We have identified hundreds of meta-analyses in our literature reviews, but not every meta-analysis becomes a rated practice on CrimeSolutions.
We use rigorous research to inform you about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice and crime victim services. We set a high bar for the scientific quality of the evidence used to assign ratings. Much of the evidence that we identify is screened out before going to review. See Why Meta-analyses Are Screened Out.
Following is a list of 225 meta-analyses that were screened out during the initial review.
Reference | Primary Topic | Practice Topic |
Abt, Thomas, and Christopher Winship. 2016. What Works in Reducing Community Violence: A Meta-Review and Field Study for the Northern Triangle. Washington, D.C.: United States Agency for International Development. | Crime Prevention | Community Violence Prevention Interventions |
Allen, Michele L., Diego Garcia–Huidobro, Carolyn Porta, Dorothy Curran, Roma Patel, Jonathan Miller, and Iris Borowsky. 2016. “Effective Parenting Interventions to Reduce Youth Substance Use: A Systematic Review.” Pediatrics 138(2):e20154425. | Juvenile Justice | Parenting Interventions to Reduce Youth Substance Use |
Alves–Costa, Filipa, Catherine Hamilton–Giachritsis, Hope Christie, Mariette van Denderen, and Sarah Halligan. 2019. “Psychological Interventions for Individuals Bereaved by Homicide: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(4):793–803. | Corrections | Psychological Interventions for Individuals Bereaved by Homicide |
Amato, Laura, Marina Davoli, Silvia Minozzi, Eliana Ferroni, Robert Ali, and Marica Ferri. 2013. “Methadone at Tapered Doses for the Management of Opioid Withdrawal.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003409. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003409.pub4 | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Tapered Methadone Doses for Management of Opioid Withdrawal |
Anderson, Elizabeth J., Keegan C. Krause, Caitlin Meyer Krause, Abby Welter, D. Jean McClelland, David O. Garcia, Kacey Ernst, Elise C. Lopez, and Mary P. Koss. 2019. “Web-Based and mHealth Interventions for Intimate-Partner Violence Victimization Prevention: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, online first. | Victims and Victimization | Web-Based and mHealth Interventions for Prevention of Intimate-Partner Violence Victimization |
Andrews, Donald A., Ivan Zinger, Robert D. Hoge, James Bonta, Paul Gendreau, and Francis T. Cullen. 1990. “Does Correctional Treatment Work? A Clinically Relevant and Psychologically Informed Meta-Analysis.” Criminology 28:369–404. | Corrections | Correctional Treatment |
Auty, Katherine M., Aiden Cope, and Alison Liebling. 2017. “Psychoeducational Programs for Reducing Prison Violence: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior, published online 18 January 2017. | Corrections | Psychoeducational Programs for Reducing Prison Violence |
Baetz, Carly Lyn, Christopher Edward Branson, Emily Weinberger, Raquel E. Rose, Eva Petkova, Sarah McCue Horwitz, and Kimberly Eaton Hoagwood. 2021. “The Effectiveness of PTSD Treatment for Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Review.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, online first. | Juvenile Justice | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment for Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System |
Baptista, Rafael Rocha de Oliveira, and Grazielle Tagliamento. 2021. “Effectiveness of Interventions With Male Perpetrators of Violence Against Women: A Narrative Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 58:101583. | Corrections | Interventions for Male Perpetrators of Violence Against Women |
Barlow, Jane, Cathy Bennett, Nick Midgley, Soili K. Larkin, and Yinghui Wei. 2015. “Parent–Infant Psychotherapy for Improving Parental and Infant Mental Health: A Systematic Review.” Cochrane Systematic Reviews 6. | Juvenile Justice | Parent–Infant Psychotherapy for Parental and Infant Mental Health |
Barlow, Jane, Isabelle Johnston, Denise Kendrick, Leon Polnay, and Sarah Stewart–Brown. 2006. “Individual and Group-Based Parenting Programmes for the Treatment of Physical Child Abuse and Neglect (Review).” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 3. | Victims and Victimization | Individual and Group-Based Parenting Programs for the Treatment of Physical Child Abuse and Neglect |
Barnett, Paul G., John H. Rodgers, and Daniel A. Bloch. 2001. “A Meta-Analysis Comparing Buprenorphine to Methadone for Treatment of Opiate Dependence.” Addiction 96:683–90. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Buprenorphine Compared With Methadone Treatment of Opiate Dependence |
Bartlett, Annie, Elhum Jhanji, Sarah White, Mari Anne Harty, Judith Scammell, and Sarah Allen. 2015. “Interventions With Women Offenders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mental Health Gain.” Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 26(2):133–65 | Corrections | Treatment for Women Convicted of Offenses |
Barton, Alexa, Stefanie McLaney, and Dionne Stephens. 2020. “Targeted Interventions for Violence Among Latinx Youth: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 53:101434. | Juvenile Justice | Target Interventions for Violence Among Latino Youth |
Beaudry, Gabrielle, Rongqin Yu, Amanda Elizabeth Perry, and Seena Fazel. 2021. “Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions in Prison to Reduce Recidivism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.” Lancet Psychiatry 8:759–73. | Corrections | Psychological Interventions in Prison to Reduce Recidivism |
Beck, Richard, and Ephrem Fernandez. 1998. “Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Anger: A Meta-Analysis.” Cognitive Therapy and Research 22(1):63–74. | Juvenile Justice | Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Youth With Anger |
Belur, Jyoti, Winifred Agnew–Pauley, Brendan McGinley, and Lisa Tompson. 2019. “A Systematic Review of Police Recruit Training Programmes.” Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, published online first. | Law Enforcement | Police Recruit Training Programs |
Bender, Kimberly, Stephen J. Tripodi, Christy Sarteschi, and Michael G. Vaughn. 2011. “A Meta-Analysis of Interventions to Reduce Adolescent Cannabis Use.” Research on Social Work Practice 21:153–64. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions to Reduce Adolescent Cannabis Use |
Bettmann, Joanna E.; H.L. Gillis; Elizabeth A. Speelman; Kimber J. Parry; and Jonathan M. Case. 2016. “A Meta-Analysis of Wilderness Therapy Outcomes for Private Pay Clients.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:2659–73. | Juvenile Justice | Wilderness Therapy for Private Pay Clients |
Birch, Philip, and Erin Cox. 2019. “Immediate Responses by Service Providers After a Violent Critical Incident: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 46:8–14. | Victims and Victimization | Service Providers Immediate Responses After a Violent Critical Incident |
Bird, Karen Schucan, and Ian Shemilt. 2019. “The Crime, Mental Health, and Economic Impacts of Prearrest Diversion of People With Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review.” Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, published online first. | Law Enforcement | Prearrest Diversion for People With Mental Health Problems |
Bisson, J., and M. Andrew. 2009. “Psychological Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) [Review].” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1. | Victims and Victimization | Psychological Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |
Black, David S., Joel Milam, and Steve Sussman. 2009. “Sitting-Meditation Interventions Among Youth: A Review of Treatment Efficacy.” Pediatrics 124(3):e532–41. | Juvenile Justice | Sitting-Meditation Interventions for Youth |
Blaya, Catherine. 2019 “Cyberhate: A Review and Content Analysis of Intervention Strategies.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 45:163–72. | Crime Prevention | Cyberhate Intervention Strategies |
Booth, Alison, Arabella Scantlebury, Adwoa Hughes–Morley, Natasha Mitchell, Kath Wright, William Scott, and Catriona McDaid. 2017. “Mental Health Training Programmes for Non–Mental Health Trained Professionals Coming Into Contact With People With Mental Ill Health: A Systematic Review of Effectiveness.” BMC Psychiatry 17:196–220. | Law Enforcement | Mental Health Training Programs for Non–Mental Health Professionals Coming Into Contact With People With Mental Ill Health |
Bourke, Matthew, Rhiannon K. Patten, Sarah Dash, Michaela Pascoe, Melinda Craike, Joseph Firth, Alan Bailey, Felice Jacka, and Alexandra G. Parker. 2021. “The Effect of Interventions That Target Multiple Modifiable Health Behaviors on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Young People: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Journal of Adolescent Health, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Targeted Treatment for Young People With Anxiety and Depression |
Brooks–Gordon, Belinda, Charlotte Bilby, and Helene Wells. 2006. “A Systematic Review of Psychological Interventions for Sexual Offenders I: Randomised Control Trials.” Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 17(3):442–66. | Corrections | Psychological Interventions for Individuals Committing Sexual Offenses |
Brown, Randall T. 2010. “Systematic Review of the Impact of Adult Drug-Treatment Courts.” Translational Research 155(6):263–74. | Courts | Adult Drug-Treatment Courts |
Brown, Wilson J., Daniel Dewey, Brian E. Bunnell, Stephen J. Boyd, Allison K. Wilkerson, Melissa A. Mitchell, and Steven E. Bruce. 2018. “A Critical Review of Negative Affect and the Application of CBT for PTSD.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 19(2):176–94. | Victims and Victimization | Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |
Burnes, David, Andie MacNeil, Aliya Nowaczynski, Christine Sheppard, Leeann Trevors, Erica Lenton, Mark S. Lachs, and Karl Pillemer. 2021. “A Scoping Review of Outcomes in Elder Abuse Intervention Research: The Current Landscape and Where to Go Next.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 57:101476. | Crime Prevention | Elder Abuse Interventions |
Byrne, Gary, and Aine Ni Ghrada. 2019. “The Application and Adoption of Four ‘Third Wave’ Psychotherapies for Mental Health Difficulties and Aggression Within Correction and Forensic Settings: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 46:45–55. | Corrections | ‘Third Wave’ Psychotherapies for People in Correctional and Forensic Settings With Mental Health Difficulties and Aggression |
Byrne, Gary. 2020. “A Systematic Review of Treatment Interventions for Individuals With Intellectual Disability and Trauma Symptoms: A Review of the Recent Literature.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, posted online first. | Victims and Victimization | Treatment for Individuals With Intellectual Disability and Trauma Symptoms |
Campie, Patricia E., and Jake Sokolsky. 2016. Systematic Review of Factors That Impact Implementation Quality of Child Welfare, Public Health, and Education Programs for Adolescents: Implications for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. | Juvenile Justice | Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts |
Cantone, Elisa, Anna P. Piras, Marcello Vellante, Antonello Preti, Sigrun Daníelsdóttir, Ernesto D’Aloja, Sigita Lesinskiene, Mathhias C. Angermeyer, Mauro G. Carta, and Dinesh Bhugra. 2015. “Interventions on Bullying and Cyberbullying in Schools: A Systematic Review.” Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health 11(Suppl 1:M4):58–76. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Bullying and Cyberbullying in Schools |
Cary, Colleen E., and J. Curtis McMillen. 2012. “The Data Behind the Dissemination: A Systematic Review of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Use With Children and Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 34:748–57. | Juvenile Justice | Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Youth |
Chen, Ying–Ren, Kuo–Wei Hung, Jui–Chen Tsai, Hsin Chu, Min–Huey Chung, Su–Ru Chen, Yuan–Mei Liao, Keng–Liang Ou, Yue–Cune Chang, and Kuei–Ru Chou. 2014. “Efficacy of Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Patients With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” PLoS One 9(8). | Victims and Victimization | Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing for Patients With PTSD |
Cheng, Shih–Ying, Maxine Davis, Melissa Jonson–Reid, and Lauren Yaeger. 2021. “Compared to What? A Meta-Analysis of Batterer Intervention Studies Using Nontreated Controls or Comparisons.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(3):495–511. | Courts | Batterer Interventions |
Clark, Nicolas C., Nicholas Lintzeris , Alan Gijsbers, Greg Whelan, Adrian Dunlop, Alison Ritter, and Walter W. Ling. 2002. “LAAM Maintenance Versus Methadone Maintenance for Heroin Dependence.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD002210. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | LAAM Maintenance Compared With Methadone Maintenance for Heroin Dependence |
Cleaver, Karen, Pam Maras, Charlotte Oram, and Karen McCallum. 2019. “A Review of UK–Based Multi-Agency Approaches to Early Intervention in Domestic Abuse: Lessons to Be Learnt From Existing Evaluation Studies.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 46:140–55. | Crime Prevention | United Kingdom–Based Multi-Agency Approaches for Domestic Abuse |
Cooke, Barbara J., and David P. Farrington. 2016. “The Effectiveness of Dog-Training Programs in Prison: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Literature.” Prison Journal 1–23. | Corrections | Dog-Training Programs |
Copeland, Jan, and Izabella Pokorski. 2016. “Progress Toward Pharmacotherapies for Cannabis-Use Disorder: An Evidence-Based Review.” Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation 7:41–53. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Pharmacotherapies for Cannabis-Use Disorder |
Copenhaver, Michael M., Blair T. Johnson, I–Ching Lee, Jennifer J. Harman, Michael P. Carey, and SHARP Research Team. 2006. “Behavioral HIV Risk Reduction Among People Who Inject Drugs: Meta-Analytic Evidence of Efficacy.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 31:163–71. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Behavioral HIV Risk Reduction for People Who Inject Drugs |
Corcoran, Jacqueline. 2004. “Treatment Outcome Research With the Nonoffending Parents of Sexually Abused Children: A Critical Review.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 13:59–84. | Victims: Carol Petrie | Treatment for Nonoffending Parents of Sexually Abused Children |
Cork, Cliodhna, Ross White, Pia Noel, and Niamh Bergin. 2020. “Randomized Controlled Trials of Interventions Addressing Intimate-Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 21(4):643–59. | Crime Prevention | Interventions Addressing Intimate-Partner Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa |
Cotter, Katie L., and Caroline B.R. Evans. 2018. “A Systematic Review of Teen Court Evaluation Studies: A Focus on Evaluation Design Characteristics and Program Components and Processes.” Adolescent Research Review 3(4):425–47. | Juvenile Justice | Teen Court Programs |
Cubitt, Timothy I.C., Rebecca Lesic, Gemma L. Myers, and Robert Corry. 2016. “Body-Worn Video: A Systematic Review of Literature.” Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, available online first. | Law Enforcement | Body-Worn Videos |
Dalton, Kathryn, Lisa Bishop, Stephen Darcy. 2021. “Investigating Interventions That Lead to the Highest Treatment Retention for Emerging Adults With Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review.” Addictive Behaviors 122:107005. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Treatment for Emerging Adults With Substance Use Disorder |
Dau, Philipp M., Christophe Vandeviver, Maite Dewinter, Frank Witlox, and Tom Vander Beken. 2021. “Policing Directions: A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Police Presence.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, published online first. | Law Enforcement | Effectiveness of Police Presence |
Day, Andrew, Danielle Newton, and Armon Tamatea. 2021. “A Scoping Review of Family Focussed Interventions to Prevent Prison Violence.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, published online first. | Corrections | Family Focused Interventions to Prevent Prison Violence |
De Koker, Petra, Catherine Mathews, Melanie Zuch, Sheri Bastien, and Amanda J. Mason–Jones. 2014 “A Systematic Review of Interventions for Preventing Adolescent Intimate-Partner Violence.” Journal of Adolescent Health 54(1):3–13. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Preventing Adolescent Intimate-Partner Violence |
DeGue, Sarah, Linda Anne Valle, Melissa K. Holt, Greta M. Massetti, Jennifer L. Matjasko, and Andra Teten Tharp. 2014. “A Systematic Review of Primary Prevention Strategies for Sexual Violence Perpetration.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 19:346–62. | Victims and Victimization | Primary Prevention Strategies for Sexual Violence |
Dekovic, Maja, Meike I. Slagt, Jessica J. Asscher, Leonieke Boendermaker, Veroni I. Eichelsheim, and Peter Prinzie. 2011. “Effects of Early Prevention Programs on Adult Criminal Offending: A Meta-Analysis.” Clinical Psychology Review 31:532–44. | Juvenile Justice | Early Prevention Programs for Adult Criminal Offending |
Droste, Nicolas, Peter Miller, and Tim Baker. 2014. “Review Article: Emergency Department Data Sharing to Reduce Alcohol-Related Violence: A Systematic Review of the Feasibility and Effectiveness of Community-Level Interventions.” Emergency Medicine Australasia 26(4):326–35. | Crime Prevention | Community-Level Interventions to Reduce Alcohol-Related Violence |
Duncan, Edward A.S., Margaret M. Nicol, Alastair Ager, and Lenard Dalgleish. 2006. “A Systematic Review of Structured Group Interventions With Mentally Disordered Offenders.” Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 16(4):217–41. | Corrections | Group Interventions for Individuals with Mentally Disorders Who Commit Offenses |
Dworkin, Emily R., and Julie A. Schumacher. 2018. “Preventing Posttraumatic Stress Related to Sexual Assault Through Early Intervention: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 19(4):459–72. | Victims and Victimization | Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Related to Sexual Assault |
Earnshawa, Valerie A., Sari L. Reisner, David D. Meninob, V. Paul Poteat, Laura M. Bogart, Tia N. Barnes, and Mark A. Schuster. 2018. “Stigma-Based Bullying Interventions: A Systematic Review.” Developmental Review, available online first. | Juvenile Justice | Stigma-Based Bullying Interventions |
Eckhardt, Christopher I., Christopher M. Murphy, Daniel J. Whitaker, Joel Sprunger, Rita Dykstra, and Kim Woodard. 2013. “The Effectiveness of Intervention Programs for Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate-Partner Violence.” Partner Abuse 4(2):196–231. | Courts | Interventions for Perpetrators and Victims of Intimate-Partner Violence |
Hadfield, Emma, Emma Sleath, Sarah Brown, and Emma Holdsworth. 2021. “A Systematic Review Into the Effectiveness of Integrated Offender Management.” Criminology & Criminal Justice 21(5):650–68. | Corrections | Integrated Management of Persons Committing Offenses |
Engel, Robin S., Hannah D. McManus, and Tamara D. Herold. 2020. The Deafening Demand for De-Escalation Training: A Systematic Review and Call for Evidence in Police Use of Force Reform. Alexandria, Va.: IACP. | Law Enforcement | De-Escalation Training for Police |
