Children Exposed To Violence
On this page you can find programs and practices related to Children Exposed To Violence. Select "Search Filters" to narrow down the list by rating, extent of evidence, and many other aspects of the programs or practices. Skip to Practices
CrimeSolutions’ ratings are assigned from standardized reviews of rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. While we encourage you to learn more about this process, you don’t need to in order to benefit from it. Our clear ratings and profiles can help you determine if a program or category of program is worth pursuing.
Icon | Rating | Program Rating Description | Practice Rating Description |
Effective | Implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Promising | Implementing the program may result in the intended outcome(s) | On average, there is some evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Ineffective | Implementing the program is unlikely to result in the intended outcome(s) and may result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will not achieve the intended outcome or may result in a negative outcome. |
Negative Effects | Implementing the program is likley to result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will result in a negative outcome. |
Showing Results For:
Topic: children exposed to violenceTitle | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | RCT | ||
Program Profile: Impact of the Wraparound Program for Dually Involved Youth (Florida) on Youth Arrests |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | The program is an intensive case management model for providing services to youths simultaneously involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, with the goal of reducing recidivism. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant difference in youth arrests between youths who participated in the Wraparound Program, compared with youths in the treatment-as-usual condition. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT) for Adolescents |
Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18), Drugs, Drug treatment | The goal of this exposure-based, integrative intervention was to reduce substance use and mental health problems in adolescents who have experienced trauma. The program is rated Promising. The program had a statistically significant impact on depressive and internalizing symptoms, family cohesion, and family conflict. There were mixed results for PTSD symptoms and substance use. There was no statistically significant impact on externalizing symptoms. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Stepped Collaborative Care for Adolescents (Washington State) |
Alcohol, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Legal substances, Drugs | This program was designed to reduce violence risk behaviors as well as PTSD and depressive symptoms by providing adolescents with a variety of services following a traumatic injury. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups in substance use problems, or PTSD and depressive symptoms, though intervention group patients reported a statistically significant reduction in weapons carrying. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Nurturing Families Network (NFN) Home-Visiting Program |
Children exposed to violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention | This is a home-visiting program for first-time mothers in high-risk families that promotes positive parenting to prevent child maltreatment and out-of-home placements. The program is rated Ineffective. Treatment group families had a statistically significant lower number of substantiated child maltreatment and neglect cases, compared with the comparison group, but there was no statistically significant effect on out-of-home placements, and substantiated physical abuse. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Prev@cib Program (Spain) |
Bullying, School safety, Computers, Campus Crime, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Victimization, Victims of crime | This is an anti-bullying program for adolescents in Spain, which is designed to decrease bullying and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization both in the classroom and virtual environments. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant decrease in bullying and victimization and cyberbullying and cybervictimization for the treatment group, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Crossover Youth Practice Model |
Family courts, Juvenile courts, Diversion, Children exposed to violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This is a model that uses a conceptual plan and organizational framework to strengthen collaborations between child welfare and juvenile justice system professionals and partners to prevent or reduce youths’ involvement in the juvenile justice system or related systems of care. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth showed a statistically significant reduction in recidivism rates, compared with youth in the comparison groups. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Family Finding |
Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Juvenile (under 18) | This program is designed to find and engage kin and fictive kin to support the needs of foster care youth. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant greater number of kin and fictive kin found and positive attachment figures identified for the intervention group, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no significant difference in proportion of relative placements to total placements, reunification rates, or externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Massachusetts Child Trauma Project (MCTP) |
Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Gun violence | This program was designed to improve well-being and permanency outcomes for children with complex trauma in state care. The program is rated Ineffective. Overall, findings were mixed. There were statistically significant findings favoring the treatment group, including increased likelihood of adoption; however, there were also statistically significant findings favoring the control group. Overall, the preponderance of evidence suggests the program did not have the intended effects on children. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Change A Life |
Children exposed to violence, Intimate partner violence, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | A free, interactive online program for adults designed to educate the public about the effects of childhood exposure to domestic violence (DV) and improve adults’ self-efficacy in helping children exposed to DV. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant increase in knowledge about DV exposure for both community and university samples, compared with the control groups. There was a statistically significant increase in self-efficacy for only the community sample. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Student Experiencing Stress (ERASE-Stress) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Schools | This intervention is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing violence of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The program aims to reduce participants’ posttraumatic stress symptoms. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to be statistically significant in reducing PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Students Experiencing Stress-Prosocial (ERASE-Stress–Prosocial) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It combines the original ERASE-Stress program with six additional modules focused on topics related to prosocial orientation, and aims to reduce PTSD, enhance resiliency, and develop prosocial skills. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significant reduce PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Moms' Empowerment Program |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This program provides support for mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). The goal of the program is to assist mothers and ultimately improve their children’s adjustment. The program was rated Promising. Results showed a statistically significant improvement in children’s externalizing behaviors and attitudes about family violence, although there was no effect on children’s internalizing behaviors. Mothers in the program also experienced greater reductions in IPV over time. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Bounce Back |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a cognitive-behavioral intervention for children who have been exposed to traumatic events, and for their parents. The goal is to help children improve their symptoms of posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety. The program is rated Promising. Children who received the treatment demonstrated statistically significant improvements on measures of posttraumatic stress, anxiety symptoms, and emotional regulation; however, there was no impact on measures of depression or coping efficacy. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Social Learning/Feminist Intervention |
Girls, Dating violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Victimization, Victims of crime, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Violent crime, Crime prevention, Rape and sexual assault | This is a 12-session program for adolescent females with a history of exposure to violence/abuse and involvement in the child welfare system. The goal of the program was to reduce re-victimization in teen dating situations. The program used a health-promotion approach to help girls develop healthy relationships. The program is rated Promising. The intervention had a statistically significant impact on reducing physical re-victimization, but not sexual re-victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Youth Relationships Project |
Dating violence, Children exposed to violence, Youth development, Victimization, Intimate partner violence, Violent crime, Crime prevention | This was a community-based prevention program that targeted youth at risk of becoming involved in abusive relationships. The program was rated Promising. Treatment group youth demonstrated statistically significant reductions in physical abuse perpetration and trauma symptoms and a lower likelihood of emotional abuse and threatening behavior victimization, compared with control group youth. However, there were no differences between groups in threatening behavior perpetration or hostility. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive-Processing Therapy for Female Victims of Sexual Assault |
Assault, Dating violence, Stalking, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Grief, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Victims of crime, Crisis response | This is a cognitive therapeutic program that is intended to assist female victims of sexual assault with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall goal is to restructure unbalanced thoughts directly related to the trauma. The program is rated Effective. Women in the treatment group demonstrated reduced symptoms of both PTSD and depression, compared with women in the control group. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Stewards of Children® |
Children exposed to violence, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention training program to educate adults, such as childcare professionals, to prevent, recognize, and react to CSA. The program is rated Promising. Participants who received the in-person and web-based training demonstrated a statistically significant higher level of CSA knowledge and a greater number of preventative behaviors, compared with the wait-list control group. There was no statistically significant difference found between groups in CSA attitudes. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Adults and Children Together (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Bullying, Schools, School safety, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an antiviolence program designed to prevent child maltreatment by providing education, resources, and support to parents to improve their parenting skills. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents reported a statistically significant reduction in using harsh discipline strategies and increase in appropriate developmental expectations, compared with control group parents at the 3-month follow up. However, there was no statistically significant difference in nurturing. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family Development Research Program (Syracuse, NY) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Truancy, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Youth development, Home visiting, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This early childhood program sought to promote child and family functioning, and social, cognitive, and language skills of children, through home visitation, parent training, and child-care beginning from birth to age 5. The program is rated Promising. Intervention children reported statistically significant higher perceptions about themselves and school, compared with control children. There were no statistically significant effects on disliked attributes and liked personal attributes. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Al's Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices |
Mental health, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is an early childhood curriculum designed to increase social-emotional competence and coping skills in young children. The program is rated Promising. Children in the intervention group demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in social-emotional competence and positive coping skills and fewer problem behaviors, compared with children in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Aggression Replacement Training (ART) for Adolescents in a Runaway Shelter |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Youth development, Deinstitutionalization of status offenders | This is a condensed Aggression Replacement Training curriculum is targeted at adolescents temporarily living in a short-term residential facility (a runaway shelter) and had exhibited signs of antisocial behavior. The program is rated Promising. Participants exhibited a statistically significant decrease in antisocial behavior incidents following implementation of the program. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Baltimore City (Md.) Family Recovery Program |
Drug courts, Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Drug-Related Victimization, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Problem-solving courts, Sanctions, Intimate partner violence | This is a family drug court program designed to serve families involved with child welfare as a result of parental substance use. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents had a statistically significant higher percentage of experiencing family reunification, compared with comparison group parents. Children of treatment group parents also had a statistically significant fewer number of days in non-kinship or long-term foster care compared with children of comparison group parents. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Shifting Boundaries (Classroom Curriculum and Schoolwide Intervention) |
