Programs On Hold for Future Consideration


CrimeSolutions uses rigorous research to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice, juvenile justice, and crime victim services. We have identified thousands of programs and practices in our literature reviews, but not every intervention is selected for review or makes it onto CrimeSolutions with a rating.

Based on available resources, some identified program studies that are not selected for review have been placed “on hold.” These studies have met the minimum standards of evidence for CrimeSolutions, but, for one or more reasons, have been added to a backlog of studies for future consideration. See the reasons for placing a program study on hold.

We post this list to facilitate consideration for future program evaluations or replications.

Programs Held for Future Consideration
TitlePrimary Topic AreaReferences
"E-Verify" Law (Arizona)Law EnforcementChalfin, Aaron, and Monica Deza. "Immigration Enforcement, Crime, and Demography: Evidence From the Legal Arizona Workers Act." Criminology & Public Policy 19 (2):515–62.
‘‘Which Type of Drinker Are You?’’ Online Prevention Program (Italy)DrugsCanale, Natale, Alessio Vieno, Massimo Santinello, Francesca Chieco, and Stefano Andriolo. 2015. "The Efficacy of Computerized Alcohol Intervention Tailored to Drinking Motives Among College Students: A Quasi–Experimental Pilot Study." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(2):183–87.
4–H Mentoring/Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) ProgramJuvenile JusticePoulin, Mary E., and Stan Orchowsky. 2012. A Process and Outcome Evaluation of the 4–H Mentoring/Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) Program. Washington, D.C.: JRSA.
A Program for Mothers Based on Social Cognitive Theory and Smith's Model of Health and IllnessJuvenile JusticeSener, Konuk D., and G. Cimente. 2016. "A Program Based on Social Cognitive Theory and Smith's Model of Health and Illness and its Effect on Maternal Self–Efficacy and Child Behavior." Children and Youth Services Review 64:82–90.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Substance AbuseDrugsLuoma, Jason B., Barbara S. Kohlenberg, Steven C. Hayes, and Lindsay Fletcher. 2011."Slow and Steady Wins the Race: A Randomized Clinical Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Targeting Shame in Substance Use Disorders." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 80(1):43–53.
Acupuncture in Clark County (Las Vegas) Nevada Drug CourtCourtsWhite, Michael D., John S. Goldkamp, and Jennifer B. Robinson. 2006. "Acupuncture in Drug Treatment: Exploring its Role and Impact on Participant Behavior in the Drug Court Setting." Journal of Experimental Criminology 2:45–65.
Adolescent Behavioral Learning Experience Program (ABLE)Juvenile JusticeParsons, J., C. Weiss, and Q. Wei. 2016. Impact Evaluation of the Adolescent Behavioral Learning Experiences (ABLE) Program. New York, N.Y.: Vera Institute of Justice.
Adolescent Smoking Cessation: Escaping Nicotine and Tobacco Program (ASCENT)Juvenile JusticeHoffman, Jeffrey, Susanna Nemes, Jennifer Weil, Sharon Zack, Kelly Munly, and Lauren Hess. 2008. "Evaluation of the ASCENT Smoking Cessation Program for Adolescents." Journal of Smoking Cessation 3(1):2–8.
Adult Drug Courts in Seven StatesCourtsRempel, Michael, Mia Green, and Dana Kralstein. 2012. “The Impact of Adult Drug Courts on Crime and Incarceration: Findings From a Multi–Site Quasi–Experimental Design.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 8(2):165–92.
Adventures in a Caring CommunityJuvenile Justice

Beightol, Jesse, Jenn Jevertson, Susan Carter, Sky Gray, and Michael Gass. 2012. "Adventure Education and Resilience Enhancement." Journal of Experiential Education 35(2):307–25.

Carter, Susan. 2013. "Santa Fe Mountain Center Adventures in a Caring Community: FY13 Program Outcome Evaluation Report." Unpublished manuscript.

Agricultural Crime, Technology, Information, and Operations Network (ACTION)Crime Prevention

Mears, Daniel P., Michelle L. Scott, and Avinash S. Bhati. 2007. "A Process and Outcome Evaluation of an Agricultural Crime Prevention Initiative." Criminal Justice Policy Review 18(1):51–80.

Chalfin, Aaron, John Roman, Daniel P. Mears, and Michelle L. Scott. 2007. The Costs and Benefits of Agricultural Crime Prevention: A Primer for Estimating the Costs and Benefits of the Agricultural Crime Technology Information and Operations Network (ACTION). Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Mears, Daniel P., Michelle L. Scott, Avinash S. Bhati, John Roman, Aaron Chalfin, and Jesse Jannetta. 2007. Policy, Theory, and Research Lessons From an Evaluation of an Agricultural Crime Prevention Program. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Akron (Ohio) Municipal Drug CourtCourtsShaffer Deborah K., Jennifer L. Hartman, Shelley J. Listwan, Terra Howell, and Edward J. Latessa 2011. “Outcomes Among Drug Court Participants: Does Drug of Choice Matter?” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 55(1):155–74.
Alcohol Brief Intervention (Scotland)DrugsOrr, Kate Skellington, Andrew McAuley, Lesley Graham, and Shirley McCoard. 2015. "Applying an Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) Model to the Community Justice Setting: Learning From a Pilot Project." Criminology and Criminal Justice 15(1):83–101.
Alcohol Brief Intervention for Violent Offenders (Cardiff, U.K.)DrugsWatt, Kerrianne, Jonathan Shepherd, and Robert Newcombe. 2008. "Drunk and Dangerous: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Alcohol Brief Intervention for Violent Offenders." Journal of Experimental Criminology 4:1–9.
Alcohol: True StoriesJuvenile JusticeDivision on Addictions. 2003. Evaluating the Promising of an Alcohol Education Program: ‘Alcohol: True Stories’. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Medical School.
AlcoholEdu for CollegeJuvenile Justice

Nygaard, Peter, and Mallie J. Paschall. 2012. “Students’ Experiences With Web–Based Alcohol Prevention: A Qualitative Evaluation of AlcoholEdu.” Journal of Drug Education 42(2):137–58.

Paschall, Mallie J., Tamar Anton, Christopher L. Ringwalt, and Robert F. Saltz. 2011. “Effects of AlcoholEdu for College on Alcohol–Related Problems Among Freshmen: A Randomized Multicampus Trial.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 72(4):642–50.

Hustad, John T.P., Nancy P. Barnett, Brian Borsari, and Kristina M. Jackson. 2010. “Web–Based Alcohol Prevention for Incoming College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Addictive Behaviors 35:183–89.

Paschall, Mallie J., Tamar Antin, Christopher L. Ringwalt, and Robert F. Saltz. 2011. “Evaluation of an Internet–Based Alcohol Misuse Prevention Course for College Freshmen.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 41(3):300–08.

Wyatt, Todd M., William DeJong, and Elizabeth Dixon. 2013. “Population–Level Administration of AlcoholEdu for College: An ARIMA Time–Series Analysis.” Journal of Health Communication 18(8):898–912.

Wall, Andrew F. 2007. “Evaluating a Health Education Web Site: The Case of AlcoholEdu.” NASPA Journal 44(4):692–714.

Paschall, Mallie J., Christopher Ringwalt, Tamar Wyatt, and W. DeJong. 2014. “Effects of an Online Alcohol Education Course Among College Freshmen: An Investigation of Potential Mediators.” Journal of Health Communication 19(4):392–412.

Lovecchio, Catherine P., Todd Wyatt, and William DeJong. 2010. “Reductions in Drinking and Alcohol–Related Harms Reported by First–Year College Students Taking an Online Alcohol Education Course: A Randomized Trial.” Journal of Health Communication 15:805–19.

Croom, Katherine, Deborah Lewis, Timothy Marchell, Martin L. Lesser, Valerie F. Reyna, Lisa Kubicki–Bedford, Mitchel Feffer, and Lisa Staiano–Coico. 2009. “Impact of an Online Alcohol Education Course on Behavior and Harm for Incoming First–Year College Students: Short–Term Evaluation of a Randomized Trial.” Journal of American College Health 57(4):445–54.

Abrams, Gina Baral, John Koligian, Douglas Lane Mills, and William DeJong. 2011. “Failure of College Students to Complete an Online Alcohol Education Course as a Predictor of High–Risk Drinking That Requires Medical Attention.” American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse 37(6):515–19.

Nygaard, Peter, and Mallie J. Paschall. 2012. “Students’ Experiences With Web–Based Alcohol Prevention: A Qualitative Evaluation of AlcoholEdu.” Journal of Drug Education 42(2):137–58.

Alcohol–WiseDrugsStrohman, Ashleigh Sweet, Sopagna Eap Braje, Omar M. Alhassoon, Sylvie Shuttleworth, Jenna Van Slyke, and Sharareh Gandy. 2016. "Randomized Controlled Trial of Computerized Alcohol Intervention for College Students: Role of Class Level." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 42(1):15–24.
Allegheny County Jail Collaborative (ACJC)CorrectionsYamatani, H., and S. Spjeldnes. 2009. “Saving Our Criminal Justice System: The Efficacy of Collaborative Social Service.” Social Work 56(1):53–61.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Initiatives (NSW Children's Care Court, Australia)Juvenile JusticeMorgan, Anthony, Hayley Boxall, Kiptoo Terer, and Nathan Harris. 2012. Evaluation of Alternative Dispute Resolution Initiatives in the Care and Protection Jurisdiction of the NSW Children's Court. Canberra, Australia: Australian Institute of Criminology.
Alternatives for Youth's Advocacy (AFY) Cleveland, OhioJuvenile JusticeMallett, Christopher A., and Linda Julian. 2008. "Alternatives for Youth’s Advocacy Program: Reducing Minority Youth Incarceration Placements in Cleveland, Ohio." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 59:3.
Anne Arundel County (Md.) DUI CourtCourtsMackin, Juliette R., Lisa M. Lucas, Callie H. Lambarth, Mark S. Waller, Theresa Herrera Allen, Shannon M. Carey, and Michael W. Finigan. 2009. Anne Arundel County DUI Court Program: Outcome and Cost Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
APD and Cocaine Dependent PatientsDrugsMessina, Nina, David Farabee, and Richard Rawson. 2003. “Treatment Responsivity of Cocaine–Dependent Patients With Antisocial Personality Disorder to Cognitive–Behavioral and Contingency Management Interventions.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71(2):320–29.
Arbitration Intervention Services for JuvenilesJuvenile Justice

Dembo, Richard, Jennifer Wareham, Norman Poythress, Brittany Cook, and James Schmeidler. 2007. “The Impact of Arbitration Intervention Services on Psychosocial Functioning: A Follow–Up Study.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 43(4):61–94.

Dembo, Richard, Jennifer Wareham, Norman Poythress, Brittany Cook, and James Schmeidler. 2007. “The Impact of Arbitration Intervention Services on Youth Recidivism: One–Year Follow–Up.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 43(4):95–131.

Arizona’s Mandatory Drug Treatment LawCourtsRodriguez, Nancy, and Vincent J. Webb. 2007. "Probation Violations, Revocations, and Imprisonment: The Decisions of Probation Officers, Prosecutors, and Judges Pre– and Post–Mandatory Drug Treatment." Criminal Justice Policy Review 18:3–30.
Atomoxetine to Treat Substance Use Disorder in Adolescents with ADHDJuvenile JusticeThurstone, Christian, Paula D. Riggs, Stacy Salomonsen–Sautel, and Susan K. Mikulich–Gilbertson. 2010. "Randomized, Controlled Trial of Atomoxetine for ADHD in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorder." Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 49(6):573–82.
Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch–up (ABC)Drugs

Berlin, L.J., M. Shanahan, and K.A. Carmody. 2014. "Promoting Supportive Parenting in New Mothers with Substance Use Problems: A Pilot Randomized Trial of Residential Treatment Plus Attachment–Based Parenting Program." Infant Mental Health Journal 35(1):81–85. 

Bernard, Kristin, M. Dozier, J. Bick, E. Lewis–Morrarty, O. Lindhiem, and E. Carlson. 2012. "Enhancing Attachment Organization Among Maltreated Infants: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Child Development 83(2):623–36.

Bick, J., and M. Dozier. 2013. "The Effectiveness of an Attachment–Based Intervention in Promoting Foster Mothers’ Sensitivity Toward Foster Infants." Infant Mental Health Journal 34(2):95–103.

Bernard, Kristin, M. Dozier, J. Bick, and M.K. Gordon. 2015. "Intervening to Enhance Cortisol Regulation Among Children at Risk for Neglect: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Development and Psychopathology 27(3):829–41.

Bernard, K., Robert Simons, and Mary Dozier. N.d. "Effects of an Attachment–Based Intervention on High–Risk Mothers’ Event–Related Potentials to Children’s Emotions." Manuscript submitted for publication. 

Dozier, M., O. Lindhiem, E. Lewis, J. Bick, K. Bernard, and E. Peloso. 2009. "Effects of a Foster Parent Training Program on Young Children’s Attachment Behaviors: Preliminary Evidence From a Randomized Clinical Trial." Child Adolescent Social Work Journal 26:321–32.

Hoye, J., A. Asok, K. Bernard, T.L. Roth, J.B. Rosen, and M. Dozier. N.d. "Intervening Early to Protect Telomeres: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Unpublished manuscript. 

Lewis–Morrarty, E., M. Dozier, K. Bernard, S.M. Terracciano, and S.V. Moore. 2012. "Cognitive Flexibility and Theory of Mind Outcomes Among Foster Children: Preschool Follow–Up Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Journal of Adolescent Health 51(2):S17–S22. 

Lind, T., K. Bernard, E. Ross, and M. Dozier. 2014. "Intervention Effects on Negative Affect of CPS–Referred Children: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Child Abuse & Neglect 38:1459–1467. 

Sprang, G. 2009. "The Efficacy of a Relational Treatment for Maltreated Children and Their Families." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 14(2):81–88. 

Bernard, H., Camelia E. Hostinar, and Mary Dozier. 2014. "Intervention Effects on Diurnal Cortisol Rhythms of Child Protective Services–Referred Infants in Early Childhood Preschool Follow–Up Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial." Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics E1–E8. 

Dozier, M., E. Peloso, O. Lindhiem, M.K. Gordon, M. Manni, S. Sepulveda, J. Ackerman, A. Bernier, and S. Levine. 2006. "Developing Evidence–Based Interventions for Foster Children: An Example of a Randomized Clinical Trial With Infants and Toddlers." Journal of Social Issues 62(4):767–85. 

Dozier, M., E. Peloso, E. Lewis, J. Laurenceau, and S. Levine. 2008. "Effects of an Attachment–Based Intervention on the Cortisol Production of Infants and Toddlers in Foster Care." Development and Psychopathology 20(3):845–59.

Australia's 1996 National Firearms Agreement (NFA)Crime Prevention

Leigh, Andrew, and Christine Neill. 2010. “Do Gun Buybacks Save Lives? Evidence From Panel Data.” American Law and Economics Review 12(2):509–57.

McPhedran, Samara, and Jeanine Baker. 2008. "The Impact of Australia’s 1996 Firearms Legislation: A Research Review With Emphasis on Data Selection, Methodological Issues, and Statistical Outcomes." Justice Policy Journal 5(1):4–18.

Baker, Jeanine, and Samara McPhedran. 2006. "Gun Laws and Sudden Death: Did the Australian Firearms Legislation of 1996 Make a Difference?" British Journal of Criminology 47(3):455–69.

Chapman, S., P. Alpers, K. Agho, and M. Jones. 2006. "Australia’s 1996 Gun Law Reforms: Faster Falls in Firearm Deaths, Firearm Suicides, and a Decade Without Mass Shootings.” Injury Prevention 12(6):365–72.

McPhedran, Samara, and Jeanine Baker. 2008. "Australian Firearms Legislation and Unintentional Firearm Deaths: A Theoretical Explanation for the Absence of Decline Following the 1996 Gun Laws." Public Health 122:297–99.

Ukert, B., E. Andreyeva, and C.C. Branas. 2018. “Time Series Robustness Checks to Test the Effects of the 1996 Australian Firearm Law on Cause–Specific Mortality.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 14:141–54.

McPhedran, Samara. 2018. "An Evaluation of the Impacts of Changing Firearms Legislation on Australian Female Firearm Homicide Victimization Rates." Violence Against Women 24(7):798–815.

Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Technology (Cincinnati Police Department)Crime PreventionOzer, Murat. 2016. "Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Technology: Is ALPR a Smart Choice in Policing?" The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 89(2):117–32.
Bahamian Focus on Older Youth (BFOOY)Juvenile JusticeDinaj–Kocil, Veronica, Xinguang Chen,  Lynette Deveaux, Sonja Lunn,  Xiaoming Li, Bo Wang, Nanika Braithwaite, Sharon Marshall, Perry Gomez,  and Bonita Stanton. 2015. "Developmental Implications of  HIV Prevention During Adolescence: Examination of the  Long–Term Impact of HIV Prevention Interventions Delivered in Randomized Controlled Trials in Grade Six and in Grade 10." Youth & Society 47(2):151–72. 
BASICS Brief Motivational Intervention (BASICS BMI)Juvenile JusticeKazemi, Donna M., Jacek Dmochowski, Linman Sun, Mary Nies, Faan Faahb, and Samuel Walford. 2011. "Outcomes of a Targeted Capacity Expansion (TCE) Brief Motivational Intervention for High–Risk Drinking Freshmen: Pilot Study Comparison at Baseline and 6 Months." Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 29:219–29.
Befriending Intervention on Bullying (Italy)Juvenile JusticeMenesini, Ersilia, Elena Codecasa, Beatrice Benelli, and Helen Cowie. 2003. "Enhancing Children's Responsibility to Take Action Against Bullying: Evaluation of a Befriending Intervention in Italian Middle Schools." Aggressive Behavior 29(1):1–14.
Bennington County (Vt.) Integrated Domestic Violence Docket Project (One Family, One Judge Model)Courts

Schlueter, Max, Peter Wicklund, Robin Adler, Joan Owen, and Tim Halvorsen. 2011. Bennington County Integrated Domestic Violence Docket Project: Outcome Evaluation Final Report. Northfield Falls, Vt.: The Vermont Center for Justice Research.

Adler, Richard. 2013. Bennington County Integrated Domestic Violence Docket Project: Process Evaluation Final Report. Northfield Falls, Vt.: The Vermont Center for Justice Research.

Benton County Adult Drug CourtCourtsWaller, Mark S., and Shannon M. Carey. 2011. Benton County Adult Drug Treatment Court Process, Outcome, and Cost Evaluation: Final Report. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Bible College Program for Prisoners (Darrington, Texas)CorrectionsDuwe, Grant, Michael Hallett, Joshua Hays, Sung Joon Jang, and Byron R. Johnson. 2015. “Bible College Participation and Prison Misconduct: A Preliminary Analysis.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(5):371–90.
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Targeted Reentry InitiativeJuvenile JusticeBarton, William H., G. Roger Jajoura, and Andre Rosay. 2008. Evaluation of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Target Reentry Initiative: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Breaking the Cycle (Multisite)Corrections

Harrell, Adele, Ojmarrh Mitchell, Jeffrey Merrill, and Douglas Marlowe. 2003. Evaluation of Breaking the Cycle. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute. [NIJ Funded]. 

Walters, Glenn D. 2016. "Breaking the Cycle Demonstration Project: Using a Quasi–Experimental Analysis to Test the ’Worst of Both Worlds’ Hypothesis and Risk Principle."  Journal of Experimental Criminology 12:127–41.

Brief Motivational Enhancement Intervention for IPV in Alcohol Treatment SettingCrime PreventionSchumacher, Julie A., Scott F. Coffey, Paul R. Stasiewicz, Christopher M. Murphy, Kenneth E. Leonard, and William Fals–Stewart. 2011. "Development of a Brief Motivational Enhancement Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence in Alcohol Treatment Settings." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 20:103–27.
Brief Motivational Intervention to Enhance Parental EngagementJuvenile JusticeSterrett, Emma, Deborah J. Jones, Alecia Zalot, and Sarah Shook. 2010. "A Pilot Study of a Brief Motivational Intervention to Enhance Parental Engagement: A Brief Report." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:697–701.
Brooklyn (N.Y.) Mediation Field TestCourtsDavis, Robert C. 2009. “The Brooklyn Mediation Field Test.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 5:25–39.
Broward County (Fla.) Mental Health CourtCourtsBoothroyd, Roger A., Cynthia Mercado, Norman Poythress, Annette Christy, and John Petrilla. 2005. “Clinical Outcomes of Defendants in Mental Health Court.” Psychiatric Services 56(7):826–34.
Building Language for LiteracyJuvenile JusticeUniversity of Alabama, Center for Education Accountability and Scholastic Research and Evaluation Department. 2003. Building Language for Literacy-At-Risk Preschoolers. Phase One Report: First Year Analysis of 3-Year Evaluation. Bessemer, Ala.: Scholastic Research and Results.
Cadet Leadership Education Program (CLEP)Juvenile JusticeJames B. Wells, Kevin I. Minor, Earl Angel, and Kelli D. Stearman. 2006. "A Quasi–Experimental Evaluation of a Shock Incarceration and Aftercare Program for Juvenile Offenders." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 4(3):219–33.
Calendar Method to enhance Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Program (Oklahoma City, Okla.)CorrectionsYacoubian, George S. 2003. "Assessing the Efficacy of the Calendar Method With Oklahoma City Arrestees." Journal of Crime and Justice 26(1):117–31.
California Department of Corrections Drug Reduction Strategy (DRS) ProjectDrugsPrendergast, Michael L., Michael Campos, David Farabee, William K. Evans, and Julian Martinez. 2004. "Reducing Substance Use In Prison: The California Department of Corrections Drug Reduction Strategy Project." The Prison Journal 84(2):265–80.
California Parole Violation Decision–Making Instrument (PVDMI)CorrectionsTurner, Susan, Helen Braithwaite, Lauren Kearney, Amy Murphy, and Darin Haerle. 2012. "Evaluation of the California Parole Violation Decision–Making Instrument (PVDMI)." Journal of Crime and Justice 35(2):269–95.
Callous–Unemotional TraitsJuvenile JusticeKimonis, Eva R., and Paul J. Frick. 2004. “Callous—Unemotional Traits and Delinquent Peer Affiliation.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 72(6):956–66.
Cambridge (England) Violence Prevention ProgramCrime PreventionBoyle, Adrian A., Katrina Snelling, Laura White, Barak Ariel, and Lawrence Ashelford. 2013. “External Validation of the Cardiff Model of Information Sharing to Reduce Community Violence: A Natural Experiment.” Emergency Medicine Journal 30(12):1020–1023.
Castle DoctrineCourtsWallace, Lacey N. 2014. "Castle Doctrine Legislation: Unintended Effects for Gun Ownership?" Justice Policy Journal 11(2):1–27.
CCTV Pilot Project (Canada)Crime Prevention

Reid, Andrew A., and Martin A. Andresen. 2014. "An Evaluation of CCTV in a Car Park Using Police and Insurance Data." Security Journal 27(1):55–79.

Reid, Andrew A., and Martin A. Andresen. 2012. "The Impact of Closed–Circuit Television in a Car Park on the Fear of Crime: Evidence From a Victimization Survey." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 14(4):293–316.

CCTV Scheme at Oslo Railway Station (Poland)Crime PreventionWinge, S., and Johannes Knutsson. 2003. "An Evaluation of the CCTV Scheme at Oslo Central Railway Station." Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal 5(3):49–59.
CeaseFire Notification Program (South Carolina)Law EnforcementBarnes, J.C., Megan C. Kurlychek, Holly Ventura Miller, J. Mitchell Miller, and Robert J. Kaminski. 2010. "A Partial Assessment of South Carolina's Project Safe Neighborhoods Strategy: Evidence From a Sample of Supervised Offenders." Journal of Criminal Justice 38:383–89.
Cedar Cottage Diversion Program (Sydney, Australia)Corrections

Butler, Louise, Jane Goodman–Delahunty, and Rohan Lulham 2012. “Effectiveness of Pretrial Community–Based Diversion in Reducing Reoffending by Adult Intrafamilial Child Sex Offenders.” Criminal Justice And Behavior 39(4):493–513.