Engel, Robin S., Hannah D. McManus, and Tamara D. Herold. 2020. “Does De-Escalation Training Work? A Systematic Review and Call for Evidence in Police Use-of-Force Reform.” Criminology and Public Policy 19:721–59. | Law enforcement | De-Escalation Training for Police |
Erke, Alena. 2009. “Red Light for Red-Light Cameras? A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Red-Light Cameras on Crashes.” Accident Analysis & Prevention 41(5):897–905. | Law Enforcement | Red-Light Cameras Impact on Crashes |
Evans, Caroline B.R., Katie Cotter Stalker, and Mary Ellen Brown. 2021. “A Systematic Review of Crime/Violence and Substance Use Prevention Programs.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 56:101513. | Juvenile Justice | Programs to Prevent Crime/Violence and Substance Use |
Evans, Caroline B.R., Mark W. Fraser, and Katie L. Cotter. 2014. “The Effectiveness of School-Based Bullying Prevention Programs: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 19:532–44. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Prevention Programs for Bullying |
Faggiano, Fabrizio, Silvia Minozzi, Elisabetta Versino, and Daria Buscemi. 2014. “Universal School-Based Prevention for Illicit Drug Use.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD003020. | Juvenile Justice | Universal School-Based Prevention Programs for Illicit Drug Use |
Faggiano, Fabrizio, F.D. Vigna–Taglianti, Elisabetta Versino, A. Zambon, A. Borraccino, and P. Lemma. 2005. “Universal School-Based Prevention for Illicit Drug Use.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2005, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003020.pub2. | Juvenile Justice | Universal School-Based Prevention Programs for Illicit Drug Use |
Feder, Lynette, and David B. Wilson. 2005. “A Meta-Analytic Review of Court-Mandated Batterer Intervention Programs: Can Courts Affect Abusers’ Behavior?” Journal of Experimental Criminology 1:239–62. | Courts | Court-Mandated Batterer Intervention Programs |
Feder, Lynette, David B. Wilson, and Sabrina Austin. 2008. “Court-Mandated Interventions for Individuals Convicted of Domestic Violence.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 12. | Courts | Court-Mandated Batterer Intervention Programs |
Wilson, David B., Lynette Feder, and Ajima Olaghere. 2021. “Court-Mandated Interventions for Individuals Convicted of Domestic Violence: An Updated Campbell Systematic Review.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 17:e1151. | Courts | Court-Mandated Batterer Intervention Programs |
Ferguson, Christopher J., Claudia San Miguel, John C. Kilburn, and Patricia Sanchez. 2007. “The Effectiveness of School-Based Antibullying Programs: A Meta-Analytic Review.” Criminal Justice Review 32(4):401–14. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Antibullying Programs |
Ferguson, Christopher John. 2007. “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Meta-Analytic Review of Positive and Negative Effects of Violent Video Games.” Psychiatric Quarterly 78(4):309–16. | Juvenile Justice | Violent Video Games |
Ferguson, L. Myles, and J. Stephen Wormith. 2013. “A Meta-Analysis of Moral Reconation Therapy.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57:1076–1106. | Corrections | Moral Reconation Therapy |
Filene, Jill H., Jennifer W. Kaminski, Linda Anne Valle, and Patrice Cachat. 2013. “Components Associated With Home Visiting Program Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis.” Pediatrics, accepted for publication Aug. 26, 2013. | Victims and Victimization | Home Visiting Programs |
Filges, Trine, Anne–Sofie Due Knudsen, Majken Mosegaard Svenden, Krystyna Kowalski, Lars Benjaminsen, and Anne–Marie Klint Jørgensen. 2015. “Cognitive–Behavioural Therapies for Young People in Outpatient Treatment for Nonopioid Drug Use: A Systematic Review.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 3. | Juvenile Justice | Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Young People |
Fisher, Benjamin W., and Emily A. Hennessy. 2016. “School Resource Officers and Exclusionary Discipline in U.S. High Schools: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Adolescent Research Review 1:217–33. | Juvenile Justice | School Resource Officers and Exclusionary Discipline |
Fontanarosa, Joann, Stacey Uhl, Olu Oyesanmi, and Karen M. Schoelle. 2013. “Interventions for Adult Offenders With Serious Mental Illness.” Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 121. (Prepared by the ECRI Institute Evidence-Based Practice Center under Contract No. 290–2007–10063–I.) AHRQ Publication No. 13–EHC107–EF. Rockville, Md.: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; August 2013. | Corrections | Interventions for Adults With Serious Mental Illness Who Commit Offenses |
Hopkin, G.; S. Evans–Lacko; A. Forrester; J. Shaw; and G. Thornicroft. 2018. “Interventions at the Transition From Prison to the Community for Prisoners With Mental Illness: A Systematic Review.” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 45:623–34. | Corrections | Interventions for Prisoners With Mental Illness |
Garrett, Carol. 1985. “Effects of Residential Treatment on Adjudicated Delinquents: A Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 22(4):287–308. | Juvenile Justice | Treatment for Adjudicated Delinquents in Residential Treatment |
Gase, Lauren N., Taylor Schooley, Amelia DeFosset, Michael A. Stoll, and Tony Ku. 2016. “The Impact of Teen Courts on Youth Outcomes: A Systematic Review.” Adolescent Research Review 1:51–67. | Juvenile Justice | Teen Court Programs |
Gedney, Christine R., David S. Wood, Brad Lundahl, and Robert P. Butters. 2018. “Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts in the U.S. Air Force: A Systematic Review and Content Analysis.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33(3):421–41. | Crime Prevention | Preventing Sexual Assault in the U.S. Air Force |
Geeraert, Liesl, Wim Van den Noortgate, Hans Grietens, and Patrick Onghena. 2004. “The Effects of Early Prevention Programs for Families With Young Children at Risk for Physical Child Abuse and Neglect: A Meta-Analysis.” Child Maltreatment 9:277–91. | Victims and Victimization | Early Prevention Programs for Families With Young Children |
Geraets, Anouk F.J., and Peter G. van der Velden. 2020. “Low-Cost Nonprofessional Interventions for Victims of Sexual Violence: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 53:101425. | Corrections | Low-Cost Nonprofessional Interventions for Victims of Sexual Violence |
Gijzen, Mandy W.M., Sanne P.A. Rasing, Daan H.M. Creemers, Rutger C.M.E. Engels, and Filip Smit. 2022. “Effectiveness of School-Based Preventive Programs in Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Affective Disorders 298:408–20. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Prevention Programs for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors |
Givens, Ashley, Kimberly Moeller, and Terence L. Johnson. 2021. “Prison-Based Interventions for Early Adults With Mental Health Needs: A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(5):613–30. | Corrections | Prison-Based Interventions for Mental Health Needs |
Godoy, Sarah M., Georgia E. Perris, Mikiko Thelwell, Antonia Osuna–Garcia, Elizabeth Barnert, Amy Bacharach, and Eraka P. Bath. 2022. “A Systematic Review of Specialty Courts in the United States for Adolescents Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Corrections | Specialty Courts for Adolescents Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation |
Goulet, Marie–Hélène, Caroline Larue, and Alexandre Dumais. 2017. “Evaluation of Seclusion and Restraint Reduction Programs in Mental Health: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 34:139–46. | Crime Prevention | Seclusion and Restraint Reduction Programs in Mental Health |
Graham, Laurie M., Venita Embry, Belinda–Rose Young, Rebecca J. Macy, Kathryn E. Moracco, Heather Luz McNaughton Reyes, and Sandra L. Martin. 2019.” Evaluations of Prevention Programs for Sexual, Dating, and Intimate-Partner Violence for Boys and Men: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(3):439–65. | Crime Prevention | Prevention Programs for Sexual, Dating, and Intimate-Partner Violence for Boys and Men |
Greenberg, Mark T., Celene Domitrovich, and Brian Bumbarger. 1999. Preventing Mental Disorders in School-Age Children: A Review of the Effectiveness of Prevention Programs. State College, Pa.: Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development, College of Health and Human Development, Pennsylvania State University. | Juvenile Justice | Mental Disorder Prevention Programs for School-Age Children |
Grietens, Hans, and Walter Hellinckx. 2004. “Evaluating Effects of Residential Treatment for Juvenile Offenders by Statistical Meta-Analysis: A Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 9:401–15. | Juvenile Justice | Residential Treatment for Juveniles |
Grossman, Elyse R., and Nancy A. Miller. 2015. “A Systematic Review of the Impact of Juvenile Curfew Laws on Public Health and Justice Outcomes.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 49(6):945–51. | Juvenile Justice | Juvenile Curfew Laws on Public Health and Justice Outcomes |
Grove, Allen B., Steven W. Evans, Dena A. Pastor, and Samantha D. Mack. 2008. “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Follow-Up Studies of Programs Designed to Prevent the Primary Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 13:169–84. | Juvenile Justice | Programs to Prevent the Primary Symptoms of Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders |
Growns, Bethanym, Stuart A. Kinner, Elizabeth Conroy, Eileen Baldry, and Sarah Larney. 2018. “A Systematic Review of Supported Accommodation Programs for People Released From Custody.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(8):2174–94. | Corrections | Supported Accommodation Programs for People Released From Custody |
