Case Management
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On this page you can find programs and practices related to Case Management. Select "Search Filters" to narrow down the list by rating, extent of evidence, and many other aspects of the programs or practices. Skip to Practices
CrimeSolutions’ ratings are assigned from standardized reviews of rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. While we encourage you to learn more about this process, you don’t need to in order to benefit from it. Our clear ratings and profiles can help you determine if a program or category of program is worth pursuing.
Icon | Rating | Program Rating Description | Practice Rating Description |
Effective | Implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Promising | Implementing the program may result in the intended outcome(s) | On average, there is some evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Ineffective | Implementing the program is unlikely to result in the intended outcome(s) and may result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will not achieve the intended outcome or may result in a negative outcome. |
Showing Results For:
Topic: case managementTitle | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | RCT | ||
Program Profile: Impact of the Wraparound Program for Dually Involved Youth (Florida) on Youth Arrests |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | The program is an intensive case management model for providing services to youths simultaneously involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, with the goal of reducing recidivism. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant difference in youth arrests between youths who participated in the Wraparound Program, compared with youths in the treatment-as-usual condition. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Denver (Colorado) Supportive Housing Social Impact Bond Initiative (Denver SIB) |
Corrections, Jails, Correctional facilities | This is a program for homeless individuals who are often in jail, to increase their housing stability and reduce their criminal justice involvement. The program is rated Effective. Individuals in the treatment group had statistically significant reductions in arrest, jail stays, days in jail, and shelter stays and visits, and statistically significant increases in mental health services, compared with the control group, but there was no statistically significant effect on substance use services. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Reentry Services of Clay County (Minnesota) |
Probation, Mental health, Substance abuse, Reentry, Case Management, Treatment, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Access to education, Corrections, Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice, Juvenile (under 18), Mentoring, Child health and welfare, Juvenile delinquency | This is a one-to-one mentoring program aimed at improving public safety by assisting youths who commit offenses with comprehensive reentry services following their release into the community. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant difference between program and comparison group youths in prevalence of reoffense. Program youths had statistically significantly fewer official juvenile justice contacts within 1 year of release, compared with comparison group youth Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Minnesota Intensive Supervised Release |
Sex offenders, Drug testing, Probation, Mental health, Prisons, Correctional facilities, Crime prevention | This is an intensive, supervised release program for individuals released from prison in Minnesota who are at high risk for reoffending. The primary goal of the program is to reduce recidivism of released individuals. The program is rated Promising. The program reduced the risk of general, felony, and violent reconvictions and any rearrests, but increased the risk of a technical violation revocation. All of these differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Oklahoma's Juvenile Second Chance Act Reentry Program (Tulsa, OK) |
Reentry, Case Management, Corrections, Juvenile recidivism prediction, Crime prevention, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile justice, Juvenile detention | This is a juvenile reentry program that offers services to youth returning to the community in Tulsa, Okla., after their out-of-home placements. The goal of the program is to reduce rates of recidivism for high-risk youth. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences in reconviction rates for treatment group youth who received the program’s services, compared with comparison group youth who did not receive services. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Detention Diversion Advocacy Program (DDAP) |
Juvenile courts, Diversion, Violent offenders, Corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Case processing, Juvenile detention | This is a program that aims to divert youths charged with serious offenses from detention, with an overall goal of reducing recidivism. The program is rated Promising. Comparison group participants were more likely than treatment group participants to recidivate and to recidivate for a felony charge. Comparison group participants had a higher average number than treatment group participants of referrals and felony referrals. All differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Early Intervention Diversion Program (EIDP) (Los Angeles, Calif.) |
Juvenile courts, Diversion, Treatment, Young juvenile offenders, Corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile justice | The program is an alternative to formal processing in the juvenile justice system. The overall goal is to reduce the number of youths entering the juvenile justice system, while also reducing recidivism. The program is rated Promising. Youths in the treatment group who participated in the diversion program had statistically significantly fewer rearrests, compared with youths in the comparison group who did not participate in the intervention. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Resilience, Opportunity, Safety, Education, Strength (ROSES) |
Girls, Juvenile courts, Diversion, Truancy, Trauma, Case Management, Treatment, Diversion, Juvenile justice, Child health and welfare | This is a community-based, trauma-informed, gender-responsive advocacy intervention for girls 11 to 17 years old who are at risk for or already involved in the juvenile justice system. The program is rated Promising. Intervention group girls were less likely to engage in physical fights and minor status offending behavior (i.e., missing fewer days of school), compared with control group girls. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Arkansas Community Corrections Texting Protocol |
Parole, Probation | This program sends text-message reminders to clients under community supervision to help reduce missed probation and parole appointments. The program is rated Promising. Clients who received reminders 1 day before the appointment and those who received two texts before the appointment were statistically significantly less likely to cancel or not attend appointments. There was no statistically significant effect for clients receiving text reminders 2 days before the appointment. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Gender-Specific Drug Treatment Court (Midwestern State) |
Probation, Drug courts, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This is a drug court program that provides treatment services to women on probation to reduce their risk of reoffending. The program gives preference to women who have higher need and risk profiles, are mothers, and have substance use problems. The program is rated Promising. Women in the treatment group were statistically significantly less likely to have a new conviction, compared with similar women on probation who did not participate in the program, at the 2-year follow-up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) (Massachusetts) |
Gang Crime, Assault, Gun violence, Homicide, Violent offenders, Jobs and workforce development, Crime prevention, Victimization, Victims of crime, Juvenile (under 18), Young adults (18-24), Gangs | This secondary violence prevention program targets young men most likely to commit or be victim of gang or gun crime to reduce their incarceration and victimization from violent crime. The program is rated Promising. SSYI youths were statistically significantly less likely to be incarcerated compared with comparison group youths. SSYI–funded cities had statistically significant reductions in all measured city-level crime victimization rates, compared with comparison cities. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Operation Regional Analytics for the Safety of Our Residents (RASOR) |