Titcomb, Caroline, Jane Goodman–Delahunty, and Berenike Waubert De Puiseau. 2012. "Pretrial Diversion for Intrafamilial Child Sexual Offending: Does Biological Paternity Matter?" Criminal Justice and Behavior 39(4):552–70.

Pratley, Jessica, and Jane Goodman–Delahunty. 2011. "Increased Self–Disclosure of Offending by Intrafamilial Child Sex Offenders." Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand 3(1):10–22.

Celerity of Arrest on 3–Year Recidivism Patterns (Texas)CorrectionsZettler, Haley R., Robert G. Morris, Alex R. Piquero, and Stephanie M. Cardwell. 2015. "Assessing the Celerity of Arrest on 3–Year Recidivism Patterns in a Sample of Criminal Defendants." Journal of Criminal Justice 43:428–36.
Challenge to Change Therapeutic CommunityCorrections

Sacks, Joann Y., Stanley Sacks, Karen McKendrick, Steven Banks, Marlies Schoeneberger, Zachary Hamilton, Joseph Stommel, and Joanie Shoemaker. 2008. “Prison Therapeutic Community Treatment for Female Offenders: Profiles and Preliminary Findings for Mental Health and Other Variables (Crime, Substance Use and HIV Risk).” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 46(3):233–61.

Sacks, Joann Y., Stanley Sacks, Karen McKendrick, Steven Banks, Marlies Schoeneberger, Zachary Hamilton, Joseph Stommel, and Joanie Shoemaker. 2010. “Prison Therapeutic Community Treatment for Female Offenders: Profiles and Preliminary Findings for Mental Health and Other Variables (Crime, Substance Use and HIV Risk).” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 46(3):233–61.

Sacks, Joann Y., Karen McKendrick, and Zachary Hamilton. 2012. “A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Therapeutic Community Treatment for Female Inmates: Outcomes at 6 and 12 Months After Prison Release.” Journal of Addictive Diseases 31(3):258–69.

Changing Lives Through Literature (CLTL)CorrectionsSchutt, Russell K., Xiaogang Deng, and Taylor Stoehr. 2013. "Using Bibliotherapy to Enhance Probation and Reduce Recidivism." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52:181–97.
Chattanooga (Tenn.) Endeavors Building Bridges ProgramCorrectionsLeicht, Christine, Martha Heberlein, Linda Broyles, Aaron Chalfin, Bogdan Tereschenko, John Roman, Caterina Roman, and Christine Arriola. 2007. Chattanooga Endeavors Building Bridges Program Evaluation: Outcomes Report. Fairfax, Va.: ICF International.
Chicago (Ill.) Alley Lighting ProjectCrime PreventionMorrow, Erica N., and Shawn Hutton. 2000. The Chicago Alley Lighting Project: Final Evaluation Report. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, Research and Analysis Unit.
Child–Friendly Space (Bangladesh)Juvenile JusticeIslam, Shariful Mohammed. 2019. "An Assessment of Child Protection in Bangladesh: How Effective is NGO–Led Child–Friendly Space?" Evaluation and Program Planning 72:8–15.
Children of Divorce–Coping with Divorce (CoD–CoD)Juvenile JusticeBoring, J.L., I.N. Sandler, J. Tein, J.J. Horan, and C. Velez. 2015. “Children of Divorce–Coping With Divorce: A Randomized Control Trial of an Online Prevention Program for Youth Experiencing Parental Divorce.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(5):999–1005.
Children's Friendship TrainingJuvenile Justice

O'Connor, M.J., F. Frankel, B. Paley, A.M. Schonfeld, E. Carpenter, E.A. Laugeson, and R. Marquardt. 2006. "A Controlled Social Skills Training for Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74(4):639. 

Keil, V., B. Paley, F. Frankel, and M.J. O’Connor. 2010. "Impact of a Social Skills Intervention on the Hostile Attributions of Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure." Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 34(2):231–41. 

Frankel, F., R. Myatt, C. Sugar, C. Whitham, C.M. Gorospe, and E. Laugeson. 2010. "A Randomized Controlled Study of Parent–Assisted Children’s Friendship Training with Children Having Autism Spectrum Disorders." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 40(7):827–42.

O'Connor, M.J., E.A. Laugeson, C. Mogil, E. Lowe, K. Welch–Torres, V. Keil, and B. Paley. 2012. "Translation of an Evidence–Based Social Skills Intervention for Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in a Community Mental Health Setting." Alcohol Clinical & Experimental Research 36(1):141–52.

Frankel, F., R. Myatt, C. Sugar, C. Whitham, C.M. Gorospe, and E. Laugeson. 2010. "Erratum to: A Randomized Controlled Study of Parent–Assisted Children’s Friendship Training with Children Having Autism Spectrum Disorders." Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 40:843.

Sukhodolsky, D.G., A. Golub, E.C. Stone, and L. Orban. 2005. "Dismantling Anger Control Training for Children: A Randomized Pilot Study of Social Problem–Solving Versus Social Skills Training Components." Behavior Therapy 36(1):15–23.

Citizen Review Boards (CRB) for Juvenile Offender CasesJuvenile JusticeLitzelfelner, Pat. 2001. "The Use of Citizen Review Boards With Juvenile Offender Cases: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Pilot Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 52(1):1–10.
Client Management Classification System (CMC)CorrectionsHarris, Patricia M., Raymond Gingerich, and Tiffany Whittaker. 2004. “The ‘Effectiveness’ of Differential Supervision.” Crime and Delinquency 50(2):235–71.
Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) for Smoking Cessation Among AdolescentsJuvenile JusticeKong, Grace, Helle Larsen, Dana A. Cavallo, Daniela Becker, Janna Cousijn, Elske Salemink, Annemat L. Collot D’Escury–Koenigs, Meghan E. Morean, Reinout W. Wiers, and Suchitra Krishnan–Sarin. 2015. "Re–Training Automatic Action Tendencies to Approach Cigarettes Among Adolescent Smokers: A Pilot Study." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(5):425–32.
Cognitive Training for Juvenile Delinquents (CTD) (Japan)Juvenile JusticeMiyaguchi, Koji, Naomi Matsuura, Sadaaki Shirataki, and Kiyoshi Maeda. 2012. "Cognitive Training for Delinquents Within a Residential Service in Japan." Children and Youth Services Review 34:1762–1768.
Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Young Adult Gay and Bisexual MenJuvenile JusticePachankis, J.E., M.L. Hatzenbuehler, H.J. Rendina, S.A. Safren, and J.T. Parsons. 2015. "LGB–Affirmative Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy for Young Adult Gay and Bisexual Men: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Transdiagnostic Minority Stress Approach." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(5):875–89.
Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS)Juvenile Justice

Greene, Ross W., J. Stuart Ablon, Michael C. Monuteaux, Jennifer C. Goring, Aude Henin, Lauren Raezer–Blakely, Gwenyth Edwards, Jennifer Markey, and Sarah Rabbitt. 2004. “Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Solving in Affectively Dysregulated Children With Oppositional–Defiant Disorder: Initial Findings.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 72(6):1157–1164.

Pollastri, Alisha R., Lawrence D. Epstein, Georgina H. Heath, and Stuart Ablon. 2013. “The Collaborative Problem Solving Approach: Outcomes Across Settings.” Perspectives 21(4):188–99.

Epstein, Trina, and Jennifer Saltzman–Benaiah. 2010. “Parenting Children With Disruptive Behaviours: Evaluation of a Collaborative Problem Solving Pilot Program.” Journal of Clinical Psychology Practice 17(1):27–40.

Greene, Ross W., J. Stuart Ablon, and Andres Martin. 2006. “Use of Collaborative Problem Solving to Reduce Seclusion and Restraint in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Units.” Innovations: Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57(5):610–12.

Johnson, Mats, Sven Östlund, Gunnar Fransson, Magnus Landgren, Salmir Nasic, Björn Kadesjö, Christopher Gillberg, and Elisabeth Fernell. 2012. “Attention–Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder With Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Swedish Children: An Open Study of Collaborative Problem Solving.” Acta Paediatrica101(6):624–30.

Martin, Andres, Heidi Krieg, Frank Esposito, Dorothy Stubbe, and Laurie Cardona. 2008. “Reduction of Restraint and Seclusion Through Collaborative Problem Solving: A Five–Year Prospective Inpatient Study.” Psychiatric Services 59(12):1406–1412.

Mohr, Wanda K., Andres Martin, James N. Olson, and Andres J. Pumariega. 2009. “Beyond Point and Level Systems: Moving Toward Child–Centered Programming.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 79(1):8–18.

Regan, Kathleen M., Carol Curtin, and Lee Vorderer. 2006. “Paradigm Shifts in Inpatient Psychiatric Care of Children: Approaching Child– and Family–Centered Care.” Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 19(1):29–40.

Schaubman, Averi, Erica Stetson, and Amu Plog. 2011. “Reducing Teacher Stress by Implementing Collaborative Problem Solving in a School Setting.” School Social Work Journal 35(2):72–93.

Community Corrections Services (Chesterfield County, Va.)CorrectionsGordon, Jill A., and Laura Mariarty. 2003. “The Effects of Domestic Violence Batterer Treatment on Domestic Violence Recidivism: The Chesterfield County Experience.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 30(1):118–34.
Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV) in Glasgow, ScotlandLaw EnforcementWilliams, D.J., D. Currie, W. Linden, and P.D. Donnelly. 2014. "Addressing Gang-Related Violence in Glasgow: A Preliminary Pragmatic Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of the Community Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV)." Aggression and Violent Behavior 19:686–91.
Community Service Sentences vs. Traditional Fines for Low–Level OffendersCorrectionsBouffard, Jeffery A., and Lisa Muftic. 2007. “The Effectiveness of Community Service Sentences Compared to Traditional Fines for Low–level Offenders.” Prison Journal 87(2):171–94.
Community Service vs. Short–term Imprisonment (Netherlands)Corrections

Dirkzwager, Anja, Paul Nieuwbeerta, and Arjan Blokland. 2012. "Effects of First–Time Imprisonment on Postprison Mortality: A 25–Year Follow–Up Study with a Matched Control Group." Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 49(3):383–419. 

Wermink, Hilde, Arjan Blockland, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Daniel Nagin, and Nikolaj Tollenaar. 2010. “Comparing the Effects of Community Service and Short–Term Imprisonment on Recidivism: A Matched Samples Approach.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 6:325–49.

Community–Embedded Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents (CERCA) (Latin America)Juvenile Justice

Decat, Peter, Erica Nelson, Sara De Meyer, Lina Jaruseviciene, Miguel Orozco, Zoyla Segura, Anna Gorter, Bernardo Vega, Kathya Cardova, Lea Maes, Marleen Temmerman, Els Leye, and Olivier Degomme. 2013."Community Embedded Reproductive Health Interventions for Adolescents in Latin America: Development and Evaluation of a Complex Multi–Centre Intervention." BMC Public Health 13:1–10.

Ivanova, Olena, Kathya Pozo, Zoyla Segura, Bernardo Vega, Venkatraman Chandra–Mouli, Michelle J. Hindin, Marleen Temmerman, Peter Decat, Sara De Meyer, and Kristien Michielsen. 2016. "Lessons Learnt From the CERCA Project, A Multicomponent Intervention to Promote Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Three Latin America Countries: A Qualitative Post-Hoc Evaluation." Evaluation and Program Planning 58:98–105.

Community–Oriented Policing Program (Taiwan)Law EnforcementKuo, Shih–Ya, and Yuan–Chin Shih. 2018. “An Evaluation of a Community–Oriented Policing Program in Taiwan.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(7):2016–2044.
Comprehensive Anti–Gang Initiative (CAGI) (Durham, N.C.)Law EnforcementNorth Carolina Central University. 2012. Durham Comprehensive Anti‐Gang Initiative: Project Bull’s Eye. Durham, N.C.: North Carolina Central University, Juvenile Justice Institute.
Computerized Behavior Therapy for Opioid–Dependent OutpatientsDrugsBickel, Warren K., Lisa A. Marsch, August R. Buchhalter, and Gary J. Badger. 2008. "Computerized Behavior Therapy for Opioid–Dependent Outpatients: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 16(2):132–43.
Conflict Resolution Unlimited for Middle School Peer Mediators (CMSPM)Juvenile Justice

Bell, Stephen K., Jennifer K. Coleman, Adam Anderson, James P. Whelan, and Cherie Wilder. 2000. “The Effectiveness of Peer Mediation in a Low–SES Rural Elementary School." Psychology in the Schools 37(6):505–16. 

Poynton, Timothy A., Matt W. Carlson, James A. Hopper,  and John C. Carey . 2006. "Evaluation of an Innovative Approach to Improving Middle School Students’ Academic Achievement." American School Counselor Association 9(3):190–96.

Contingency Management in an Adult Drug Court (Philadelphia, Pa.)CourtsMarlowe, D.B., D.S. Festinger, K.L. Dugosh, P.L. Arabia, and K.C. Kirby 2008. “Effectiveness Trial of Contingency Management in a Felony Preadjudication Drug Court.” Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 41(4): 565–77.
Contracts, Attendance Prompts, and Reinforcement (CPR) of Substance Use Disorder Continuing CareDrugs

DeMarce, Josephine M., Steven Lash, Robert Stephens, Steven Grambow, and Jennifer Burden. 2008. “Promoting Continuing Care Adherence Among Substance Abusers with Co–Occurring Psychiatric Disorders Following Residential Treatment.” Addictive Behaviors 33:1104–1112.

Lash, Steven J., Robert Stevens, Jennifer Burden, Steven Grambow, Josephine DeMarce, Mark Jones, Brain Lozano, Amy Jefferys, Stephanie Fearer, and Ronnie Horner. 2007. “Contracting, Prompting, and Reinforcing Substance Use Disorder Continuing Care: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 21(3)387–97.

Conviction for DWI (San Juan County, N.M.)CorrectionsDelaney, Harold D., Stephen J. Kunitz, Hongwei Zhao, W. Gill Woodall, Vern Westerberg, Everett Rogers, and Denise R. Wheeler. 2005. "Variations in Jail Sentences and the Probability of Re–Arrest for Driving While Intoxicated." Traffic Injury Prevention 6(2):105–109.
Cook County (Ill.) Felony Mental Health Court (MHC)CourtsEpperson, Matthew, and Arthur Lurigio. 2016. Comparative Evaluation of Court–Based Responses to Offenders with Mental Illnesses. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Coordinate Agency Network (C.A.N.) (Anchorage, Ala.)Juvenile JusticeGiblin, Matthew J. 2002. “Using Police Officers to Enhance the Supervision of Juvenile Probationers: An Evaluation of the Anchorage CAN Program.” Crime and Delinquency 48:116–37.
Coordinated Community Response (CCR) (Multisite)CorrectionsPost, Lori Ann, Joanne Klevens, Christopher D. Maxwell, Gene A. Shelley, and Eben Ingram. 2009. “An Examination of Whether Coordinated Community Responses Affect Intimate Partner Violence.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 25(1):75–93.
Coping Power (Italian Primary Schools)Juvenile JusticeMuratori, Pietro, Iacopo Bertacchi, Consuelo Giuli, Annalaura Nocentini, and John E. Lochman. 2016. "Implementing Coping Power Adapted as a Universal Prevention Program in Italian Primary Schools: A Randomized Control Trial." Prevention Science 18:754–61.
Corrective Thinking or TruthoughtCorrectionsHubbard, Dana Jones, and Edward J. Latessa. 2004. “Evaluation of Cognitive–Behavioral Programs for Offenders: A Look at Outcome and Responsivity in Five Treatment Programs.” Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research, Division of Criminal Justice.
Court Date Notification Program (Jefferson County, Colo.)CourtsSchnacke, Timothy R., Michael R. Jones, and Dorian M. Wilderman. 2012. “Increasing Court-Appearance Rates and Other Benefits of Live-Caller Telephone Court-Date Reminders: The Jefferson County, Colorado, FTA Pilot Project and Resulting Court Date Notification Program.” Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association 48:86–95.
Court Ordered MADD PresentationJuvenile JusticeTheriot, Matthew T. 2007. “Evaluation of a Court–Ordered MADD Presentation for Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Offenders.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 43(3):49–72.
Court–based Intervention Programs for Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence (California)Courts

Uekert, Brenda, Inger Sagatun–Edwards, Ann Crowe, Tracy Peters, Fred Cheeseman, and Dina Kameda. 2006. Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence: The Effects of Court–Based Intervention Programs on Recidivism. Williamsburg, Va.: The National Center for State Court.

Sagatun–Edwards, Inger, Eugene Hyman, Tracy Lafontaine, and Erin Nelson–Serano. 2003. “The Santa Clara County Juvenile Domestic and Family Violence Court.” Journal of the Center for Families, Children and The Courts 4:91–113.

Buel, Sarah M. 2002. "Why Juvenile Courts Should Address Family Violence: Promising Practices to Improve Intervention Outcomes." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 53:1–18.

Crime Response Team (CRT) in Suburban Low–Income HousingLaw EnforcementCarson, Jennifer V., and Ashley P. Wellman. 2018. "Problem–Oriented Policing in Suburban Low–Income Housing: A Quasi–Experiment." Police Quarterly 21(2):139–70.
Criminogenic Effects of the Prison Environment on Inmate BehaviorCorrectionsCamp, Scott D., and Gerald G. Gaes. 2005. "Criminogenic Effects of the Prison Environment on Inmate Behavior: Some Experimental Evidence." Crime & Delinquency 51(3):425–42.
Curriculum–Based Anti–Bullying Intervention Program (Greece)Juvenile Justice

Andreou, Eleni, Eleni Didaskalou,  and Anastasia Vlachou. 2008. "Outcomes of a Curriculum–Based Anti–Bullying Intervention Program on Students’ Attitudes and Behavior." Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 13(4):235–48.

Andreou, Eleni, Eleni Didaskalou, and Anastasia Vlachou. 2007. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Curriculum‐Based Anti‐Bullying Intervention Program in Greek Primary Schools." Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology 27(5).

Day Reporting Center (Franklin County, Pa.)Corrections

Jengeleski, James L., and Michael S. Gordon. 2010. Day Reporting Center Clients Compared to Standard Probation Clients in Franklin County, PA. Shippensburg, Pa.: Shippensburg University.

Champion, David R., Patrick J. Harvey, and Youngyol Yim Schanz. 2011. “Day Reporting Center and Recidivism: Comparing Offender Groups in a Western Pennsylvania County Study.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 50:433–46.

Day Reporting Centers (Midwestern State)CorrectionsCraddock, Amy, and Laura Graham. 2002. “Recidivism as a Function of Day Reporting Center Participation.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 34(1):81–97.
DEFUSELaw EnforcementHacker, Robyn L., and John J. Horan. 2019. "Policing People with Mental Illness: Experimental Evaluation of Online Training to De–Escalate Mental Health Crises." Journal of Experimental Criminology 15:551–67.
Denver's Citizen/Police Complaint Mediation ProgramLaw Enforcement

Schaible, Lonnie M., Joseph De Angelis, Brian Wolf, and Richard Rosenthal. 2013. "Denver's Citizen/Police Complaint Mediation Program: Officer and Complainant Satisfaction." Criminal Justice Policy Review 24(5):626–50.

Proctor, Jon L., Richard Rosenthal, and A.J. Clemmons. 2009. Denver's Citizen/Police Complaint Mediation Program: A Comprehensive Evaluation.

Clemmons, Ajenai, and Richard Rosenthal. 2008. "Mediating Citizen Complaints: The Denver Program." The Police Chief LXXV(8).

Dependency Drug Courts (Calif.)Juvenile JusticeGrella, Christine E., and Elizabeth Hall. 2011. "Dependency Drug Courts: Evaluation of Cost Avoidance and Child Welfare Outcomes." Criminal Justice Research Review 2011:70–73.
Detection of Deception Training CurriculaLaw EnforcementBlair, J.P. 2006. “Can Detection of Deception Response Bias be Manipulated?” Journal of Crime and Justice 29(2):141–52.
Differential Response (Midwestern State)Juvenile JusticeLoman, Anthony L., and Gary L. Siegel. 2012."Effects of Anti–Poverty Services Under the Differential Response Approach to Child Welfare." Children and Youth Services Review 34:1659–1666.
Disclosure of Traumatic Events on Illness Behavior Among Psychiatric Prison InmatesCorrectionsRichards, Jane M., Wanda E. Beal, Janel D. Seagal, and James W. Pennebaker. 2000. "Effects of Disclosure of Traumatic Events on Illness Behavior Among Psychiatric Prison Inmates." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 9(1):156–60.
District of Columbia Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)Juvenile JusticeSachdev, Nisha A. 2012. "An Evaluation of the District of Columbia Summer Youth Employment Program." PhD diss., The George Washington University.
Diversion to Community Treatment for Drug–Using Offenders (Maricopa County, Ariz.)CorrectionsHepburn, John R. 2005. "Recidivism Among Drug Offenders Following Exposure to Treatment." Criminal Justice Policy Review 16:237–59.
Domestic Violence Sentencing Conditions and Recidivism (Washington State)CourtsGeorge, Thomas P. 2010. Domestic Violence Sentencing Conditions and Recidivism. Olympia, Wash.: Washington State Center for Court Research, Administrative Office of the Courts.
Double Trouble in RecoveryDrugs

Magura, Stephen, Andrew Rosenblum, Cherie L. Villano, Howard S. Vogel, Chunki Fong, and Thomas Betzler. 2008. "Dual–Focus Mutual Aid for Co–Occurring Disorders: A Quasi–Experimental Outcome Evaluation Study." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 34:61–74.

Magura, Stephen. 2008. "Effectiveness of Dual Focus Mutual Aid for Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders: A Review and Synthesis of the ‘Double Trouble’ in Recovery Evaluation." Substance Use and Misuse 43(12–13):1904–1926.

Magura, Stephen, C. Cleland, Howard S. Vogel, Edward L. Knight, and A.B. Laudet. 2007. "Effects of ‘Dual Focus’ Mutual Aid on Self-Efficacy for Recovery and Quality of Life." Administration and Policy in Mental Health 34(1):1–12.

Magura, Stephen, A.B. Laudet, D. Mahmood, A. Rosenblum, Howard S. Vogel, and Edward L. Knight. 2003. "Role of Self–Help Processes in Achieving Abstinence Among Dually Diagnosed Persons." Addictive Behavior 28(3):399–413.

Vogel, Howard S., Edward Knight, A.B. Laudet, and S. Magura. 1998. "Double Trouble in Recovery: Self Help for People with Dual Diagnoses." Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 21(4):356–64.

Douglas County Drug CourtCourtsSpohn, Cassia, R. Piper, Tom Martin, and Erika Frenzel. 2001. "Drug Courts and Recidivism: The Results of an Evaluation Using Two Comparison Groups and Multiple Indicators of Recidivism." Journal of Drug Issues 31(1):149–76.
Drink–Impaired Drivers Program (England and Wales)CorrectionsPalmer, Emma J., Ruth Hatcher, James Mcguire, Charlotte Bilby, and Clive Hollin. 2012."The Effect on Reconviction of an Intervention for Drink–Driving Offenders in the Community." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 56(4):525–38.
Drug Court (Kentucky)CourtsShannon, Lisa M., Afton–Jackson Jones, Jennifer Newell, and Connie Neal. 2018. "Examining the Impact of Prior Criminal Justice History on 2–Year Recidivism Rates: A Comparison of Drug Court Participants and Program Referrals." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(2):291–312.
Drug Free Zones (Portland, Ore.)Crime PreventionRobinson, Jennifer. 2008. "Measuring The Impact of a Targeted Law Enforcement Initiative on Drug Sales." Journal of Criminal Justice 36:90–101.
Drugs Courts and Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act (SACPA) in Calf.CourtsCarey, Shannon M., Kimberly Pukstas, Mark S. Waller, Richard J. Mackin, and Michael W. Finigan. 2008. Drug Courts and State Mandated Drug Treatment Programs: Outcomes, Costs and Consequences. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Drugs: True StoriesJuvenile JusticeDivision on Addictions. 2007. Evaluating the Promise of a Drug Education Video; Summary Report: Drugs: True Stories. Malden, Mass.: Cambridge Health Alliance, Division on Addictions.
Educare I/Kendall–Whittier School (Educare Learning Network) (Oklahoma)Juvenile JusticeMadero–Hernandez, Arelys, Rustu Deryol, M. Murat Ozer, and Robin S. Engel. 2016. "Examining the Impact of Early Childhood School Investments on Neighborhood Crime." Justice Quarterly 34(5):1–29.
EEG Biofeedback ProtocolDrugsScott, William C., David Kaiser, Siegfried Othmer, and Stephen I. Sideroff. 2005. "Effects of an EEG Biofeedback Protocol on a Mixed Substance Abusing Population." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 31:455–69.
Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions (Florida)CorrectionsCochran, Joshua C., Daniel P. Mears, and William D. Bales. 2014. "Assessing the Effectiveness of Correctional Sanctions." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 30(2):317–47. 
EFFEKT (Germany)Juvenile Justice

Frantz, Inga, Mark Stemmler, Kurt Hahlweg, Julia Plück, and Nina Heinrichs. 2015. "Experiences in Disseminating Evidence–Based Prevention Programs in a Real–World Setting." Prevention Science 16(6):789–800.