Guay, Stephane, Dominic Beaulieu–Prevost, Josette Sader, and Andre Marchand. 2019. “A Systematic Literature Review of Early Posttraumatic Interventions for Victims of Violent Crime.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 46:15–24. | Corrections | Early Posttraumatic Interventions for Victims of Violent Crime |
Gutermann, Jana, Franziska Schreiber, Simone Matulis, Laura Schwartzkopff, Julia Deppe, and Regina Steil. 2016. “Psychological Treatments for Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: A Meta-Analysis.” Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 19:77–93. | Juvenile Justice | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatments for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults |
Hall, Gordon C. Nagayama. 1995. “Sexual Offender Recidivism Revisited: A Meta-Analysis of Recent Treatment Studies.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 63:802–09. | Corrections | Treatment for Reducing Recidivism Among Those Committing Sexual Offenses |
Healy, S.R.; J.Y. Valente; S.C. Caetano; S.S. Martins; and Z.M. Sanchez. 2020. “Worldwide School-Based Psychosocial Interventions and Their Effect on Aggression Among Elementary School Children: A Systematic Review 2010–19.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 55:101486. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Psychosocial Interventions |
Heard, Emma, Allyson Mutch, and Lisa Fitzgerald. 2017. “Using Applied Theater in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention of Intimate-Partner Violence: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 21(1):138–56. | Victims: Carol Petrie | Applied Theater Prevention Programs for Intimate-Partner Violence |
Hedrich, Dagmar, Paula Alves, Michael Farrell, Heino Stöver, Lars Møller, and Soraya Mayet. 2012. “The Effectiveness of Opioid Maintenance Treatment in Prison Settings: A Systematic Review.” Addiction 107:501–17. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Opioid Maintenance Treatment for Prisoners |
Hemmings, Stacey, Sharon Jakobowitz, Melanie Abas, Debra Bick, Louise M. Howard, Nicky Stanley, Cathy Zimmerman, and Sian Oram.2016. “Responding to the Health Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Systematic Review.” BMC Health Services Research 16:320–29. | Victims and Victimization | Responses for Survivors of Human Trafficking |
Hermenau, Katharin, Katharina Goessmann, Niels Peter Rygaard, Markus A. Landolt, and Tobias Hecker. 2018. “Fostering Child Development by Improving Care Quality: A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Structural Interventions and Caregiver Trainings in Institutional Care.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 18(5):544–61. | Juvenile Justice | Structural Interventions and Caregiver Trainings |
Hettema, Jennifer, Julie Steele, and William R. Miller. 2005. “Motivational Interviewing.” Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 1:91–111. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Motivational Interviewing |
Hockenhull, J.C.; R. Whittington; M. Leitner; W. Barr; J. McGuire; M.G. Cherry; R. Flentje; B. Quinn; Y. Dundar; and R. Dickson. 2012. “A Systematic Review of Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Populations at High Risk of Engaging in Violent Behaviour: Update 2002–08.” Health Technology Assessment 16(3). | Crime Prevention | Prevention Strategies for Populations at High Risk of Engaging in Violent Behavior |
Holland, Lorelle, Natasha Reid, and Andrew Smirno. 2021. “Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Youth Justice: A Systematic Review of Screening, Assessment, and Interventions.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Youth Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Youth Justice |
Howell, Kathryn H., Laura E. Miller–Graff, Amanda J. Hasselle, and Kathryn E. Scrafford. 2017. “The Unique Needs of Pregnant, Violence-Exposed Women: A Systematic Review of Current Interventions and Directions for Translational Research.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 34:128–38. | Victims and Victimization | Interventions for Violence-Exposed Pregnant Women |
Hudspith, Lara F., Nadia Wager, Dominic Willmott, and Bernard Gallagher. 2021. “Forty Years of Rape Myth Acceptance Interventions: A Systematic Review of What Works in Naturalistic Institutional Settings and How This Can Be Applied to Educational Guidance for Jurors.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Corrections | Rape Myth Acceptance Interventions |
Lynas, Jenny, and Russell Hawkins. 2017. “Fidelity in School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: A Systematic Review.” Child Abuse & Neglect 72:10–21. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs |
Johnson, Laura, and Amanda M. Stylianou. 2020. “Coordinated Community Responses to Domestic Violence: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, posted online first. | Crime Prevention | Community Responses to Domestic Violence |
Kallapiran, Kannan, Siew Koo, Richard Kirubakaran, and Karen Hancock. 2015. “Review: Effectiveness of Mindfulness in Improving Mental Health Symptoms of Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 20:182–94. | Juvenile Justice | Improving Mental Health Symptoms of Children and Adolescents |
Katic, Barbara, Laura A. Alba, and Austin H. Johnson. 2020. “A Systematic Evaluation of Restorative Justice Practices: School Violence Prevention and Response.” Journal of School Violence, published online June 26, 2020. | Juvenile Justice | Restorative Justice Practices for School Violence Prevention and Response |
Keane, Lisa, and Maria Loades. 2017. “Review: Low Self-Esteem and Internalizing Disorders in Young People—A Systematic Review.” Child and Adolescent Mental Health 22(1):4–15. | Juvenile Justice | Treatment for Low Self-Esteem and Internalizing Disorders in Young People |
Keith, Thi, Fran Hyslop, and Robyn Richmond. 2022. “A Systematic Review of Interventions to Reduce Gender-Based Violence Among Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Corrections | Gender-Based Violence Interventions |
Jackson, Kelly F., David R. Hodge, and Michael G. Vaughn. 2010. “A Meta-Analysis of Culturally Sensitive Interventions Designed to Reduce High-Risk Behaviors Among African American Youth.” Journal of Social Service Research 36:163–73. | Juvenile Justice | Culturally Sensitive Interventions for High-Risk Behaviors Among African American Youth |
Kiani, Zahra, Masoumeh Simbar, Farzaneh Rashidi Fakari, Samiyeh Kazemi, Vida Ghasemi, Nasrin Azimi, Tahereh Mokhtariyan, and Shahin Bazzazian. 2021. “A Systematic Review: Empowerment Interventions to Reduce Domestic Violence?” Aggression and Violent Behavior 58:101585. | Victims and Victimization | Empowerment Interventions for Domestic Violence |
Kim, Jeongsuk, Brittney Chesworth, Hannabeth Franchino–Olsen, and Rebecca J. Macy. 2021. “A Scoping Review of Vicarious Trauma Interventions for Service Providers Working With People Who Have Experienced Traumatic Events.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, published online first. | Victims and Victimization | Vicarious Trauma Interventions |
Kim, Johnny S. 2008. “Examining the Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Meta-Analysis.” Research on Social Work Practice 18:107–16. | Juvenile Justice | Solution-Focused Brief Therapy |
Klenowski, Paul M., Keith J. Bell, and Kimberly D. Dodson. 2010. “An Empirical Evaluation of Juvenile Awareness Programs in the United States: Can Juveniles Be ‘Scared Straight’?” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 49(4):254–72. | Juvenile Justice | Juvenile Awareness Programs |
Kouyoumdjian, Fiona G., Kathryn E. McIsaac, Jessica Liauw, Samantha Green, Fareen Karachiwalla, Winnie Siu, Kaite Burkholder, Ingrid A. Binswanger, Lori Kiefer, Stuart A. Kinner, Mo Korchinski, Flora I. Matheson, Pam Young, and Stephen W. Hwang. 2015. “A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Interventions to Improve the Health of Persons During Imprisonment and in the Year After Release.” American Journal of Public Health 105:13–33. | Corrections | Health Improvement Interventions During Imprisonment |
Lafuente, Jorge Carlos, Marta Zubiaur, and Carlos Gutierrez–García. 2021. “Effects of Martial Arts and Combat Sports Training on Anger and Aggression: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 58:101611. | Juvenile Justice | Martial Arts and Combat Sports Training for Anger and Aggression |
Lange, Shannon, Jürgen Rehm, and Svetlana Popova. 2011. “The Effectiveness of Criminal Justice Diversion Initiatives in North America: A Systematic Literature Review.” International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 10(3):200–214. | Corrections | Criminal Justice Diversion Initiatives |
Larney, Sarah. 2010. “Does Opioid Substitution Treatment in Prisons Reduce Injecting-Related HIV Risk Behaviours? A Systematic Review.” Addiction 105(2):216–23. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Opioid Substitution Treatment to Reduce Injecting-Related HIV Risk Behaviors |
Latimer, Jeff, Craig Dowden, Kelly E. Morton–Bourgon, Jill Edgar, and Melanie Bania. 2003. Treating Youth in Conflict With the Law: A New Meta-Analysis. Ottawa, Ontario: Department of Justice Canada. | Juvenile Justice | Treatment for Youth in Conflict With the Law |
Latzman, Natasha E., Cecilia Casanueva, Julia Brinton, and Valerie L. Forman–Hoffman. 2019. “The Promotion of Well-Being Among Children Exposed to Intimate-Partner Violence: A Systematic Review of Interventions.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 15:e1049. | Victims and Victimization | Well-Being Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate-Partner Violence |