Problem-oriented policing, Drugs, Substance abuse | This was a modified focused deterrence program that targeted high-risk persons in Massachusetts. The program aimed to increase their risks of getting caught and convicted while providing them with regular meetings with a case management team and a variety of services such as substance abuse treatment. The program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment group and the control group in time-to-arraignment at the 1-year follow-up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Crossover Youth Practice Model |
Family courts, Juvenile courts, Diversion, Children exposed to violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This is a model that uses a conceptual plan and organizational framework to strengthen collaborations between child welfare and juvenile justice system professionals and partners to prevent or reduce youths’ involvement in the juvenile justice system or related systems of care. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth showed a statistically significant reduction in recidivism rates, compared with youth in the comparison groups. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: SafeCare© |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Child protection | This is a home-visitation program that aims to prevent and address factors associated with child abuse and neglect. The program is rated Promising. Parents in the SafeCare group demonstrated statistically significant decreases in depression symptoms and risk of child protective services recidivism, compared with parents in the control group. However, there were no statistically significant differences in the risk of child physical abuse among a sample of American Indian parents. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family Group Conferencing in Child Welfare (Netherlands) |
Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system | This program used a decision-making model to help families involved in the child welfare system to create a care plan. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences found in child safety, child maltreatment, length of welfare involvement, or imposed supervision orders. The treatment group reported a statistically significant higher level of perceived social support; however, the treatment group also had a higher percentage of out-of-home placements. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family Unification Program (Chicago, Ill.) |
Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Intimate partner violence | This program is designed to stabilize families at risk for parent-child separation by addressing housing needs. The program is rated Effective. There was a statistically significant positive effect on rate of placement in foster care for treatment group children, meaning treatment group children were placed in foster care at a slower rate, compared with control group children. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family Finding |
Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Juvenile (under 18) | This program is designed to find and engage kin and fictive kin to support the needs of foster care youth. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant greater number of kin and fictive kin found and positive attachment figures identified for the intervention group, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no significant difference in proportion of relative placements to total placements, reunification rates, or externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Arches Transformative Mentoring Program |
Diversion, Violent offenders, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Crime prevention, Juvenile delinquency, Child health and welfare | This is a group mentoring program that seeks to reduce recidivism of youth on probation in New York City, using an interactive journaling curriculum based on cognitive-behavioral principles. The program is rated Ineffective Program participants showed a statistically significant reduction in felony reconvictions, compared with comparison group youth at 24 months; however, there were no statistically significant differences on arrests, felony arrests, or reconvictions. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Massachusetts Child Trauma Project (MCTP) |
Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Gun violence | This program was designed to improve well-being and permanency outcomes for children with complex trauma in state care. The program is rated Ineffective. Overall, findings were mixed. There were statistically significant findings favoring the treatment group, including increased likelihood of adoption; however, there were also statistically significant findings favoring the control group. Overall, the preponderance of evidence suggests the program did not have the intended effects on children. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Operation Night Light (ONL) (Midwest) |
Gang Crime, Youth gangs, Probation, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Violent offenders, Home visiting, Case Management, Young juvenile offenders, Corrections, Community corrections, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice | This is a home-visiting program for youth on probation who are considered at high risk of recidivism. The program is rated Ineffective Compared with the treatment group, the control group was more likely to have completed probation, less likely to have probation revoked due to a technical violation, and committed fewer new crimes during probation; however, they recidivated sooner. There were no differences in the probation revocations due to severity of a new crime. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Pretrial GPS Supervision of Intimate Partner Violence Defendants (Western Region, United States) |
Violent crime, Crime prevention | This is a court-based, pretrial, GPS supervision intervention for defendants arrested for intimate partner violence offenses. The program is rated Ineffective. Program participants showed no statistically significant reductions in risk of rearrests, domestic rearrests, or failure to appear in court. However, the program did show statistically significant reductions in defendants’ risk of failure to appear at meetings with pretrial services. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Check & Connect Plus Truancy Board (C&C+TB) |
Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Child health and welfare | This is a school-based program that integrates a case-management framework for providing social support to truant youth. The goals of the program are to improve school attendance and renew progress toward graduation. This program is rated Promising. Students in the intervention group were more likely to have graduated and less likely to have dropped out than students in the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Milwaukee Safe Streets Prisoner Release Initiative (PRI) |
Mental health, Prisons, Reentry, Employment initiatives, Inmate assistance programs | This program combines enhanced employment opportunities and wraparound services for incarcerated persons before and after release from prison. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant reduction in likelihood of rearrests for program group participants, compared with the control group. There was also a lower rate of reimprisonment for program participants than nonparticipants; however, this difference was not statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Mentally Ill Offender Community Transition Program (Washington) |
Parole, Probation, Mental health, Prisons, Correctional facilities, Corrections, Reentry, Inmate programs, Recidivism, Crime prevention | The program is targeted at individuals whose mental illnesses are seen as instrumental in their offenses, and who are likely to qualify for and benefit from publicly supported treatment in the community. The overall goal is to reduce recidivism . The program is rated Effective. Participants in the program were less likely to be convicted of any new offense and convicted of felony offenses, compared with the matched comparison group. The difference was statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Returning Home - Ohio (RHO) Pilot Program |