Lösel, Friedrich, and Mark Stemmler. 2012. "Preventing Child Behavior Problems in the Erlangen–Nuremberg Development and Prevention Study: Results From Preschool to Secondary School Age." International Journal of Conflict and Violence 6(2):214–24.

Egokitzen (Spain)Juvenile JusticeMartinez–Pampliega, Ana, Veronica Aguado, Susana Corral, Susana Cormenzana, Laura Merino, and Leire Iriarte. 2015. "Protecting Children After a Divorce: Efficacy of Egokitzen—An Intervention Program for Parents on Children’s Adjustment." Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(12):3782–3792.
Electronic Article Surveillance Tagging (EAS)Crime PreventionHayes, Read, and Robert Blackwood. 2006. "Evaluating the Effects of EAS on Product Sales and Loss: Results of a Large–Scale Field Experiment." Security Journal 19:262–76.
Electronic Monitoring (Denmark)CorrectionsAndersen, Lars H., and Signe H. Andersen. 2014. "Effect of Electronic Monitoring on Social Welfare Dependence." Criminology and Public Policy 13(2):349–79.
E–Mail Boosters to Maintain Change After Brief Alcohol Interventions for Mandated College StudentsDrugsCarey, Kate B., Jennifer L. Walsh, Jennifer E. Merrill, Sarah A. Lust, Allecia E. Reid, Lori A.J. Scott–Sheldon, Seth C. Kalichman, and Michael P. Carey. 2018. "Using E–Mail Boosters to Maintain Change After Brief Alcohol Interventions for Mandated College Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86(9):787–98.
Emotional versus Non–Emotional Writing in Children Aged 9–13 (UK)Juvenile JusticeFivush, Robyn, Kelly Marin, Megan Crawford, Martina Reynolds, and Chris R. Brewin. 2007. "Children’s Narratives and Well–Being." Cognition and Emotion 21(7):1414–1434.
Empowering the Bystander (ETB)Crime PreventionCadaret, Michael C., Nicole L. Johnson, Melissa L. Devencenzi, and Elizabeth M. Morgan. 2019. "A Quasiexperimental Study of the Bystander Plus Program for Changing Rape Culture Beliefs." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260519872981
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws (EUDL)Juvenile Justice

Spera, Christopher, Keita Franklin, Kazuaki Uekawa, John Kunz, Ronald Szoc, Randall Thomas, and Milton Cambridge. 2011. “Reducing Drinking Among Underage Air Force Members in Five Communities.” Juvenile Justice Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Wolfson, Mark, Eun–Young Song, Barbara Martin, Kimberly Wagoner, Debbie Pleasants, Rebecca Nieberg, Beth Reboussin, John Preisser, and Sheryl Hulme. National Evaluation of the Enforcing Underage Drinking Law Randomized Community Trial. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Department of Biostatistics.

ICF International. 2016a. Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Field–Initiated Research and Evaluation (FIRE) Program, Identifying Effective Environmental Strategies: Final Technical Report. Rockville, Md.: ICF International.

ICF International. 2016b. Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Field–Initiated Research and Evaluation (FIRE) Program, Identifying Effective Environmental Strategies: An Overview for Practitioners. Rockville, Md.: ICF International.

Erie & Niagara DWI/Drug CourtsCourtsCissner, Amanda B. 2009. The Drug Court Model and Persistent DWI: An Evaluation of the Eris and Niagara DWI/Drug Courts. New York, N.Y.: Center for Court Innovation.
Escambia and Okaloosa Drug Courts (Florida)Courts

Peters, Roger H., and Mary R. Murrin. 2000. "Effectiveness of Treatment–Based Drug Courts in Reducing Criminal Recidivism." Criminal Justice and Behavior 27(1):72–96.

Truitt, Linda, William M. Rhodes, Norman G. Hoffmann, Amy Maizel Seeherman, Sarah Kuck Jalbert, Michael Kane, Cassie P. Bacani, Kyla M. Carrigan, and Peter Finn. 2002. Evaluating Treatment Drug Courts in Kansas City, Missouri and Pensacola, Florida: Final Reports for Phase I and Phase II. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates, Inc.

Grimm, R., and R. Peters. 1998. Process Evaluation of Adult Drug Court Programs in Florida’s First Judicial Circuit. Pensacola, Fla.: Authors.

Peters, Roger H., and Mary R. Murrin 1998. Evaluation of Treatment–Based Drug Courts in Florida’s First Judicial Circuit. Tampa, Fla.: University of South Florida.

Expressive Writing (Children of Alcoholics) (Ontario)Juvenile Justice

Gallant, Melanie D., and Kathryn D. Lafreniere. 2003. "Effects of an Emotional Disclosure Writing Task on the Physical and Psychological Functioning of Children of Alcoholics." Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 21(4):55–66.

Gallant, Melanie D. 2001. "The Effects of an Emotional Disclosure Writing Task on the Physical and Psychological Functioning of Children of Alcoholics." Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Paper 3912.

Expressive Writing for Elementary and Middle School Students in Suburban and Urban Areas of United KingdomJuvenile JusticeReynolds, Martina, Chris R. Brewin, and Matthew Saxton. 2000. "Emotional Disclosure in School Children." Journal of Child Psychiatry 41(2):151–59.
Expressive Writing  for Italian 7th Grade StudentsJuvenile JusticeGiannotta, Fabrizia, Michele Settanni, Wendy Kliewer, and Silvia Ciairano. 2009. "Results of an Italian School–Based Expressive Writing Intervention Trial Focused on Peer Problems." Journal of Adolescence 32:1377–1389.
Expressive Writing Intervention for 8th  Grade Suburban StudentsJuvenile JusticeSoliday, Elizabeth, John P. Garofalo, and Debra Rogers. 2004. "Expressive Writing Intervention for Adolescents’ Somatic Symptoms and Mood." Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33(4):792–801.
Extending the Hours of Operation of Alcohol Serving Establishments (San Marcos, Texas)Crime PreventionChamlin, Mitchell B., and Sarah E. Scott. 2014. "Extending the Hours of Operation of Alcohol Serving Establishments: An Assessment of an Innovative Strategy to Reduce the Problems Arising From the After–Hours Consumption of Alcohol." Criminal Justice Policy Review 25(4):432–49.
Family Court for Delinquency Cases (New Hampshire)Juvenile JusticeGebo, Erika. 2005. “Do Family Courts Administer Individualized Justice in Delinquency Cases?” Criminal Justice Policy Review 16(2):190–210.
Family Empowerment Intervention (FEI)Juvenile Justice

Dembo, Richard, Gabriela Ramirez–Garmica, James Schmeidler, Matthew Rollie, Stephan Livingston, and Amy Hartsfield. 2001. “Long–Term Impact of a Family Empowerment Intervention on Juvenile Offender Recidivism.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 33(1):33–57.

Dembo, Richard, James Schmeidler, and Werner Wothke. 2003. “Impact of a Family Empowerment Intervention on Delinquent Behavior: A Latent Growth Model Analysis.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 37(2):17–41.

Family Treatment Drug Court (Multisite)Courts

Green, Beth L., Carrie Furrer, Sonia Worcel, Scott Burrus, and Michael Finigan. 2007. “How Effective Are Family Treatment Drug Courts? Outcomes From a Four–Site National Study.” Child Maltreatment 12(1):43–59.

Worcel, Sonia D., Beth L. Green, Carrie J. Furrer, Scott W.M. Burrus, and Michael W. Finigan. 2007. Family Treatment Drug Court Evaluation. Final Report. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.

Green, Beth L., Carrie J. Furrer, Sonia D. Worcel, Scott W.M. Burrus, and Michael W. Finigan. 2009. “Building the Evidence Base for Family Drug Treatment Courts: Results From Recent Outcome Studies.” Drug Court Review 6(2):53–82.

Worcel, Sonia D., Carrie J. Furrer, Beth L. Green, Scott W.M. Burrus, and Michael W. Finigan. 2008. “Effects of Family Treatment Drug Courts on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Outcomes.” Child Abuse Review 17(6):427–43.

Family Violence Prevention Fund Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) InterventionCorrectionsCampbell, Jacquelyn C., Jeffrey H. Coben, Elizabeth Mcloughlin, Stephen Dearwater, Gregory Nah, Nancy Glass, Debbie Lee, and Nancy Durborow. 2001. "An Evaluation of a System Change Training Model to Improve Emergency Department Response to Battered Women." Academic Emergency Medicine 8(2):131–38.
Fast Track (Scotland)Juvenile Justice

Hill, Malcolm, Moira Walker, Kristina Moodie, Brendan Wallace, Jon Bannister, Furzana Khan, Gill McIvor, and Andrew Kendrick. 2007. "More Haste, Less Speed? An Evaluation of Fast Track Policies to Tackle Persistent Youth Offending in Scotland." Youth Justice 7(2):121–38.

Hill, Malcolm, Moira Walker, Kristina Moodie, Brendan Wallace, Jon Bannister, Furzana Khan, Gill McIvor, and Andrew Kendrick. 2005. Fast Track Children’s Hearings Pilot: Final Report of the Evaluation of the Pilot. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Executive.

Federal Workforce Development Program (Pennsylvania)CorrectionsMcNichols, Kelley B. 2012. “Reentry Initiatives: A Study of the Federal Workforce Development Program.” Federal Probation 76(3):37–42.
Filial Therapy with Immigrant Korean ParentsJuvenile JusticeLee, Mi–Kyong, and Garry L. Landreth. 2003. “Filial Therapy With Immigrant Korean Parents in the United States.” International Journal of Play Therapy 12(2):67–85.
First Offender Prostitution Program (FOPP) (San Francisco, Calif.)CourtsShively, Michael, Sarah Kuck Jalbert, Ryan Kling, William Rhodes, Peter Finn, Chris Flygare, Laura Tierney, Dana Hunt, David Squires, Christina Dyous, and Kristin Wheeler. 2008. Final Report on the Evaluation of the First Offender Prostitution Program. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Associates, Inc.
Flemish Anti–Bullying InterventionJuvenile Justice

Stevens, Veerle, Paulette Van Oost, and Ilse De Bourdeadhuij. 2000. "The Effects of an Anti–Bullying Intervention Programme on Peers' Attitudes and Behaviour." Journal of Adolescence 23:21–34.

Stevens, Veerle, Paulette Van Oost, and Ilse De Bourdeadhuij. 2001. "Implementation Process of the Flemish Antibullying Intervention and Relation With Program Effectiveness." Journal of School Psychology 39(4):303–17.

Florida’s 85% Time–Served LawCorrections

Bales, William D., Gerry G. Gaes, Thomas G. Blomberg, and Kerensa N. Pate. 2010. "An Assessment of the Development and Outcomes of Determinate Sentencing in Florida.” Justice Research and Policy 12(1):41–72.

Bales, William D., and Courtenay H. Miller. 2012. “The Impact of Determinant Sentencing on Prisoner Misconduct.” Journal of Criminal Justice 40:394–403.

Dobbs, Rhonda R. 2004. "Gender and Sentencing: An Examination of Florida's Determinate Sentencing Policies." Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Paper 1194.

Griset, Pamala L. 1999. "Criminal Sentencing in Florida: Determinate Sentencing's Hollow Shell." Crime and Delinquency 45:316–33.

Florida's Habitual Offender LawCourtsKovandzic, Tomislav V. 2001. "The Impact of Florida's Habitual Offender Law on Crime." Criminology 39(1):179–204.
Free to Grow (FTG): Head Start Partnerships to Promote Substance–Free CommunitiesJuvenile Justice

Wolfson, Mark, Heather Champion, Todd Rogers, Rebecca H. Neiberg, Dianne C. Barker, Jennifer W. Talton, Edward H. Ip, Ralph B. D'Agostino Jr., Maria T. Parries, and Doug Easterling. 2011. "Evaluation of Free to Grow: Head Start Partnerships to Promote Substance–Free Communities." Evaluation Review 35(2):153–88.

Harrington, Mary, Irma Perez–Johnson, Alicia Meckstroth, Jeanne Bellotti, and John M. Love. 2000. Protecting Children From Substance Abuse: Lessons From Free to Grow Head Start Partnerships. Final Report.

Jones, Judith E., Marjorie A. Gutman, and Nancy J. Kaufman. 1999. "Free to Grow: Translating Substance Abuse Research and Theory into Preventive Practice in a National Head Start Initiative." The Journal of Primary Prevention 19(4):279–96.

FRIENDS for Life (Sweden)Juvenile JusticeAhlen, Johan, Timo Hursti, Lindsey Tanner, Zelal Tokay, and Ata Ghaderi. 2017. "Prevention of Anxiety and Depression in Swedish School Children: A Cluster–Randomized Effectiveness Study.” Prevention Science 19:147–58.
FRIENDS for Life (UK)Juvenile JusticeRodgers, Alish, and Sandra Dunsmuir. 2015. "A Controlled Evaluation of the 'FRIENDS for Life' Emotional Resiliency Programme on Overall Anxiety Levels, Anxiety Subtype Levels and School Adjustment." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 20(1):13–19.
Full Continuum of Care for Individuals with  Substance Abuse Disorders (Washington)DrugsJames R. McKay, Dennis M. Donovan, Thomas McLellan, Antoinette Krupski, Michelle Hansten, Kenneth D. Stark, Kathy Geary, and Jarrod Cecere. 2002. "Evaluation of Full vs. Partial Continuum of Care in the Treatment of Publicly Funded Substance Abusers in Washington State." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 28(2):307–38.
Fu–Yuan Pellet to Treat Acute Heroin Withdrawal (China)DrugsWang, Xue, Jing Li, Mingsheng Huang, Lin Kang, and Min Hu. 2009. "A Study on Fu–Yuan Pellet, a Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula for Detoxification of Heroin Addictions." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 35:408–11.
Genesis Program (New Mexico)Corrections

Guerin, Paul, Robert Hyde, and Mitzi Wyatt. 1999. Process Evaluation of the Genesis Program at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility. Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico, Institute for Social Research.

Guerin, Paul. 2002. Outcome Evaluation of the New Mexico Corrections Department Genesis Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for State Prisoners, Final Summary Report. Albuquerque, N.M.: University of New Mexico, Institute for Social Research.

Georgia’s Probation Option Management ActCorrectionsSpeir, John, Tammy Meredith, Kevin Baldwin, Sharon Johnson, Heather Hull, and Jake Bucher. 2007. An Evaluation of Georgia’s Probation Options Management Act. Atlanta, Ga.: Applied Research Staff.
Girl’s Circle (Chicago, Ill.)Juvenile JusticeGies, Stephen V., Marcia I. Cohen, Mark Edberg, Amanda Bobnis, Elizabeth Spinney, and Elizabeth Berger. 2015. The Girls Circle: An Evaluation of a Structured Support Group Program for Girls. Washington, D.C.: U.S Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Girls and StressJuvenile JusticeSchinke, Steven, and Traci Schwinn. 2005. "Gender–Specific Computer–Based Intervention for Preventing Drug Abuse Among Girls." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 31:609–16.
Good Behavior Game (The Netherlands)Juvenile Justice

van Lier, Pol A.C., Anja Huizink, and Alfons Crijnen. 2009. "Impact of a Preventative Intervention Targeting Childhood Disruptive Behavior Problems on Tobacco and Alcohol Initiation From Ages 10 to 13 Years." Drug and Alcohol Dependence 100(3):228–33.

van Lier, Pol A.C., Patricia Vuijk, and Alfons A.M. Crijnen. 2005. "Understanding Mechanisms of Change in the Development of Antisocial Behavior: The Impact of a Universal Intervention." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 33(5):521–35.

van Lier, Pol A.C., Bengt O. Muthen, Ria M. van der Sar, and Alfons A.M. Crijnen. 2004. "Preventing Disruptive Behavior in Schoolchildren: Impact of a Universal Classroom–Based Intervention." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 72(3):467–78.

Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Laws Effect on Adolescent Criminal ParticipationCrime PreventionDeza, Monica, and Daniel Litwok. 2016. "Do Nighttime Driving Restrictions Reduce Criminal Participation Among Teenagers? Evidence From Graduated Driver Licensing." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 35(2):306–32.
Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for Prisoners With Major DepressionCorrectionsJohnson, Jennifer E., Robert L. Stout, Ted R. Miller, Caron Zlotnick, Louis A. Cerbo, Joel T. Andrade, Jessica Nargiso, Joseph Bonner, and Shannon Wiltsey–Stirmen. 2019. "Randomized Cost–Effectiveness Trial of Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for Prisoners With Major Depression." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 87(4):392–406.
Group Teen Triple P (GTTP) (New Zealand)Juvenile JusticeChu, Joanna Ting Wai, Pat Bullen, Susan P. Farruggia, Cassandra K. Dittman, and Matthew R. Sanders. 2015. "Parent and Adolescent Effects of a Universal Group Program for the Parenting of Adolescents." Prevention Science 16(4):609–20.
Gun Buy Back (Australia)Law EnforcementLeigh, Andrew, and Christine Neill. 2012. “Do Gun Buybacks Save Lives? Evidence From Panel Data.” American Law and Economics Review 12(2):509–57.
Hamilton County (Ohio) Drug CourtCourtsListwan, Shelley Johnson, Jody Sundt, Alexander Holsinger, and Edward Latessa. 2003. “The Effect of Drug Court Programming on Recidivism: The Cincinnati Experience.” Crime and Delinquency 49(3):389–411.
Harm Reduction Group Therapy for Injection Drug UsersDrugs

Avants, S. Kelly, Arthur Margolin, Mary Helen Usubiaga, and Cheryl Doebrick. 2004. “Targeting HIV–Related Outcomes With Intravenous Drug Users Maintained on Methadone: A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Harm Reduction Group Therapy.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 26:67–78.

Margolin, Arthur, S. Kelly Avants, Lara A. Warburton, Keith A. Hawkins, and Julia Shi. 2003. “A Randomized Clinical Trial of a Manual–Guided Risk Reduction Intervention for HIV–Positive Injection Drug Users.” Health Psychology 22(2):223–28.

Helping Men Recover (Miami–Dade County Adult Drug Court)CourtsWaters, Nicole L., Cynthia G. Lee, Nicole Cochran, and Kathryn Holt. 2018. "Trauma Treatment for Men in Recovery for Substance Use Disorders: A Randomized Design Within the Miami–Dade County Adult Drug Court." Journal for Advancing Justice 1:131–56.
Holistic Enrichment for At–Risk Teens (HEART)Juvenile JusticeRoberts–Lewis, Amelia C., Chiquitia Welch–Brewer, Mary Jackson, Raymond Kirk, and Martin Pharr. 2010. “Assessing Change in Psychosocial Functioning of Incarcerated Girls With a Substance Use Disorder: Gender Sensitive Substance Abuse Intervention.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 49(7):479–94.
Home StartJuvenile JusticeDekovic, Maja, Jessica Asscher, Jo Hermans, Ellen Reitz, Peter Prinzie, and Allthe van den Akker. 2010. "Tracing Changes in Families Who Participated in the Home–Start Parenting Program: Parental Sense of Competence as Mechanism of Change." Prevention Science 11:263–74.
Homework Compliance Enhancement Strategies to Comply with Correctional Psychotherapy (Texas)CorrectionsMcDonald, Brendan R., and Robert D. Morgan. 2013. "Enhancing Homework Compliance in Correctional Psychotherapy." Criminal Justice and Behavior 40(7):814–28.
Honolulu (Hawaii) Girls CourtJuvenile JusticeDavidson, Janet T., Lisa Pasko, and Meda Chesney–Lind. 2011. "‘‘She’s Way Too Good to Lose’’: An Evaluation of Honolulu’s Girls Court." Women & Criminal Justice 21:308–27.
Hoosier Initiative for Reentry Employment (HIRE) ProgramCorrectionsBohmert, Miriam Northcutt, Brittany J. Hood, and Jessica Meckes. 2017. "Evaluating Recidivism and Job Quality Outcomes for Participants in the Hoosier Initiative for Reentry Employment (HIRE) Program." Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research 2(2):110–29.
Howard County (Md.) District Court Drug Treatment Court ProgramCourtsMackin, Juliette R., Lisa Lucas, Callie Lambarth, Mark Weller, Theresa Herrera, Shannon Carey, and Michael Finigan. 2010. Howard County District Court Drug Treatment Court Program Outcome and Cost Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Human Animal Interaction (HAI)CorrectionsFournier, Angela, K., E. Scott Geller, and Elizabeth V. Fortney. 2007. "Human–Animal Interaction in a Prison Setting: Impact on Criminal Behavior, Treatment, and Social Skills." Behavior and Social Issues 16:89–105.
Ignition Interlock Device (Greene County, Ark.)Crime PreventionFulkerson, Judge Andrew. 2003. "Blow and Go: The Breath–Analyzed Ignition Interlock Device as a Technological Response to DWI." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 29(1):219–35.
Illinois Sheridan Correctional Center Therapeutic CommunityCorrections

Olson, David E., Jennifer Rozhon, and Mark Powers. 2009. "Enhancing Prisoner Reentry Through Access to Prison–Based and Post–Incarceration Aftercare Treatment: Experiences From the Illinois Sheridan Correctional Center Therapeutic Community." Journal of Experimental Criminology 5:299–321.

Olson, D., and A. Lurigio. 2014. “The Long–Term Effects of Prison–Based Drug Treatment and Aftercare Services on Recidivism.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53(8):600–19.

Impact of Crime on Victims Classes (ICVC)CorrectionsCarson, Jennifer Varriale, Scott Chenault, and Randa Embry Matusiak. 2016. "Reintegrating to the Prison Community: An Investigation Into the Impact of Crime on Victims Classes." The Prison Journal 96(4):623–44.
Impact of Crime on Victims Curriculum Development ProgramCorrections

Gaboury, Mario T., and Christopher Sedelmaier. 2007. Impact of Crime on Victims (IOC) Curriculum Development Project: Final Evaluation Report. West Haven, Conn.: University of New Haven, Department of Criminal Justice.

Gaboury, Mario T., Christopher M. Sedelmaier, Lynn H. Monahan, and James J. Monahan. 2008. "A Preliminary Evaluation of Behavioral Outcomes in a Corrections–Based Victim Awareness Program for Offenders." Victims and Offenders 3:217–27.

Sedelmaier, Christopher, and Mario Thomas Gaboury. 2015. "Administering a Victim Impact Curriculum to Inmates: A Multi–Site Replication." Criminal Justice Studies 28(2):226–38.

Impact of Property Marking on Residential Burglary Crime ReductionCrime PreventionRaphael, Iain. 2015. “Cooling Hot Property? An Assessment of the Impact of Property Marking on Residential Burglary Crime Reduction, Crime Displacement or Diffusion of Benefits and Public Confidence.” PhD diss., University of Portsmouth, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies.
IMPower (Kenya)Juvenile JusticeBaiocchi, Michael, Benjamin Omondi, Nickson Langat, Derek B. Boothroyd, Jake Sinclair, Lee Pavia, Munyae Mulinge, Oscar Githua, Neville H. Golden, and Clea Sarnquist. 2016. "A Behavior–Based Intervention that Prevents Sexual Assault: The Results of a Matched–Pairs, Cluster–Randomized Study in Nairobi, Kenya.” Prevention Science 18:818–27.
In Control: No Alcohol! (Netherlands)Juvenile Justice

Vermeulen–Smit, E., Suzanne H.W. Mares, Jacqueline E.E. Verdurmen, Haske Van der Vorst, Ingrid G.H. Schulten, Rutger C.M.E. Engels, and Wilma A.M. Vollebergh. 2014. "Mediation and Moderation Effects of an In–Home Family Intervention: The ‘In Control: No Alcohol!’ Pilot Study." Prevention Science 15(5):633–42.