Dating violence, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Schools, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Intimate partner violence, Victims of crime | This dual intervention aims to reduce peer violence and sexual harassment in middle schoolers by emphasizing consequences and increasing surveillance of unsafe areas. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group had statistically significant reductions in sexual victimization and in violence victimization and perpetration compared with those in the control group. There were no statistically significant effects on sexual harassment perpetration, or knowledge, attitudes, or intentions. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Investigations, Law enforcement, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This program consists of a structured interview protocol for professionals conducting forensic interviews with children in sexual abuse investigations. The program is rated Promising. Cases that followed the protocol showed a statistically significant greater likelihood of resulting in charges being filed, compared with cases that were handled prior to the protocol being implemented. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: HOMEBUILDERS |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Crisis response | This is an in-home, family preservation service and reunification program for families with children returning from or at risk for out-of-home placement. The program is rated Effective. The treatment group had a statistically significant greater number of reunifications and reduced rates of out-of-home placement, compared with the control group. However, there were no significant differences between groups in successful reunification (i.e., whether the children returned to foster care). Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Sexual Abuse: Family Education and Treatment Program (SAFE-T) |
Sex offenders, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Young juvenile offenders, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention | This is a community-based program that provides sexual abuse–specific assessment, treatment, consultation, and long-term support to adolescents who were convicted of sexual abuse and to their families. This program is rated Promising. Intervention participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of being charged with a sexual reoffense, nonsexual violent reoffense, nonviolent reoffense, or any reoffense, compared with control participants, at the 20-year follow up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Minorities, Trauma, Treatment, Foster care/child welfare system, Youth development, Home visiting, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention, Crisis response | This program addresses family functioning and parental behavior to reduce child abuse, neglect, and external placement. The program is rated Promising. Compared with the control group, treatment parents and children showed statistically significant improvements in functioning, treatment parents showed significant improvements in social support, and treatment children had a lower likelihood of receiving external placement. However, there were no significant differences between groups on abuse. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS®) |
School safety, Children exposed to violence, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This prevention program promotes emotional and social competencies and reduces aggression and behavior problems in children. The program is rated Effective. Statistically significant findings included lower peer-ratings for aggressive, hyperactive, or disruptive behavior for intervention children, compared with control children. Further, intervention classrooms showed higher quality climate, levels of interest and enthusiasm, and ability to stay focused, compared with control classrooms. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Structured Decision Making (SDM) |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system | This is a decision-support system designed to reduce subsequent abuse and neglect of children and expedite permanency for children who have been removed from home. The program is rated Promising. At the 12-month follow up, treatment group children experienced statistically significant higher rates of permanency status, compared with control group children. However, there were no differences between groups on rates of reentry to the foster care system after reunification. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Kids Club |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | A multicomponent approach designed to improve behavioral and mental health in children exposed to intimate partner violence by targeting their knowledge and attitudes about family violence, their emotional adjustment, and their social behavior. The program is rated No Effects. There was no statistically significant improvement for the treatment group in measures of children’s internalizing or externalizing problems or their attitudes about family violence, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Traumatized Young Women |
Coping, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime | This is a therapeutic approach designed to treat individuals who are dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic life event. The goal is to help those who have experienced traumatic stress to reprocess and store traumatic memories adaptively. The program is rated Promising. Program participants reported statistically significant improvements in posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, self-concept, avoidance, and intrusive thoughts, compared with control group participants. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Nurse-Family Partnership |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Home visiting, Intimate partner violence, Crime prevention, Violent crime, Child abuse, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a home visitation program for low-income, first-time mothers designed to improve family functioning. The program is rated Effective. Treatment families reported statistically significant decreases in child abuse/neglect and domestic violence and improvements in home learning environments, compared with control families. Treatment children reported statistically significant decreases in substance use, compared with control children, but there were no differences in behavior problems. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Prolonged Exposure Therapy |
Assault, Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Grief, Trauma, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime | This is a cognitive–behavioral treatment program for assault survivors who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program is rated Effective. Women in the treatment group experienced statistically significant reductions in the severity of PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms and a statistically significant improvement in social functioning, compared with women in the control group, at follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Infant-Parent Psychotherapy |