Parole, Probation, Mental health, Community corrections, Prisons, Correctional facilities, Reentry, Crime prevention | This program linked incarcerated persons who had disabilities and were at risk for homelessness to supportive housing upon their release from prison. The goal was to reduce recidivism, homelessness, and multiple systems use. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significantly reduce the probability of rearrest (but not re-incarceration) and length of time from release to rearrest; however, treatment group participants were rearrested more frequently. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Skillman Intensive Aftercare Program (Pittsburgh and Detroit) |
Reentry, Case Management, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice, Juvenile (under 18) | This was an aftercare program in Pittsburgh (Penn.) and Detroit (Mich.) for juveniles transitioning out of a residential correctional program. The intent of the program was to decrease instances of reconviction and re-arrest among participating youths after their release into the community. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant effects on rates of reconviction and rearrest among program participants in either city. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Philadelphia (Penn.) Intensive Aftercare Probation Program |
Probation, Reentry, Violent offenders, Case Management, Corrections, Community corrections, Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice, Juvenile detention | This program was an intensive alternative reintegration program for high-risk male juveniles who were being released to probation from a juvenile corrections facility. The program is rated Promising. Results showed that while there were no differences between the treatment and comparison groups on the percent who had been re-arrested during the 9-month follow up, the treatment group had a statistically significantly lower number of re-arrests than the comparison group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Social Support Treatment with Drug Testing (Maryland) |
Drug testing, Parole, Cocaine, Heroin, Corrections, Community corrections, Reentry, Crime prevention, Substance abuse, Cocaine, Opioids | This program involves social support integrated with regular drug testing for recently paroled individuals who have a history of heroin and cocaine abuse. The program is rated Promising. Program participants had a statistically significant lower rate of reconviction, arrest, and incarceration, compared with the comparison group; however, there were no statistically significant effects on employment. Program participants also had a statistically significant higher positive drug-testing rate. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Employment Intervention for Drug-Involved Offenders (Kentucky) |
Drug courts, Problem-solving courts, Employment initiatives | This program for Kentucky drug court participants focuses on obtaining, maintaining, and upgrading employment. The intervention concentrates on job-skills and social-skills training. The program is rated Ineffective. There was a small, statistically significant improvement for program participants on multiple drug use in the past 30 days, but no statistically significant effects for days worked at a legitimate job, income from a legitimate job, property damage, and handling stolen goods. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Texas Intensive Supervision Parole (Houston and Dallas) |
Burglary, Larceny/theft, Assault, Homicide, Robbery, Drug testing, Parole, Drug possession, Community corrections, Prisons, Reentry | This program was designed to increase monitoring and control of persons on parole who demonstrated poor parole performance and were at high risk of returning to prison for a parole violation. This program is rated Ineffective There were no statistically significant differences in reconviction, rearrest, and employment rates between groups in both Houston and Dallas. In Houston, program participants were significantly more likely to have technical violations than those in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Brooklyn (NY) Mental Health Court |
Mental health courts, Diversion, Courts | This program seeks to divert adults with mental illness diagnoses who have committed misdemeanor and felony offenses away from the justice system and into treatment. The goals of the program are to ensure participants receive treatment for their mental disorders and do not have future contact with the justice system. The program is rated Promising. Participants had a statistically significant lower likelihood of being rearrested and reconvicted, compared with the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Wayne County (Michigan) Second Chance Reentry Program |
Mental health, Reentry, Case Management, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Corrections, Inmate programs, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Juvenile detention, Juvenile justice | This is a reentry program designed to reduce recidivism and increase reentry services for males, ages 13 to 18, who have committed offenses and are placed in a locked, residential treatment facility. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significantly decrease recidivism rates among youths who participated in the program, compared with youths who received services as usual. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (North Dakota) |
Parole, Corrections, Community corrections | This program provides enhanced reentry services to support persons on parole with successful transition back into the community. Services include chemical dependency treatment, psychiatric treatment, educational training, and assistance in finding housing. The program is rated Promising. The program was found to have a statistically significant, moderate effect on rearrest, but no statistically significant effect on revocation of parole. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Opportunity to Succeed (OPTS) |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Reentry, Corrections, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Intimate partner violence, Violent crime | This program was designed to reduce relapse and criminal recidivism by providing comprehensive aftercare services to individuals convicted of felonies, with alcohol- and drug-related histories. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant program effects on rearrests, substance abuse relapse, or employment. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: San Diego (Calif.) Prisoner Reentry Program |
Parole, Community corrections, Prisons, Corrections, Crime prevention, Recidivism | The program, established by Senate Bill 618, aimed to educate and rehabilitate incarcerated individuals who committed nonviolent felony offenses in an effort to reduce recidivism and revocations to prison. The program is rated Ineffective. There was a statistically significant impact on program participants’ rates of rearrest. However, there were no statistically significant differences on reconviction and return to prison rates between program participants and those who were not in the program. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Residential Aftercare Component of Quehanna (PA) Motivational Boot Camp Program |
Drug testing, Mental health, Corrections, Reentry, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Drugs | This program provides residential aftercare services for those with substance abuse issues who have completed the 6-month Quehanna (PA) Motivational Boot Camp Program. The program is rated Ineffective. An examination of the impact of both 30- and 90-day aftercare programs found no statistically significant effects of treatment of either dosage on recidivism. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Alameda County (Calif.) Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment Program |
Mental health, Jails, Correctional facilities, Corrections, Crime prevention | This is a post-custody, community-based intervention for individuals with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders. The program is rated Ineffective. While the program statistically significantly reduced the number of reconvictions and incarcerations, it did not impact the number of arrests, days in jail, felony convictions, or percent of reconvictions. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Connections Program (San Diego, Calif.) |
