shifting Boundaries (Classroom Curriculum and Schoolwide Intervention) |
Dating violence, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Schools, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Intimate partner violence, Victims of crime | This dual intervention aims to reduce peer violence and sexual harassment in middle schoolers by emphasizing consequences and increasing surveillance of unsafe areas. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group had statistically significant reductions in sexual victimization and in violence victimization and perpetration compared with those in the control group. There were no statistically significant effects on sexual harassment perpetration, or knowledge, attitudes, or intentions. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Care, Assess, Respond, Empower (CARE) |
Mental health, Dropout/expulsion, Suicide, Youth development, Child health and welfare, Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a brief school-based, suicide-prevention program that seeks to reduce suicide risks and co-occurring health-related behaviors (such as depression and drug use). The program is rated No Effects. Intervention youth reported statistically significant lower levels of depression, compared with usual-care comparison group youth, but there were no statistically significant effects on suicide-risk behaviors, drug-involvement behaviors, drug-use control problems, and adverse drug consequences. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Raising Healthy Children |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, School climate, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Legal substances, Drugs | This is a school-based intervention designed to promote positive youth development and reduce substance use. This program is rated Promising. Intervention students showed statistically significant improvements in teacher ratings of antisocial behavior and social competency and reported a statistically significant decline in frequency of alcohol and marijuana use, compared with control students. However, there were no differences in prevalence of alcohol, marijuana, or cigarette use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project Northland |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This was a school and community intervention that targeted children at an early age to prevent and reduce underage alcohol use. This program is rated Promising. The treatment group showed statistically significant reductions in alcohol use, binge drinking, and successful alcohol purchases by young-appearing buyers, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no statistically significant difference between groups in attitudes toward substance use. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT) |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, School safety, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a program designed to prevent the development of aggressive and antisocial behaviors in children in elementary school. The program is rated Effective. Youth who participated in the intervention demonstrated statistically significant reductions in physical aggression; in initiation of alcohol and tobacco; and in use over time of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs; compared with control youth. However, there were no significant differences between groups in initiation of illicit drugs. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: The Incredible Years–Child Training Program |
Mental health, School safety, Treatment, Youth development, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a program that aims to reduce behavior problems in children and increase their social and problem-solving skills. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group children demonstrated statistically significant improvements in conduct problems, social competence, and problem-solving skills, compared with control group children, at the posttest. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: LifeSkills® Training |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Youth development, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Legal substances | This is a classroom-based, drug abuse–prevention program for upper elementary and junior high school students. This program is rated Effective. Students who participated in the program reported a statistically significant decrease in prevalence of cigarette, alcohol, and polydrug use; and slower growth in initiation of substance use, compared with control students. However, there were no significant differences between groups on self-reported marijuana use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Schools, Alcohol, Underage drinking, Campus, Substance abuse, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a preventive intervention designed to help college students make better decisions about alcohol use. The program is rated Effective. The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in negative consequences of drinking (for example, accidents, violence or academic problems) and peak blood alcohol content. However, findings were mixed with regard to quantities consumed, and there was no statistically significant difference between groups in frequency of drinking. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project TND) |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Treatment, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Child health and welfare, Cocaine, Illegal substances, Legal substances, Drug treatment | This is a school-based program designed to prevent substance use. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant effects on marijuana use, cocaine use, or on prevalence of getting drunk, and mixed effects on tobacco use, alcohol use, and hard drug use. There was a statistically significant improvement for the treatment group in overall substance use and an index of all hard drug use. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project Toward No Tobacco Use (Project TNT) |
Schools, Substance abuse, Treatment | This is a comprehensive, classroom-based curriculum designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use in fifth- to ninth-grade students. This program is rated Promising. The intervention group had a statistically significant reduction in initial use and weekly use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco at the 1-year follow up, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Örebro Prevention Program |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Schools, Alcohol, Underage drinking, Treatment, Deinstitutionalization of status offenders, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile status offenders, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a prevention program designed to decrease adolescents’ underage drinking and delinquency by increasing parents’ restrictive and prohibitory attitudes toward these behaviors. The program is rated Promising. Adolescents whose parents participated in the program had a statistically significant lower likelihood of having been drunk in the past month, lower alcohol use overall, and lower delinquency levels, compared with adolescents whose parents did not participate in the program. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Harlem (NY) Children's Zone - Promise Academy Charter Middle School |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Truancy, Youth development, Afterschool, School climate, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a charter middle school that serves predominately low-income, minority students (grades 6–8) in Harlem who are usually 2 or 3 years behind grade level. The program is rated Effective. Students who were admitted to the school showed statistically significant improvements in English Language Arts scores, math scores, and attendance rates, compared with students who were not admitted. However, there were no significant differences between groups on matriculation. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: KiVa Antibullying Program |