Mares, Suzanne H.W., Haske Van der Vorst, Eveglien Vermeulen–Smit, Anna Lichtwarck–Aschoff, Jaccqueline E.E. Verdurmen, and Rutger C.M.E. Engels. 2012. "Results of the ‘In Control: No Alcohol!’ Pilot Study." Health Education Research 27(2):214–22.

Individualized Motivational Plans (IMPs) in Batterer Intervention Program (Spain)Courts

Lila, Marisol, Enrique Gracia, and Alba Catalá–Miñana. 2018. "Individualized Motivational Plans in Batterer Intervention Programs: A Randomized Clinical Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 86(4):309–20.

Lila, Marisol, Enrique Gracia, and Alba Catalá–Miñana. 2020. "More Likely to Dropout, but What if They Don’t? Partner Violence Offenders With Alcohol Abuse Problems Completing Batterer Intervention Programs." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35(9–10):1958–1981.

Induction Treatment to Improve Continuation in a Therapeutic Community (Bridge House)DrugsRoahen Harrison, Stephanie, Paul Toriello, Alexandre Pavluck, Robert Ellis, Else Pedersen, Richard Gaiennie, and Patricia Kissinger. 2007. "The Impact of a Brief Induction on Short–Term Continuation in a Therapeutic Community." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:147–53.
In–Home Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IH–CBT)Juvenile JusticeAmmerman, Robert T., James L. Peugh, Angelique R. Teeters, Frank W. Putnam, and Judith B. Van Ginkel. 2016. "Child Maltreatment History and Response to CBT Treatment in Depressed Mothers Participating in Home Visiting." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 31(5):774–91.
InnerChange (Texas)Corrections

Johnson, Byron R., and David B. Larson. 2003. The InnerChange Freedom Initiative: A Preliminary Evaluation of a Faith–Based Prison Program. Philadelphia, Pa.: University of Pennsylvania, Center for Research on Religion and Urban Civil Society.

Johnson, Byron R. 2012. Can a Faith Based Prison Reduce Recidivism? Alexandria, Va.: American Correctional Association, Corrections Today.

Institutional Educational Programming on Prisoner Misconduct (National and State)CorrectionsClark, Kyleigh, and Jason Rydberg. 2016. "The Effect of Institutional Educational Programming on Prisoner Misconduct." Criminal Justice Studies 29(4):325–44.
Integrated Violence Prevention Treatment (IVPT)Crime PreventionChermack, Stephen T., Erin E. Bonar, Mark A. Ilgen, Maureen A. Walton, Rebecca M. Cunningham, Brenda M. Booth, and Frederic C. Blow. 2017. "Developing an Integrated Violence Prevention for Men and Women in Treatment for Substance Use Disorders." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32(4):581–603.
Intensive Aftercare Demonstration Project (Colorado)Juvenile JusticeMeisel, Joshua S. 2001. "Relationship and Juvenile Offenders: The Effects of Intensive Aftercare Supervision." The Prison Journal 81(2):206–45.
Intensive Aftercare Program (IAP)Juvenile JusticeWiebush, Richard G., Dennis Wagner, Betsie McNulty, Yanqing Wang, and Thao N. Le. 2005. Implementation and Outcome Evaluation of the Intensive Aftercare Program: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
Intensive Community Supervision via Electronic MonitoringCorrectionsBonta, James, Suzanne Wallace–Capretta, and Jennifer Rooney. 2000. "Supervision Program: A Quasi–Experimental Evaluation of an Intensive Rehabilitation." Criminal Justice and Behavior 27:312–29.
Interested Party Review (Kentucky)Juvenile JusticeBryan, Valerie, Crystal Collins–Camargo, and Stephanie Rhee. 2010. "Enhancing the Foster Care Review Process: The Case of Kentucky’s Interested Party Review Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 61(1):32–54.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed AdolescentsJuvenile Justice

Mufson, L., K. Dorta, P. Wichramaratne, Y. Nomura, M. Olfson, and M. Weissman. 2004. “A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents.” Archives of General Psychiatry 61:577–84.

Mufson, Laura, 2010. "Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT–A): Extending the Reach From Academic to Community Settings." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(2):66–72.

McGlinchey, Eleanor L., Jazmin A. Reyes–Portillo, J. Blake Turner, and Laura Mufson. 2017. "Innovations in Practice: The Relationship Between Sleep Disturbances, Depression, and Interpersonal Functioning in Treatment for Adolescent Depression." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 22:96–99.

Interprofessional Training in Domestic Violence and Child ProtectionCrime PreventionSzilassy, Eszter, John Carpenter, Demi Patsios, and Simon Hackett. 2013. "Outcomes of Short Course Interprofessional Training in Domestic Violence and Child Protection." Violence Against Women 19(11):1370–83.
Interventions to Decrease Intimate Partner ViolenceCorrectionsMaFarlane, Judith, Karen Soeken, and Willima Wiist. 2006. "An Evaluation of Interventions to Decrease Intimate Partner Violence Against Pregnant Women." Public Health Nursing 16(6):443–51.
Intimate Partner Dialectical Psychoeducational Workshop (DPEW)CorrectionsCavanaugh, Mary M., Phyllis L. Solomon, and Richard J. Gelles. 2011. “The Dialectical Psychoeducational Workshop (DPEW) for Males at Risk of Intimate Partner Violence.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 7(3):275–91.
Iowa Dual Diagnosis Offender ProgramCorrectionsCriminal & Juvenile Justice Planning. 2011 Process and Outcome Evaluation of the Iowa First Judicial District Department of Correctional Services Diagnosis Offender Program. Des Moines, Iowa: Iowa Department of Human Rights.
Iowa Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN)CorrectionsTewksbury, Richard, and Wesley Jennings. 2010. “Assessing the Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification on Sex–Offending Trajectories.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 37(5):570–82.
ISD Measure for High–Frequency Offenders (The Netherlands)CorrectionsTollenaar, N., A.M. van der Laan, and P.G.M. van der Heijden. 2014. “Effectiveness of a Prolonged Incarceration and Rehabilitation Measure for High–Frequency Offenders.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 10(1):29–58.
Jail Based Boot Camp (Florida)CorrectionsStinchcomb, Jeanne B., and Clinton Terry. “Predicting the Likelihood of Rearrest Among Shock Incarceration Graduates: Moving Beyond Another Nail in the Boot Camp Coffin.” Crime and Delinquency 47(2):221–42.
Jersey Supervision Skills Study (JS3)CorrectionsRaynor, Peter, Pamela Ugwudlike, and Maurice Vanstone. 2014. "The Impact of Skills in Probation Work: A Reconviction Study." Criminology & Criminal Justice 14(2):235–49.
Jinniu Capsules for Heroin AddictionDrugsShi, Jie, Guo–zhu Xu, Ting–ting Liu, Xi Wang, Li–yang Shen, Jing Li, Wei Hao, Hong–xian Chen, Su–xia Li, and Lin Lu. 2008. "A Comparative Clinical Study of the Effects of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Jinniu Capsules and Lofexidine on Acute Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 34:792–800.
Juvenile Accountability Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticePatrick, Steve, Robert Marsh, Wade Bundy, Susan Mimura, and Tina Perkins. 2004. “Control Group Study of Juvenile Diversion Programs: An Experiment in Juvenile Diversion–The Comparison of Three Methods and a Control Group.” The Social Science Journal 41:129–35.
Kidpower Everyday Safety Skills Program (ESSP)Juvenile JusticeBrenick, Alaina, Julie Shattuck, Alice Donlan, Shinchieh Duh, and Eileen L. Zurbriggen. 2014. "Empowering Children With Safety–Skills: An Evaluation of the Kidpower Everyday Safety–Skills Program." Children and Youth Services Review 44:152–62.
Kindness Curriculum (KC)Juvenile JusticeFlook, Lisa, Simon B. Goldberg, Laura Pinger, and Richard J. Davidson. 2015. "Promoting Prosocial Behavior and Self–Regulatory Skills in Preschool Children Through a Mindfulness–Based Kindness Curriculum." Developmental Psychology 51(1):44–51.
Kings County (N.Y.) Integrated Domestic Violence Court (One Family–One Judge Model)Juvenile JusticePeterson, Richard R. 2014. The Impact of the Kings County Integrated Domestic Violence Court on Case Processing. New York, N.Y.: New York City Criminal Justice Agency.
Lake County Women's Specialized Services ProgramCorrectionsStalans, Loretta J., Magnus Seng, and Arthur Lurigio. N.d. Final Report: Implementation and Short–Term Impact Evaluation of the Lake County Adult Probation Department's Women's Specialized Services Program. Chicago, Ill.: Loyola University, Department of Criminal Justice.
LA's BEST (Los Angeles‘ Better Educated Students for Tomorrow)Juvenile JusticeGoldschmidt, Pete, and Denise Huang. 2007. The Long–Term Effects of After–School Programming on Educational Adjustment and Juvenile Crime: A Study of the LA's Best After–School Program. Los Angeles: Calif.: National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
Law School–Based Advocacy InterventionCorrectionsBell, Margret E., and Lisa A. Goodman 2001. “Supporting Battered Women Involved With the Court System.” Violence Against Women 7(12):1377–1404.
LEAD (Leadership, Esteem, Ability, and Discipline)Juvenile Justice

Bottcher, Jean, and Michael Ezell. 2005.“Examining the Effectiveness of Boot Camps: A Randomized Experiment With a Long–Term Follow Up.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 42(3):309–32.

Barnett, James, Ed Wilder, Dorrine Davis, Michael Gallegos, Barbara Allman, and Sharon English. 1997. LEAD: A Boot Camp and Intensive Parole Program: The Final Impact Evaluation. Sacramento, Calif.: Youth and Adult Correctional Agency, Department of Youth Authority.

Learn to BE SAFE with Emmy (Australia)Juvenile Justice

Dale, Rebecca, Dianne C. Shanley, Melanie J. Zimmer–Gembeck, Katrina Lines, Kaye Pickering, and Codi White. 2016. "Empowering and Protecting Children by Enhancing Knowledge, Skills and Well–Being: A Randomized Trial of Learn to BE SAFE with Emmy." Child Abuse and Neglect 51:368–78.

White, Codi, Dianne C. Shanley, Melanie J. Zimmer–Gembeck, Kerryann Walsh, Russell Hawkins, Katrina Lines, and Haley Webb. 2018. "Promoting Young Children's Interpersonal Safety Knowledge, Intentions, Confidence, and Protective Behavior Skills: Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial." Child Abuse and Neglect 82:144–55.

Leeds (UK) Distraction Burglary InitiativeCrime PreventionLister, Stuart, David Wall, and Jane Bryan. 2004. Evaluation of the Leeds Distraction Burglary Initiative. Leeds, England: University of Leeds, Centre for Criminal Justice.
Levo–Alpha–Acetylmethadol Treatment for PrisonersDrugs

Kinlock, Timothy W., Robert J. Battjes, Robert P. Schwartz, and The MTC Project Team. 2005. "A Novel Opioid Maintenance Program for Prisoners: Report of Post–Release Outcomes." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 31:433–54.

Longshore, Douglas, Jeffrey Annon, M. Douglas Anglin, and Richard A. Rawson. 2005. "Levo–Alpha–Acetylmethadol (LAAM) Versus Methadone: Treatment Retention and Opiate Use." Addiction 100(8):1131–1139.

Finn, Peter, and Karen Wilcock. 1997. "Levo–Alpha Acetyl Methadol (LAAM)." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 14(6):559–64.

Life Connections ProgramCorrectionsCamp, Scott D., Dawn M. Daggett, Okyun Kwon, and Jody Klein–Saffran. 2008. “The Effect of Faith Program Participation on Prison Misconduct: The Life Connections Program.” Journal of Criminal Justice 36:389–95.
Life Skills Program For Women Inmates (Michigan)CorrectionsSchram, Pamela J., and Merry Morash. 2003. “Evaluation of a Life Skills Program for Women Inmates in Michigan.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 34(4):47–70.
Life Skills Training (Italy)Juvenile Justice

Velasco, V., K.W. Griffin, M. Antichi, and C. Celata. 2015. "A Large–Scale Initiative to Disseminate an Evidence–Based Drug Abuse Prevention Program in Italy: Lessons Learned for Practitioners and Researchers." Evaluation and Program Planning 52:27–38.

Velasco, Veronica, Kenneth W. Griffin, Gilbert J. Botvin, Corrado Celata, and Gruppo Lombardia. 2017. "Preventing Adolescent Substance Use Through an Evidence–Based Program: Effects of the Italian Adaptation of Life Skills Training." Prevention Science 18:394–405.

Life Skills Training (LST) Parent ProgramJuvenile JusticeGriffin, Kenneth W., Jessica Samuolis, and Christopher Williams. 2011. "Efficacy of a Self–Administered Home–Based Parent Intervention on Parenting Behaviors for Preventing Adolescent Substance Use." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:319–25.
Limiting Police Discretion Regarding Juvenile Court Referrals (Lakeside)Juvenile JusticeMcCluskey, John D., Sean P. Varano, Beth M. Huebner, and Timothy S. Bynum. 2005. "Who Do You Refer? The Effects of a Policy Change on Juvenile Referrals." Criminal Justice Policy Review 15:437–61.
Listening to Children (LTC)Juvenile JusticeWolfe, Randi B., and Barton J. Hirsch. 2003. "Outcomes of Parent Education Programs Based on Reevaluation Counseling." Journal of Child and Family Studies 12(1):61–76.
Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG)Law Enforcement

Lilley, David, and Rachel Boba. 2008. "A Comparison of Outcomes Associated With Two Key Law–Enforcement Grant Programs." Criminal Justice Policy Review 19(4):438–65.

Worrall, John L. 2010. "Do Federal Law Enforcement Grants Reduce Serious Crime?" Criminal Justice Policy Review 21:459–75.

Cosmos Corporation. 2005. National Evaluation of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program: Phase 2 Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Yin, Robert K., Anthony M. Pate, Dawn Kim, David Sheppard, Emily Warner, Michael Cannon, Margaret Gwaltney, Elizabeth Linz, and Pamela Schaal. 2001. National Evaluation of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program: Phase 1. Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Locks for PensionersCrime PreventionMawby, Rob I., and Carol Jones. 2006. "Evaluation of a National Burglary Reduction Initiative Targeting Older People." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 8(4):209–27.
Los Angeles (Calif.) Gang Reduction and Youth DevelopmentJuvenile Justice

Dunworth, Terence, Dave Hayeslip, Morgan Lyons, and Megan Denver. 2010. Evaluation of the Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development Program: Final Y1 Report. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

Dunworth, Terence, David Hayeslip, and Megan Denver. 2011. Y2 Final Report: Evaluation of the Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development Program. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

Meagan Cahill, Jesse Jannetta, Emily Tiry, Samantha Lowry, Miriam Becker–Cohen, Ellen Paddock, Maria Serakos, Loraine Park, and Karen Hennigan. 2015. Evaluation of the Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development Program: Year 4 Evaluation Report. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center.

Lou & us (Belgium)Juvenile JusticeRoskam, Isabelle. 2015. "Enhancing Positive Parenting Through Metacognition with the Program ‘Lou & us’." Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(8):2496–2507.
Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach, and Networking MISSIONDrugsSmelson, David A., Anna Kline, John Kuhn, Stephanie Rodrigues, Katheryn O’Connor, William Fisher, Leon Sawh, and Vincent Kane. 2013. "A Wraparound Treatment Engagement Intervention for Homeless Veterans With Co–Occurring Disorders." Psychological Services 10(2):161–67.
Make a Move Sexual Harassment Prevention Program (Netherlands)Juvenile Justicevan Lieshout, Sanne, Fraukje E.F. Mevissen, Gerard van Breukelen, Marianne Jonker, and Robert A.C. Ruiter. 2019. "Make a Move: A Comprehensive Effect Evaluation of a Sexual Harassment Prevention Program in Dutch Residential Youth Care." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(9):1772–1800.
Mandated Jail Diversion (NYC)CorrectionsBroner, Nahama, Damon Mayrl, and Gerald Landsberg. 2005. “Outcomes of Mandated and Non–Mandated New York City Jail Diversion for Offenders With Alcohol, Drugs, and Mental Disorders.” The Prison Journal 85(1):18–49.
Maricopa County's Community Justice CommitteeJuvenile Justice

Rodriguez, Nancy. 2007. “Restorative Justice at Work: Examining the Impact of Restorative Justice Resolutions on Juvenile Recidivism.” Crime and Delinquency 23(3):355–79.

Beus, Kimberly, and Nancy Rodriguez. 2007. “Restorative Justice Practice: An Examination of Program Completion and Recidivism." Journal of Criminal Justice 35:337–47.

Maryland Teen CourtJuvenile Justice

Stickle, Wendy Povitsky, Nadine M. Connell, Denise M. Wilson, and Denise Gottfredson. 2008. "An Experimental Evaluation of Teen Courts." Journal of Experimental Criminology 4:137–63.

Povitsky, Wendy, and Denise C. Gottfredson. 2005. An Evaluation Partnership Project to Enhance the State of Maryland’s Capacity to Evaluate Juvenile Justice Programs: Final Report. College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Wilson, Denise M., Denise C. Gottfredson, and Wendy Povitsky Stickle. 2009. "Gender Differences in Effects of Teen Courts on Delinquency: A Theory–Guided Evaluation." Journal of Criminal Justice 37:21–27.

Maryland Violence Prevention Initiative (VPI)CorrectionsMaryland Statistical Analysis Center. 2013. Evaluation of the Maryland Violence Prevention Initiative (VPI). Towson, Md.: Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention, Maryland Statistical Analysis Center (MSAC).
Media AwareJuvenile JusticeKupersmidt, J., and T. Scull. N.d. "The Media Aware program: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Media Literacy Education Program For High School Substance Abuse Prevention." Unpublished manuscript. Durham, N.C.: Innovation Research & Training.
Media Literacy for Safe and Healthy ChoicesJuvenile JusticeBickham, David S., and Ronald G. Slaby. 2012. "Effects of a Media Literacy Program in the US on Children’s Critical Evaluation of Unhealthy Media Messages About Violence, Smoking, and Food." Journal of Children and Media 6(2):255–71.
Medicaid Managed Care for Adolescents with Substance Abuse Problems (Massachusetts)Juvenile JusticeHarrow, Brooke S., Christopher P. Tompkins, Paul D. Mitchell, Kevin W. Smith, Stephen Soldz, Linda Kasten, and Kathleen Fleming. 2006. "The Impact of Publicly Funded Managed Care on Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 32:379–98.
Methadone Maintenance Treatment for Male Federal Offenders (Canada)DrugsMacSwain, Mary–Ann, Shanna Farrell–MacDonald, Madelon Cheverie, and Benedikt Fischer. 2014. "Assessing the Impact of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) on Postrelease Recidivism Among Male Federal Correctional Inmates in Canada." Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(3):380–94.
Metropolitan Area Child StudyJuvenile Justice

Metropolitan Area Child Study Research Group. 2002. "A Cognitive–Ecological Approach to Preventing Aggression in Urban Settings: Initial Outcomes for High–Risk Children." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 70(1):179–94.

The Metropolitan Area Child Study Research Group. 2007. "Changing the Way Children ‘Think’ About Aggression: Social–Cognitive Effects of a Preventive Intervention." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75(1):160–67.

Michigan Prevention and Alcohol Safety for Students (M–PASS)Juvenile Justice

Bingham, C. Raymond, Andrea Ippel Barretto, Maureen A. Walton, Christopher M. Bryant, Jean T. Shope, and Trivellore E. Raghunathan. 2011. “Efficacy Of A Web–Based, Tailored, Alcohol Prevention/Intervention Program For College Students: 3–Month Follow–Up.” Journal of Drug Education 41(4):405–30.

Bingham, C. Raymond, Andrea Ippel Barretto, Maureen A. Walton, Christopher M. Bryant, Jean T. Shope, and Trivellore E. Raghunatha. 2010. "Efficacy of a Web–Based, Tailored, Alcohol Prevention/Intervention Program for College Students: Initial Findings." Journal of American College Health 58(4):349–56.

Mindful Schools (MS)Juvenile JusticeBlack, David S., and Randima Fernando. 2014. "Mindfulness Training and Classroom Behavior Among Lower–Income and Ethnic Minority Elementary School Children." Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(7):1242–1246.
Mindfulness Training for Children and ParentsJuvenile Justicevan der Oord, Saskia, Susan M. Bogels, and Dorreke Peijnenburg. 2012. "The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training for Children With ADHD and Mindful Parenting for their Parents." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21:139–47.
Mindfulness–Based Cognitive Therapy for Children (MBCT–C)Juvenile Justice

Semple, Randy J., Jennifer Lee, Dinelia Rosa, and Lisa F. Miller. 2010. "A Randomized Trial of Mindfulness–Based Cognitive Therapy for Children: Promoting Mindful Attention to Enhance Social–Emotional Resiliency in Children." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:218–29.

Lee, Jennifer, Randye J. Semple, Dinelia Rosa, and Lisa Miller. 2008. "Mindfulness–Based Cognitive Therapy for Children: Results of a Pilot Study." Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly 22(1):15–28.

Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction for Adolescent Psychiatric OutpatientsJuvenile JusticeBiegel, G.M., S.L. Shapiro, K.W. Brown, and C.M. Schubert.2009. "Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction for the Treatment of Adolescent Psychiatric Outpatients: A Randomized Clinical Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77(5):855–66.
Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction in Therapeutic Community TreatmentDrugsMarcus, Marianne T., Joy Schmitz, Gerald Moeller, Patricia Liehr, Stanley G. Cron, Paul Swank, Susan Bankston, Deidra D. Carroll, and L. Kian Granmayeh. 2009. "Mindfulness–Based Stress Reduction in Therapeutic Community Treatment: A Stage 1 Trial." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 35:103–08.
Minnesota DWI Court – Borderland Substance Abuse Treatment CourtCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – Crow Wing CountyCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – Fourth Judicial DistrictCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – Otter Tail CountyCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – Ramsey CountyCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – Roseau CountyCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota DWI Court – South St. Louis County DWI CourtCourtsCarey, Shannon, Paige Harrison, Charlene Zil, Adrian Johnson, and Mark Waller. 2014. Minnesota Statewide DWI Court Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Minnesota Reading Corps K–3 ProgramJuvenile Justice

Markovitz, Carrie E., Marc W. Hernandez, Eric C. Hedberg, Heidi H. Whitmore, and Jennifer L. Satorius. 2018. Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K–3 Program (2017–18). Chicago Ill.: NORC at the University of Chicago.

Markovitz, Carrie E., Marc W. Hernandez, Eric C. Hedberg, and Benjamin Silberglitt. 2014. Impact Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps K–3 Program. Chicago Ill.: NORC at the University of Chicago.

Minnesota Reading Corps PreK ProgramJuvenile JusticeMarkovitz, C., M. Hernandez, E. Hedberg, and B. Silberglitt. 2015. Outcome Evaluation of the Minnesota Reading Corps PreK Program. Chicago Ill.: NORC at the University of Chicago.
MonDay Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) ProgramCorrections

Pealer, Jennifer A., Edward Latessa, and Melissa Winesburg. 2002. Final Report: Monday Community Correctional Institution, RSAT Outcome Evaluation. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Division of Criminal Justice.

Pealer, Jennifer A., Edward Latessa, and Melissa Winesburg. 2002. Final Report, Ohio RSAT Outcome Evaluation Summary Report. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research.