Mental health, Jails, Corrections, Reentry | This program used coordinated service teams to support mentally ill individuals leaving prison in transitioning back into the community. The program is rated Ineffective. Program participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of returning to jail during the program treatment period. However, there were no statistically significant effects on reconvictions during the program treatment period or return to jail at the 6-month follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Primary Care-Based Complex Care Management (San Francisco, Calif.) |
Corrections, Prisons, Reentry, Health and mental health, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This program is designed to provide a lower cost alternative to emergency medical treatment for chronically ill individuals who have been recently released from prison. The program is rated No Effects. Treatment group participants had statistically significantly lower rates of emergency room use, compared with the control group. However, there was no impact on recidivism and primary care utilization. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Allegheny County (Pa.) Jail-Based Reentry Specialist Program |
Corrections, Jails, Correctional facilities, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This was a two-phase reentry program with an overall goal of reducing recidivism and improving incarcerated persons’ transition into the community. Phase 1 provided incarcerated persons with in-jail programming and services to prepare them for release. Phase 2 provided them with up to 12 months of supportive services in the community. The program was rated Effective. Program participants had a 10 percent chance of rearrest, compared with a 34 percent chance for the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Allegheny County (Pa.) Jail-Based Reentry Case Management Program |
Parole, Probation, Community corrections, Corrections, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This was a mandatory jail reentry program with an overall goal of reducing recidivism and improving incarcerated persons’ transition into the community. The program connected incarcerated persons to Reentry Probation Officers to help with pre-release reentry planning and continued supervision following release. The program was rated Ineffective. No statistically significant differences were found between program participants and the comparison group on probation violations and probability of rear Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Minnesota Comprehensive Offender Reentry Plan (MCORP) |
Prisons, Inmate programs, Corrections, Correctional facilities, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This was a case management program implemented in seven different correctional institutions across Minnesota. The program connected caseworkers in prisons with supervision agents in the communities to which participants return upon release from prison. The program is rated Promising. It statistically significantly reduced recidivism as measured by rearrest, reconviction, technical violation revocation, and reincarceration for any reason, but had no impact on new offense reincarceration. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Home-Visiting Program for Adolescent Mothers |
Girls, Mental health, Dropout/expulsion, Home visiting, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence | This is a community-based program in which adolescent mothers had meetings with trained home visitors, who delivered a parenting and an adolescent curriculum. This program is rated Promising. Treatment group participants demonstrated statistically significantly improvements in parenting skills and school status compared with the control group. However, there was no statistically significant impact on depressive symptoms, condom and hormonal contraceptive use, or repeat pregnancies. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Bronx (NY) Mental Health Court |
Mental health courts, Jails, Correctional facilities, Corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Problem-solving courts, Diversion, Rape and sexual assault | This is a problem-solving court program that seeks to divert mentally ill adults who committed misdemeanor and felony offenses out of the justice system and into treatment to address their mental health issues and reduce their risk of recidivism. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant effect on rearrests or reconvictions for treatment group participants, compared with similar individuals with a mental disorder in jail, at the 30-month follow-up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Ada County (Idaho) Drug Court |
Drug courts, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This program provides court-supervised, community-based outpatient drug treatment and case management services to persons convicted of a felony drug offense. The goals are to increase accountability, decrease the likelihood of recidivism, and reduce drug dependency. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of recidivating, compared with comparison group participants who were placed on probation. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Mental Health Services Continuum Program (Calif.) |
Parole, Mental health, Community corrections, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Adult community-based corrections | The program targets persons on parole with mental health problems and provides services to enhance their level of individual functioning in the community. The overall goal is to reduce recidivism of mentally ill persons on parole and improve public safety. The program is rated Promising. Persons on parole who participated in the program showed a statistically significant reduction in the odds of being returned to custody. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Three Data Driven Supervision Protocols for Parole Violations (Georgia) |
Drug testing, Parole, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Crime prevention, Drugs | In this program, new supervision protocols for substance abuse, joblessness, and chronic violators were created based on data gathered on the behavior of the paroled person and parole officer responses. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no significant impact on overall arrests or measures of recidivism. In fact, the treatment group had significantly more arrests for a new misdemeanor offense than the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Special Needs Diversionary Program (SNDP) |
Juvenile courts, Mental health, Diversion, Case Management, Youth development, Treatment, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections | This is a diversion program that provides intensive supervision and treatment for juveniles on probation who suffer from mental illness. This program is rated Promising. The intervention group showed a statistically significant reduction in number of rearrests within 1 year, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no statistically significant impact on time to rearrest. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Prime Time |
Girls, Juvenile health, Mental health, Dropout/expulsion, Truancy, Dating violence, Youth development, Positive youth development, Treatment, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Schools, Victims of crime | The program aims to reduce precursors of teen pregnancy, including sexual risk behaviors, involvement in violence, and disconnection from school. The program is rated Ineffective. There was a statistically significant impact on consistency of condom use and relational aggression perpetration, but there was no statistically significant impact on physical violence victimization, relational violence victimization, stress management, interpersonal skills, or fight avoidance skills. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: New York Integrated Domestic Violence Courts |