Bullying, School safety, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Victimization, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime, Cyberbullying, Child health and welfare | This school-based program delivered to elementary school students to reduce bullying and victimization was designed for national use in the Finnish comprehensive schools. This program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions for self-reported bullying and victimization and peer-reported victimization for KiVa schools compared with control schools; however, there were no significant differences between treatment and comparison schools on peer-reported bullying. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: PeaceBuilders |
School safety, School climate, Juvenile (under 18) | This violence prevention program seeks to reduce negative child behavior for school-aged children. The program is rated No Effects. Overall, there were no differences on teacher and student reported aggression in students. The studies also found mixed statistically significant differences among age groups with students in grades 3-5 displaying less aggressive behavior, but also lower prosocial behavior. The evidence suggests the program did not have the intended effect on students. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Bringing in the Bystander for College Students |
Situational crime prevention, Trauma, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Victimization, Campus, Schools | This program seeks to increase prosocial attitudes and behaviors toward and awareness of risky behaviors and precursors to sexual victimization among potential bystanders and third-person witnesses. The program is rated Promising. Intervention participants showed statistically significant improvements in knowledge of sexual violence and bystander attitudes, behavior, efficacy, and likelihood of helping friends, and a reduction in rape-myth acceptance, compared with nonparticipants. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids (ATLAS) |
Schools, Alcohol, Prescription drugs, Substance abuse, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a multicomponent school-based drug and alcohol prevention program for male high school athletes. The program is rated Promising. The intervention was associated with statistically significant reductions in participants’ intent to use steroids, and statistically significant increases in their knowledge of the negative side effects of steroids and in their ability to refuse steroids and other drugs. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Weed and Seed (Miami, Fla.) |
Gang Crime, Assault, Gun violence, Homicide, Drug trafficking, Schools, Community policing, Problem-oriented policing, Situational crime prevention, Treatment, Law enforcement operations, Problem-oriented policing, Arrests, Violent crime, Policing strategies, Drugs, Drug treatment | This is a community-based approach to reducing and preventing crime while revitalizing the community. This program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences in rates of violent crime between the treatment and comparison areas following the crackdown. However, drug offenses increased significantly in the treatment areas, compared with the comparison areas. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Safe Dates |
Dating violence, Juvenile health, Sex offenders, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a prevention program for middle and high school students, which is designed to stop or prevent dating violence perpetration and victimization. This program is rated Effective. The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in psychological, physical, and sexual abuse perpetration, and physical abuse victimization, compared with the control group at the 4-year follow up; however, there were no significant differences between groups on sexual abuse victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) (1983-2009) |
Schools, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a school-based drug use prevention program, taught by police officers, which was designed for students in the sixth through 12th grades. The primary goal was to teach peer resistance and refusal skills so that adolescents can say “no” to drugs. The program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences between treatment and control group participants in drug use, attitudes toward drug use, or self-esteem. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Communities That Care |
Substance abuse, Underage drinking, School safety, Youth development, Juvenile delinquency, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Schools | This is a planning and implementation system that helps community stakeholders come together to address adolescent behavior problems such as violence, delinquency, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and dropping out of school. This program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant lower levels of risk factors and a lower likelihood of initiation of delinquent behavior for intervention communities, compared control communities, but mixed results in substance use initiation. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Immigrants, Minorities, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a cognitive-behavioral therapy group intervention designed to reduce children’s symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression caused by exposure to violence. The program is rated Effective. Intervention group participants showed statistically significant reductions in depressive and PTSD symptoms, compared with control group participants, at the 3-month follow up. However, there were no statistically significant impacts on classroom behavior problems. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial |
Title | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | ||||||||||||||||||||
Practice Profile: School-Based Cyberbullying Prevention Programs |