Juvenile health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Home visiting, Crisis response, Intimate partner violence | This is a dyadic, relationship-based therapy intended for maltreating parents (who had neglectful experiences in their childhood) and their infants. This program is rated Effective. Families in the treatment group experienced a statistically significant higher rate of secure attachment and a higher likelihood of change from insecure to secure attachment from baseline to follow up, as well as a lower rate of stable disorganized attachment, compared with families in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Dating violence, Coping, Grief, Trauma, Treatment, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18), Intimate partner violence | This is a brief early intervention and secondary prevention model, designed to prevent the development of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for children aged 7–18 years who have recently experienced a potentially traumatic event. The program is rated Promising. Compared with the comparison group, the intervention group was statistically significantly less likely to have a PTSD diagnosis or receive a partial/full PTSD diagnosis; they also showed a lower severity of PTSD symptoms. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project Support |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Home visiting, Intimate partner violence, Crime prevention, Violent crime, Crisis response | This program is designed to provide support to battered mothers and reduce conduct problems in their children. The program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant effects in favor of the treatment group on measures of children’s conduct problems, happiness, and mothers’ aggression toward children. However, there were no statistically significant effects on children’s internalizing behaviors, mothers’ return to abusive partners, or recurrence of physical violence. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Child–Parent Psychotherapy |
Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence | This is a dyadic, relationship-based treatment for parents and young children designed to help restore normal developmental functioning in the wake of violence and trauma. The program is rated Promising. The treatment group had statistically significant reductions in the number of child traumatic stress disorder symptoms, child co-occurring diagnoses, child problem behaviors, maternal symptoms, and maternal depression, compared with the comparison group, at the posttest and 6-month follow ups. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Alternatives for Families: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a family therapy program designed to reduce the effects of child abuse. The program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions in family conflict, parent-child violence, physical punishment, and child abuse risk, and improvements in discipline, cohesion, and child acceptance. There were also statistically significant reductions in child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, there were no significant differences between groups in re-abuse rates. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Narrative Exposure Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents (KidNET) |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Immigrants, Trauma, Treatment, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an individual-level, psychosocial treatment that seeks to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in traumatized refugee youth living in exile. The program is rated Promising. At the 6-month follow up, treatment participants showed statistically significant improvement in symptoms of PTSD and cognitive functioning, compared with control group youth. However, no significant differences were found between the two groups for comorbid disorders. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: KiVa Antibullying Program |
Bullying, School safety, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Victimization, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime, Cyberbullying, Child health and welfare | This school-based program delivered to elementary school students to reduce bullying and victimization was designed for national use in the Finnish comprehensive schools. This program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions for self-reported bullying and victimization and peer-reported victimization for KiVa schools compared with control schools; however, there were no significant differences between treatment and comparison schools on peer-reported bullying. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) |
Girls, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a trauma-focused psychotherapy program for those suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program is rated Effective. Treated adults showed statistically significant lower PTSD symptoms, depression, and anxiety than comparison group adults. Treated youth showed statistically significant higher levels of hope and lower levels of the PTSD criterion of intrusive re-experiencing than comparison group youth, but there were no impacts in other mental health outcomes. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Triple P: Positive Parenting Program |
Children exposed to violence, Treatment | This is a comprehensive parent-training program designed to enhance parental competence and prevent or alter dysfunctional parenting practices. By enhancing parenting practices, the program seeks to reduce family risk factors for child maltreatment and children’s behavioral and emotional problems. The program is rated Effective. There were statistically significant reductions in substantiated child maltreatment cases, out-of-home placements, and child maltreatment injuries. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) |
Juvenile health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Child abuse | This program teaches parents new interaction and discipline skills to reduce children’s problem behaviors and parental physical child abuse by improving parent-child relationships and parental responses to difficult child behavior. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group parents showed statistically significant improvements in both parent and child behavior and a reduction in re-reports of child physical abuse, compared with control group parents, at the follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Safe Dates |
Dating violence, Juvenile health, Sex offenders, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a prevention program for middle and high school students, which is designed to stop or prevent dating violence perpetration and victimization. This program is rated Effective. The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in psychological, physical, and sexual abuse perpetration, and physical abuse victimization, compared with the control group at the 4-year follow up; however, there were no significant differences between groups on sexual abuse victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Immigrants, Minorities, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a cognitive-behavioral therapy group intervention designed to reduce children’s symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression caused by exposure to violence. The program is rated Effective. Intervention group participants showed statistically significant reductions in depressive and PTSD symptoms, compared with control group participants, at the 3-month follow up. However, there were no statistically significant impacts on classroom behavior problems. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial |
CrimeSolutions’ ratings are assigned from standardized reviews of rigorous evaluations and meta-analyses. While we encourage you to learn more about this process, you don’t need to in order to benefit from it. Our clear ratings and profiles can help you determine if a program or category of program is worth pursuing.