Assault, Dating violence, Domestic violence courts, Family courts, Diversion, Courts, Intimate partner violence, Crime prevention | This program is a problem-solving court that is part of a unified “one family-one judge” model, which means all criminal, family, and matrimonial cases involving the same family are handled by one judge. This program is rated Ineffective There were no statistically significant differences in re-arrests and conviction rates when comparing the IDV court cases with traditional family court cases. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Juvenile Justice Assessment Planning Referral Placement (JARPP) |
Training, Parole, Probation, Personnel, Treatment, Case Management, Corrections, Community corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile detention, Drugs, Substance abuse | This is a training program for juvenile justice probation/parole case managers (PCMs), to promote their use of evidence-based practices to identify the mental health and substance use needs of delinquent youth and increase youth’s access to services. The program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions in re-referral and placement rates for youth whose PCMs received the enhanced training, compared with youth whose PCMs received the standard training or no training. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Kids in Transition to School (KITS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, School safety, Case Management, Foster care/child welfare system, Youth development, Home visiting, Positive youth development, School climate | This is a short-term intervention program designed to assess children in transition to kindergarten. The goal of the program is to increase school-readiness and to develop early literacy and social and self-regulation skills. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group displayed statistically significantly lower levels of oppositional and aggressive behavior as well as statistically significantly higher levels of self-regulation. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: "Seeking Safety" for Incarcerated Women |
Burglary, Mental health, Coping, Drugs, Substance abuse | This is a manualized cognitive–behavioral intervention for incarcerated women with co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorders. The program is rated Promising. Evaluation results suggest that the program statistically significantly reduced PTSD and depression scores in program participants. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Neighborhood Enrichment with Vision Involving Services, Treatment, and Supervision (NEW VISTAS) |
Alcohol-Related Offenses, Drug testing, Probation, Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Intake/assessment, Community policing, Case Management, Youth development, Treatment, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Juvenile detention, Drugs, Substance abuse | This program consisted of a comprehensive, neighborhood-based, family-focused service delivery model that employed wraparound services and case management for justice-involved families with identified substance abuse problems. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth had a statistically significant decrease in noninstitutional and institutional out-of-home placements, compared with comparison group youth. However, there was no statistically significant difference in recidivism. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Red Hook Community Justice Center: Family Court for Juveniles |
Administrative Employees, Restitution, Family courts, Treatment, Problem-solving courts, Crime prevention, Recidivism, Juvenile justice | This is a problem-solving community court that seeks to prevent crime. One component of the program, the Family Court, hears juvenile delinquency cases involving youth aged 15 or younger, with the goal of responding to the specific needs of youth in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. The program was rated Ineffective The program had no significant effect on recidivism rates for juvenile defendants. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Mental Health Courts (Multisite) |
Mental health courts, Jails, Correctional facilities, Corrections | This program consists of post-booking jail diversion mental health courts, which seek to keep justice-involved individuals with serious mental illnesses out of the court system and place them into community-based treatment without jeopardizing public safety. This program is rated Promising. Mental health courts in the four studied cities were shown to have statistically significant reductions in participants’ rates of arrests and incarceration days at the 18-month follow-up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Juvenile Drug Courts With Contingency Management and Multisystemic Therapy |
Drug courts, Juvenile courts, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Corrections, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile justice, Alcohol, Legal substances | This program incorporates contingency management protocols and multisystemic therapy into traditional juvenile drug court services to provide juveniles and families with additional engagement opportunities and support to reduce recidivism and substance abuse. The program is rated Promising. The program statistically significantly reduced alcohol and poly drug use, positive drug urine screens, status offenses, and property offenses. The program had mixed effects on marijuana use and offenses. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Front-End Diversion Initiative |
Diversion, Personnel, Probation, Community corrections, Corrections | This is a preadjudication diversion program designed to divert juveniles with mental health needs away from the juvenile justice system through specialized supervision and case management. The program is rated Promising. Participants were statistically significantly less likely to face adjudication compared to those who only received traditional supervision while on probation. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Milwaukee (Wis.) Homicide Review Commission (MHRC) |
Gun violence, Homicide, Problem-oriented policing, Crime prevention | A program that attempts to reduce homicides and non-fatal shootings through a multidisciplinary and multiagency homicide review process. The program is rated Effective. There was a statistically significant, 52 percent, decrease, in the monthly count of homicides in the intervention districts. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: California's Repeat Offender Prevention Program (ROPP) |
Probation, Truancy, Case Management, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Young juvenile offenders, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence | This is a supervision program for high-risk youths. The program is rated Ineffective. Participants had a statistically significant decrease in the number of felony petitions, compared with the control group; however, there were no differences in petitions for new offenses, misdemeanor petitions, warrant status, days spent in custody, GPA, classes passed, classes failed, or number of days of school attended. There were also mixed findings on petitions for probation violations. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project BUILD |
Youth gangs, Violent offenders, Young juvenile offenders, Alternative schools, School climate, Access to education, Inmate programs, Recidivism, Corrections, Crime prevention, Juvenile detention, Drugs, Substance abuse, Intimate partner violence | This program comprises a violence prevention curriculum, which is designed to assist youth in detention to overcome obstacles such as gangs, violence, crime, and substance abuse. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group youth who participated in the program had lower rates of recidivism and took a longer amount of time to recidivate, compared with control group youth, at the 1-year follow up. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Operation Hardcore (Los Angeles, CA) |