Bullying, School safety, Computers, School climate, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This practice aims to decrease cyberbullying perpetration and victimization and promote cyber-bystander behaviors among students in kindergarten through grade 12. This practice is rated Promising for reducing cyberbullying perpetration and victimization and is rated Promising for reducing bullying perpetration and victimization. This practice is rated Ineffective for promoting cyber-bystander behaviors. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: School-Based Interventions to Reduce Suspension and Arrest |
Truancy, Youth development, Afterschool, School climate, Juvenile delinquency | This practice includes universal and targeted school-based interventions that aim to reduce student arrests and suspensions by helping students develop prosocial behavioral skills or improving school environment by revising school discipline practices. This practice is rated No Effects for reducing student suspensions and rated No Effects for reducing arrest rates of students. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: School-Based Brief Interventions for Substance Use Among Youth |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Drugs | This practice consists of time-limited, low-dose therapeutic programs delivered in a school or educational setting that teach skills and encourage motivation to change or prevent substance use in youth participants. This practice is rated Effective for reducing alcohol use but was rated Ineffective for reducing marijuana use. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Interactive Programs for Preventing Marijuana Use in Middle School Students |
Schools, Marijuana, Substance abuse, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Drugs | This practice consists of skill-building and interaction-based activities integrated into school-based programs for grades 6–8 that are aimed at preventing marijuana use among adolescents ages 12–14. This practice is rated Effective for preventing marijuana use. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Selective School-Based Violence Prevention Programs |
Bullying, School safety, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This practice consists of programs designed to prevent or reduce aggressive or violent behavior in K–12 students who are considered at risk of or who have demonstrated such antisocial behaviors. The practice is rated Effective for reducing aggression in students who participated in school-based violence prevention programs, compared with students who did not participate. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Alcohol Interventions for College Students |
Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Treatment, Campus, Drugs | This practice consists of interventions designed to reduce alcohol consumption in college students. Interventions can be delivered face to face or virtually and target different drinking-related behaviors, such as heavy drinking and alcohol expectancies. The practice is rated Promising for reducing alcohol consumption and reducing positive alcohol expectancies of college students. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Expressive Writing Interventions for Adolescents |
Youth development, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Mental health | This is a brief psychosocial intervention, also called written emotional disclosure. Expressive writing interventions are individually focused and designed to improve emotional expression and processing during adaptation to stressful situations. The goal is to improve psychological and physical health. The practice is rated Effective for improving adolescents’ problem behaviors, internalizing behaviors, and school participation, and rated Ineffective for school performance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Targeted Brief Alcohol Interventions for Alcohol Use for Adolescents and Young Adults |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Schools, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Legal substances, Drugs | This practice seeks to reduce alcohol use or alcohol-related problems for adolescents and young adults via a short-term intervention (one to five sessions). The practice is rated Effective for reducing alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problem outcomes for adolescents and young adults. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Cyberbullying Prevention and Intervention Programs |
Bullying, School safety, School climate, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victimization | This practice comprises intervention and prevention programs that are designed to reduce or prevent negative online behaviors among school-aged children ages 9 to 19. Programs include individual-level, multi-level systemic, and universal or whole-school approaches. This practice is rated Effective for reducing cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: School-Based Interventions to Reduce Exclusion |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Youth development, Jobs and workforce development, Positive youth development, Afterschool, School climate, School safety, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | School exclusion (more commonly known as suspension and expulsion) is broadly defined as a disciplinary measure imposed in reaction to students’ misbehavior. This practice comprises school-based programs that seek to decrease the prevalence of exclusion and thereby reduce the detrimental effects that suspensions or expulsion from schools may have on students’ learning outcomes and future training or employment opportunities. This practice is rated Effective for reducing school exclusion. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Family-based Treatment for Adolescent Delinquency and Problem Behaviors |
Mental health, Substance abuse, Case Management, Treatment, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Young adults (18-24), Drugs, Drug treatment | In general family-based treatment practices consist of a wide range of interventions that are designed to change dysfunctional family patterns that contribute to the onset and maintenance of adolescent delinquency and other problem behaviors. This practice is rated Effective for reducing recidivism, and Promising for reducing antisocial behavior and substance use, and improving psychological functioning and school performance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Wilderness Challenge Programs |
Young juvenile offenders, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile delinquency, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice, Schools, Mental health | Wilderness challenge programs are designed to help non-delinquent or delinquent youth who have behavioral issues build self-esteem and interpersonal skills through physical activity and social interaction. The practice is rated Promising for reducing recidivism, improving interpersonal skills, increasing self-esteem, and improving school adjustment. The practice is rated Ineffective for encouraging participants’ beliefs in their ability to control the events that affect them. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Sports Participation and Juvenile Delinquency |