Fulton, Betsy, Edward Latessa, and Jennifer Pealer. 2001. MonDay Community Correctional Institutions: RSAT Process Evaluation, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Montana Early Release ProgramCorrectionsWright, Kevin A., and Jeffery Rosky. 2011. “Too Early is Too Soon: Lessons From the Montana Department of Corrections Early Release Program.” Criminology and Public Policy 10(4):881–908.
Moral Education Program in a County JailCorrectionsPhillips, Lindsay A. 2004. “Evaluating the Effects of a Brief Program for Moral Education i in a County Jail.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 39(2):59–72.
Moral Reconation Therapy (Montgomery County Detention Center)Juvenile JusticeArmstrong, Todd. 2003. "The Effect of Moral Reconation Therapy on the Recidivism of Youthful Offenders: A Randomized Experiment." Criminal Justice and Behavior 30(6):668–87.
Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) for Drug Court ClientsCourtsKinlock, Timothy W., Emily A. Sears, Kevin E. O'Grady, Jason M. Callaman, and Barry S. Brown. 2005. “The Effect of Motivational Enhancement Therapy on Drug Abuse Treatment Retention Among Drug Court Clients.” Journal of Community Corrections 15:11–17.
Motivational Incentives for Abstinence in Substance Abuse TreatmentCorrectionsKilleen, Therese, Rickey Carter, Nancy Petry, Marc Copersino, and Maxine Stitzer. 2007. "Effectiveness of Motivational Incentives in Stimulant Abusing Outpatients with Different Treatment Histories." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:129–37.
Motivational Interviewing with Underage College DrinkersJuvenile Justice

Feldstein, Sarah W., and Alyssa A. Forcehimes. 2007. "Motivational Interviewing with Underage College Drinkers: A Preliminary Look at the Role of Empathy and Alliance." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 33:737–46.

Cowell, Alexander J., Janice M. Brown, Michael J. Mills, Randall H. Bender, and Brendan J. Wedehase. 2011. “Cost–Effectiveness Analysis of Motivational Interviewing With Feedback to Reduce Drinking Among a Sample of College Students.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 73(2):226–37.

Multi–Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) (UK)CourtsHudson, Kirsty, and Andrew Henley. 2015. "Disparities in Public Protection Measures Against Sexual Offending in England and Wales: An Example of Preventative Injustice?" Criminology & Criminal Justice 15(5):561–77.
Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care – Preschoolers (MTFC–P) (Netherlands)Juvenile Justice

Jonkman, S. Caroline, Carlo Schuengel, Mirjam Oosterman, Robert Lindeboom, Frits Boer, and Ramon J.L. Lindauer. 2017. "Effects of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Preschoolers (MTFC–P) for Young Foster Children with Severe Behavioral Disturbances." Journal of Children and Family Studies. 26:1491–1503.

Jonkman, S. Caroline, E.A. Bolle, Robert Lindeboom, Carol Schuengel, Mirjam Oosterman, Frits Boer, and Ramon J.L. Lindauer.  2012. “Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Preschoolers: Early Findings of an Implementation in the Netherlands.” Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 6(38).

Jonkman, S. Caroline, Carlo Schuengel, Robert Lindeboom, Mirjam Oosterman, Frits Boer, and Ramon J.L. Lindauer.  2013. “The Effectiveness of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Preschoolers (MTFC–P) for Young Children with Severe Behavioral Disturbances: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.” Trials 14:197.

Multidisciplinary Family Treatment Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeBruns, Eric J., Michael D. Pullmann, Ericka S. Weathers, Mark L. Wirschem, and Jill K. Murphy. 2012. "Effects of a Multidisciplinary Family Treatment Drug Court on Child and Family Outcomes: Results of a Quasi–Experimental Study." Child Maltreatment 17(3):218–30.
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) NetherlandsJuvenile JusticeAsscher, Jessica J., Maja Dekovic, Willeke Manders, Peter Laan, Pier Prins, and Sander Arum. 2014. “Sustainability of the Effects of Multisystemic Therapy for Juvenile Delinquents in The Netherlands: Effects on Delinquency and Recidivism.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 10:227–43.
Multisystemic Therapy Building Stronger Families (MST–BSF)Juvenile JusticeSchaffer, Cindy M., Cynthia Cupit Swenson, Elena Hontoria Tuerk, and Scott W. Henggler. 2013. "Comprehensive Treatment for Co–Occurring Child Maltreatment and Parental Substance Abuse: Outcomes From a 24–Month Pilot Study of the MST–Building Stronger Families Program." Child Abuse and Neglect 37:596–607.
Mystery Shop to Reduce Underage Tobacco PurchasesCrime PreventionKrevor, Brad S., William R. Ponicki, Joel W. Grube, and William DeJong. 2011. "The Effect of Mystery Shopper Reports on Age Verification for Tobacco Purchases." Journal of Health Communication 16(8):820–30.
Naltrexone and Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Alcohol Dependence and PTSDDrugs

Foa, Edna B., D.A. Yusko, C.P. McLean, M.K. Suvak, D.A. Bux, D. Oslin, C.P. O'Brien, P. Imms, D.S. Riggs, and J. Volpicelli. 2013. " Concurrent Naltrexone and Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Patients With Comorbid Alcohol Dependence and PTSD: A Randomized Clinical Trial." The Journal of the American Medical Association 310(5):488–95.

Kaczkurkin, Antonia N., Anu Asnaani, Elizabeth Alpert, and Edna B. Foa. 2016. "The Impact of Treatment Condition and the Lagged Effects of PTSD Symptom Severity and Alcohol Use on Changes in Alcohol Craving." Behaviour Research and Therapy 79:7–14.

Foa, Edna B., and Monnica T. Williams. 2010. "Methodology of a Randomized Double–Blind Clinical Trial for Comorbid Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Dependence." Mental Health and Substance Use 3(2):131–47.

National Drug Intervention in ThailandDrugsKhruakham, Seksan, and Jonathan Lee. 2016. "A Preliminary Evaluation on the National Drug Intervention in Thailand: A Time Series Analysis of Crime Report." The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles 89(3):187–97.
National Evaluation of CCTV in United KingdomCrime PreventionGill, Martin, Jenna Allen, Jane Bryna, Deena Kara, Ross Little, Sam Waples, Angela Spriggs, Javier Argomaniz, Patricia Jessiman, Jonathan Kilworth, and Daniel Swain. 2005. "The Impact of CCTV: Fourteen Case Studies." London, England: Home Office Online.
National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising ApproachesJuvenile Justice

Jaycox, Lisa H., Laura Hickman, Dana Schilts, Dionne Bares–Proby, Calude Setodji, Aaron Kofner, Racine Harris, Joie Acosta, and Traia Francois. 2011. National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches: Assessing Program Outcomes. Washington, D.C.: RAND Research, Safety and Justice Program.

Schultz, Dana, Lisa Jaycox, Laura Hickman, Anita Chandra, Dionne Barnes–Proby, Joie Acosta, Alice Beckman, Taria Francois, and Lauren Honess–Morreale. 2011. National Evaluation of Safe Start Promising Approaches: Assessing Program Implementation. Washington, D.C.: RAND Research Health and Infrastructure, Safety and Environment.

Schultz, Dana, Lisa H. Jaycox, Lynsay Ayer, Claude Messan Setodji, Ammarah Mahmud, Aaron Kofner, and Dionne Barnes–Proby. 2017. Improving Outcomes for Children Exposed to Violence: Safe Start Promising Approaches. Washington, D.C.: RAND Research Health and Infrastructure, Safety and Environment.

National Prison–Based Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders (England and Wales)CorrectionsFriendship, Caroline, Ruth E. Mann, and Anthony R. Beech. 2003. “Evaluation of a National Prison–Based Treatment Program for Sexual Offenders in England and Wales." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18:744–59.
New Jersey Intensive Surveillance and Supervision Program (ISSP)CorrectionsPaparozzi, Mario A., and Paul Gendreau. 2005. "An Intensive Supervision Program That Worked: Service Delivery, Professional Orientation, and Organizational Supportiveness." The Prison Journal 85(4):445–66.
New Jersey Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI)CorrectionsVeysey, Bonita M., Michael Ostermann, and Jennifer L. Lanterman. 2014. "The Effectiveness of Enhanced Parole Supervision and Community Services: New Jersey’s Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative." The Prison Journal 94(4):435–53.
New Jersey’s Halfway House SystemCorrections

Hamilton, Zachary K., and Christopher M. Campbell. 2014. Uncommonly Observed: The Impact of New Jersey’s Halfway House System. Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(11):1354–1375.

Hsieh, Ming–Li, and Zachary K. Hamilton. 2016. "Predicting Success in Residential Substance Abuse Interventions: New Jersey’s Pre–Release Incarceration Alternatives." Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(2):182–202.

New Jersey's System of Care (SOC) InitiativeJuvenile Justice

Stout, Bruce D., and David Holleran. 2012. "The Impact of Mental Health Services Implementation on Juvenile Court Placements: An Examination of New Jersey’s SOC Initiative." Criminal Justice Policy Review 23(4):447–64.

Stroul, Beth A., and Robert M. Friedman. 2011. Effective Strategies for Expanding the System of Care Approach: A Report on the Study of Strategies for Expanding Systems of Care: National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families Program. New York, N.Y.: Marco International, Inc.

New York City’s Impact Schools InitiativeJuvenile JusticeBrady, Kevin P., Sharon Balmer, and Deinya Phenix. 2007. "School–Police Partnership Effectiveness in Urban Schools: An Analysis of New York City’s Impact Schools Initiative." Education and Urban Society 39(4):455–78.
Nightwatch (St. Louis, Mo.)Juvenile Justice

Urban, Lynn S. 2008. "Court–Ordered Curfew: The Application of Graduated Sanctions for Juvenile Offenders." Justice Policy Journal 5(1).

Urban, Lynn S.  2005. The Deterrent Effect of Curfew Enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

NOBLE Choices: Ohio Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT)Corrections

Winesburg, Melissa, Edward Latessa, and Jennifer Pealer. 2002. Final Report: NOBLE Choices, RSAT Outcome Evaluation. Cincinnati, Ohio University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research.

Winesburg, Melissa, Edward Latessa, and Jennifer Pealer. 2002. Final Report: Ohio RSAT Outcome Evaluation: Summary Report. Cincinnati, Ohio: University of Cincinnati, Center for Criminal Justice Research.

Fulton, Betsy, Edward Latessa, and Jennifer Pealer. 2001. Noble Choices: RSAT Process Evaluation Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Non–Custodial Sentencing (Denmark)CorrectionsAndersen, Signe Hald. 2015. "Serving Time or Serving the Community? Exploiting a Policy Reform to Assess the Causal Effects of Community Service on Income, Social Benefit Dependency and Recidivism." Journal of Quantitative Criminology 31(4):537–63.
North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety ProgramCorrectionsMidgette, Greg, Beau Kilmer, Nancy Nicosia, and Paul Heaton. 2020. "A Natural Experiment to Test the Effect of Sanction Certainty and Celerity on Substance–Impaired Driving: North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program." Journal of Quantitative Criminology. 10.1007/s10940-020-09458-6
Nuestras FamiliasJuvenile JusticeMartinez, C.R. Jr., and Eddy, M. 2005. “Effects of Culturally Adapted Parent Management Training on Latino Youth Behavioral Outcomes.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 73(4):841–51.
Nursery Intervention Project for Parents & Education Related Services (NIPPERS) (UK)Juvenile JusticeMillar, Yvonne, Danya Glaser, Natalie L. Reilly–Johnson, Sarah–Louise Hurst, Kelly Harris, Cathryn Skerry, and Tony Charman. 2010. "Delivering Child Community Psychology Services in the Community: Experiences From the NIPPERS Project." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 15(3):134–41.
Offender Focused Domestic Violence Initiative (OFDVI)Crime PreventionSechrist, Stacy M., and John D. Weil. 2018. "Assessing the Impact of a Focused Deterrence Strategy to Combat Intimate Partner Domestic Violence." Violence Against Women 24(3):243–65.
Offender Reentry Programs (Oregon)CorrectionsOfficer, Kelly, Devarshi Bajpai, and Michael Wilson. 2011. Offender Reentry Programs: Preliminary Evaluation July 2011. Salem, Ore.: Criminal Justice Commission.
Ohio Common Pleas Drug CourtCourtsShaffer, Deborah K., Shelley J. Listwan, Edward J. Latessa, and Christopher T. Lowenkamp. 2008. “Examining the Differential Impact of Drug Court Services by Court Type: Findings From Ohio.” Drug Court Review 6(1):33–66.
Ohio Juvenile Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeShaffer, Deborah K., Shelley J. Listwan, Edward J. Latessa, and Christopher T. Lowenkamp. 2008. “Examining the Differential Impact of Drug Court Services by Court Type: Findings From Ohio.” Drug Court Review 6(1):33–66.
Ohio Municipal Drug CourtCourtsShaffer, Deborah K., Shelley J. Listwan, Edward J. Latessa, and Christopher T. Lowenkamp. 2008. “Examining the Differential Impact of Drug Court Services by Court Type: Findings From Ohio.” Drug Court Review 6(1):33–66.
Ohio Prison–Based DUI ProgramCorrectionsMiller, J. Mitchell, Holly Ventura Miller, and Rob Tillyer. 2014. Effect of Prison–Based Alcohol Treatment: A Multi–Site Process and Outcome Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
On–Officer Video Camera (OVC) Technology (Mesa, Ariz.)Law EnforcementReady, Justin T., and Jacob T.N. Young. 2015. "The Impact of On–Officer Video Cameras on Police–Citizen Contacts: Findings From a Controlled Experiment in Mesa, AZ." Journal of Experimental Criminology 11:445–58.
Operation Ceasefire (Clark County, Nev.)Law EnforcementRadtke, Timothy, William Sousa, and Timothy Hart. 2008. Operation Ceasefire in Clark County, Nevada: Evaluating a Cross–Jurisdictional Approach to Reducing Gun Violence. Las Vegas, Nev.: University of Nevada, Center for the Analysis of Crime Statistics.
Operation LASER (Los Angeles’ Strategic Extraction and Restoration)Law Enforcement

Uchida, Craig D., and Marc L. Swatt. 2013. "Operation LASER and the Effectiveness of Hotspot Patrol: A Panel Analysis." Police Quarterly 16(3):287–304.

Uchida, C.D., Marc L. Swatt, ., David Gamero, Jeanine Lopez, Erika Salazar, Elliott King, Rhonda Maxey, Nathan Ong, Douglas Wagner, and Michael D. White . 2012. Los Angeles, California Smart Policing Initiative: Reducing Gun–Related Violence through Operation LASER. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Operation Strikeforce (Buffalo, N.Y.)Crime PreventionWheeler, Andrew P., and Scott W. Phillips. 2018. "A Quasi–Experimental Evaluation Using Roadblocks and Automatic License Plate Readers to Reduce Crime in Buffalo, NY." Security Journal 31(1):190–207.
Operational Performance Reviews (Queensland, Australia)Law Enforcement

Mazerolle, Lorraine, James McBroom, and Sacha Rombouts. 2011. "Compstat in Australia: An Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Impact." Journal of Criminal Justice 39:128–36.

Mazerolle, Lorraine, Sacha Rombouts, and James McBroom. 2006. "The Impact of Operational Performance Reviews (OPRs) on Reported Crime in Queensland." Report submitted to the Criminology Research Council by Griffith University.

Outpatient Drug–Free TreatmentDrugsKatz, Elizabeth C., Barry S. Brown, Robert P. Schwartz, Eric Weintraub, Wardell Barksdale, and Robert Robinson. 2004. “Role Induction: A Method for Enhancing Early Retention in Outpatient Drug–Free Treatment.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 72(2):227–34.
Parent ConnectorsJuvenile Justice

January, Stacy–Ann A., Kristin Duppong Hurley, Amy L. Stevens, Krista Kutash, Albert J. Duchnowski, and Neftali Pereda. 2016. "Evaluation of a Community–Based Peer–to–Peer Support Program for Parents of At–Risk Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(3):836–44.

Kutash, Krista, Albert J. Duchnowski, Amy L. Green, and John M. Ferron. 2011. "Supporting Parents Who Have Youth With Emotional Disturbances Through a Parent–to–Parent Support Program: A Proof of Concept Study Using Random Assignment." Administration and Policy in Mental Health 38:412–27. 

Kutash, Krista, Albert J. Duchnowski, Amy L. Green, and John M. Ferron. 2013. "Effectiveness of the Parent Connectors Program: Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial." School Mental Health 5:192–208.

Kutash, Krista, Brittany Cross, Anthony Madias, Albert J. Duchnowski, and Amy L. Green. 2012. "Description of a Fidelity Implementation System: An Example From a Community–based Children’s Mental Health Program." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21(6):1028–40.

Weiss, Catharine L., Angela M. Blizzard, Courtney Vaughan, Tierra Sydnor–Diggs, Sarah Edwards, and Sharon Stephan. 2015. "Supporting the Transition From Inpatient Hospitalization to School." Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 24(2):371–83.

Parent Management Training (PMT) Computer–AdministeredJuvenile Justice Rabbitt M., Sarah, Erin Carrubba, Bernadette Lecza,  Emily McWhinney,  Jennifer Pope, and Alan E. Kazdin. 2016. "Reducing Therapist Contact in Parenting Programs: Evaluation of Internet–Based Treatments for Child Conduct Problem." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:2001–2020.
Parent Problem Solving (PPS)Juvenile JusticeKazdin, Alan E., and Moria K. Whitley. 2003. “Treatment of Parental Stress to Enhance Therapeutic Change Among Children Referred for Aggressive and Antisocial Behavior.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 71(3):504–15.
Parent to Parent ProgramJuvenile JusticeSummers, Alicia, Steve Wood, Jesse Russell, and Stephanie Macgill. 2012. “An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Parent–to–Parent Program in Changing Attitudes and Increasing Engagement in the Juvenile Dependency System.” Children and Youth Services Review 34:2036–2041.
Parent–Based Intervention (PBI) for College StudentsJuvenile Justice

Testa, Maria, Joseph H. Hoffman, Jennifer A. Livingston, and Rob Turrisi. 2010. "Preventing College Women's Sexual Victimization Through Parent Based Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Prevention Science 11:308–18.

Turrisi, Rob, Kimberly A. Mallett, Michael J. Cleveland, Lindsey Varvil–Weld, Caitlin Abar, Nichole Scaglione, and Brittney Hultgren. 2013. "Evaluation of Timing and Dosage of a Parent–Based Intervention to Minimize College Students' Alcohol Consumption." Journal of Studies of Alcohol and Drugs 74:30–40.

Parenting From InsideCorrectionsLoper, Ann Booker, and Elena Hontoria Tuerk. 2011. "Improving the Emotional Adjustment and Communication Patterns of Incarcerated Mothers: Effectiveness of a Prison Parenting Intervention." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:89–101.
Parenting From PrisonCorrections

Wilson, Kristina, Patricia Gonzalez, Tony Romero, Kimberly Henry, and Christine Cerbana. 2010. "The Effectiveness of Parent Education for Incarcerated Parents: An Evaluation of Parenting From Prison." The Journal of Correctional Education 61(2):114–32.

Thompson, Patricia J., and Nancy J. Harm. 2000. "Parenting From Prison: Helping Children and Mothers." Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing 23:61–81.

Rosa, Juliana D., Kristen E. Konkel, Kimberly Fairbank, Christine Cerbana, Kristina Wilson, and Kimberly Henry. N.d. "Parenting From Prison: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Parenting Program for Incarcerated Parents." Unpublished manuscript, Colorado State University.

Parent–Student Alcohol Prevention Program (PAS) (Netherlands)Juvenile Justice

Koning, I.M., R.J. Van den Eijnded, J.E. Verdurmen, R.C. Engels, W.A. Vollebergh. 2011. "Long–Term Effects of a Parents and Student Intervention on Alcohol Use in Adolescents: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 40(5):541–47.

Koning, I.M., D. MacKinnon, M. Maric, and W.A.M. Vollebergh. 2015. "Effects of a Combined Parent–Student Alcohol Prevention Program on Intermediate Factors and Adolescents' Drinking Behavior: A Sequential Mediation Model." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(4):719–27.

Partners in Parenting (PIP)Juvenile JusticeRosa, Juliana, Christine Cerbana, Kimberly Henry, and Kimberly Fairbank. N.d. "Randomized Control Trial Evaluation Report of Partners in Parenting Program." Manuscript in preparation.
Partners Program (Richland County, Ohio)Juvenile JusticeAllen, Don D., and John W. Fraas. 2006. “An Evaluation of a Family Preservation Juvenile Justice Program with a Cox Regression Model.” Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints 32(1):31–38.
Pathfinders and Problem Solving ProgramsCorrectionsSpiropoulos, Georgia V., Lisa Spruance, Patricia Voorhis, and Michelle Schmitt. 2005. “Pathfinders and Problem Solving: Comparative Effects of Two Cognitive–Behavioral Programs Among Men and Women Offenders in Community and Prison." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 42(2):69–94.
PATHS plus Triple P (Switzerland)Juvenile JusticeAverdijk, Margit, Jan Zirk–Sadowski, Denis Ribeaud, and Manuel Eisner. 2016. "Long–Term Effects of Two Childhood Psychosocial Interventions on Adolescent Delinquency, Substance Use, and Antisocial Behavior: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Experimental Criminology 12:21–47.
Peer Support Program for Chinese Low Income Mothers (China)Juvenile JusticeHung Lin, Suet, and Dehui Ruth Zhou. 2017. "Peer Support Program for Chinese Low Income Mothers: An Evaluation Study and Implications for Practice." Journal of Child and Family Studies 26:2640–2652.
Persistently Violent Offender Treatment ProgramCorrectionsSerin, Ralph C., Renee Gobeil, and Denise Preston. 2009. “Evaluation of the Persistently Violent Offender Treatment Program.” Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 53(1):57–73.
Personalized Feedback Intervention (PFI) for College Alcohol MisuseDrugsMiller, M.B., E. Meier, E.L. Leavens, N. Lombardi, and T.R. Leffingwell. 2016. "Enhancing the Efficacy of Computerized Feedback Interventions for College Alcohol Misuse: An Exploratory Randomized Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 84(2):122–33.
Police Helicopter Patrols (London, Ontario)Law EnforcementWhitehead, Paul C. 2001. The Eye in the Sky: Evaluation of Police Helicopter Patrols. London, Ontario: The London Police Service Helicopter Research Project.
Positive Youth Development Collaborative (PYDC)CorrectionsTebes, Jacob K., Richard Feinn, Jeffery Vanderploeg, Matthew Chinman, Jane Shepard, Tamika Brabham, Maegan Genovese, and Christian Connell. 2007. "Impact of a Positive Youth Development Program in Urban After–School Setting on the Prevention of Adolescent Substance Use." Journal of Adolescent Health 41:239–47.
Post–Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Exams (Vermont)CorrectionsMcGrath, Robert J., Georgia F. Cumming, Stephen E. Hoke, and Marcel O. Bonn–Miller. 2007. “Outcomes in a Community Sex Offender Treatment Program: A Comparison Between Polygraphed and Matched Non–Polygraphed Offenders." Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 19:381–93.
Pre–Adjudication Coordination and Transition (PACT) Center (Baltimore, Md.)Juvenile JusticeFarrell, Jill, Douglas Young, and Sara Betsinger. 2010. Pre‐Adjudication Coordination and Transition (PACT) Center Outcome and Process Evaluation. Prepared for: The Family League of Baltimore City Inc., Center for Children’s Law and Policy, DMC Action Network: Models for Change, Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Department of Juvenile Services.
Precede/Proceed Model for Behavior Change (Domestic Violence)Victims

Thompson, Robert S., Frederick P. Rivara, Diane C. Thompson, William E. Barlow, Nancy K. Sugg, Roland D. Maiuro, and David M. Rubanowice. 2000. "Identification and Management of Domestic Violence: A Randomized Trial." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19(4):253–63.

Thompson, Robert S., Barbara A. Meyer, Kathleen Smith–DiJulio, Madlen P. Caplow, Roland D. Maiuro, Diane C. Thompson, Nancy K. Sugg, and Frederick P. Rivara. 1998. "A Training Program to Improve Domestic Violence Identification and Management in Primary Care: Preliminary Results." Violence and Victims 13(4):395–410.

