Practice Profile: Juvenile Intensive Supervision Programs

Evidence Rating for Outcomes

Crime & Delinquency | Multiple crime/offense types


This practice consists of intensive supervision of juveniles on probation in the community, compared with those on traditional community supervision. Conditions of intensive supervision programs may vary, but they generally include increased face-to-face contact with probation officers, drug/urinalysis testing, and participation in programming (such as tutoring, counseling, or job training). The practice is rated Ineffective for reducing recidivism.

Date Created: July 17, 2024
Practice Snapshot

Age: 12 - 18

Gender: Male, Female

Race/Ethnicity: White, Other

Targeted Population: High Risk Offenders

Setting (Delivery): Other Community Setting

Practice Type: Alternatives to Incarceration/Prison, Probation/Parole Services, Specific deterrence

Unit of Analysis: Persons