Layzer, Jean I., Barbara D. Goodson, Lawrence Bernstein, and Cristofer Price. 2001. National Evaluation of Family Support Programs. Vol. A: The Meta-Analysis. Final report. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates. | Victims and Victimization | Family Support Programs |
Leigh–Hunt, Nicholas, and Amanda Elizabeth Perry. 2015. “A Systematic Review of Interventions for Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD in Adult Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 59(7):701–72. | Corrections | Interventions for Adult Offenders With Anxiety, Depression, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |
Lemtra, Mark, Norman Bennett, Ushasri Nannapaneni, Cory Neudorf, Lynne Warren, Tanis Kershaw, and Christina Scott. 2008. “A Systematic Review of School-Based Marijuana and Alcohol Prevention Programs Targeting Adolescents Aged 10–15.” Addiction Research and Theory 18(1):84–96. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | School-Based Marijuana and Alcohol Prevention Programs |
Lenaerts, Evelien, Catharina Matheï, Frieda Matthys, Dieter Zeeuws, Leo Pas, Peter Anderson, and Bert Aertgeerts. 2014. “Continuing Care for Patients With Alcohol Use Disorders: A Systematic Review.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence 135:9–21. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Continuing Care for Alcohol Use Disorders |
Levey, Elizabeth J., Bizu Gelaye, Paul Bain, Marta B. Rondon, Christina P.C. Borba, David C. Henderson, and Michelle A. Williams. 2018. “A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials of Interventions Designed to Decrease Child Abuse in High-Risk Families.” Child Abuse & Neglect 65:48–57. | Victims and Victimization | Interventions to Decrease Child Abuse in High-Risk Families |
Lindstrøm, Maia, Madina Saidj, Krystyna Kowalski, Trine Filges, Pernille Skovbo Rasmussen, and Anne–Marie Klint Jørgensen. 2015. “Family Behavior Therapy (FBT) for Young People in Treatment for Nonopioid Drug Use: A Systematic Review.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 11. | Juvenile Justice | Family Behavior Therapy (FBT) for Young People in Treatment for Nonopioid Drug Use |
Lipsey, Mark W., Nana A. Landenberger, and Sandra J. Wilson. 2007. “Effects of Cognitive–Behavioral Programs for Criminal Offenders.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 6. | Corrections | Cognitive–Behavioral Programs for Individuals Committing Offenses |
Littell, Julia H., Melanie Popa, and Burnee Forsythe. 2005. “Multisystemic Therapy for Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Problems in Youth Aged 10–17.” Cochrane Systematic Reviews 1. | Juvenile Justice | Multisystemic Therapy (MST) |
Littell, Julia H., Therese D. Pigott, Karianne H. Nilsen, Stacy J. Green, and Olga L.K. Montgomery. 2021. “Multisystemic Therapy® for Social, Emotional, and Behavioural Problems in Youth Age 10 to 17: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 17(4):e1158. | Juvenile Justice | Multisystemic Therapy (MST) |
Loong, Desmond, Sarah Bonato, Jan Barnsley, and Carolyn S. Dewa. 2019. “The Effectiveness of Mental Health Courts in Reducing Recidivism and Police Contact: A Systematic Review.” Community Mental Health Journal, published online first, June 7, 2019. | Courts | Mental Health Courts |
Lorenc, Theo, Mark Petticrew, Margaret Whitehead, David Neary, Stephen Clayton, Kath Wright, Hilary Thomson, Steven Cummins, Amanda Sowden, and Adrian Renton. 2013. “Environmental Interventions to Reduce Fear of Crime: Systematic Review of Effectiveness.” Systematic Reviews 2(30):1–10. | Crime Prevention | Environmental Interventions to Reduce Fear of Crime |
MacLeod, Jennifer, and Geoffrey Nelson. 2000. “Programs for the Promotion of Family Wellness and the Prevention of Child Maltreatment: A Meta-Analytic Review.” Child Abuse & Neglect 24:1127–49. | Victims and Victimization | Programs Promoting Family Wellness to Prevent Child Maltreatment |
Macy, Rebecca J., Elizabeth Jones, Laurie M. Graham, and Leslie Roach. 2018. “Yoga for Trauma and Related Mental Health Problems: A Meta-Review With Clinical and Service Recommendations.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 19(1):35–57. | Victims and Victimization | Yoga for Trauma and Related Mental Health Problems |
Marrs Fuchsel, Catherine L., and Alison Brummett. 2020. “Intimate-Partner Violence Prevention and Intervention Group-Format Programs for Immigrant Latinas: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Family Violence, published online May 23, 2020. | Crime Prevention | Intimate-Partner Violence Group-Format Programs for Immigrant Latinas |
Marsch, Lisa A. 1998. “The Efficacy of Methadone Maintenance Interventions in Reducing Illicit Opiate Use, HIV Risk Behavior and Criminality: A Meta-Analysis.” American Psychological Society’s Eighth Annual Convention in San Francisco, Calif. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Methadone Maintenance Interventions to Reduce Illicit Opiate Use, HIV Risk Behavior and Criminality |
Maughan, Denita R., Elizabeth Christiansen, William R. Jenson, Daniel Olympia, and Elaine Clark. 2005. “Behavioral Parent Training as a Treatment for Externalizing Behaviors and Disruptive Behavior Disorders: A Meta-Analysis.” School Psychology Review 34:267–86. | Juvenile Justice | Behavioral Parent Training for Behaviors and Disruptive Behavior Disorders |
Maynard, Brandy R., Michael R. Solis, Veronica L. Miller, and Kristen E. Brendel. 2017. “Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Improving Cognition, Academic Achievement, Behavior, and Socioemotional Functioning of Primary and Secondary School Students.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 2017:5. | Juvenile Justice | Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Primary and Secondary School Students |
Mazerolle, Lorraine, Adrian Cherney, Elizabeth Eggins, Lorelei Hine, and Angela Higginson. 2021. “Multiagency Programs With Police as a Partner for Reducing Radicalisation to Violence.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 17:e1162. | Crime Prevention | Multiagency Programs With Police as a Partner for Reducing Radicalization to Violence |
McDonough, Danica E., Janet C. Blodgett, Amanda M. Midboe, and Daniel M. Blonigen. 2015. Justice-Involved Veterans and Employment: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Promising Strategies and Interventions. Menlo Park, Calif.: VA Palo Alto Health Care System. | Corrections | Interventions Strategies for Justice-Involved Veterans |
McDougall, Cynthia, Mark A. Cohen, Raymond Swaray, and Amanda Elizabeth Perry. 2008. “Benefit–Cost Analyses of Sentencing.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 10. | Courts | Sentencing Interventions |
McIntosh, Lindsey Gilling, Sarah Janes, Suzanne O’Rourke, and Lindsay D.G. Thomson. 2021. “Effectiveness of Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Forensic Mental Health Inpatients: A Meta-Analysis.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 58:1–17. | Corrections | Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions for Forensic Mental Health Inpatients |
McMurran, Mary, Rob Riemsma, Nathan Manning, Kate Misso, and Jos Kleijnen. 2011. “Interventions for Alcohol-Related Offending by Women: A Systematic Review.” Clinical Psychology Review 31:909–22. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Interventions for Alcohol-Related Women |
McMurran, Mary. 2009. “Motivational Interviewing With Offenders: A Systematic Review.” Legal and Criminological Psychology 14(1):83–100. | Corrections | Motivational Interviewing |
Memon, Amina, Christian A. Meissner, and Joanne Fraser. 2010. “The Cognitive Interview: A Meta-Analytic Review and Study Space Analysis of the Past 25 Years.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 16(4):340. | Law Enforcement | Interview and Interrogation Methods |
Moon, Deborah J., Jeri L. Damman, and Aly Romero. 2020. “The Effects of Primary Care–Based Parenting Interventions on Parenting and Child Behavioral Outcomes: A Systematic Review.” | Juvenile Justice | Primary Care–Based Parenting Interventions |
Mujal, Gabriela, Meghan E. Taylor, Jessica L. Fry, Tatiana H. Gochez–Kerr, and Nancy L. Weaver. 2021. “A Systematic Review of Bystander Interventions for the Prevention of Sexual Violence.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(2):381–96. | Crime Prevention | Bystander Interventions to Prevent Sexual Violence |
Muller, Ashley Elizabeth. 2020. “A Systematic Review of Quality-of-Life Assessments of Offenders.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 64(13–14):1364–97. | Corrections | Quality of Life Assessment Tools for Indiviuals Convicted of Offenses |
Mydin, Fadzilah Hanum Mohd, Choo Wan Yuen, and Sajaratulnisah Othman. 2021. “The Effectiveness of Educational Intervention in Improving Primary Healthcare Service Providers’ Knowledge, Identification, and Management of Elder Abuse and Neglect: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(4):944–60. | Crime Prevention | Educational Interventions for Elder Abuse and Neglect |
Nesset, Merete Berg, Mariela Loreto Lara–Cabrera, Therese Kristine Dalsbø, Sindre Andre Pedersen, Johan Håkon Bjørngaard, and Tom Palmstierna. 2019. “Cognitive Behavioural Group Therapy for Male Perpetrators of Intimate-Partner Violence: A Systematic Review.” BMC Psychiatry 19:11. | Corrections | Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Male Perpetrators of Intimate-Partner Violence |
Newton, Danielle, Andrew Day, Margaret Giles, Joanne Wodak, Joe Graffam, and Eileen Baldry. 2018. “The Impact of Vocational Education and Training Programs on Recidivism: A Systematic Review of Current Experimental Evidence.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(1):187–207. | Corrections | Impact of Vocational Education and Training Programs on Recidivism |