Gang Crime, Youth gangs, Assault, Homicide, Prosecution, Witnesses, Case Management, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Juvenile detention | This program consists of a judicial intervention, which seeks to improve the prosecution of gang-related crimes. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group cases were associated with a statistically significant greater number of convictions and incarcerations of gang members, and a lower number of case dismissals and rejections, compared with control group cases. However, there was no statistically significant effect on the rate of pleas. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Family Development Research Program (Syracuse, NY) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Truancy, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Youth development, Home visiting, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This early childhood program sought to promote child and family functioning, and social, cognitive, and language skills of children, through home visitation, parent training, and child-care beginning from birth to age 5. The program is rated Promising. Intervention children reported statistically significant higher perceptions about themselves and school, compared with control children. There were no statistically significant effects on disliked attributes and liked personal attributes. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Connections |
Probation, Mental health, Treatment, Case Management, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Corrections, Community corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile detention | This is a juvenile court-based program designed to address the needs of people on probation who have emotional and behavioral disorders and the needs of their families. The approach is meant to be an integrated, seamless, coordinated system of care for children with mental health problems. The program is rated Promising. The intervention youth were statistically significantly less likely to recidivate, commit a felony offense or serve time in detention, compared with comparison youth. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Positive Family Support (PFS) |
Schools, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Case Management, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a family-centered intervention, which addresses family dynamics to prevent substance use and problem behaviors in adolescents. The program is rated Effective. Students in the treatment group were found to report less substance use, including alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana; and demonstrate less antisocial behavior, compared with students in the control group. These differences were all statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Methodist Home for Children's Value-Based Therapeutic Environment (VBTE) Model |
Juvenile courts, Juvenile health, Mental health, Intake/assessment, Violent offenders, Treatment, Case Management, Young juvenile offenders, Juvenile detention | This is a nonpunitive treatment model that concentrates on teaching juvenile justice–involved youth about prosocial behaviors as alternatives to antisocial behaviors. The program is rated Promising. Overall, findings were mixed. Treatment group youth had a statistically significant lower likelihood of being convicted for any new offense, compared with control group youth. However, there were no statistically significant effects on new charges or on incarceration rates. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Reduced Probation Caseload in Evidence-Based Setting (Oklahoma City) |
Training, Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Intimate partner violence | This program aims to reduce recidivism of high- and moderate-risk individuals on probation by assigning them to intensive supervision by an officer with a reduced caseload, and through the use of evidence-based practices. The program is rated Promising. Individuals who were supervised by probation officers with reduced caseloads were statistically significantly less likely to be rearrested for any crime after 2 years, compared with individuals supervised by officers with traditional caseloads. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Baltimore City (Md.) Family Recovery Program |
Drug courts, Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Drug-Related Victimization, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Problem-solving courts, Sanctions, Intimate partner violence | This is a family drug court program designed to serve families involved with child welfare as a result of parental substance use. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents had a statistically significant higher percentage of experiencing family reunification, compared with comparison group parents. Children of treatment group parents also had a statistically significant fewer number of days in non-kinship or long-term foster care compared with children of comparison group parents. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) |
Courts, Diversion | This is a court-ordered treatment program for individuals with mental illness who have a history of multiple hospitalizations or have exhibited violence toward themselves or others. The program is rated Promising. Participants who received treatment had a statistically significant reduction in risk for arrests of any offense, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no statistically significant difference found between the groups in risk of arrests for violent offenses. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Transitional Case Management |
Parole, Corrections, Community corrections, Reentry, Alcohol, Legal substances, Drugs | This is a strengths-based, case management intervention that provided expanded case management services to incarcerated persons during their transition from incarceration to the community. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between the transitional case management treatment group and the standard referral control group in nights spent in residential substance abuse treatment or in past 30-day drug or alcohol use, at the 9-month follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Families Facing the Future |
Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Alcohol, Substance abuse, Case Management, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Drugs, Illegal substances, Legal substances, Drugs, Opioids | This is an intensive family program combining relapse prevention and parenting skills training. This program is rated Ineffective. Treatment group parents demonstrated statistically significantly less heroin use, fewer domestic conflicts, and higher refusal skills than control parents did. There were no statistically significant differences in other drug use by parents, child drug and alcohol use, child delinquency, child-reported negative peers, or child school attachment. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: HOMEBUILDERS |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Crisis response | This is an in-home, family preservation service and reunification program for families with children returning from or at risk for out-of-home placement. The program is rated Effective. The treatment group had a statistically significant greater number of reunifications and reduced rates of out-of-home placement, compared with the control group. However, there were no significant differences between groups in successful reunification (i.e., whether the children returned to foster care). Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Sexual Abuse: Family Education and Treatment Program (SAFE-T) |
Sex offenders, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Young juvenile offenders, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention | This is a community-based program that provides sexual abuse–specific assessment, treatment, consultation, and long-term support to adolescents who were convicted of sexual abuse and to their families. This program is rated Promising. Intervention participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of being charged with a sexual reoffense, nonsexual violent reoffense, nonviolent reoffense, or any reoffense, compared with control participants, at the 20-year follow up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Structured Decision Making (SDM) |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system | This is a decision-support system designed to reduce subsequent abuse and neglect of children and expedite permanency for children who have been removed from home. The program is rated Promising. At the 12-month follow up, treatment group children experienced statistically significant higher rates of permanency status, compared with control group children. However, there were no differences between groups on rates of reentry to the foster care system after reunification. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Phoenix (Ariz.) Repeat Offender Program |