Icon | Rating | Program Rating Description | Practice Rating Description |
Effective | Implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Promising | Implementing the program may result in the intended outcome(s) | On average, there is some evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will achieve the intended outcome. |
Ineffective | Implementing the program is unlikely to result in the intended outcome(s) and may result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will not achieve the intended outcome or may result in a negative outcome. |
Negative Effects | Implementing the program is likley to result in a negative outcome(s). | On average, there is strong evidence that implementing a program encompassed by the practice will result in a negative outcome. |
Showing Results For:
Topic: children exposed to violenceTitle | Evidence Rating | Topics | Summary | RCT | ||
Program Profile: Impact of the Wraparound Program for Dually Involved Youth (Florida) on Youth Arrests |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Comprehensive/wraparound services, Recidivism, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | The program is an intensive case management model for providing services to youths simultaneously involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems, with the goal of reducing recidivism. The program is rated Ineffective. There was no statistically significant difference in youth arrests between youths who participated in the Wraparound Program, compared with youths in the treatment-as-usual condition. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Risk Reduction through Family Therapy (RRFT) for Adolescents |
Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18), Drugs, Drug treatment | The goal of this exposure-based, integrative intervention was to reduce substance use and mental health problems in adolescents who have experienced trauma. The program is rated Promising. The program had a statistically significant impact on depressive and internalizing symptoms, family cohesion, and family conflict. There were mixed results for PTSD symptoms and substance use. There was no statistically significant impact on externalizing symptoms. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Stepped Collaborative Care for Adolescents (Washington State) |
Alcohol, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Legal substances, Drugs | This program was designed to reduce violence risk behaviors as well as PTSD and depressive symptoms by providing adolescents with a variety of services following a traumatic injury. The program is rated Ineffective. There were no statistically significant differences between the intervention and control groups in substance use problems, or PTSD and depressive symptoms, though intervention group patients reported a statistically significant reduction in weapons carrying. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Nurturing Families Network (NFN) Home-Visiting Program |
Children exposed to violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention | This is a home-visiting program for first-time mothers in high-risk families that promotes positive parenting to prevent child maltreatment and out-of-home placements. The program is rated Ineffective. Treatment group families had a statistically significant lower number of substantiated child maltreatment and neglect cases, compared with the comparison group, but there was no statistically significant effect on out-of-home placements, and substantiated physical abuse. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Prev@cib Program (Spain) |
Bullying, School safety, Computers, Campus Crime, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Victimization, Victims of crime | This is an anti-bullying program for adolescents in Spain, which is designed to decrease bullying and cyberbullying perpetration and victimization both in the classroom and virtual environments. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant decrease in bullying and victimization and cyberbullying and cybervictimization for the treatment group, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Crossover Youth Practice Model |
Family courts, Juvenile courts, Diversion, Children exposed to violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Crime prevention, Recidivism | This is a model that uses a conceptual plan and organizational framework to strengthen collaborations between child welfare and juvenile justice system professionals and partners to prevent or reduce youths’ involvement in the juvenile justice system or related systems of care. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group youth showed a statistically significant reduction in recidivism rates, compared with youth in the comparison groups. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Family Finding |
Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Juvenile (under 18) | This program is designed to find and engage kin and fictive kin to support the needs of foster care youth. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant greater number of kin and fictive kin found and positive attachment figures identified for the intervention group, compared with the comparison group. However, there was no significant difference in proportion of relative placements to total placements, reunification rates, or externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Massachusetts Child Trauma Project (MCTP) |
Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Gun violence | This program was designed to improve well-being and permanency outcomes for children with complex trauma in state care. The program is rated Ineffective. Overall, findings were mixed. There were statistically significant findings favoring the treatment group, including increased likelihood of adoption; however, there were also statistically significant findings favoring the control group. Overall, the preponderance of evidence suggests the program did not have the intended effects on children. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Change A Life |
Children exposed to violence, Intimate partner violence, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | A free, interactive online program for adults designed to educate the public about the effects of childhood exposure to domestic violence (DV) and improve adults’ self-efficacy in helping children exposed to DV. The program is rated Promising. There was a statistically significant increase in knowledge about DV exposure for both community and university samples, compared with the control groups. There was a statistically significant increase in self-efficacy for only the community sample. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Student Experiencing Stress (ERASE-Stress) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Schools | This intervention is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing violence of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The program aims to reduce participants’ posttraumatic stress symptoms. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to be statistically significant in reducing PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Enhancing Resiliency Amongst Students Experiencing Stress-Prosocial (ERASE-Stress–Prosocial) in Israel |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a universal, school-based intervention for Jewish-Israeli students who are exposed to the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict. It combines the original ERASE-Stress program with six additional modules focused on topics related to prosocial orientation, and aims to reduce PTSD, enhance resiliency, and develop prosocial skills. The program is rated Promising. The program was shown to statistically significant reduce PTSD severity, functional problems, anxiety, and somatic complaints. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Moms' Empowerment Program |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This program provides support for mothers who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV). The goal of the program is to assist mothers and ultimately improve their children’s adjustment. The program was rated Promising. Results showed a statistically significant improvement in children’s externalizing behaviors and attitudes about family violence, although there was no effect on children’s internalizing behaviors. Mothers in the program also experienced greater reductions in IPV over time. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Bounce Back |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a cognitive-behavioral intervention for children who have been exposed to traumatic events, and for their parents. The goal is to help children improve their symptoms of posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety. The program is rated Promising. Children who received the treatment demonstrated statistically significant improvements on measures of posttraumatic stress, anxiety symptoms, and emotional regulation; however, there was no impact on measures of depression or coping efficacy. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Social Learning/Feminist Intervention |
Girls, Dating violence, Foster care/child welfare system, Victimization, Victims of crime, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Violent crime, Crime prevention, Rape and sexual assault | This is a 12-session program for adolescent females with a history of exposure to violence/abuse and involvement in the child welfare system. The goal of the program was to reduce re-victimization in teen dating situations. The program used a health-promotion approach to help girls develop healthy relationships. The program is rated Promising. The intervention had a statistically significant impact on reducing physical re-victimization, but not sexual re-victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Youth Relationships Project |
Dating violence, Children exposed to violence, Youth development, Victimization, Intimate partner violence, Violent crime, Crime prevention | This was a community-based prevention program that targeted youth at risk of becoming involved in abusive relationships. The program was rated Promising. Treatment group youth demonstrated statistically significant reductions in physical abuse perpetration and trauma symptoms and a lower likelihood of emotional abuse and threatening behavior victimization, compared with control group youth. However, there were no differences between groups in threatening behavior perpetration or hostility. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive-Processing Therapy for Female Victims of Sexual Assault |
Assault, Dating violence, Stalking, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Grief, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention, Victims of crime, Crisis response | This is a cognitive therapeutic program that is intended to assist female victims of sexual assault with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The overall goal is to restructure unbalanced thoughts directly related to the trauma. The program is rated Effective. Women in the treatment group demonstrated reduced symptoms of both PTSD and depression, compared with women in the control group. These differences were statistically significant. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Stewards of Children® |
Children exposed to violence, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention training program to educate adults, such as childcare professionals, to prevent, recognize, and react to CSA. The program is rated Promising. Participants who received the in-person and web-based training demonstrated a statistically significant higher level of CSA knowledge and a greater number of preventative behaviors, compared with the wait-list control group. There was no statistically significant difference found between groups in CSA attitudes. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Adults and Children Together (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Bullying, Schools, School safety, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an antiviolence program designed to prevent child maltreatment by providing education, resources, and support to parents to improve their parenting skills. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents reported a statistically significant reduction in using harsh discipline strategies and increase in appropriate developmental expectations, compared with control group parents at the 3-month follow up. However, there was no statistically significant difference in nurturing. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Family Development Research Program (Syracuse, NY) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Truancy, Children exposed to violence, Case Management, Youth development, Home visiting, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This early childhood program sought to promote child and family functioning, and social, cognitive, and language skills of children, through home visitation, parent training, and child-care beginning from birth to age 5. The program is rated Promising. Intervention children reported statistically significant higher perceptions about themselves and school, compared with control children. There were no statistically significant effects on disliked attributes and liked personal attributes. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Al's Pals: Kids Making Healthy Choices |
Mental health, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is an early childhood curriculum designed to increase social-emotional competence and coping skills in young children. The program is rated Promising. Children in the intervention group demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in social-emotional competence and positive coping skills and fewer problem behaviors, compared with children in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Aggression Replacement Training (ART) for Adolescents in a Runaway Shelter |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Youth development, Deinstitutionalization of status offenders | This is a condensed Aggression Replacement Training curriculum is targeted at adolescents temporarily living in a short-term residential facility (a runaway shelter) and had exhibited signs of antisocial behavior. The program is rated Promising. Participants exhibited a statistically significant decrease in antisocial behavior incidents following implementation of the program. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Baltimore City (Md.) Family Recovery Program |
Drug courts, Family courts, Children exposed to violence, Drug-Related Victimization, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Problem-solving courts, Sanctions, Intimate partner violence | This is a family drug court program designed to serve families involved with child welfare as a result of parental substance use. The program is rated Promising. Treatment group parents had a statistically significant higher percentage of experiencing family reunification, compared with comparison group parents. Children of treatment group parents also had a statistically significant fewer number of days in non-kinship or long-term foster care compared with children of comparison group parents. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Shifting Boundaries (Classroom Curriculum and Schoolwide Intervention) |
