Program Goals
Connections is a juvenile court-based program designed to address the needs of juveniles on probation who have emotional and behavioral disorders and the needs of their families. The program’s goal is to connect youths and families with local resources to reduce youths’ risk of recidivating. Connections uses the Wraparound Model to engage with youth, their families and service providers. Youth and family teams are convened to identify needs and coordinate services with multiple service providers for youths and families who have complex needs. Services may include family therapy, clinical therapy, substance abuse treatment, special education, medication, caregiver support, public assistance, housing, and mental health care. In theory, the program treats its target population in a holistic way by participating in cross-system collaboration using Wraparound to ensure youths do not recidivate.
The program was developed in Clark County, Washington. The county applied for and received the Comprehensive Community Services for Children and Their Families Program grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Mental Health Services. The system-of-care grant supports efforts to design an integrated and coordinated system for children and juveniles with mental health problems. With the grant, Clark County was able to enhance and develop a wide array of mental health services. There was commitment of the Judges, administration and county commissioners. The Clark County Juvenile Court was able to sustain the Connections program after the system of care grant ended, and it operates under the same philosophy and practice as when it started in 2001.
Target Population
The targeted population includes juveniles who are seen as “high risk” or likely to reoffend that also have mental health issues. Youth are referred to the Connections program by any juvenile justice staff member. To be eligible, juveniles must have 6 months or more probation time remaining, have a diagnosed or diagnosable behavioral health disorder, receive services in more than one system (i.e. the juvenile justice system and the mental health system), and they must be assessed as having a moderate to high risk to reoffend. Risk of reoffending is determined by juveniles’ scores on the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment. All referrals are considered by the care coordinators and the clinical psychologist, who ensure that youth meet the criteria for inclusion in the program. If youth are eligible, an initial wraparound team meeting occurs within 30 days of intake.
Program Activities
Activities provided to youth include crisis stabilization, parent/partners programming, family support and training organization, interagency meetings, and increased access to flexible funding (flexible funds are used for nontraditional services such as general equivalency diploma testing, respite care, clothing, or transportation). The child and family teams meet monthly or as needed, depending on what services are required for youth to be successful in the program. Youth are generally discharged from the program at the end of their probationary period. Three months prior to discharge, youth begin to transition out of Connections, to ensure they are connected with community service providers and other necessary resources.
Key Personnel
Key personnel involved with the program include a mental health care coordinator, family assistance specialist, probation counselor, juvenile services associate, and staff clinical psychologist. All team members hold a number of supportive roles which include facilitating meetings with participants and their families, emotional and practical support, supervision, counseling, and getting in contact with natural support systems. For immediate support, the family assistance specialist and mental health care coordinator are both available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.