Background checks, Criminal history records, Corrections, Prisons, Inmate programs, Prosecution, Courts, Sentencing, Arrests | This program involved cooperation between police and prosecutors to increase the likelihood that high-risk individuals would be convicted and incarcerated. The program is rated Promising. The experimental group had a statistically significant greater likelihood of being sentenced to prison and having longer prison sentences, compared with the control group. However, there was no statistically significant difference for conviction rates between the groups. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: New Jersey Community Resource Centers |
Parole, Corrections, Community corrections | This program operates through nonresidential multiservice centers that are designed to facilitate parolees’ successful reintegration back into the community by offering a combination of services and supervision. The program is rated Promising. Parolees in the treatment group showed statistically significant reductions in rearrest, reconviction, and reincarceration, compared with parolees in the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Dating violence, Coping, Grief, Trauma, Treatment, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18), Intimate partner violence | This is a brief early intervention and secondary prevention model, designed to prevent the development of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for children aged 7–18 years who have recently experienced a potentially traumatic event. The program is rated Promising. Compared with the comparison group, the intervention group was statistically significantly less likely to have a PTSD diagnosis or receive a partial/full PTSD diagnosis; they also showed a lower severity of PTSD symptoms. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Child–Parent Psychotherapy |
Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence | This is a dyadic, relationship-based treatment for parents and young children designed to help restore normal developmental functioning in the wake of violence and trauma. The program is rated Promising. The treatment group had statistically significant reductions in the number of child traumatic stress disorder symptoms, child co-occurring diagnoses, child problem behaviors, maternal symptoms, and maternal depression, compared with the comparison group, at the posttest and 6-month follow ups. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Early Risers 'Skills for Success' Program |
Mental health, School safety, Youth development, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a competency-enhancement program targeting elementary school children who are at high risk for early development of conduct problems. The program is rated Promising. Participation in the program was associated with statistically significant improvements in children’s academic competence and social skills and in adults’ parenting skills, compared with the control group at the 3-year follow up. However, there were no significant differences between groups in aggressive behavior. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Bronx (NY) Treatment Court |
Drug courts, Corrections, Probation, Community corrections, Recidivism, Problem-solving courts, Crime prevention | This program is an alternative to probation and confinement for first-time, nonviolent individuals convicted of drug offenses. The program is rated Promising. Treatment court participants had statistically significant lower conviction rates for any new offenses and drug offenses 1 year after program completion, compared with the comparison group. Program participants also had statistically significant lower conviction rates 3 years following the initial arrest. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care-Adolescents |
Mental health, Substance abuse, Violent offenders, Trauma, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Youth development, Treatment, Young juvenile offenders, Juvenile delinquents, Crime prevention, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Juvenile detention, Juvenile delinquency, Drugs, Drug treatment | This is a behavioral treatment alternative to residential placement for adolescents with antisocial behavior, emotional disturbance, and delinquency. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group boys showed a statistically significant drop in criminal referral rates, criminal activities, and days spent in lock up, compared with comparison group boys. Treatment group girls showed a statistically significant reduction in delinquency, compared with comparison group girls. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Suffolk County (N.Y.) Drug Treatment Court |
Drug courts, Drug possession, Cocaine, Heroin, Marijuana, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Opioids | This program is an alternative to incarceration for drug-abusing defendants, which provides substance abuse treatment and education, case management, and intensive supervision. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group participants had a statistically significant lower likelihood of recidivating and experienced a greater length of time between initial arrest and first rearrest, compared with the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Queens (NY) Treatment Court |
Drug courts, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This is a drug court program for first-time, nonviolent persons convicted of felony drug offenses who are arrested in Queens County, N.Y. The court provides drug or alcohol treatment services to persons with persistent drug offenses who have a history of substance abuse. This program is rated Effective. There were statistically significant reductions in postarrest and post-program rearrest rates for program participants, compared with the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Boston (Massachusetts) Reentry Initiative (BRI) |
Parole, Probation, Mental health, Jails, Correctional facilities, Community corrections, Crime prevention | This interagency public safety initiative aims to help incarcerated violent adults who have been convicted of a crime transition back to their neighborhoods following release from jail through various services. The program is rated Promising. The study found that after 3 years statistically significantly fewer program participants had been arrested for any crime and violent crime compared to the control group. The program was also associated with reductions in the subsequent overall time to arre Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Community and Law Enforcement Resources Together (ComALERT) |
Parole, Mental health, Reentry, Corrections, Community corrections, Corrections, Employment initiatives, Legal substances, Drugs, Policing strategies, Crime prevention | This is a reentry program in Brooklyn, N.Y., that provides substance abuse treatment, employment, and housing services for parolees. The program is rated Promising. Participants demonstrated a statistically significant lower likelihood of being rearrested or reconvicted, compared with the matched control group. However, there were no significant differences in employment and earnings, cohabitating with a partner and regular contact with their children, or drug and alcohol use. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Brooklyn (NY) Treatment Court |
Drug courts, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This drug court program offers substance abuse treatment for nonviolent felony and misdemeanor drug offenses. The program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences between the drug court participants and the comparison group in 2-year post-program recidivism or 4-year post-arrest convictions for a drug offense. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: San Francisco (Calif.) Behavioral Health Court |
Mental health courts, Courts, Problem-solving courts, Recidivism, Crime prevention | The court aims to connect defendants with serious mental illness to community treatment services, to find dispositions to their criminal charges that take into account their mental illness, and to decrease the chances they return to the criminal justice system. The program is rated Promising. The study showed participants were statistically significantly less likely to be charged with a new offense and had a longer time without a new violent charge compared with the comparison group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison (DTAP) |