Prevention Program for Teenagers on Sexual CoercionJuvenile JusticePacifici, Caesar, Mike Stoolmiller, and Carol Nelson. 2001. "Evaluating a Prevention Program for Teenagers on Sexual Coercion a Differential Effectiveness Approach." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69(3):552–59.
Prevention through Alternative Learning Styles (PALS)Juvenile JusticeWorkman, Judson W., Mary Huber, Jo Ann Ford, Theresa Mayer, Dennis Moore, Josephine Wilson, and Nicole Kinzeler. 2012. "The PALS Prevention Program and Its Long–Term Impact on Student Intentions to Use Alcohol, Tobacco and Marijuana." Journal of Drug Education 42(4):469–85.
Prison Industries Program (Illinois)CorrectionsO'Brien, Patricia, and Robin Bates. 2005. "Women's Post–Release Experiences in the U.S.: Recidivism and Re–Entry." International Journal of Prisoner Health 1(2–4):207–21.
Prison–based College Education Programs (New York)CorrectionsKim, Ryang Hui, and David Clark. 2013. "The Effect of Prison–Based College Education Programs on Recidivism: Propensity Score Matching Approach." Journal of Criminal Justice 41:196–204.
Prisoner Motivational Interviewing (New Zealand)CorrectionsAnstiss, Brendan, Devon L.L. Polascheck, and Marc Wilson. 2011. “A Brief Motivational Interviewing Intervention With Prisoners: When You Lead A Horse To Water, Can It Drink For Itself?” Psychology, Crime, & Law 17(8):689–710.
Prisoner Reentry Initiative (PRI) MinnesotaCorrectionsMinnesota Department of Corrections. 2011. An Evaluation of the Prisoner Reentry Initiative: Final Report. Saint Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Department of Corrections.
Prison–Initiated Methadone Maintenance Treatment (Rhode Island)DrugsMcKenzie, Michelle, Nickolas Zaller, Samuel L. Dickman, Traci C. Green, Amisha Parihk, Peter D. Friedmann, and Josiah D. Rich. 2012. "A Randomized Trial of Methadone Initiation Prior to Release From Incarceration." Substance Abuse 33:19–29.
Proactive Community Supervision (PCS) (Maryland)Corrections

Taxman, Faye. 2008. “No Illusions: Offender and Organizational Change in Maryland’s Proactive Community Supervision Efforts.” Criminology & Public Policy 7(2):275–302.

Taxman, Faye, Christina Yancey, and Jeanne E. Bilanin. 2006. Proactive Community Supervision in Maryland: Changing Offender Outcomes. Baltimore, Md.: Maryland Division of Parole and Probation.

Maryland Division of Parole and Probation, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. N.d. “Nuts and Bolts” of PCS: Proactive Community Supervision. College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, Bureau of Government Research.

Probation Transition Program (PTP)CorrectionsCox, Stephen M., Kathleen Bantley, and Thomas Roscoe. 2005. Evaluation of the Court Support Services Division's Program Probation Transition Program and Technical Violation Unit. New Britain, Conn.: Central Connecticut State University, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Project BRITECorrectionsBurdon, William M., Jef St. De Lore, Jeff Dang, Umma S. Warda, and Michael L. Prendergast. 2013. "Psychosocial Functioning Among Inmates in Prison–Based Drug Treatment: Results From Project BRITE." Journal of Experimental Criminology 9:45–64.
Project ConfirmJuvenile Justice

Conger, Dylan, and Timothy Ross. 2006. "Project Confirm: An Outcome Evaluation of a Program for Children in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 4(1):97–115.

Ross, Timothy, and Dylan Conger. 2002. "Bridging Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice: Preventing Unnecessary Detention of Foster Children." Child Welfare 81(3):471–84.

Project ConnectJuvenile JusticeWasserman, Gail A., Larkin S. McReynolds, Hana Musabegovic, Andria L. Whited, Joseph M. Keating, and Yanling Huo. 2009. "Evaluating Project Connect: Improving Juvenile Probationers' Mental Health and Substance Use Service Access." Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 36(6):393–405.
Project HopeJuvenile JusticeMason, W. Alex, Kevin P. Haggerty, Andrew P. Fleming, and Mary Casey–Goldstein. 2012. "Family Intervention to Prevent Depression and Substance Use Among Adolescents of Depressed Parents." Journal of Child and Family Studies 21:891–905.
Project MUSTERCorrectionsWeisburd, David, Tomer Einat, and Matt Kowalski. 2008. "The Miracle of the Cells: An Experimental Study of Interventions to Increase Payment of Court–Ordered Financial Obligations." Criminology & Public Policy 7(1):9–36.
Project Re–ConnectCorrections

Morani, Nicole M., Nora Wikoff, Donald M. Linhorst, and Sheila Bratton. 2011. "A Description of the Self–Identified Needs, Service Expenditures, and Social Outcomes of Participants of a Prisoner–Reentry Program." The Prison Journal 91(3):347–65.

Wikoff, Nora, Donald M. Linhorst, and Nicole Morani. 2012. Recidivism Among Participants of a Reentry Program for Prisoners Released Without Supervision. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers.

Project RISE (Reentry Intervention and Support for Engagement)Juvenile Justice

Clark, Heather Griller, Sarup R. Mathur, and Brandon Helding. 2011. "Transition Services for Juvenile Detainees with Disabilities: Findings on Recidivism." Education and Treatment of Children 34(4):511–29.

Mathur, Sarup R., and Heather Griller Clark. 2014. "Community Engagement for Reentry Success of Youth From Juvenile Justice: Challenges and Opportunities." Education and Treatment of Children 37(4):713–34.

Project ROSE: Arrest Alternative for Victims of Sex Trafficking and ProstitutionCourtsRoe–Sepowitz, Dominique E., James Gallagher, Kristine E. Hickle, Martha Pérez Loubert, and John Tutelman. 2014. “Project ROSE: An Arrest Alternative for Victims of Sex Trafficking and Prostitution.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation53(1):57–74.
Project Safe Neighborhoods (Alabama)Law Enforcement

McGarrell, Edmund F., Natalie K. Hipple, Nicholas Corsaro, Ed Pappanastos, Ed Stevens, and James Albritton. 2013. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Middle District of Alabama (Case Study 5). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Hipple, Natalie K., Timothy O’Shea, and Edmund F. McGarrell. 2013. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Southern District of Alabama (Case Study 10). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Project Safe Neighborhoods (Nebraska)Law EnforcementHipple, Natalie K., Heather A. Perez, Edmund F. McGarrell, Nicholas Corsaro, T. Hank Robinson, and Leigh Culver. 2013. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: District of Nebraska (Case Study 9). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Project Safe Neighborhoods (North Carolina)Law EnforcementHipple, Natalie K., James A. Frabutt, Nicholas Corsaro, Edmund F. McGarrell, and M.J. Gathings. 2013. Project Safe Neighborhoods Case Study Report: Middle District of North Carolina (Case Study 11). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Project SuccessJuvenile JusticeClark, Heddy Kovach, Chris Ringwalt, Stephen Shamblen, and Sean Hanley. 2011. "Project Success Effects on Substance Use–Related Attitudes and Behaviors: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Alternative High Schools." Journal of Drug Education 41(1):17–44.
Promoting First RelationshipJuvenile Justice

Spieker, Susan J., Monica Oxford, Jean Kelly, Elizabeth Nelson, and Charles Fleming. 2012. "Promoting First Relationships: Randomized Trial of a Relationship–Based Intervention for Toddlers in Child Welfare." Child Maltreatment 17(4):271–86.

Oxford, Monica L., Maureen Marcenko, Charles B. Flemming, Mary Jane Lohr, and Susan J. Spieker. 2016. "Promoting Birth Parents' Relationships With Their Toddlers Upon Reunification: Results From Promoting First Relationships® Home Visiting Program." Children and Youth Services Review 61:109–16.

Protective Behavioral Strategies Skills Training and Personalized Feedback (PBS–STPF)DrugsLaBrie, Joseph W., Lucy E. Napper, Elizabeth M. Grimaldi, Shannon R. Kenney, and Andrew Lac. 2015. "The Efficacy of a Standalone Protective Behavioral Strategies Intervention for Students Accessing Mental Health Services." Prevention Science 16(5):663–73.
Publicly Funded Treatment Foster Care (Florida)Juvenile Justice

Robst, John, Mary Armstrong, and Norin Dollard. 2011. "Comparing Outcomes for Youth Served in Treatment Foster Care and Treatment Group Care." Journal of Child and Family Studies 20:696–705.

Dollard, Norín, Kelley Dhont, and Keren Vergon. 2005. Evaluation of Florida's Specialized Therapeutic Foster Care. Tampa, Fla.: University of Southern Florida, The Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.

Queens (NY) Misdemeanor Treatment Court (MTC)CourtsLabriola, Melissa M. 2009. The Drug Court Model and Chronic Misdemeanants: Impact Evaluation of the Queens Misdemeanor Treatment Court. New York, N.Y.: Center for Court Innovation.
Qungasvik (Alaska)Juvenile JusticeAllen, James, Stacy M. Rasmus, Carlotta Ching Ting Fok, Billy Charles, David Henry, and Qungasvik Team. 2017. "Multi–Level Cultural Intervention for the Prevention of Suicide and Alcohol Use Risk with Alaska Native Youth: A Nonrandomized Comparison of Treatment Intensity." Prevention Science 19:174–85.
RABS (Risk Assessment and Behavioral Health Screening)Juvenile Justice

Vincent, Gina, and Rachael Perrault. 2018a. Risk Assessment and Behavioral Health Screening (RABS) Project: Technical Report. Worcester: Mass.: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Systems and Psychological Advances Research, Law and Psychiatry Program–Research in Juvenile Justice.

Vincent, Gina, and Rachael Perrault. 2018b. Risk Assessment and Behavioral Health Screening Project. Worcester: Mass.: University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Systems and Psychological Advances Research, Law and Psychiatry Program–Research in Juvenile Justice.

Reach for Resilience (Brisbane, Australia)Juvenile JusticeDadds, Mark R., and Janet H. Roth. 2008. "Prevention of Anxiety Disorders: Results of a Universal Trial with Young Children." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:320–35.
Rebonding and RebuildingCorrectionsSandifer, Jacquelyn L. 2008. "Evaluation the Efficacy of a Parenting Program for Incarcerated Mothers." The Prison Journal 88(3):423–.45
Redeployable CCTVCrime PreventionWaples, Sam,and Martin Gill. 2006. "The Effectiveness of Redeployable CCTV." Crime Prevention and Community Safety 8(1):1–16.
Reducing Burglary InitiativeCrime PreventionHope, Tim. 2004. "Pretend it Works: Evidence and Governance in the Evaluation of the Reducing Burglary Initiative." Criminal Justice 4(3):287–308.
Reducing Burglary Initiative (Liverpool, England)Crime PreventionBowers, Kate, Shane Johnson, and Alex Hirschfield. 2003. Pushing Back the Boundaries: New Techniques for Assessing the Impact of Burglary Schemes. London, England: Home Office Online Report.
Reducing Metal Thefts Through Local Ordinances (St. Louis, MO)Crime PreventionMares, Dennis M., and Emily A Blackburn. 2017. "Reducing Metal Thefts Through the Use of Local Ordinances: An Evaluation of an Impromptu Market Reduction Approach in St. Louis, MO." Security Journal 30(2):487–503.
Reducing Risky Relationships for HIV (RRR–HIV)CorrectionsHavens, Jennifer R., Carl G. Leukefeld, Carrie B. Oser, Michele Staton–Tindall, Hannah K. Knudsen, Jennifer Mooney, Jamieson L. Duvall, Jennifer G. Clarke, Linda Frisman, Hilary L. Surratt, and James A. Inciardi. 2009. "Examination of an Interventionist–Led HIV Intervention Among Criminal Justice–Involved Female Prisoners." Journal of Experimental Criminology 5:245–72.
Reentry Housing Pilot Program in Washington (RHPP)Corrections

Lutze, Faith E., Jeffrey Bouffard, and Sean Falconer. 2009. Washington State's Reentry Housing Pilot Program Evaluation: Year 1 Report. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University, Criminal Justice Program.

Lutze, Faith E., Jeffrey W. Rosky, and Zachary K. Hamilton. 2014. "Homelessness and Reentry: A Multisite Outcome Evaluation of Washington State’s Reentry Housing Program for High Risk Offenders." Criminal Justice and Behavior 41(4):471–91.

Reentry Services Project (Clay County, MN)Juvenile JusticeJeffrey A. Bouffard, and Kathleen J. Bergseth. 2008. "The Impact of Reentry Services on Juvenile Offenders’ Recidivism." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 6(3):295–318.
Regional Treatment Centre (Ontario) High–Intensity Sex Offender Treatment ProgrammeCorrectionsAbracen, Jeffrey, Jan Looman, Meaghan Ferguson, Leigh Harkins, and Donna Mailloux. 2001. "Recidivism Among Treated Sexual Offenders and Comparison Subjects: Recent Outcome Data From the Regional Treatment Centre (Ontario) High–Intensity Sex Offender Treatment Programme." Journal of Sexual Aggression: An International, Interdisciplinary Forum for Research, Theory and Practice 17(2):142–52.
Rehabilitating Civilian Victims of WarVictimsMughal, Ushna, Diego Carrasco, Rupert Brown, and Susan Ayers. 2015. "Rehabilitating Civilian Victims of War Through Psychosocial Intervention in Sierra Leone." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 45(11):593–601.
Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust (RAPt)DrugsKatie L. Disbury, Albert M. Kopak, Lucy V. Dean, Hattie C.A. Moyes, Josefien J.F. Breedvelt, Bethan I. Thibaut, Caroline R.F. Cole, and Joshua J. Heath 2015. “Pre– to Posttreatment Differences in Measures of Risk of Relapse and Reoffending for Participants of RAPt’s 6–Week Programs.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(8):556–84.
Relationship Psychotherapy Mother's Group (RPMG)Drugs

Luthar, Suniya S., Nancy E. Suchman, and Michelle Altomare. 2007. "Relational Psychotherapy Mothers' Group: A Randomized Clinical Trial for Substance Abusing Mothers." Developmental Psychopathology 19(1):243–61.

Luthar, Suniya S., and Nancy E. Suchman. 2000. "Relational Psychotherapy Mothers' Group: A Developmentally Informed Intervention for At–Risk Mothers." Developmental Psychopathology 12(2):235–53.

Relaxation Skills Violence Prevention (RSVP) ProgramJuvenile JusticeJewell, Jeremy D., and Scott J. Elliff. 2013. “An Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Relaxation Skills Violence Prevention (RSVP) Program With Juvenile Detainees.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 40:203–14.
Reparative Probation (Vermont)CorrectionsHumphrey, John A., Gale Burford, and Meredith Huey Dye. 2012. "A Longitudinal Analysis of Reparative Probation and Recidivism." Criminal Justice Studies 25(2):117–30. 
Residential and Non–Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (Florida)CorrectionsKrebs, Christopher P., Kevin J. Strom, Willem H. Koetse, and Pamela K. Lattimore. 2009. "The Impact of Residential and Nonresidential Drug Treatment on Recidivism Among Drug Involved Probationers: A Survival Analysis." Crime & Delinquency 55(3):442–71.
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for High–Risk ProbationersCorrectionsPérez, Diana M. 2009. "Applying Evidence–Based Practices to Community Corrections Supervision: An Evaluation of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for High–Risk Probationers." Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 25(4):442–58.
Resourceful Adolescent Program (Adolescent and Parent Versions: RAP–A and RAP–P) (Australia)Juvenile JusticeRivet–Duval, Emilie, Sandra Heriot, and Caroline Hunt. 2011. "Preventing Adolescent Depression in Mauritius: A Universal School–Based Program." Adolescent and Child Mental Health 16(2):86–91.
Respond, Empower, Advocate, and Listen (REAL) ProgramLaw EnforcementBonkiewicz, Luke A., Kasey Moyer, Chad Magdanz, and John Walsh. 2018. "Keeping It REAL: Assisting Individuals After a Police–Abated Mental Health Crisis." Police Quarterly 21:486–508.
Responsible Fatherhood Program (Fairfax County, VA)CorrectionsRobbers, Monica L.P.  2005. "Focus on Family and Fatherhood: Lessons From Fairfax County’s Responsible Fatherhood Program for Incarcerated Dads." Justice Policy Journal 2(1).
Restorative Justice Impact on Policing ComplaintsLaw EnforcementYoung, Richard, Carolyn Hoyle, Karen Cooper, and Roderick Hill. 2005. "Informal Resolution of Complaints Against the Police: A Quasi–Experimental Test of Restorative Justice." Criminal Justice 5(3):279–317.
Restrictive Intermediate Punishment (RIP/D&A)CorrectionsWarner, Tara D., and John Kramer. 2009. "Closing the Revolving Door. Substance Abuse Treatment as an Alternative to Traditional Sentencing for Drug–Dependent Offenders." Criminal Justice and Behavior 36(1):89–109.
Revictimization Prevention ProgramJuvenile JusticeMarx, Brian P., Karen S. Calhoun, Amy E. Wilson, and Lori E. Meyerson. 2001. "Sexual Revictimization Prevention: An Outcome Evaluation." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 69(1):25–32.
Rimutaka Violence Prevention Unit Prisoner Intervention (New Zealand)CorrectionsPolascheck, Devon L.L. 2010. “High–Intensity Rehabilitation for Violent Offenders in New Zealand: Reconviction Outcomes for High– and Medium–Risk Prisoners.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26(4):664–82.
Ringsted Project (Danish Schools)Juvenile JusticeBalvig, Flemming, and Lars Holmberg. 2011. "The Ripple Effect: A Randomized Trial of a Social Norms Intervention in a Danish Middle School Setting." Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 12(1):3–19.
Rio Hondo DUI courtCourts

MacDonald, John M., Andrew Morral, Barbara Raymond, and Christine Eibner. 2007. "The Efficacy of the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2 Year Field Experiment." Evaluation Review 31(1):4–23.

Eibner, Christine, Andrew Morral, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, and John MacDonald. 2006. “Is the Drug Court Model Exportable? The Cost–Effectiveness of a Driving–Under–the–Influence Court.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 31(1):75–85.

Rochester Social Problem Solving ProgramJuvenile JusticeSawyer, M., C. MacMullin, B. Graetz, J. Said, J. Clark, and P. Baghurst. 1997. "Social Skills Training for Primary School Children: A 1–Year Follow–Up Study." Journal of Pediatric Child Health 33:378–83.
Routine Drug Testing (California Youth Authority)Juvenile JusticeHaapanen, Rudy, and Lee Britton. 2002. “Drug Testing for Youthful Offenders on Parole: An Experimental Evaluation.” Criminology & Public Policy 1:217–44.
Rutland County (VT) Adult Drug Court (RCADC)CourtsCarey, Shannon M., Lisa Lucas, Mark Waller, Callie Lambarth, Robert Linhares, Judy Weller, and Michael Finigan. 2009. Vermont Drug Courts: Rutland County Adult Drug Court Process, Outcome and Cost Evaluation Final Report. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research
Sacramento (Calif.) Dependency Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeBoles, Sharon M., Nancy K. Young, Toni Moore, and Sharon DiPirro–Beard. 2007. "The Sacramento Dependency Drug Court: Development and Outcomes." Child Maltreatment 12(2):161–71.
Sacramento County (Calif.) Sheriff's Department Main Jail DV Education ProgramCorrectionsTaylor, Bruce G., and Christopher Maxwell. 2009. The Effects of a Short–Term Batterer Treatment Program for Detained Arrestees: A Randomized Experiment in the Sacramento County, California Jail. Sacramento, Calif.: Department of Justice, Crime and Violence Prevention Center.
Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK)Juvenile JusticeDubowitz, Howard, Susan Feigelman, Wendy Lane, and Jeongeun Kim. 2009. "Pediatric Primary Care to Help Prevent Child Maltreatment: The Safe Environment for Every Kids (SEEK) Model." Pediatrics 123:858–65.
Safer and Stronger Program (SSP)Crime PreventionRobinson–Whelen, Susan, Laurie E. Powers, Mary Oschwald, Paul R. Swank, Rosemary B. Hughes, Paula Renker, and Mary Ann Curry. 2010. "Efficacy of a Computerized Abuse and Safety Assessment Intervention for Women With Disabilities: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Rehabilitation Psychology 55(2):97–107.
Safer California Universities Study (SAFER)Juvenile Justice

Saltz, Robert F., Mallie J. Paschall, Richard P. McGaffigan, and Peter M.O. Nygaard. 2010. "Alcohol Risk Management in College Settings: The Safer California Universities Randomized Trial." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 39(6):491–99.

Saltz, Robert F., Lara R. Welker, Mallie J. Paschall, Maggie A. Feeney, and Patricia M. Fabiano. 2009. "Evaluating a Comprehensive Campus–Community Prevention Intervention to Reduce Alcohol–related Problems in a College Population." Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 16S:21–27.

Safer Returns Demonstration EvaluationCorrections

Fontaine, Jocelyn, Douglas Gilchrist–Scott, Megan Denver, and Shelli B. Rossman. 2012. Families and Reentry: Unpacking How Social Support Matters: Safer Returns Demonstrations Project. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Fontaine, Jocelyn, Douglas Gilchrist–Scott, and Megan Denver. 2011. Impact of Family–Inclusive Case Management on Reentry Outcomes: Interim Report on the Safer Return Demonstration. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Fontaine, Jocelyn, Samuel Taxy, Bryce Peterson, Justin Breaux, and Shelli Rossman. 2015. Safer Return Demonstration: Impact Findings From a Research–Based Community Reentry Initiative. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Safety Counts (17–19)Drugs

Booth, Brenda M., Patricia B. Wright, Songthip T. Ounpraseuth, and Katharine E. Stewart. 2015. "Trajectory of Substance Use After an HIV Risk Reduction Intervention." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 41(4):345–52.

Rotheram–Borus, Mary Jane, Fen Rhodes, Katherine Desmond, and Robert E. Weiss. 2010. "Reducing HIV Risks Among Active Injection Drug and Crack Users: The Safety Counts Program." AIDS and Behavior 14(3):658–68.

San Diego Navy ExperimentCrime PreventionDunford, Franklyn W. 2000. "The San Diego Navy Experiment: An Assessment of Interventions for Men Who Assault Their Wives." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 68(3):468–76.
San Francisco (Calif.) Community Justice Center (CJC)CourtsKilmer, Beau, and Jesse Sussell. 2014. Does San Francisco’s Community Justice Center Reduce Criminal Recidivism? Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation.
School Bullying Prevention Program (Istanbul)Juvenile JusticeAlbayrak, Sevil, Ayşe Yıldız, and Saime Erol. 2016. "Assessing the Effect of School Bullying Prevention Programs on Reducing Bullying." Children and Youth Services Review 63:1–9.
School–Based Cognitive Mindfulness Intervention (Hong Kong)Juvenile JusticeLam, Kanei. 2016. "School–Based Cognitive Mindfulness Intervention for Internalizing Problems: Pilot Study with Hong Kong Elementary Students." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:3293–3308.
School–Based Community Support ProgramCorrectionsHussey, David, and Shenyang Guo. 2003. "Measuring Behavior Change in Young Children Receiving Intensive School–Based Mental Health Services." Journal of Community Psychology 31(6):629–39.
School–Wide Information System (SWIS)Juvenile JusticeAyers, Stephanie L., M. Wagaman, Jennifer Geiger, Monica Bermudez–Parsai, and E. Hedberg. 2012. "Examining School–Based Bullying Interventions Using Multilevel Discrete Time Hazard Modeling." Prevention Science 13:539–50.
Scottish Community Engagement Trial (ScotCET)Law EnforcementMacQueen, Sarah, and Ben Bradford. 2015. "Enhancing Public Trust and Police Legitimacy During Road Traffic Encounters: Results From a Randomised Controlled Trial in Scotland." Journal of Experimental Criminology 11:419–43.
Secure Communities ProgramLaw EnforcementTreyger, Elina, Aaron Chalfin, and Charles Loeffler. 2014. "Immigration Enforcement, Policing, and Crime Evidence From the Secure Communities Program." Criminology and Public Policy 13(2):285–322.
Self–Directed Cognitive Life Skills Program (North Dakota)CorrectionsGottschalk, Martin, and Roni Mayzer. N.d. Final Report on the Manualized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program of the North Dakota District of United States Probation and Pretrial Services. Contract # USCA–ND09–C–0001.
Sequentially Administered Alcohol Interventions for College Students (BA–BMI)DrugsBorsari, B., N.R. Mastroleo, T.O. Tevyaw, M. Magill, J.T.P. Hustad, N.P. Barnett, C.W. Kahler, E. Eaton, and P.M. Monti. 2015. “Mandated College Students’ Response to Sequentially Administered Alcohol Interventions in a Randomized Clinical Trial Using Stepped Care.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 84(2):103–12.
Sex Offender Notification (Minneapolis, Minnesota)CorrectionsBandy, Rachel. 2011. "Measuring the Impact of Sex Offender Notification on Community Adoption of Protective Behaviors." Criminology and Public Policy 10(2):237–63.
Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law (Harris County, TX)CorrectionsBouffard, Jeff A. and LaQuana N. Askew. 2019. "Time–Series Analyses of the Impact of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law Implementation and Subsequent Modifications on Rates of Sexual Offenses." Crime & Delinquency 65(11):1483–1512.
Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws (Multiple States)Corrections

Vasquez, Bob Edward, Sean Maddan, and Jeffery T. Walker. 2008. "The Influence of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws in the United States: A Time–Series Analysis." Crime & Delinquency 54(2):175–92.

