Evidence Rating: Effective | More than one study
This is a preventive intervention designed to help college students make better decisions about alcohol use. The program is rated Effective. The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in negative consequences of drinking (for example, accidents, violence or academic problems) and peak blood alcohol content. However, findings were mixed with regard to quantities consumed, and there was no statistically significant difference between groups in frequency of drinking.
An Effective rating implies that implementing the program is likely to result in the intended outcome(s).
This program's rating is based on evidence that includes at least one high-quality randomized controlled trial.
This program's rating is based on evidence that includes either 1) one study conducted in multiple sites; or 2) two or three studies, each conducted at a different site. Learn about how we make the multisite determination.
Program Goals
Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) is a harm-reduction intervention for college students. Students often conform to patterns of heavy drinking they see as acceptable, while holding false beliefs about alcohol’s effects or actual alcohol-use norms. BASICS is designed to help students make better decisions about using alcohol. The program’s style is empathic, rather than confrontational or judgmental. It aims to 1) reduce alcohol consumption and its adverse consequences, 2) promote healthier choices among young adults, and 3) provide important information and coping skills for reducing risk.
Target Population
BASICS is aimed at college students 18 to 24 years old who drink alcohol heavily and have experienced or are at risk for alcohol-related problems such as poor class attendance, missed assignments, accidents, sexual assault, and violence.
Program Theory
BASICS uses brief, limited interventions designed to prompt students to change their drinking patterns. Heavy drinking among students decreases as the population ages. The program is designed to prompt behavioral changes in the early years of college. The brief interventions aim to modify the participants’ responses to peers in alcohol-related situations.
Program Components
The program is conducted over the course of two 50-minute interviews. As a harm-reduction approach, BASICS aims to motivate students to reduce risky behaviors instead of targeting a specific drinking goal such as abstinence or reduced drinking. Students can be identified through routine screening or through referral from medical, housing, or disciplinary services. Before or after the first interview, the student receives a self-report questionnaire to complete. From the questionnaire and the first interview, information is gathered about the student’s alcohol consumption pattern, personal beliefs about alcohol, understanding of social alcohol norms, and family history.
The second interview, which occurs about 2 weeks after the initial interview, provides the student with personalized feedback on his or her patterns of drinking, typical and peak blood alcohol concentration, comparison of drinking patterns with other college students of the same age and gender, and level of family history of alcohol problems. Moreover, the program challenges inaccurate alcohol norms and myths about alcohol’s effects, highlights alcohol-related negative consequences, suggests ways to reduce future risks associated with alcohol use, and provides a menu of options to assist in making changes. Screening and referral for stepped-care treatment is also offered as needed.
Study 1
Consequences of Alcohol Consumption
Baer and colleagues (2001) found that participants in the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS) intervention showed statistically significant reductions on measures of negative consequences related to drinking, compared with the control group at the 4-year follow up.
Quantities Consumed
The intervention group showed statistically significant reductions in drinking quantities, or average alcohol drinks consumed per drinking day, compared with the control group at the 4-year follow up.
Frequency of Drinking
There were no significant differences between groups in the frequency of drinking at the 4-year follow up.
Study 2
Blood-Alcohol Content Level
Turrisi and colleagues (2009) found that the intervention group that received only the BASICS intervention reported a statistically significant decrease in peak blood–alcohol content, compared with the control group at the 10-month follow up.
Quantity of Drinks Consumed Per Weekend
The BASICS intervention group reported a statistically significant reduction in weekend consumption of drinks, compared with the control group at the 10-month follow up.
Quantity of Drinks Consumed Per Week
There were no statistically significant differences between groups in quantities of alcohol consumed per week at the 10-month follow up.
Turrisi and colleagues (2009) studied incoming freshman at large universities in the Northeast and the Northwest, screening them during summer 2006. To be eligible the participants needed to be high school athletes transitioning to college. High school athletes transitioning to college have been previously identified as a group at high risk of alcohol use.
Participants were randomized to four conditions: a control group (n = 305), a treatment group that received BASICS (n = 228), and two other treatment groups—one that received a parent intervention (n = 279) and one that received both BASICS and the parent intervention (n = 278). Overall, participants had a mean age of 17.92 years, and 44.4 percent were male. Approximately 80 percent identified as white, 10.1 percent as Asian, 4.5 percent as Hispanic or Latino, 3.7 percent as multiracial, 2 percent as Black, 0.5 percent as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, 0.2 as American Indian or Alaska Native, 3.2 percent as other, and .04 percent that did not identify race or ethnicity. There were no significant differences between groups in race or ethnicity; however, there were significantly more females in the control and BASICS groups, compared with the other intervention groups.
The BASICS intervention consisted of 1-hour one-on-one sessions with a trained peer facilitator. Participants were directed toward the computerized feedback from their baseline assessment that examined consumption patterns and behaviors. They were given information on the myths and risks associated with alcohol as well as protective behavioral strategies. The baseline and follow-up (conducted about 10 months postintervention) procedures were administered in the form of an online self-report questionnaire.