Drug testing, Corrections, Prisons, Inmate programs, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Courts, Diversion, Prosecution | This program is the first prosecution-led, residential drug treatment diversion program designed to divert people convicted of nonviolent felony drug offenses to community-based residential treatment. This program is rated Promising. Controlling for time spent in the community following release from prison, the intervention showed statistically significant positive effects on recidivism, time to first rearrest, and rearrest for program participants, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Auglaize County (Ohio) Transition (ACT) Program |
Parole, Probation, Mental health, Jails, Correctional facilities, Recidivism, Crime prevention | This is a jail reentry program that works to reduce inmates’ recidivism once they reenter the community, in part by linking them to various resources. The program is rated Promising. Approximately 12 percent of program participants were rearrested during the 12-month follow-up period, compared with 82 percent of control group participants, a statistically significant difference. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Probation Case Management for Women Charged With Drug-Involved Offenses (San Francisco, Calif.) |
Probation, Corrections, Community corrections, Drugs | This intervention for drug-involved females who have been convicted of an offense incorporated elements of substance abuse treatment, intensive supervision probation, and case management. The program is rated No Effects. There were no statistically significant differences between the probation case management group and the standard probation group on measures of incarceration rates, substance abuse, psychiatric symptoms, or service use at the 12-month follow up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Women’s Health CoOp Plus (Pretoria, South Africa) |
Dating violence | This is a woman-focused behavioral intervention designed to reduce alcohol and drug use, gender-based violence, and sexual risk. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between the treatment and comparison groups in sexual abuse by a boyfriend, being beaten by a boyfriend, or daily drug use. However, compared with the comparison group, the treatment group was statistically significantly less likely to report emotional abuse by a boyfriend. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial |
Title | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | ||||||||||
Practice Profile: Adolescent Substance Use Treatment |
Juvenile health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Drug treatment, Drugs | The primary goal of substance use treatment is to reduce or treat substance use among adolescents. There are several different types of treatment modalities that can be used in substance use treatment for adolescents, such as cognitive–behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, and assertive continuing care programs. The practice is rated Effective for improving substance use outcomes of adolescents. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Rehabilitation Programs for Adults Convicted of a Crime |
Parole, Probation, Mental health, Drug courts, Mental health courts, Jails, Corrections, Community corrections, Inmate assistance programs, Prisons, Reentry, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Problem-solving courts, Prosecution, Law enforcement, Drug treatment | This practice includes programs that are designed to reduce recidivism among adults by improving their behaviors, skills, mental health, social functioning, and access to education and employment. They may become participants in rehabilitation programs during multiple points in their involvement with the criminal justice system. This practice is rated Promising for reducing recidivism among adults who have been convicted of an offense. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Family-based Treatment for Adolescent Delinquency and Problem Behaviors |
Mental health, Substance abuse, Case Management, Treatment, Drug abuse prevention and education, Drugs, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Young adults (18-24), Drugs, Drug treatment | In general family-based treatment practices consist of a wide range of interventions that are designed to change dysfunctional family patterns that contribute to the onset and maintenance of adolescent delinquency and other problem behaviors. This practice is rated Effective for reducing recidivism, and Promising for reducing antisocial behavior and substance use, and improving psychological functioning and school performance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Swift, Certain, and Fair Supervision Strategies for Drug-Involved Individuals |
Drug testing, Parole, Probation, Community corrections, Corrections, Reentry, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Courts | The practice comprises supervision strategies used by community supervision officers to address violation behavior of drug-involved individuals on probation and parole who are being supervised in the community. The goals are to generate greater compliance with supervision terms and, as a result, reduce recidivism. The practice is rated Promising for reducing crime rates of drug-involved individuals supervised in the community. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Wraparound Process for Children with Serious Emotional and Behavioral Disorders |
Mental health, Case Management, Treatment, Recidivism, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention, Juvenile delinquency | This practice is a team-based, collaborative process for developing and implementing individualized care plans for youth with serious emotional and behavioral disorders and their families. The practice is rated Promising for improving mental health outcomes, but rated Ineffective for measures related to youths’ living situations, school functioning, and recidivism outcomes. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Adult Reentry Programs |
Mental health, Reentry courts, Jails, Prisons, Correctional facilities, Corrections, Inmate programs, Probation, Community corrections, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Problem-solving courts, Law enforcement | This practice involves correctional programs that focus on the transition of individuals from prison into the community. Reentry programs involve treatment or services that have been initiated while the individual is in custody and a follow-up component after the individual is released. The practice is rated Promising for reducing recidivism. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Treatment in Secure Corrections for Serious Juveniles Who Have Committed Serious or Multiple Offenses |
Assault, Homicide, Kidnapping, Robbery, Mental health, Intake/assessment, Violent offenders, Treatment, Case Management, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile justice, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile detention, Courts, Drugs, Drug treatment | This practice includes interventions targeting serious (violent and chronic) juveniles sentenced to serve time in secure corrections. The overall goal is to decrease recidivism rates when juveniles are released and return to the community. The practice is rated Effective for reducing general recidivism and serious recidivism of violent and chronically offending juveniles. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Dropout Prevention Programs |
Dropout/expulsion, School safety, Truancy, Afterschool, Alternative schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Mentoring | School- or community-based programs targeting frequently absent students or students at risk of dropping out of school. These programs are aimed at increasing school engagement, school attachment, and the academic performance of students, with the main objective of increasing graduation rates. The practice is rated Effective for reducing rates of school dropouts, and rated Promising for improving test scores/grades, graduation rates, and attendance. Date Posted: |
Practice Profile: Targeted Truancy Interventions |
Truancy, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Mentoring | These interventions are designed to increase attendance for elementary and secondary school students with chronic attendance problems. The practice is rated Effective for improving attendance. Date Posted: |