O’Brien, Jennifer E., and Rebecca J. Macy. 2016. “Culturally Specific Interventions for Female Survivors of Gender-Based Violence.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 31:48–60. | Victims and Victimization | Culturally Specific Interventions for Female Survivors of Gender-Based Violence |
Olaghere, Ajima, David B. Wilson, and Catherine S. Kimbrell. 2021. “Trauma-Informed Interventions for At-Risk and Justice-Involved Youth: A Meta-Analysis.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Trauma-Informed Interventions for At-Risk and Justice-Involved Youth |
Wilson, David B., Ajima Olaghere, and Catherine S. Kimbrell. 2020. “Trauma-Focused Interventions for Justice-Involved and At-Risk Youth: A Meta-Analysis.” Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, OJJDP. | Juvenile Justice | Trauma-Informed Interventions for At-Risk and Justice-Involved Youth |
Ramsay, Jean, Yvonne Carter, Leslie Davidson, Danielle Dunne, Sandra Eldridge, Gene Feder, Kelsey Hegarty, Carol Rivas, Angela Taft, and Alison Warburton. 2009. “Advocacy Interventions to Reduce or Eliminate Violence and Promote the Physical and Psychosocial Well-Being of Women Who Experience Intimate-Partner Abuse.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 5. | Victims and Victimization | Advocacy Interventions to Reduce or Eliminate Violence and Promote Physical and Psychosocial Well-Being for Women Who Experience Intimate-Partner Abuse |
Rivas, Carol, Jean Ramsay, Laura Sadowski, Leslie Davidson, Danielle Dunne, Sandra Eldridge, Kelsey Hegarty, Angela Tat, and Gene Feder. 2016. “Advocacy Interventions to Reduce or Eliminate Violence and Promote the Physical and Psychosocial Well-Being of Women Who Experience Intimate-Partner Abuse.” A Campbell Systematic Review 2016:02. | Victims and Victimization | Advocacy Interventions to Reduce or Eliminate Violence and Promote Physical and Psychosocial Well-Being for Women Who Experience Intimate-Partner Abuse |
Özabaci, Nilüfer. 2011. “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Violent Behaviour in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis.” Children and Youth Services Review 33(10):1989–93. | Juvenile Justice | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Violent Behavior in Children and Adolescents |
Pappas, Laceé N., and Amy L. Dent. 2021. “The 40-Year Debate: A Meta-Review on What Works for Juvenile Offenders.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Juveniles |
Parhar, Karen K.; J. Stephen Wormith; Dena M. Derkzen; and Adele M. Beauregard. 2008. “Offender Coercion in Treatment: A Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 35:1109–35. | Corrections | Effectiveness of Coercion in Treatment for Those Commiting Offenses |
Parker, Ben, and William Turner. 2013. “Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents Who Have Been Sexually Abused: A Systematic Review.” Research on Social Work Practice 24(4):389–99. | Victims and Victimization | Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents |
Peacock, Shelley, Stephanie Konrad, Erin Watson, Darren Nickel, and Nazeem Muhajarine. 2013. “Effectiveness of Home Visiting Programs on Child Outcomes: A Systematic Review.” BMC Public Health 13:17–31. | Juvenile Justice | Home Visiting Programs |
Pearson, Frank S., and Douglas S. Lipton. 1999. “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effectiveness of Corrections-Based Treatments for Drug Abuse.” Prison Journal 79:384–410. | Corrections | Corrections-Based Treatments for Drug Abuse |
Pearson, Frank S., Douglas S. Lipton, Charles M. Cleland, and Dorline S. Yee. 2002. “The Effects of Behavioral/Cognitive–Behavioral Programs on Recidivism.” Crime & Delinquency 48:476–96. | Corrections | Behavioral/Cognitive–Behavioral Programs |
Pellecchia, Melanie, Heather J. Nuske, Diondra Straiton, Elizabeth McGhee Hassrick, Amanda Gulsrud, Suzannah Iadarola, Sarah Fulton Vejnoska, Beth Bullen, Rachel Haine–Schlagel, Connie Kasari, David S. Mandell, Tristram Smith, and Aubyn C. Stahmer. 2018. “Strategies to Engage Underrepresented Parents in Child Intervention Services: A Review of Effectiveness and Co-Occurring Use.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 27:3141–54. | Juvenile Justice | Intervention Strategies to Engage Underrepresented Parents in Child Intervention Services |
Penzenstadler, Louise, Carina Soares, Eleonora Anci, Andrew Molodynski, and Yasser Khazaal. 2019. “Effect of Assertive Community Treatment for Patients With Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review.” European Addiction Research 25:56–67. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Assertive Community Treatment for Patients With Substance Use Disorder |
Per, Megan, Christina Spinelli, Isabel Sadowski, Emma Schmelefske, Leena Anand, and Bassam Khoury. 2019. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Incarcerated Populations.” Criminal Justice and Behavior, published online first. | Corrections | Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Incarcerated Populations |
Perry, Amanda Elizabeth, M. Neilson, Marrissa Martyn–St. James, J.M. Glanville, R. Woodhouse, C. Godfrey, and Catherine Elizabeth Hewitt. 2015. “Pharmacological Interventions for Drug-Using Offenders.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015, Issue 6. Art. No.: CD010862. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Pharmacological Interventions for Drug-Using Individuals Convicted of Offenses |
Glanville, J.M., Amanda Elizabeth Perry, Marrissa Martyn–St. James, Catherine Elizabeth Hewitt, Shilpi Swami, K. Wright, L. Burns, C. Pearson, Anne Aboaja, P. Thakkar, Keshava Murthy Santosh Kumar, and M. Bunney. 2021. “Pharmacological Interventions for Drug-Using Offenders: An Update to a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, published online first Feb. 15, 2021. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Pharmacological Interventions of Drug-Using Individuals Convicted of Offenses |
Petrosino, Anthony, Sarah Guckenburg, and Trevor Fronius. 2012. “‘Policing Schools’ Strategies: A Review of the Evaluation Evidence.” Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation 8(17):80–101. | Juvenile Justice | Policing Schools’ Strategies |
Petrosino, Carolyn, Kyung–Shick Choi, Sinyong Choi, Sinchul Back, and Seong–Min Park. 2021. “The Effects of Emotional Literacy Programs on Inmates’ Empathy, Mindfulness, and Self-Regulation: A Random-Effect Meta-Analysis.” Prison Journal 101(3):262–85. | Corrections | Emotional Literacy Programs for Inmates |
Pettus–Davis, Carrie, Tanya Renn, Christopher A. Veeh, and Jacob Eikenberry. 2019. “Intervention Development Study of the Five-Key Model for Reentry: An Evidence-Driven Prisoner Reentry Intervention.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(7):614–43. | Corrections | Five-Key Model Intervention Strategy for Reentry |
Pontes, Luciana, Barbalho, Aline Cardoso Siqueira, and Lucia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Williams. 2019. “A Systematic Literature Review of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 28:3231–44. | Juvenile Justice | ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program |
Poulson, Barton. 2003. “A Third Voice: A Review of Empirical Research on the Psychological Outcomes of Restorative Justice.” Utah Law Review 204:167–203. | Victims and Victimization | Restorative Justice Impact on Psychological Outcomes |
Purtle, Jonathan. 2020. “Systematic Review of Evaluations of Trauma-Informed Organizational Interventions That Include Staff Trainings.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 21(4):725–40. | Crime Prevention | Trauma-Informed Organizational Interventions |
Robinson, T. Rowand, Stephen W. Smith, M. David Miller, and Mary T. Brownell. 1999. “Cognitive Behavior Modification of Hyperactivity–Impulsivity and Aggression: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Studies.” Journal of Educational Psychology 91(2):195–203. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Cognitive Behavior Modification for Hyperactivity–Impulsivity and Aggression |
Romano, Elisa, Kelly Weegar, Elena Gallitto, Sarah Zak, and Michael Saini. 2019. “Meta-Analysis on Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate-Partner Violence.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 22(4):728–38. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Children Exposed to Intimate-Partner Violence |
Scott–Little, Catherine, Mary Sue Hamann, and Stephen G. Jurs. 2002. “Evaluations of Afterschool Programs: A Meta-Evaluation of Methodologies and Narrative Synthesis of Findings.” American Journal of Evaluation 23(4):387–419. | Juvenile Justice | Afterschool Programs |
Sergiou, Carmen S., Emiliano Santarnecchi, Ingmar H.A. Franken, and Josanne D.M. van Dongen. 2020. “The Effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an Intervention to Improve Empathic Abilities and Reduce Violent Behavior: A Literature Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 55:101463. | Crime Prevention | Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Improve Empathic Abilities and Reduce Violent Behavior |
Serketich, Wendy J., and Jean E. Dumas. 1996. “The Effectiveness of Behavioral Parent Training to Modify Antisocial Behavior in Children: A Meta-Analysis.” Behavior Therapy 27:171–86. | Juvenile Justice | Behavioral Parent Training for Parents With Antisocial Children |
Shorey, Shefaly, Soo Downe, Joelle Yan Xin Chua, Sofia O. Byrne, Maaike Fobelets, and Joan Gabrielle Lalor. 2021. “Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions to Improve the Mental Well-Being of Parents Who Have Experienced Traumatic Childbirth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Psychological Interventions for the Mental Well-Being of Parents Who Have Experienced Traumatic Childbirth |