Dating violence, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Schools, Crime prevention, Juvenile (under 18), Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Intimate partner violence, Victims of crime | This dual intervention aims to reduce peer violence and sexual harassment in middle schoolers by emphasizing consequences and increasing surveillance of unsafe areas. The program is rated Promising. The intervention group had statistically significant reductions in sexual victimization and in violence victimization and perpetration compared with those in the control group. There were no statistically significant effects on sexual harassment perpetration, or knowledge, attitudes, or intentions. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Investigations, Law enforcement, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This program consists of a structured interview protocol for professionals conducting forensic interviews with children in sexual abuse investigations. The program is rated Promising. Cases that followed the protocol showed a statistically significant greater likelihood of resulting in charges being filed, compared with cases that were handled prior to the protocol being implemented. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: HOMEBUILDERS |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system, Crisis response | This is an in-home, family preservation service and reunification program for families with children returning from or at risk for out-of-home placement. The program is rated Effective. The treatment group had a statistically significant greater number of reunifications and reduced rates of out-of-home placement, compared with the control group. However, there were no significant differences between groups in successful reunification (i.e., whether the children returned to foster care). Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Sexual Abuse: Family Education and Treatment Program (SAFE-T) |
Sex offenders, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Young juvenile offenders, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Crime prevention | This is a community-based program that provides sexual abuse–specific assessment, treatment, consultation, and long-term support to adolescents who were convicted of sexual abuse and to their families. This program is rated Promising. Intervention participants showed a statistically significant lower likelihood of being charged with a sexual reoffense, nonsexual violent reoffense, nonviolent reoffense, or any reoffense, compared with control participants, at the 20-year follow up. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Minorities, Trauma, Treatment, Foster care/child welfare system, Youth development, Home visiting, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18), Crime prevention, Crisis response | This program addresses family functioning and parental behavior to reduce child abuse, neglect, and external placement. The program is rated Promising. Compared with the control group, treatment parents and children showed statistically significant improvements in functioning, treatment parents showed significant improvements in social support, and treatment children had a lower likelihood of receiving external placement. However, there were no significant differences between groups on abuse. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS®) |
School safety, Children exposed to violence, Youth development, School climate, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This prevention program promotes emotional and social competencies and reduces aggression and behavior problems in children. The program is rated Effective. Statistically significant findings included lower peer-ratings for aggressive, hyperactive, or disruptive behavior for intervention children, compared with control children. Further, intervention classrooms showed higher quality climate, levels of interest and enthusiasm, and ability to stay focused, compared with control classrooms. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Structured Decision Making (SDM) |
Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Family reunification, Foster care/child welfare system | This is a decision-support system designed to reduce subsequent abuse and neglect of children and expedite permanency for children who have been removed from home. The program is rated Promising. At the 12-month follow up, treatment group children experienced statistically significant higher rates of permanency status, compared with control group children. However, there were no differences between groups on rates of reentry to the foster care system after reunification. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Kids Club |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | A multicomponent approach designed to improve behavioral and mental health in children exposed to intimate partner violence by targeting their knowledge and attitudes about family violence, their emotional adjustment, and their social behavior. The program is rated No Effects. There was no statistically significant improvement for the treatment group in measures of children’s internalizing or externalizing problems or their attitudes about family violence, compared with the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Traumatized Young Women |
Coping, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime | This is a therapeutic approach designed to treat individuals who are dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic life event. The goal is to help those who have experienced traumatic stress to reprocess and store traumatic memories adaptively. The program is rated Promising. Program participants reported statistically significant improvements in posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, self-concept, avoidance, and intrusive thoughts, compared with control group participants. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Nurse-Family Partnership |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Underage drinking, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Home visiting, Intimate partner violence, Crime prevention, Violent crime, Child abuse, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a home visitation program for low-income, first-time mothers designed to improve family functioning. The program is rated Effective. Treatment families reported statistically significant decreases in child abuse/neglect and domestic violence and improvements in home learning environments, compared with control families. Treatment children reported statistically significant decreases in substance use, compared with control children, but there were no differences in behavior problems. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Prolonged Exposure Therapy |
Assault, Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Grief, Trauma, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime | This is a cognitive–behavioral treatment program for assault survivors who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program is rated Effective. Women in the treatment group experienced statistically significant reductions in the severity of PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptoms and a statistically significant improvement in social functioning, compared with women in the control group, at follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Infant-Parent Psychotherapy |