The study used intent-to-treat analyses and mean difference tests (Cohen’s d) to assess the variations in alcohol use between the groups over time. Peak blood–alcohol content was calculated, as were the quantity of drinks, during the week and at weekends.
The Baer and colleagues (2001) study aimed to measure the long-term effects of Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students (BASICS). Their study sampled students, all under 19 years old and due to attend the University of Washington in fall 1990 (n = 4,000). The students were all sent a questionnaire in the spring preceding their matriculation to identify their levels of drinking. Fifty-one percent provided complete questionnaires and showed a willingness to participate in the study. Among the students who completed the questionnaire, a high-risk sample was identified and randomized into a control (n = 113) and a treatment group (n = 145). Another normative comparison group (n = 113) was randomly selected from the entire pool of responders. Of the high-risk sample, 55 percent were female and 84 percent were white. The normative comparison sample was 54 percent female and 78 percent white. There were no significant baseline differences between the groups. Measures were taken at baseline, at 6 months posttest, and at follow-ups at 1-year intervals for up to 4 years.
The participants in the treatment group received a single-session intervention similar to motivational interviewing. They were given personal feedback on their alcohol consumption patterns for the 2 weeks preceding the intervention. They also received information about the risk and myths associated with alcohol consumption. And they received advice and tips to reduce risks associated with drinking. The following year, participants receiving the intervention were mailed personalized feedback that analyzed their drinking. The participants identified as highest risk (n = 56) were contacted by phone to learn of concern over their drinking and were offered additional feedback.
The study measured three drinking measures, which were standardized to the normative comparative sample at baseline. Students were asked about drinking frequency, drinking quantity, and any negative consequences related to drinking such as violence, date rape, accidents, academic problems, and family conflict. The measures were analyzed using mean standardized factor scores and differences.
The study authors used mixed model analyses to examine the effects of group (experimental or control) and time (baseline and 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year follow-up) on the major outcomes (frequency, quantity, and negative consequences).
These sources were used in the development of the program profile:
Mastroleo, Irene Markman Geisner, Joel R. Grossbard, Sean J. Tollison, Ty W. Lostutter, and Heidi Montoya. 2009. “A Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating A Combined Alcohol Intervention for High-Risk College Students.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 70:555–67.
Baer, John S., Daniel R. Kivlahan, Arthur W. Blume, Patrick. McKnight, and G. Alan Marlatt. 2001. “Brief Intervention for Heavy-Drinking College Students: 4-Year Follow-Up and Natural History.” American Journal of Public Health 91(8):1310–16.
These sources were used in the development of the program profile:
Grossbard, Joel R., Nadine R. Mastroleo, Jason R. Kilmer, Christine M. Lee, Robert Turrisi, Mary E. Larimer, and Anne E. Ray. 2010, “Substance Use Patterns Among First-Year College Students: Secondary Effects of a Combined Alcohol Intervention.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 39:384–90.
Mastroleo, Nadine R., Robert Turrisi, JoLynn V. Carney, Anne E. Ray, and Mary E. Larimer. 2010. “Examination of Posttraining Supervision of Peer Counselors in a Motivational Enhancement Intervention to Reduce Drinking in a Sample of Heavy-Drinking College Students.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 39:289–97.
Tollison, Sean J., Christine M. Lee, Clayton Neighbors, Teryl A. Neil, Nichole D. Olson, and Mary E. Larimer. 2008. “Questions and Reflections: The Use of Motivational Interviewing Microskills in a Peer-Led Brief Alcohol Intervention for College Students.” Behavior Therapy 39:183–94.
Whiteside, Ursula, Jessica M. Cronce, E.R. Pedersen and Mary E. Larimer. 2010. “Brief Motivational Feedback for College Students and Adolescents: A Harm Reduction Approach.” Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session 66(2):150–63.
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A client-centered, semidirective psychological treatment approach that concentrates on improving and strengthening individuals’ motivations to change. The practice is rated Effective. Individuals in the treatment groups significantly reduced their use of substances compared to those in the no-treatment control groups.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Multiple substances |
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Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol-related problems of adolescents |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol-related problems of young adults |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol consumption by young adults |
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Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Positive alcohol expectancies |
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Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Multiple substances |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Marijuana |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Other hard substances |
This practice consists of time-limited, low-dose therapeutic programs delivered in a school or educational setting that teach skills and encourage motivation to change or prevent substance use in youth participants. This practice is rated Effective for reducing alcohol use but was rated Ineffective for reducing marijuana use.
Evidence Ratings for Outcomes
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Alcohol |
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Drugs & Substance Abuse - Marijuana |
Age: 18 - 24
Gender: Male, Female
Race/Ethnicity: White, Black, Hispanic, American Indians/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other
Geography: Suburban Urban
Setting (Delivery): Campus
Program Type: Alcohol and Drug Prevention, Motivational Interviewing
Current Program Status: Active