Sivaraman, Bhagya, Elizabeth Nye, and Lucy Bowes. 2019. “School-Based Antibullying Interventions for Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 45:154–62. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Antibullying Interventions for Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries |
Sokol, Rebeccah L., Justin Heinze, Jessica Doan, Meg Normand, Alison Grodzinski, Naomi Pomerantz, Briana A Scott, Maura Gaswirth, and Marc Zimmerman. 2021. “Crisis Interventions in Schools: A Systematic Review.” Journal of School Violence 20(2):241–60. | Juvenile Justice | School Crisis Intervention Programs |
Soleymani, Sara, Eileen Britt, and Mark Wallace–Bell. 2018. “Motivational Interviewing for Enhancing Engagement in Intimate-Partner Violence (IPV) Treatment: A Review of the Literature.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 40:119–27. | Crime Prevention | Motivational Interviewing for Intimate-Partner Violence Treatment |
Souza Silva Branco, Marília, Elisa Rachel Pisani Altafim, and Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares. 2021. “Universal Intervention to Strengthen Parenting and Prevent Child Maltreatment: Updated Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Universal Interventions to Strengthen Parenting and Prevent Child Maltreatment |
Sprague, Sheila, Paula McKay, Kim Madden, Taryn Scott, Diana Tikasz, Gerard P. Slobogean, and Mohit Bhandari. 2017. “Outcome Measures for Evaluating Intimate-Partner Violence Programs Within Clinical Settings: A Systematic Review of the Literature.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 18(5):508–22. | Corrections | Intimate-Partner Violence Programs Within Clinical Settings |
Stark, Lindsay, Mackenzie V. Robinson, Ilana Seff, Alli Gillespie, Jonathan Colarelli, and Debbie Landis. 2021. “The Effectiveness of Women and Girls Safe Spaces: A Systematic Review of Evidence to Address Violence Against Women and Girls in Humanitarian Contexts.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Victims and Victimization | Women and Girls Safe Spaces Program |
Stephenson, Lucy A., Katherine Beck, Paula Busuulwa, Camilla Rosan, Carmine M. Pariante, Susan Pawlbye, and Vaheshta Sethnae. 2018. “Perinatal Interventions for Mothers and Fathers Who Are Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.” Child Abuse & Neglect 80:9–31. | Juvenile Justice | Perinatal Interventions for Mothers and Fathers Who Are Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse |
Sussman, Steven Y. 2002. “Effects of 66 Adolescent Tobacco Use Cessation Trials and 17 Prospective Studies of Self-Initiated Quitting.” Tobacco-Induced Diseases 1:35–81. | Juvenile Justice | Tobacco Use Cessation and Self-Initiated Quitting Interventions for Adolescents |
Taliep, Naiema, Sandy Lazarus, and Anthony V. Naidoo. 2017. “A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programs Focused on Males.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, published online. | Corrections | Interpersonal Violence Prevention Programs Focused on Males |
Tarzia, Laura, Kirsty Forsdike, Gene Feder, and Kelsey Hegarty. 2017. “Interventions in Health Settings for Male Perpetrators or Victims of Intimate-Partner Violence.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, published online. | Crime Prevention | Interventions in Health Settings for Male Perpetrators or Victims of Intimate-Partner Violence |
Tobler, Nancy S., and Howard S. Stratton. 1997. “Effectiveness of School-Based Drug Prevention Programs: A Meta-Analysis of the Research.” Journal of Primary Prevention 18(1):71–128. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Drug Prevention Programs |
Tobler, Nancy S., Michael R. Roona, Peter Ochshorn, Diana G. Marshall, Andrei V. Streke, and Kimberly M. Stackpole. 2000. “School-Based Adolescent Drug Prevention Programs: 1988 Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Primary Prevention 20:275–336. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Drug Prevention Programs |
Tobler, Nancy S., Terri Lessard, Diana Marshall, Peter Ochshorn, and Michael Roona. 1999. “Effectiveness of School-Based Drug Prevention Programs for Marijuana Use.” School Psychology International 20(1):105–37. | Juvenile Justice | School-Based Drug Prevention Programs |
Toole–Anstey, Chye, Lynne Keevers, and Michelle L. Townsend. 2021. “A Systematic Review of Child-to-Parent Violence Interventions.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Child-to-Parent Violence Interventions |
Trabold, Nicole, James McMahon, Shannon Alsobrooks, Staci Whitney, and Mona Mittal. 2020. “A Systematic Review of Intimate-Partner Violence Interventions: State of the Field and Implications for Practitioners.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 21(2):311–25. | Corrections | Intimate-Partner Violence Interventions |
Tripathi, Saumya, and Sameena Azhar. 2020. “A Systematic Review of Intimate-Partner Violence Interventions Impacting South Asian Women in the United States.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, published online first. | Victims and Victimization | Intimate-Partner Violence Interventions for South Asian Women in the United States |
Tripodi, Stephen J., Kimberly Bender, Christy Litschge, and Michael G. Vaughn. 2010. “Interventions for Reducing Adolescent Alcohol Abuse: A Meta-Analytic Review.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 164:85–91. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Reducing Adolescent Alcohol Abuse |
Tucker, Corinna Jenkins, and David Finkelhor. 2017. “The State of Interventions for Sibling Conflict and Aggression: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse 18(4):396–406. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions for Sibling Conflict and Aggression |
van Esch, A.Y.M.; A.D. Denzel; E.J.A. Scherder; and E.D.M. Masthoff. 2018. “Intelligence Assessment Instruments in Adult Prison Populations: A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(10):3225–44. | Corrections | Intelligence Assessment Tools for Adult Prison Populations |
Vanesa Pérez–Martínez, Jorge Marcos–Marcos, Ariadna Cerdan–Torregrosa, Erica Briones–Vozmediano, Belen Sanz–Barbero, M. Carmen Davó–Blanes, Nihaya Daoud, Clarie Edwards, Mariano Salazar, Daniel La Parra–Casado, and Carmen Vives–Cases. 2021. “Positive Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence Educational Interventions Among Young People: A Systematic Review.” Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Positive Masculinities and Gender-Based Violence Educational Interventions for Young People |
Vaughn, Michael G., and Matthew O. Howard. 2004. “Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: A Synthesis of Controlled Evaluations.” Research on Social Work Practice 14(5):325–35. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment |
Villettaz, Patrice, Martin Killias, and Isabel Zoder. 2006. “The Effects of Custodial Versus Noncustodial Sentences on Reoffending: A Systematic Review of the State of Knowledge.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 13. | Courts | Custodial Compared With Noncustodial Sentences to Reduce Reoffending |
Welsh, Brandon C., and David P. Farrington. 2006. “Effectiveness of Family-Based Programs to Prevent Delinquency and Later Offending.” Psicothema 18:596–602. | Juvenile Justice | Family-Based Programs to Prevent Delinquency and Later Offending |
Welsh, Brandon C., Steven N. Zane, and Jillian Reeves. 2021. “Impact of Interventions for At-Risk and Criminally Involved Youths and Adults on Premature Mortality Over the Life Course: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Developmental and Life Course Criminology, published online first. | Crime Prevention | Interventions for At-Risk and Criminally Involved Youths and Adults |
West, Steven L., Keri K. O’Neal, and Carolyn W. Graham. 2000. “A Meta-Analysis Comparing the Effectiveness of Buprenorphine and Methadone.” Journal of Substance Abuse 12:405–14. | Drugs and Substance Abuse | Buprenorphine Compared With Methadone Treatments |
Wethington, Holly R., Robert A. Hahn, Dawna S. Fuqua–Whitley, Theresa Ann Sipe, Alex E. Crosby, Robert L. Johnson, Akiva M. Liberman, Eve Mos’cicki, LeShawndra N. Price, Farris K. Tuma, Geetika Kalra, and Sajal K. Chattopadhyay. 2008. “The Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Psychological Harm From Traumatic Events Among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 35(3):287–313. | Juvenile Justice | Interventions to Reduce Psychological Harm From Traumatic Events Among Children and Adolescents |
Wilson, David B., Catherine A. Gallagher, Mark B. Coggeshall, and Doris L. MacKenzie. 1999. “A Quantitative Review and Description of Corrections-Based Education, Vocation, and Work Programs.” Corrections Management Quarterly 3:8–18. | Corrections | Corrections-Based Education, Vocation, and Work Programs |
Wittkowski, Anja, and Hannah Dowling, and Debbie M. Smith. 2016. “Does Engaging in a Group-Based Intervention Increase Parental Self-Efficacy in Parents of Preschool Children? A Systematic Review of the Current Literature.” Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:3173–91. | Juvenile Justice | Group-Based Interventions for Parents of Preschool Children |
Yoon, Isabel A., Karen Slade, and Seena Fazel. 2017. “Outcomes of Psychological Therapies for Prisoners With Mental Health Problems: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 85(8):783–802. | Corrections | Psychological Therapies for Prisoners With Mental Health Problems |
Zaher, Eman, Kelly Keogh, and Savithiri Ratnapalan. 2014. “Effect of Domestic Violence Training: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Canadian Family Physician 60:618–24. | Victims and Victimization | Domestic Violence Training |