Frenzel, Erika Davis, Kendra N. Bowen, Jason D. Spraitz, James H. Bowers, and Shannon Phaneuf. 2014. "Understanding Collateral Consequences of Registry Laws: An Examination of the Perceptions of Sex Offender Registrants." Justice Policy Journal 11(2):1–22.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in a Pediatric Emergency DepartmentJuvenile JusticeBechtel, Kristen, Elizabeth Ryan, and Deborah Gallagher. 2008. "Impact of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners on the Evaluation of Sexual Assault in a Pediatric Emergency Department." Pediatric Emergency Care 24(7):442–47.
SHADE Computer–Delivered TreatmentDrugs

Kay–Lambkin, Frances J., Amanda L. Baker, Terry J. Lewin, and Vaughan J. Carr. 2009. "Computer–Based Psychological Treatment for Comorbid Depression and Problematic Alcohol and/or Cannabis Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Clinical Efficacy." Addiction 104:378–88.

Kay–Lambkin, Frances J., Amanda L. Baker, B. Kelly, and Terry J. Lewin. 2011. “Clinician–Assisted Computerized Versus Therapist–Delivered Treatment for Depressive and Addictive Disorders: A Randomised Controlled Trial.” Medical Journal of Australia 195(3):S44–S50.

Kay–Lambkin, Frances J., Amanda L. Baker, B. Kelly, and Terry J. Lewin. 2012. “It’s Worth a Try: The Treatment Experiences of Rural and Urban Participants in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Computerized Psychological Treatment for Comorbid Depression and Alcohol/Other Drug Use.” Journal of Dual Diagnosis 8(4):262–76.

Siblings are SpecialJuvenile JusticeFeinberg, Mark E., Kari–Lyn Sakuma, Michelle Hostetler, and Susan M. McHale. 2011. “Enhancing Sibling Relationships to Prevent Adolescent Problem Behaviors: Theory, Design and Feasibility of Siblings Are Special.” Evaluation and Program Planning 36:97–106.
Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)CorrectionsMasia–Warner, Carrie, Rachel G. Klein, Heather C. Dent, Paige H. Fisher, Jose Alvir, Anne Marie Albano, and Mary Guardino. 2005. “School–Based Intervention for Adolescents with Social Anxiety Disorder: Results of a Controlled Study.” Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 33(6):707–22.
smalltalk program (Aus.)Juvenile Justice

Hackworth, Naomi J., Donna Bethelsen, Jan Matthews, Elizabeth M. Westrupp, Warren Cann, O. C. Ukoumunne, Shannon K. Bennetts, Tracey Phan, Amanda Scicluna, M. Trajanovska, M. Yu, and Jan M. Nicholson. 2017. “Impact of a Brief Group Intervention to Enhance Parenting and the Home Learning Environment for Children Aged 6–36 Months: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial.” Prevention Science 18:337–49.

Hackworth, Naomi J., Jan Matthews, Elizabeth M. Westrupp, Cattram Nguyen, Tracey Phan, Amanda Scicluna, Warren Cann, Donna Bethelsen, Shannon K. Bennetts, and Jan M. Nicholson. 2018. “What Influences Parental Engagement in Early Intervention? Parent, Program and Community Predictors of Enrolment, Retention and Involvement." Prevention Science 19:880–93.

Smart Girls Life Skills Training© (Smart Girls)Juvenile JusticeGraves, Kelly N., Annette Sentner, Jean Workman, and Wanda Mackey. 2011. "Building Positive Life Skills the Smart Girls Way: Evaluation of a School–Based Sexual Responsibility Program for Adolescent Girls." Health Promotion Practice 12(3):463–71.
Social Skill Training (SST) and Problem–Solving Skills Training (PST) for Law Enforcement (Nigeria)Law EnforcementAremu, A. Oyesoji. 2006. "The Effect of Two Psychological Intervention Programmes on the Improvement of Interpersonal Relationships of Police Officers in Osogbo, Nigeria." Criminal Justice Studies 19(2):139–52.
Social Skills Group Intervention (SS GRIN)CorrectionsDeRoiser, Melissa E. 2004. "Building Relationships and Combating Bullying: Effectiveness of a School–Based Social Skills Group Intervention." Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33(1):196–201.
Social Skills Group Intervention Parent Guide (S.S.GRIN–PG)Juvenile JusticeDeRosier, Melissa E., and Miles Gilliom. 2007. "Effectiveness of a Parent Training Program for Improving Children’s Social Behavior." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16:660–70.
Social Skills Group Intervention–Adolescent (S.S.GRIN–A)Juvenile JusticeHarrell, Amanda W., Sterett H. Mercer, and Melissa E. DeRosier. 2009. "Improving the Social–Behavioral Adjustment of Adolescents: The Effectiveness of a Social Skills Group Intervention." Journal of Child and Family Studies 18:378–87.
Sonoma County Dependency Drug CourtJuvenile JusticeChildren and Family Futures. 2010. Sonoma County Dependency Drug Court (DDC): Year Three Evaluation Findings. Irving, Calif.: Children and Family Futures.
South Oxnard Challenge Project (SOCP)Juvenile Justice

Brank, Eve, Jodi Lane, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, and Amber Sehgal. 2008. "An Experimental Juvenile Probation Program. Effects on Parent and Peer Relationships." Crime and Delinquency 54(2):193–224.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, and Amber Sehgal. 2005. "Evaluating an Experimental Intensive Juvenile Probation Program: Supervision and Official Outcomes." Crime & Delinquency 51(1):26–52.

Special Investigation Unit (Vermont)CourtsWeber, Robin. 2013. An Outcome Evaluation of the Special Investigation Units Established Under the Sexual Violence Prevention Act of 2006. Northfield Falls, Vt.: Vermont Center for Justice Research.
Specialized Cognitive–Behavioral Program for Sex Offenders (Addison County, Vermont)Corrections

McGrath, Robert J., Stephen E. Hoke, and John E. Vojtisek. 1998. "Cognitive–Behavioral Treatment of Sex Offenders: A Treatment Comparison and Long–Term Follow–Up Study." Criminal Justice and Behavior 25:203–25.

McGrath, Robert J., Georgia Cumming, Joy A. Livingston, and Stephen E. Hoke. 2003. "Outcome of a Treatment Program for Adult Sex Offenders: From Prison to Community." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18(3):3–17.

Specialized Domestic Violence Court (Milwaukee, MN)CourtsDavis, Robert C., Barbara E. Smith, and Caitlin R. Rabbitt. 2001. “Increasing Convictions in Domestic Violence Cases: A Field Test in Milwaukee.” The Justice System Journal 22(1):61–72.
Specialized Supervision of Batterers (Rhode Island)CorrectionsKlien, Andrew R., and Ann Crowe. 2008. “Findings From an Outcome Examination of Rhode Island’s Specialized Domestic Violence Probation Program: Do Specialized Supervision Programs of Batterers Reduce Reabuse?” Violence Against Women 14(2):226–46.
St. Leonard's Ministries' Grace House ProgramCorrections

Cossyleon, Jennifer Elena, and Jessica Reichert. 2015. Women and Reentry: Evaluation of the St. Leonard's Ministries' Grace House Program. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Reichert, Jessica. 2015. Evaluation of St. Leonard's Ministries: Case Studies of Former Residents of St. Leonard's House and Grace House. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Reichert, Jessica, M. Powers, and R. Skorek. 2016. Housing and Services After Prison: Evaluation of the St. Leonard’s House Reentry Program. Chicago, Ill.: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

Stabilization and Reintegration Program (SRP)Juvenile JusticeAloisi, Michael, and Jennifer LeBaron. 2001. The Juvenile Justice Commission's Stabilization and Reintegration Program: An Updated Recidivism Analysis. Trenton, N.J.: New Jersey Department of Law & Public Safety, Juvenile Justice Commission, Research and Evaluation Unit.
Starting Early Starting SmartJuvenile Justice

Morrow, Connie E., Elana Mansoor, Lori Hanson, April L. Vogel, Ruth Rose–Jacobs, Carolyn Seval Genatossio, Amy Windham, and Emmalee S. Bandstra. 2010. "The Starting Early Starting Smart Integrated Services Model: Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services in the Pediatric Health Care Setting for At–Risk Families With Young Children." Journal of Child and Family Studies 19:42–56.

Karoly, Lynn A., M. Rebecca Kilburn, James H. Bigelow, Jonathan P. Caulkins, Jill S. Cannon, and James R. Chiesa. 2001. Starting Early Starting Smart: Assessing Costs and Benefits of Early Childhood Intervention Programs Overview and Application to the Starting Early Starting Smart Program. Seattle, Wash.: Casey Family Programs.

State Residence Restrictions (Multistate)CorrectionsSocia, Kelly M. 2015. "State Residence Restrictions and Forcible Rape Rates: A Multistate Quasi Experimental Analysis of UCR Data." Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 27(2):205–27.
Sterkamp (Star Camp) and Maankamp (Moon Camp) (Netherlands)Juvenile Justicevan Vugt, E.S., M. Dekovic, P. Prinzie, G.J.J.M. Stams, and J.J Asscher. 2012. "Evaluation of a Group–Based Social Skills Training for Children with Problem Behavior." Children and Youth Services Review 35:162–67.
STOP and Change DirectionCorrectionsMennicke, Annelise M., Stephen J. Tripodi, Christopher A. Veeh, Dina J. Wilke, and Stephanie C. Kennedy. 2015. “Assessing Attitude and Reincarceration Outcomes Associated With In–Prison Domestic Violence Treatment Program Completion.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 54(7):465–85.
STOP Dating ViolenceCrime PreventionO’Brien, Karen M., Elizabeth W. Sauber, Monica S. Kearney, Rachel B. Venaglia, and Edward P. Lemay Jr. 2019. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Intervention to Educate College Students About Dating Violence and Bystander Responses." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(8):1–31.
Stop It Now (Media Campaign)Victims

Rheingold, Alyssa A., Carole Campbell, Shannon Self–Brown, Michael de Arellano, Heidi Resnick, and Dean Kilpatrick. 2007. “Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: Evaluation of a Community Media Campaign.” Child Maltreatment 12(4):352–63.

Grant, Billie–Jo, Ryan T. Shields, Joan Tabachnick, and Jenny Coleman. 2019. “'I Didn’t Know Where To Go': An Examination of Stop It Now!’s Sexual Abuse Prevention Helpline." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(20):4225–4253.

STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grants ProgramVictims

Zweig, Janine, Martha R. Burt, and Asheley Van Ness. 2003. The Effects on Victims of Victim Service Programs Funded by the STOP Formula Grants Program. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.

Zweig, Janine, and Martha R. Burt. 2003. "Effects of Interactions Among Community Agencies on Legal System Responses to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Stop–Funded Communities." Criminal Justice Policy Review 14:249–72.

Smith, Barbara E., Robert C. Davis, and Laura B. Nickles. 2000. Impact Evaluation of Victim Services Programs: STOP Grants Funded by the Violence Against Women Act: Final Report. Chicago, Ill.: American Bar Association Fund for Justice and Education.

Street Lighting in NESCO (Indianapolis)Crime Prevention

Nunn, Samuel, Kenna Quinet, and Joseph Rubleske. 1996. Street Lighting and Crime: An Assessment of the Near Eastside of Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind.: Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Center for Urban Policy and the Environment.

Quinet, Kenna Davis, and Samuel Nunn. 1998. "Illuminating Crime: The Impact of Street Lighting on Calls for Police Service." Evaluation Review 22(6):751–79.

Strengthening Families Programs 10–14 (SFP–D) (Germany)Juvenile JusticeBroning, Sonja, Christiane Baldus. Monika Thomsen, Peter–Michael Sack, Nicolas Armaud, and Rainer Thomasius. 2017. "Children With Elevated Psychosocial Risk Load Benefit Most From a Family–Based Preventive Intervention: Exploratory Differential Analyses From the German "Strengthening Families Program 10–14" Adaptation Trial." Prevention Science 18:932–42.
Strong African–American Families–Teen Program (SAAF–T)Juvenile Justice

Kogan, S.M., T. Yu, G.H. Brody, Y. Chen, R.J. DiClemente, G.M. Wingood, and P.S. Corso. 2012. “Integrating Condom Skills Into Family–Centered Prevention: Efficacy of the Strong African American Families–Teen Program.” Journal of Adolescent Health 51(2):164–70.

Brody, Gene H., Yi–Fu Chen, Steven M. Kogan, Tianyi Yu, Virginia K. Molgaard, Ralph J. DiClemente, and Gina M. Wingood. 2012. "Family–Centered Program Deters Substance Use, Conduct Problems, and Depressive Symptoms in Black Adolescents." Pediatrics 129(1):108–15.

Structured Case Management for Victims of Child Abuse and Neglect (Germany)Juvenile JusticeGanser, Helene Gertrud, Annika Münzer, Andreas Witt, Paul Lukas Plenera, Rainer Muche, Rita Rosner, Maria Hagl, and Lutz Goldbeck. 2017. "Effectiveness of Manualized Case Management on Utilization of Evidence–Based Treatments for Children and Adolescents After Maltreatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Child Abuse & Neglect 67:371–82.
Structured Cooperative LearningCorrectionsQuinn, Mary Magee. 2002. "Changing Antisocial Behavior Patterns in Young Boys: A Structured Cooperative Learning Approach." Education and Treatment of Children 25(4):380–95.
Structured Trauma Related Experiences and Symptoms Scale (STRESS)Juvenile Justice

Ford, Julian D., Keith R. Cruise, and Damion J. Grasso. 2017. A Study of the Impact of Screening for Poly–Victimization in Juvenile Justice. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Ford, Julian D., Keith R. Cruise, Damion J. Grasso, and Evan Holloway. 2018. "A Study of the Impact of Screening for Poly–Victimization in Juvenile Justice: The Rocky Road to a Successful Investigation in the Real World." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33(5):810–31.

Grasso, Damion J., Julia W. Felton, and Kathryn Reid–Quinones. 2015. "The Structured Trauma–Related Experiences and Symptoms Screener (STRESS): Development and Preliminary Psychometrics." Child Maltreatment 20(3):214–20.

Student Athlete Testing Using Random Notification (SATURN)Corrections

Goldberg, Linn, Diane Elliot, David MacKinnon, Ester Moe, Kerry Kuehl, Myeongsun Yoon, Aaron Taylor, and Jason Williams. 2007. "Outcomes of a Perspective Trial of Student Athlete Drug Testing: The Student Athlete Testing Using Random Notification (SATURN) Study." Journal of Adolescent Health 41:421–29.

James–Burdumy, Susanne, Brain Goesling, John Deke, Eric Einspruch, and Marsha Silverberg. 2010. The Effectiveness of Mandatory–Random Student Drug Testing. Washington, D.C.: Department of Education, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Florida’s PrisonsCorrectionsScaggs, Samuel, William D. Bales, Catie Clark, David Ensley, Philip Coltharp, and Thomas G. Blomberg. 2015. An Assessment of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs in Florida’s Prisons Using a Random Assignment Experimental Design. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Substance–Free Transitional Housing (Washington County, OR)CorrectionsWorcel, Sonia D., Scot Burrus, Michael Finigan, Mary Sanders, and Theresa Allen. 2009. A Study of Substance–Free Transitional Housing and Community Corrections in Washington County, Oregon. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Summer All Out (SAO) Foot Patrol Initiative (New York City)Law EnforcementBilach, Thomas J., Sean Patrick Roche, and Gregory J. Wawro. 2020. "The Effects of the Summer All Out Foot Patrol Initiative in New York City: A Difference–in–Differences Approach." Journal of Experimental Criminology.
Survivors Acquiring Freedom and Empowerment (SAFE) Court (Harris County, Texas)CourtsMuftic, Lisa R., and Alexander H. Updegrove. 2019. "The Effectiveness of a Problem–Solving Court for Individuals Charged With Misdemeanor Prostitution in Harris County Texas." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(2):117–32.
Sustainable Transformation of Youth in Liberia (STYL) ProgramCrime PreventionBlattman Christopher, Julian C. Jamison, and Margaret Sheridan. 2015. Reducing Crime and Violence: Experimental Evidence on Adult Noncognitive Investments in Liberia. New York, N.Y.: Columbia University.
Sweden Contact Family Program (CFP)Juvenile JusticeBrannstrom, Lars, Bo Vinnerljung, and Anders Hjern. 2013. "Long–Term Outcomes of Sweden's Contact Family Program for Children." Child Abuse and Neglect 37:404–14.
Tai–Kang–Ning for Heroin AddictionDrugsKang, Lin, Bing Li, Lei Gao, Suxia Li, Dan Wang, Min Hu, and Jing Li. 2008. "Tai–Kang–Ning, a Chinese Herbal Medicine Formula, Alleviates Acute Heroin Withdrawal." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 34:269–76.
Taming the Adolescent Mind (Australia)Juvenile JusticeTan, Lucy, and Graham Martin. 2015. "Taming the Adolescent Mind: A Randomised Controlled Trial Examining Clinical Efficacy of an Adolescent Mindfulness–Based Group Programme." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 20(1):49–55.
Targeting Alcohol–related Street Crime (TASC) (Cardiff)Crime PreventionWarburton, A.L., and J.P. Shepherd. 2006. “Tackling Alcohol Related Violence in City Centres: Effect of Emergency Medicine and Police Intervention.” Emergency Medicine Journal 23(1): 12–17.
Tax Compliance Experiment (Venezuela)Crime PreventionOrtega, Daniel E., and Pablo Sanguinetti. 2013. Deterrence and Reciprocity Effects on Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence From Venezuela. CAF Working Paper. Caracas, Venezuela: CAF.
TCU Cognitive Skills Module (CSM)DrugsCzuchry, Michael, and Donald F. Dansereau. 2003. "Cognitive Skills Training: Impact on Drug Abuse Counseling and Readiness for Treatment." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 29(1):1–18.
Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT) (Palestine)Juvenile JusticeBarron, Ian G., Ghassan Abdallah, and Patrick Smith. 2013. “Randomized Control Trial of a CBT Trauma Recovery Program in Palestinian Schools." Journal of Loss and Trauma 18(4):306–21.
Teen Court (Sarasota County, Florida)Juvenile JusticeLogalbo, Anthony P., and Charlene M. Callahan. 2001. "An Evaluation of Teen Court as a Juvenile Crime Diversion Program." Juvenile & Family Court Journal 52(2):1–11.
Teen ReachJuvenile JusticeHollis, Jack F., Michael Polen, Evelyn Whitlock, Edward Lichtenstein, John Mullooly, Wayne Velicer, and Colleen Redding. 2005. "Teen Reach: Outcomes From a Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Tobacco Reduction Program for Teens Seen in Primary Medical Care." Pediatrics 115(4):980–89.
Telephone Reminders to Improve Treatment Attendance for Children with Conduct ProblemsJuvenile JusticeWatt, Bruce D., Margaret Hoyland, Denisse Best, and Mark R. Dadds. 2007. "Treatment Participation among Children With Conduct Problems and the Role of Telephone Reminders." Journal of Child and Family Studies 16:522–30.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice Rehabilitation ProgramsCorrectionsTexas Department of Criminal Justice. 2015. Evaluation of Offenders Released in Fiscal Year 2011 That Completed Rehabilitation Tier Programs. Huntsville, Texas: Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Texas Youth Commission’s Chemical Dependency Treatment ProgramJuvenile Justice

Kelly, William R. 2001. Outcome Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission’s Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Kelly, William R. 2000. Process Evaluation of the Texas Youth Commission’s Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, Final Report. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Mears, Daniel P., William R. Kelly, and Emily Durden. 2001. “Findings From a Process Evaluation of a Statewide Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for Youthful Offenders.” Prison Journal 81(2):246−70.

Text Message Reminders for Those with Outstanding FinesCourtsHaynes, Laura C., Donald P. Green, Rory Gallagher, Peter John, and David J. Torgerson. 2013. “Collection of Delinquent Fines: An Adaptive Randomized Trial to Assess the Effectiveness of Alternative Text Messages.” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 32(4):718–30.
Text Messaging Intervention to Reduce School Absenteeism (New York City)Juvenile JusticeBalu, Rekha, Kristin Porter, and Brad Gunton. 2016. "Can Informing Parents Help High School Students Show Up For School? Results From a Partnership Between New Visions for Public Schools and MDRC." New York, N.Y.: MDRC.
The Broward County (FL) Experiment (Batterer Intervention Program)Courts

Feder, Lynette, and Laura Dugan. 2004. Testing a Court–Mandated Treatment Program for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Jackson, Shelly, Lynette Feder, David Forde, Robert Davis, Christopher Maxwell, and Bruce Taylor. 2003. Batterer Intervention Programs. Where Do We Go From Here? Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Feder, Lynette, and Laura Dugan. 2002. A Test of the Efficacy of Court–Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

Bennett, Larry, and Oliver Williams. 2001. “Controversies and Recent Studies of Batterer Intervention Program Effectiveness.” Harrisburg, Pa.: National Resource Center on Domestic Violence.

Feder, Lynette, and David Forde. 2000. Test of the Efficacy of Court–Mandated Counseling for Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment, Executive Summary. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.

The Incredible Years Parents and Babies (UK)Juvenile JusticeJones Hedd, Catrin, Mihela Erjavec, Simon Viktor, and Judy Hutchings. 2016. "Outcomes of a Comparison Study into a Group–Based Infant Parenting Programme." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25:3309–3321.
The Meditation Initiative (TMI)Juvenile JusticeViafora, David P., Sally G. Mathiesen, and Sara J. Unsworth. 2015. "Teaching Mindfulness to Middle School Students and Homeless Youth in School Classrooms." Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(5):1179–1191.
The Self–Defense Curriculum (Kenya)Juvenile JusticeSinclair, Jake, Lee Sinclair, Evans Otieno, Munyae Mulinge, Cynthia Kapphahn, and Neville Golden. 2013. "A Self–Defense Program Reduces the Incidence of Sexual Assault in Kenyan Adolescent Girls." Journal of Adolescent Health 53(3):374–80.
The Smile ProjectJuvenile JusticeSato, Shoji, Shin–ichi Ishikawa, Yasuko Togasaki, Akiko Ogata, and Yoko Sato. 2013. "Long–Term Effects of a Universal Prevention Program for Depression in Children: A 3–Year Follow–Up Study." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 18(2):103–08.
The Victim Informed Prosecution ProjectCorrectionsCatteneo, Lauren Bennett, Lisa A. Goodman, Deborah Epstein, Laurie S. Kohn, and Holly A. Zanville. 2009 “The Victim–Informed Prosecution Project: A Quasi–Experimental Test of a Collaborative Model for Cases of Intimate Partner Violence.” Violence Against Women 15(10): 1227–1247.
The Women Offender Case Management Model (Connecticut)Corrections

Robinson, David, Marilyn Van Dieten, and Bart (William) Millson. 2012. "The Women Offender Case Management Model in the State of Connecticut." Criminal Justice Research Review September/October:10–19.