Recreation, Afterschool, Crime prevention, Schools, Child health and welfare | This practice includes activities that involve physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others. Sports participation may include team and individual sports; contact and noncontact sports; and activities that take place in and out of school. Sports participation has also been posited to have an impact on juvenile delinquency. This practice is rated No Effects. Participating in sports had no statistically significant effect on juvenile delinquency. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: After-School Programs |
Truancy, Afterschool, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Juvenile delinquency, Crime prevention, School safety, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Mental health, Juvenile delinquency, Mentoring, Drugs | After-school programs generally take place during after school hours and are designed decrease the amount of time youth are unsupervised. Examples of such programs may include recreation-based activities, mentoring, and tutoring services. The practice is rated Promising for child self-perceptions, school bonding, school grades, positive social behaviors, problem behaviors, readings scores, and mathematics scores and Ineffective for delinquency, drug use, and school attendance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Sexual Assault Education Programs on College Campuses |
Campus Crime, Crime prevention, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Schools, Victims of crime | This practice comprises programs that are designed to reduce the prevalence of sexual assaults on college campuses by reducing the rape-supportive ideology for those who may potentially perpetrate a crime, while increasing potential victims’ knowledge and awareness of risky situations, and thereby their safety. The practice is rated Effective for reducing rape attitudes (such as acceptance of rape myths and victim blaming) and rape-related attitudes (such as sex-role stereotyping and adversarial Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Bystander Education Programs for Sexual Assault Prevention on High School and College Campuses |
Crime prevention, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18), Campus Crime, Schools, Victims of crime | This practice comprises programs designed to decrease the prevalence of sexual assault among adolescents and college students by educating would-be bystanders (i.e., witnesses) about sexual assault, and promoting the willingness to intervene in risky situations. The practice is rated Effective for reducing rape myth acceptance, increasing bystander efficacy, and increasing intent to help. It is rated Promising for increasing bystander helping behavior and decreasing rape supportive attitudes. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Universal School-Based Prevention and Intervention Programs for Aggressive and Disruptive Behavior |
School safety, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | Universal school-based prevention and intervention programs for aggressive and disruptive behavior target elementary, middle, and high school students in a universal setting, rather than focusing on only a selective group of students, with the intention of preventing or reducing violent, aggressive, or disruptive behaviors. The practice is rated Effective in reducing violent, aggressive, and/or disruptive behaviors in students. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Dropout Prevention Programs |
Dropout/expulsion, School safety, Truancy, Afterschool, Alternative schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Mentoring | School- or community-based programs targeting frequently absent students or students at risk of dropping out of school. These programs are aimed at increasing school engagement, school attachment, and the academic performance of students, with the main objective of increasing graduation rates. The practice is rated Effective for reducing rates of school dropouts, and rated Promising for improving test scores/grades, graduation rates, and attendance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Universal School-Based Social Information Processing Interventions for Aggression |
Dropout/expulsion, School safety, School climate, Schools, School safety, Juvenile (under 18) | School-based violence prevention interventions that target social information-processing difficulties in students, aiming to reduce the aggressive and disruptive behavior of school-aged children. The practice is rated Promising for reducing aggressive behavior in school-aged children. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs |
Rape and sexual assault, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Crime prevention | This practice comprises school-based programs that are designed to reduce the occurrence of sexual abuse in children and adolescents. The practice is rated Promising for increasing children’s prevention-related knowledge and Effective for increasing protective behaviors and disclosures of previous or current sexual abuse. The practice is rated No Effects for decreasing child self-reported anxiety or fear. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Bullying Prevention Programs |
Bullying, School safety, School climate, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Victimization, Mental health, Victims of crime | The practice includes programs designed to reduce bullying perpetration and victimization and to increase positive bystander behavior in bullying situations. The practice is rated Effective for reducing bullying perpetration (e.g., overall and physical), reducing bullying victimization (e.g., overall and relational), and increasing positive bystander behavior. The practice is rated Ineffective for increasing bystander empathy for bullying victims and reducing verbal bullying victimization. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Targeted Truancy Interventions |
Truancy, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Mentoring | These interventions are designed to increase attendance for elementary and secondary school students with chronic attendance problems. The practice is rated Effective for improving attendance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Mentoring for Youth Development |
Schools, Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Truancy, Youth development, Positive youth development, Afterschool, Juvenile delinquency, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Drugs | This practice provides youth with a positive and consistent adult or older youth relationship to promote healthy youth development and social functioning and to reduce risk factors. The practice is rated Effective in reducing delinquency and improving educational outcomes; Promising in improving psychological outcomes and cognitive functioning; and No Effects in reducing substance use. Date Posted: |