Juvenile health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Home visiting, Crisis response, Intimate partner violence | This is a dyadic, relationship-based therapy intended for maltreating parents (who had neglectful experiences in their childhood) and their infants. This program is rated Effective. Families in the treatment group experienced a statistically significant higher rate of secure attachment and a higher likelihood of change from insecure to secure attachment from baseline to follow up, as well as a lower rate of stable disorganized attachment, compared with families in the control group. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Dating violence, Coping, Grief, Trauma, Treatment, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18), Intimate partner violence | This is a brief early intervention and secondary prevention model, designed to prevent the development of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), for children aged 7–18 years who have recently experienced a potentially traumatic event. The program is rated Promising. Compared with the comparison group, the intervention group was statistically significantly less likely to have a PTSD diagnosis or receive a partial/full PTSD diagnosis; they also showed a lower severity of PTSD symptoms. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Project Support |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Home visiting, Intimate partner violence, Crime prevention, Violent crime, Crisis response | This program is designed to provide support to battered mothers and reduce conduct problems in their children. The program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant effects in favor of the treatment group on measures of children’s conduct problems, happiness, and mothers’ aggression toward children. However, there were no statistically significant effects on children’s internalizing behaviors, mothers’ return to abusive partners, or recurrence of physical violence. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Child–Parent Psychotherapy |
Children exposed to violence, Coping, Trauma, Treatment, Case Management, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence | This is a dyadic, relationship-based treatment for parents and young children designed to help restore normal developmental functioning in the wake of violence and trauma. The program is rated Promising. The treatment group had statistically significant reductions in the number of child traumatic stress disorder symptoms, child co-occurring diagnoses, child problem behaviors, maternal symptoms, and maternal depression, compared with the comparison group, at the posttest and 6-month follow ups. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Alternatives for Families: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare | This is a family therapy program designed to reduce the effects of child abuse. The program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions in family conflict, parent-child violence, physical punishment, and child abuse risk, and improvements in discipline, cohesion, and child acceptance. There were also statistically significant reductions in child internalizing and externalizing symptoms. However, there were no significant differences between groups in re-abuse rates. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Narrative Exposure Therapy for Traumatized Children and Adolescents (KidNET) |
Mental health, Children exposed to violence, Immigrants, Trauma, Treatment, Crisis response, Juvenile (under 18) | This is an individual-level, psychosocial treatment that seeks to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in traumatized refugee youth living in exile. The program is rated Promising. At the 6-month follow up, treatment participants showed statistically significant improvement in symptoms of PTSD and cognitive functioning, compared with control group youth. However, no significant differences were found between the two groups for comorbid disorders. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: KiVa Antibullying Program |
Bullying, School safety, Children exposed to violence, School climate, Victimization, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime, Cyberbullying, Child health and welfare | This school-based program delivered to elementary school students to reduce bullying and victimization was designed for national use in the Finnish comprehensive schools. This program is rated Promising. There were statistically significant reductions for self-reported bullying and victimization and peer-reported victimization for KiVa schools compared with control schools; however, there were no significant differences between treatment and comparison schools on peer-reported bullying. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET) |
Girls, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Treatment, Rape and sexual assault, Violent crime, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a trauma-focused psychotherapy program for those suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The program is rated Effective. Treated adults showed statistically significant lower PTSD symptoms, depression, and anxiety than comparison group adults. Treated youth showed statistically significant higher levels of hope and lower levels of the PTSD criterion of intrusive re-experiencing than comparison group youth, but there were no impacts in other mental health outcomes. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Triple P: Positive Parenting Program |
Children exposed to violence, Treatment | This is a comprehensive parent-training program designed to enhance parental competence and prevent or alter dysfunctional parenting practices. By enhancing parenting practices, the program seeks to reduce family risk factors for child maltreatment and children’s behavioral and emotional problems. The program is rated Effective. There were statistically significant reductions in substantiated child maltreatment cases, out-of-home placements, and child maltreatment injuries. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) |
Juvenile health, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Juvenile (under 18), Child health and welfare, Child abuse | This program teaches parents new interaction and discipline skills to reduce children’s problem behaviors and parental physical child abuse by improving parent-child relationships and parental responses to difficult child behavior. The program is rated Effective. Treatment group parents showed statistically significant improvements in both parent and child behavior and a reduction in re-reports of child physical abuse, compared with control group parents, at the follow up. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial | ||
Program Profile: Safe Dates |
Dating violence, Juvenile health, Sex offenders, School safety, Children exposed to violence, Trauma, Treatment, Victimization, Child health and welfare, Intimate partner violence, Juvenile (under 18), Victims of crime | This is a prevention program for middle and high school students, which is designed to stop or prevent dating violence perpetration and victimization. This program is rated Effective. The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in psychological, physical, and sexual abuse perpetration, and physical abuse victimization, compared with the control group at the 4-year follow up; however, there were no significant differences between groups on sexual abuse victimization. Date Posted: |
None | ||
Program Profile: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) |
Juvenile health, Mental health, Substance abuse, Children exposed to violence, Coping, Immigrants, Minorities, Trauma, Treatment, Schools, Child health and welfare, Juvenile (under 18) | This is a cognitive-behavioral therapy group intervention designed to reduce children’s symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression caused by exposure to violence. The program is rated Effective. Intervention group participants showed statistically significant reductions in depressive and PTSD symptoms, compared with control group participants, at the 3-month follow up. However, there were no statistically significant impacts on classroom behavior problems. Date Posted: |
Randomized Controlled Trial |