Zief, Susan Goerlich, Sherri Lauver, and Rebecca A. Maynard. 2006. “Impacts of Afterschool Programs on Student Outcomes.” Campbell Systematic Reviews 3. | Juvenile Justice | Afterschool Programs for Students |
Zoogman, Sarah, Simon B. Goldberg, William T. Hoyt, and Lisa Miller. 2015. “Mindfulness Interventions With Youth: A Meta-Analysis.” Mindfulness 6:290–302. | Juvenile Justice | Mindfulness Interventions for Youth |
Shelfer, Davis, Christi L. Gullion, Chris Guerra, Yan Zhang and, Jason R. Ingram. 2022. "A Systematic Review of Project Safe Neighborhoods Effects." Justice Evaluation Journal, published online first. | Law Enforcement | Project Safe Neighborhoods |
Michelson, Daniel, Clare Davenport, Janine Dretzke, Jane Barlow, and Crispin Day. 2013. "Do Evidence-Based Interventions Work When Tested in the ''Real World?'' A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Parent Management Training for the Treatment of Child Disruptive Behavior." Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 16:18-34. | Juvenile Justice | Parent Management Training for the Treatment of Child Disruptive Behavior |
Jugl, Irina, Doris Bender, and Friedrich Lösel. 2021. "Do Sports Programs Prevent Crime and Reduce Reoffending? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Effectiveness of Sports Programs." Journal of Quantitative Criminology, published online first. | Juvenile Justice | Sports Programs Effects on Crime and Reduce Reoffending |
Filges, Trine, Carole Torgerson, Louise Gascoine, Jens Dietrichson, Chantal Nielsen, and Bjørn A. Viinholt. 2019. "Effectiveness of Continuing Professional Development Training of Welfare Professionals on Outcomes for Children and Young People: A Systematic Review." Campbell Systematic Reviews 15:e1060. | Juvenile Justice | Continuing Professional Development Training of Welfare Professionals |
van der Put, Claudia E., Noelle F. Boekhout van Solinge, Geert Jan Stams, Machteld Hoeve, and Mark Assink. 2021. "Effects of Awareness Programs on Juvenile Delinquency: A Three-Level Meta-Analysis." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 65(1):68-91. | Juvenile Justice | Effects of Awareness Programs on Juvenile Delinquency |
Weisz, John R., Amanda Jensen-Doss, and Kristin M. Hawley. 2006. "Evidence-Based Youth Psychotherapies Versus Usual Clinical Care: A Meta-Analysis of Direct Comparisons." American Psychologist 61(7):671-89. | Juvenile Justice | Youth Psychotherapies |
Weisz, John R., Sofie Kuppens, Dikla Eckshtain, Ana M. Ugueto, Kristin M. Hawley, and Amanda Jensen-Doss. 2013. "Performance of Evidence-Based Youth Psychotherapies Compared With Usual Clinical Care: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis." JAMA Psychiatry 70(7):750-61. | Juvenile Justice | Evidence-Based Youth Psychotherapies Versus Usual Clinical Care |
Windisch, Steven, Susann Wiedlitzka, Ajima Olaghere, and Elizabeth Jenaway. 2022. "Online Interventions for Reducing Hate Speech and Cyberhate: A Systematic Review." Campbell Systematic Reviews 18:e1243. | Crime Prevention | Online Interventions for Reducing Hate Speech and Cyberhate |
MacArthur, Georgie J., Sean Harrison, Deborah M. Caldwell, Matthew Hickman, and Rona Campbell. 2016. "Peer-Led Interventions to Prevent Tobacco, Alcohol and/or Drug Use Among Young People Aged 11-21 Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Addiction 111:391-407. | Juvenile Justice | Peer-Led Interventions to Prevent Tobacco, Alcohol and/or Drug Use Among Young People Aged 11-21 Years |
Filges, Trine, Jens Dietrichson, Bjorn C.A. Viinholt, and Nina T. Dalgaard. 2022. "Service Learning for Improving Academic Success in Students in Grade K to 12: A Systematic Review." Campbell Systematic Reviews 18(1). | Juvenile Justice | Service Learning for Improving Academic Success in Students in Grade K to 12 |
Galway, Roisin, Michaela A. Swales, and Julia Wane. 2022. "The Efficacy of Offense-Specific Interventions in Reducing Risk and Recidivism in Women: A Systematic Review." The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, published online first. | Corrections | Offense-Specific Interventions in Reducing Risk and Recidivism in Women |
Labrecque, Ryan M., Jill Viglione, and Michael Caudy. 2022. "The Impact of Community Supervision Officer Training Programs on Officer and Client Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Justice Quarterly, published online first. | Corrections | Community Supervision Officer Training Programs |
Why Meta-Analyses Are Screened Out
A meta-analysis is screened out if it does not meet all of the criteria described below.
- Intervention: The meta-analysis must include at least two program evaluations of the practice of interest.
- Aggregation: The meta-analysis must report an aggregate effect size. That is, the meta-analysis must aggregate or average the effects of at least two studies into a single estimate of the effectiveness of the treatment.
- Primary aim: The intervention that is the subject of the meta-analysis must focus on at least one of the following. The program or practice must:
- Aim to prevent or reduce crime or delinquency, overt problem behaviors (such as aggression or gang involvement), or important risk factors for crime or delinquency (such as school failure);
- Aim to prevent, intervene, or respond to victimization;
- Aim to improve justice systems or processes; and/or
- Target a population of persons committing offense or an at-risk population (that is, individuals who have the potential to become involved in the justice system).
- Literature search: The meta-analysis must be based on a comprehensive and systematic search of the literature. To meet this criterion at least minimally, the search must include both of the following components:
- At least two sources for identifying potentially eligible research must be used. Sources include, for example, different electronic bibliographies, Google type internet searches, hand searches of journals, contacting relevant researchers in the field, and reviewing the references in pertinent studies and prior reviews.
- There is some indication that unpublished or “grey” literature was sought during the search, whether or not any unpublished research reports eventually met the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Unpublished and grey literature are defined here as literature that is not controlled by commercial publishers, including for example, conference presentations, government and non-governmental agency technical reports, and theses/dissertations. Meta-analyses that explicitly state that only published or peer-reviewed research was included are ineligible. Meta-analyses that explicitly or actively excluded unpublished or non-peer-reviewed research are ineligible.
- Primary outcomes: The meta-analysis must report results on at least one eligible outcome, defined by CrimeSolutions to include:
- Crime, delinquency, or overt problem behaviors (including aggression, gang involvement, or substance use), which may be presented as individual behaviors, community-level behaviors, crime rates, etc.;
- Victimization;
- Justice system practices or policies; or,
- Risk factors for crime and delinquency, including school failure, psychological problems or mental illness, etc.
Eligible outcomes must fall completely within one of the single construct categories listed below and cannot be combinations of constructs across more than one category. That is, constructs that are combinations of education and mental health outcomes would not be eligible unless the education and mental health outcomes were also reported separately.
- Control groups: The studies included in the meta-analysis must have appropriate control groups. Specifically, one of the following two conditions must be met:
- An appropriate counterfactual condition is required for all included studies in a meta-analysis, or
- In meta-analyses that include studies without control groups, results for controlled studies are reported separately from those of uncontrolled studies.
- Reporting of results: The meta-analysis must report a common quantitative index of results that represents the magnitude of the treatment effect (i.e., effect sizes) across included studies.
- Combining relationships: If the meta-analysis reports an average mean effect size calculation (for all studies or for subgroups of studies), only effect sizes in the same metric and measuring the same type of relationship are averaged together. This criterion has to do with the kinds of relationships and effect sizes that are combined rather than the types of programs that are combined. A meta-analysis that includes a diverse group of programs would not necessarily be problematic here. However, a meta-analysis that combined standardized mean difference effect sizes for treatment versus control comparisons with pretest-posttest change effect sizes would be ineligible unless the different effect size means were reported separately.
- Publication date: At least 50% of the studies included in the meta-analysis must be published or available on or after 1980.
- Age of samples: All of the studies included in the meta-analysis must involve participants that are either all juvenile or all adult. If the meta-analysis includes studies that involve both juveniles and adults, mean effect sizes must be reported separately for the juvenile and adult studies. Meta-analyses that include studies that themselves combine juveniles and adults in the same programs without providing any options for splitting the juvenile and adult samples would not be eligible. The age criterion does not apply for: (1) meta-analyses of practices or procedures that focus on areas, hot spots, surveillance, and the like, which do not typically involve identifiable individuals who commit offenses; or for (2) victim interventions.
Fecha Modificada: September 16, 2022
Updated through September 13, 2022
Fecha de Creación: 29 de Abril de 2022