Millson, Bart, Dave Robinson, and Marilyn Van Dieten. 2010. Women Offender Case Management Model: Outcome Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections.

Orbis Partners. 2009. Outcome Evaluation of the Women Offender Case Management Model in Connecticut Probation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections.

Millson, Bart, Dave Robinson, Mark Rubin, and Marilyn Van Dieten. 2009. A Process Evaluation of the Women Offender Case Management Model, Implemented by the Connecticut Court Support Services Division. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Corrections.

Think First Programme (Female Offenders) (UK)CorrectionsPalmer, Emma J., Ruth M. Hatcher, James McGuire, and Clive R. Hollin. 2015. "Cognitive Skills Programs for Female Offenders in the Community: Effect on Reconviction." Criminal Justice and Behavior 42(4):345–60.
Think First Programme (Male Offenders) (UK)CorrectionsPalmer, Emma J., James McGuire, Juliet C. Hounsome, Ruth M. Hatcher, Charlotte A.L. Bilby, and Clive R. Hollin. 2007. "Offending Behaviour Programmes in the Community: The Effects on Reconviction of Three Programmes With Adult Male Offenders." Legal and Criminological Psychology 12:251–64.
Think, Feel, Do: A Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (UK)Juvenile JusticeAttwood, Megan, Sara Meadows, Paul Stallard, and Thomas Richardson. 2012. "Universal and Targeted Computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Think, Feel, Do) for Emotional Health in Schools: Results From Two Exploratory Studies." Child and Adolescent Mental Health 17(3):173–78.
Three Principles Correctional Counseling (3PCC)Corrections

Kelley, T.M., J. Hollows, E.G. Lambert, D.M. Savard, and J. Pransky. 2018. "Teaching Health Versus Treating Illness: The Efficacy of Three Principles Correctional Counseling with People in an English Prison." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 62(9):2831–2856.

Kelley, Thomas M., Jacqueline Hollows, and Dennis M. Savard. 2019. "Teaching Health Versus Treating Illness: The Efficacy of Intensive Three Principles Correctional Counseling for Improving the Mental Health/Resilience of  People in an English Prison." Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 58(8):661–77.

Tools4U (the Netherlands)Juvenile Justicevan der Stouwe, Trudy, Jessica J. Asscher, Machteld Hoeve, Peter H. van der Laan, and Geert Jan J.M. Stams. 2016. "Social Skills Training for Juvenile Delinquents: Post–Treatment Changes." Journal of Experimental Criminology 12:515–36.
Training to Improve Sibling Conflict Resolution SkillsJuvenile JusticeThomas, Brett W., and Mark W. Roberts. 2009. "Sibling Conflict Resolution Skills: Assessment and Training." Journal of Child and Family Studies 18:447–53.
Transfer to Adult Court (Arizona)Juvenile JusticeLoughran, Thomas A., Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, Laurie A. Chassin, Laurence Steinberg, Alex R. Piquero, Jeffrey Fagan, Sonia Cota–Robles, Elizabeth Cauffman, and Sandy Losoya. 2010. "Differential Effects of Adult Court Transfer on Juvenile Offender Recidivism." Law and Human Behavior 34(6):476–88.
Transfer to Adult Court (Florida)Juvenile Justice

Lanza–Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Donna Bishop, and Charles E. Frazier. 2005. "Juvenile Offenders and Adult Felony Recidivism: The Impact of Transfer." Journal of Crime and Justice 28(1):59–77.

Winner, Lawrence, Lonn Lanza–Kaduce, Donna M. Bishop, and Charles E. Frazier. 1997. "The Transfer of Juveniles to Criminal Court: Reexamining Recidivism Over the Long Term." Crime & Delinquency 43(4):548–63.

Bishop, Donna, Charles Frazier, Lonn Lanza–Kaduce, and Henry George White. 1999. "A Study of Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in Florida." OJJDP Fact Sheet. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Bishop, Donna M., Charles E. Frazier, Lonn Lanza–Kaduce, and Lawrence Winner. 1996. "The Transfer of Juveniles to Criminal Court: Does it Make a Difference?" Crime & Delinquency 42(2): 171–91.

Transfer to Adult Court (National Sample)Juvenile JusticeTaylor, Melanie. 2015. "Juvenile Transfers to Adult Court: An Examination of the Long–Term Outcomes of Transferred and Non–Transferred Juveniles." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 66(4):29–47.
Transition Assistance for Children Leaving Head StartJuvenile JusticeRedden, Sandra Cluett, Steven R. Forness, Sharon L. Ramey, Craig T. Ramey, Carl M. Brezausek, and Kenneth A. Kavale. 2001. "Children at Risk: Effects of a Four–Year Head Start Transition Program on Special Education Identification." Journal of Child and Family Studies 10(2):255–70.
Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model (TREM)Corrections

Cihlar, Brandhi E. 2014. "The Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model: A Trauma–Informed Treatment Program for Female Offenders in the Community." PhD diss., The George Washington University. 

Fallot, Roger D., Gregory J. McHugo, Maxine Harris, and Haiyi Xie. 2011. "The Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model: A Quasi–Experimental Effectiveness Study." Journal of Dual Diagnosis 7(1):74–89. 

Toussaint, Danielle W., Nancy R. Van DeMark, Angela Borneman, and Carla J. Graeber. 2007. “Modification to the Trauma and Empowerment Model (TREM) for Substance Abusing Women With Histories of Violence: Outcomes and Lessons Learned at a Colorado Substance Abuse Treatment Center." Journal of Community Psychology 35(7):879–94.

Treatment for Adolescents with Depression (TADS)Juvenile Justice 
Treatment of Cannabis Dependence Using Escitalopram in Combination with Cognitive–behavior TherapyDrugsWeinstein, A.M.,  H. Miller, I. Bluvstein, E. Rapoport, S. Schreiber, R. Bar–Hamburger, and M. Bloch. 2014. "Treatment of Cannabis Dependence Using Escitalopram in Combination With Cognitive–Behavior Therapy: A Double–Blind Placebo–Controlled Study." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 40(1):16–22.
Treatment Reinforcement Plan (TRP) for Cocaine–Using Methadone PatientsDrugsVillano, Cherie L., Andrew Rosenblum, Stephen Magura, and Chunki Fong. 2002. "Improving Treatment Engagement and Outcomes for Cocaine–Using Methadone Patients." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 28(2):213–30.
Truancy Court Diversion ProgramJuvenile JusticeShoenfelt, Elizabeth L., and Margaret Huddleston. 2006. "The Truancy Court Diversion Program of the Family Court, Warren Circuit Court Division III, Bowling Green, Kentucky: An Evaluation of Impact on Attendance and Academic Performance." Family Court Review 44(4):683–95.
True Love (Mexico City)Juvenile JusticeSosa–Rubi, Sandra G., Biani Saavedra–Avendano, Claudia Piras, S. Janae Van Buren, and Sergio Bautista–Arredondo. 2016. "True Love: Effectiveness of a School–Based Program to Reduce Dating Violence Among Adolescents in Mexico City." Prevention Science 18:804–17.
Tuning in to Teens (TINT) Program (Australia)Juvenile JusticeHavighurst, Sophie S., Christiane E. Kehoe, and Ann E. Harley. 2015. "Tuning in to Teens: Improving Parental Responses to Anger and Reducing Youth Externalizing Behavior Problems." Journal of Adolescence 42:148–58.
Tuning into Kids (TIK) Program (Australia)Juvenile Justice

Duncombe, Melissa E., Sophie S. Havighurst, Christiane E. Kehoe, Kerry A. Holland, Emma J. Frankling, and Robyn Stargatt. 2016. "Comparing an Emotion– and a Behavior–Focused Parenting Program as Part of a Multisystemic Intervention for Child Conduct Problems." Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45(3):320–34.

Havighurst, Sophie S., Katherine R. Wilson, Ann E. Harley, Christiane Kehoe, Daryl Efron, and Margot R. Prior. 2013. "‘‘Tuning into Kids’’: Reducing Young Children’s Behavior Problems Using an Emotion Coaching Parenting Program." Child Psychiatry & Human Development 44:247–64.

Havighurst, Sophie S., Katherine R. Wilson, Ann E. Harley, Margot R. Prior, and Christiane Kehoe. 2010. "Tuning in to Kids: Improving Emotion Socialization Practices in Parents of Preschool Children: Findings From a Community Trial." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51(12):1342–50.

Turtle ProgramJuvenile JusticeChronis–Tuscano, Andrea, Kenneth H. Rubin, Kelly A. O’Brien, Robert J. Caplan, Sharon Renee Thomas, Lea R. Dougherty, Charissa S.L. Cheah, Katie Watts, Sara Heverly-Fitt, Suzanne L. Huggins, Melissa Menzer, Annie Schulz Begle, and Maureen Wimsatt. 2015. “Preliminary Evaluation of a Multimodal Early Intervention Program for Behaviorally Inhibited Preschoolers.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 83(3):534–40.
Underage Drinking Prevention Program in Convenience Stores Near American Indian ReservationsJuvenile JusticeMoore, Roland S., Jennifer Roberts, Richard McGaffigan, Daniel Calac, Joel W. Grube, David A. Gilder, and Cindy L. Ehlers. 2012. "Implementing a Reward and Reminder Underage Drinking Prevention Program in Convenience Stores Near Southern California American Indian Reservations." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 38(5):456–60.
Unplugged (Czech Republic)Juvenile JusticeMiovský, Michal, Hana Voňková, Roman Gabrhelík, and Lenka Šťastná. 2015. "Universality Properties of School–Based Preventive Intervention Targeted at Cannabis Use." Prevention Science 16(2):189–99. 
Values–Based Career Intervention for At–Risk Native American BoysJuvenile JusticeGarcia, Jessie Lopez. 2001. “A Values–Based Intervention for At–Risk Native American Boys.” PhD diss., Arizona State University.
Video Interaction Project (VIP) and Building Blocks (BB)Juvenile JusticeCates, Carolyn Brockmeyer,  Adriana Weisleder, Benard P. Dreyer, Samantha Berkule Johnson, Kristina Vlahovicova, Jennifer Ledesma, and Alan L. Mendelsohn. 2016. "Leveraging Healthcare to Promote Responsive Parenting: Impacts of the Video Interaction Project on Parenting Stress." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(3):827–35.
Video Intervention for Child Sexual Abuse Medical ExaminationVictimsRheingold, Alyssa A., Carla Kmett Danielson, Tatiana M. Davidson, Shannon Self–Brown, and Heidi Resnick. 2013. "Video Intervention for Child and Caregiver Distress Related to the Child Sexual Abuse Medical Examination: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study." Journal of Child and Family Studies 22:386–97.
Video–Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP–SD)Juvenile Justice

Van Zeijl, Jantien, Judi Mesman, Marinus H. Van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, Femmie Juffer, Mirjam N. Stolk, Hans M. Koot, and Lenneke R.A. Alink. 2006. "Attachment–Based Intervention for Enhancing Sensitive Discipline in Mothers of 1– to 3–Year–Old Children at Risk for Externalizing Behavior Problems: A Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 74(6):994–1005.

Klein Velderman, Mariska, Marian J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, Femmie Juffer,  Marinus H. Van Ijzendoorn, Sarah C. Mangelsdorf, and Jolien Zevalkink. 2006. "Preventing Preschool Externalizing Behavior Problems Through Video–Feedback Intervention in Infancy." Infant Mental Health Journal 27(5):466–93.

Kalinauskiene, L., D. Cekuoliene, M.H. Van IJzendoorn, M.J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, F. Juffer, and I. Kusakovskaja. 2009. "Supporting Insensitive Mothers: The Vilnius Randomized Control Trial of Video–Feedback Intervention to Promote Maternal Sensitivity and Infant Attachment Security." Child: Care, Health and Development 35(5):613–23.

Moss, Ellen, George Tarabulsy, Rachele St–Georges, Karine Dubois–Comtois, Chantall Cyr, Annie Bernier, Diane St–Laurent, Katherine Pascuzzo, and Vanessa Lecompte2014. " Video-Feedback Intervention With Maltreating Parents and Their Children: Program Implementation and Case Study. ." Attachment and Human Development 16(4):329–42.

Marja W Hodes, H. Marieke Meppelder, Carlo Schuengel, and Sabina Kef. 2014. “Tailoring a Video-Feedback Intervention for Sensitive Discipline to Parents With Intellectual Disabilities: A Process Evaluation.” Attachment and Human Development 16(4):387-401.

Juffer, F., M.J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, and M.H. Van IJzendoorn. 2008. "Introduction and Outline of the VIPP and VIPP–R Program." In F. Juffer, M.J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, and M.H. Van IJzendoorn (eds.). Promoting Positive Parenting: An Attachment–Based Intervention. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Lawrence, Peter J., Beverley Davies, and Paul G. Ramchandani. 2012. "Video Feedback to Improve Early Father–Infant Interaction: A Pilot Study." Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry 18(1):61–71.

Stolk, Mirjam N., Judi Mesman, Jantien van Zeijl, Lenneke R.A. Alink, Marian J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Femmie Juffer, and Hans M. Koot. 2008. "Early Parenting Intervention: Family Risk and First–time Parenting Related to Intervention Effectiveness." Journal of Child and Family Studies 17:55–83.

Stolk, Mirjam N., Judi Mesman, Jantien van Zeijl, Lenneke R.A. Alink, Marian J. Bakermans–Kranenburg, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Femmie Juffer, and Hans M. Koot. 2008. "Early Parenting Intervention Aimed at Maternal Sensitivity and Discipline: A Process Evaluation." Journal of Community Psychology 36(6):780–97.

Violence Prevention Mentoring ProgramJuvenile JusticeSalazar, Laura F., and Sarah L. Cook. 2006. "Preliminary Findings From an Outcome Evaluation of an Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Program for Adjudicated, African American, Adolescent Males." Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 4(4):368–85.
Vipassana Meditation (VM)Corrections

Perelman, Abigayl M., Sarah L. Miller, Carl B. Clements, and Amy Rodriguez. 2012. "Meditation in a Deep South Prison: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Vipassana.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 51(3):176–98.

Bowen S., K. Witkiewitz, T.M. Dillworth, N. Chawla, T.L. Simpson, B.D. Ostafin, M.E. Larimer, A. W. Blume, G.A. Parks, and G.A. Marlatt. 2006. "Mindfulness Meditation and Substance Use in an Incarcerated Population." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 20(3):343–47.

Warm Springs Addictions Treatment & Change (WATCh) ProgramCorrectionsMiller, J. Mitchell, Holly Ventura Miller, and Rob Tillyer. 2014. Effect of Prison–Based Alcohol Treatment: A Multi–Site Process and Outcome Evaluation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice.
Washington State Drug CourtsCourtsWashington State Institute for Public Policy. 2003. Washington State's Drug Courts for Adult Defendants: Outcome Evaluation and Cost–Benefit Analysis. Olympia, Wash.: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
Washington State's Offender Accountability Act (OAA)CorrectionsDrake, Elizabeth, Steven Aos, and Robert P. Barnoski. 2010. Washington’s Offender Accountability Act: Final Report on Recidivism Outcomes. Olympia, Wash.: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
Waukesha County Alcohol Treatment CourtCorrections

Hiller, Matthew, and Benta Samuelson. 2008. Waukesha County Alcohol Treatment Court: An Implementation Evaluation. Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University, Department of Criminal Justice.

Hiller, Matthew, C. Saum, L. Taylor, K. Morrison, and Benta Samuelson. 2008. Washington County Drug Treatment Court: Process and Outcomes. Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple University, Department of Criminal Justice.

WEAVE (Australia)Victims

Hegarty, Kelsey L., Lorna O’Doherty, Angela Taft, Patty Chondros, Stephanie Brown, Jodie Valpied, Jill Astbury, Ann Taket, Lisa Gold, Gene Feder, and Jane Gunn. 2013. "Screening and Counselling in the Primary Care Setting for Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence (WEAVE): A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial." The Lancet 382:249–58.

Hegarty, Kelsey L., Jane Gunn, Lorna O’Doherty, Angela Taft, Patty Chondros, Gene Feder, Jill Astbury, and Stephanie Brown. 2010. "Women’s Evaluation of Abuse and Violence Care in General Practice: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (WEAVE)." BMC Public Health 10: 2.

Reisenhofer, Sonia A., Kelsey Hegarty, Jodie Valpied, Mary–Ann Davey, and Angela Taft. 2019. "Longitudinal Changes in Self–Efficacy, Mental Health, Abuse, and Stages of Change, for Women Fearful of a Partner: Findings From a Primary Care Trial (WEAVE)." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34(2):337–65.

Web– and Text Messaging–Based Intervention (Switzerland)Juvenile JusticeHaug, Severin, Raquel Paz Castro, Tobias Kowatsch, Andreas Filler, Michelle Dey, and Michael P. Schaub. 2017. "Efficacy of a Web– and Text Messaging–Based Intervention to Reduce Problem Drinking in Adolescents: Results of a Cluster–Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 85(2):147–59.
Wee Ones NurseryCorrectionsWhitecare, Kevin, Stephanie Fritz, and James Owen. 2013. Assessing Outcomes for Wee Ones Nursery at the Indiana Women's Prison. Indianapolis, Ind.: University of Indianapolis, Community Research Center.
West Valley Community Truancy Board (Spokane, Wash.)Juvenile JusticeJohnson, Charles L., Kevin A. Wright, and Paul S. Strand. 2011. "Transitions of Truants: Community Truancy Board as a Turning Point in the Lives of Adolescents." Journal of Juvenile Justice 1(2):34–51.
Who Do You Tell? Child Sexual Abuse Program (Canada)Juvenile Justice

Tutty, Leslie M. 1997. "Child Sexual Abuse Programs: Evaluating 'Who Do You Tell'." Child Abuse and Neglect, 21(9):869–81.

Catalano, Richard F., Kevin P. Haggerty, Randy R. Gainey, and Marilyn J. Hoppe. 2020. "The “Who Do You Tell?”™ Child Sexual Abuse Education Program: Eight Years of Monitoring." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 29(1):2–21.

Whole School Approach (Canada)Juvenile JusticeRahey, Leila, and Wendy Craig. "Evaluation of an Ecological Program to Reduce Bullying in Schools." Canadian Journal of Counseling 36(4):281–96.
Wicomico County (MD) Circuit Court Adult Drug Treatment CourtCourtsMackin, Juliette R., Lisa Lucas, Callie Lambarth, Mark Waller, Theresa Herrera, Shannon Carey, and Michael Finigan. 2009. Wicomico County Circuit Court Adult Drug Treatment Court Program Outcome and Cost Evaluation. Portland, Ore.: NPC Research.
Windham School District (Texas)Corrections

Connolly, Michele, Jamie Gardner, Adriana Marin, Laurie Molina, Ed Sinclair, John Newton, Angela Isaack, David Repp, and Melissa Wurzer. 2011. Windham School District Evaluation. Windham, Texas: Legislative Budget Board.

Connolly, Michele, Jamie Gardner, Laurie Molina, Ed Sinclair, John Posey, John Newton, Angela Isaack, Kevin Niemeyer, and John Wielmaker. 2013. Windham School District Evaluation Report. Windham, Texas: Legislative Budget Board.

Winter Homeless Shelters (Vancouver, Canada)Crime PreventionFaraji, S.L., G. Ridgeway, and Y. Wu. 2018. “Effect of Emergency Winter Homeless Shelters on Property Crime.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 14(2):129–40.
Woman Abuse Screening Tool (WAST)VictimsMacMillan, Harriet L., C. Nadine Wathen, Ellen Jamieson, Michael H. Boyle, Harry S. Shannon, Marilyn Ford–Gilboe, Andrew Worster, Barbara Lent, Jeffrey H. Coben, Jacquelyn C. Campbell, and Louise–Anne McNutt. 2009. "Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Health Care Settings: A Randomized Trial." The Journal of the American Medical Association 302(5):493–501.
Work Release Program in the Israeli Prison ServiceCorrectionsWeisburd, David, Badi Hasisi, Efrat Shoham, Gali Aviv, and Noam Haviv. 2017. "Reinforcing the Impacts of Work Release on Prisoner Recidivism: The Importance of Integrative Interventions." Journal of Experimental Criminology 13:241–64.
Working to Insure and Nurture Girls’ Success (WINGS) Program (San Diego, Calif.)Juvenile JusticeBurke, Cynthia, Sandy Keaton, and Susan Pennell. 2003. Addressing the Gender–Specific Needs of Girls: An Evaluation of San Diego's WINGS Program. San Diego, Calif.: SANDAG.
Wraparound Mental Health Service System for Child and Adolescent Military DependentsJuvenile JusticeBickman, Leonard, Catherine M. Smith, E. Warren Lambert, and Ana Regina Andrade. 2003. "Evaluation of a Congressionally Mandated Wraparound Demonstration." Journal of Child and Family Studies 12(2):135–56.
Written Disclosure for Sexual Abuse SurvivorsVictimsBatten, Sonja V., Victoria M. Follette, Mandra L. Rasmussen Hall, and Kathleen M. Palm. 2002. "Physical and Psychological Effects of Written Disclosure Among Sexual Abuse Survivors." Behavior Therapy 33:107–22.
Your Moment of Truth (YMOT) Intervention (Kenya)Juvenile JusticeKeller, Jennifer, Benjamin O. Mboya, Jake Sinclair, Oscar W. Githua, Munyae Mulinge, Lou Bergholz, Lee Paiva, Neville H. Golden, and Cynthia Kapphah. 2017. "A 6–Week School Curriculum Improves Boys’ Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Gender–Based Violence in Kenya." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32(4):535–57.
Youth Courts (Scotland)Juvenile Justice

McIvor, Gill, Lee Barnsdale, Rhoda MacRae, Alison Brown, Susan Eley, Margaret Malloch, Cathy Murray, Laura Piacentini, Reece Walters, and Stewart Dunlop. 2006. Evaluation of the Airdrie and Hamilton Youth Court Pilots. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Executive Social Research.

Popham, Frank, Gill McIvor, Alison Brown, Susan Eley, Margaret Malloch, Cathy Murray, Laura Piacentini, Reece Walters, and Lorraine Murray. 2005. Evaluation of the Hamilton Sheriff Youth Court Pilot 2003–2005. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Executive Social Research.

Barnsdale, Lee, Rhoda MacRae, Gill McIvor, Alison Brown, Susan Eley, Margaret Malloch, Cathy Murray, Frank Popham, Laura Piacentini, and Reece Walters. 2006. Evaluation of the Airdrie Sheriff Youth Court Pilots. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Executive Social Research.

Piacentini, Laura, and Reece Walters. 2006. "The Politicization of Youth Crime in Scotland and the Rise of the 'Burberry Court.'" Youth Justice 6:43–59.

Youth Justice Conferences (Australia)Juvenile JusticeSmith, Nadine, and Don Weatherburn. 2012. “Youth Justice Conferences Versus Children’s Court: A Comparison of Re–Offending.” Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice 160:1–24.
Youth Services Agency (YSA) Nature CenterJuvenile JusticeDawson, Jamie. 2016. "Empathy through Animals: Generating Evidence–based Outcomes for Empathy Development." Juvenile and Family Court Journal 67(4):43–54.
Youthful Offender Unit (YOU)Juvenile JusticeArmstrong, Todd A. 2002. "The Effect of Environment on the Behavior of Youthful Offenders A Randomized Experiment." Journal of Criminal Justice 30(1):19–28.
Zoo UJuvenile JusticeCraig, Ashley B., Emily R. Brown, James Upright, and Melissa E. DeRosier. 2016. "Enhancing Children’s Social Emotional Functioning Through Virtual Game–Based Delivery of Social Skills Training." Journal of Child and Family Studies 25(3):959–68.

Fecha Modificada: June 22, 2020

Programs were moved from this list to the Screened-Out Program Evaluations as NIJ changed the cut-off date for eligibility from 1980 to 2000.

Fecha de Creación: Noviembre 17, 2020